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18346719 No.18346719 [Reply] [Original]

>Moon to be mined for resources
Tick tock tick tock. Shiny rock autists are going to get the rope very soon, let's not forget about that asteroid made of gold hanging around Jupiter. Quadrillions of dollars worth of metal sitting there lying to be tapped into. We're going to the moon, but not the one you envisioned

>> No.18346995

This is the kind of thing other countries would be more than willing to start world war 3 over.
The rest of the world would get pretty pissed if the US made their wealth worthless overnight.
(not that they could do anything other than launch a few seethe missiles and try a failed invasion)

>> No.18347035

>Go to moon.
>Mine gold.
>Bring gold to Earth.
>Gold supply on Earth increases because of moon mining.
>As gold supply increases scarcity decreases.
>Price of gold drops.
>The more gold you bring to Earth the less money you make.
>Moon mining is high risk and incredibly expensive.
>You go bankrupt.
>Moon mining is deemed commercially non-viable and ceases.

Moon/asteroid mining will never happen because it is to expensive, dangerous, and ultimately not profitable due to the very nature of supply and demand. This is also why Earth will never run out of fossil fuels, because that last 1 million barrels of crude on the planet will be too expensive to extract and consume.

>> No.18347065

Nice cope, goldcuck.

>> No.18347113

>what is technology

>> No.18347139

Lol fucking brainlet.
People are going to buy way more gold if the price goes down.
You cant tax people 100 percent of their income just like no one is buying gold at 2000 bucks an oz.
A price drop would be good.

>> No.18347166

>muh $$ value of gold on earth
don't you get it you little faggot? gold will be sought after in space because it will be needed IN SPACE

>> No.18347338 [DELETED] 

It is the government who are mining it retard, it's companies

>> No.18347431

It's companies who are doing the mining. Literally any country can sin the bill and their own companies can start mining if they want it so much.
So then the demand for better mining technology will go up and more people will invest into it, cheaper mining will happen and gold will keep decreasing in value. Gold is also not the only metal on this asteroid, there are plenty of others that can also be mined.

>> No.18347785


>> No.18347864


Consider the Helium-3 on the moon gives us quite a good incentive to do space shit.

Now also consider that Titan, a moon of satrn is covered in natural gas oceans.


We got plenty of reasons to head out there.

>> No.18348075
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The asteroid belt used to be a super earth, mars used to be its moon.

the Kuiper belt has enough resources for millions of years.

>> No.18348084

There needs to be a law against mining our moon and defacing it.

>> No.18348108


If we don't kill ourselves our future is going to be so rad. I wish I could see it myself.



Yeah, but helium 3 on the moon are surface deposits at the poles.

>> No.18348113



>> No.18348117
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Lol metal fags on sudoku watch

>> No.18348132

another thing the moon has is vast quantities of Mercury. Mercury is used in anti-gravity technology.

>> No.18348145

the moon has been a symbol for earth for thousands of years. we looked at it unchanged and it gave us the motivation to go there.

lets scar it like some faggot spray painting on a side of a building lolXD because.

>> No.18348194

Daily reminder you cant see stars on the moon goyim

>> No.18348284
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>> No.18348294

This won't be profitable or happen in any of our lifetimes

>> No.18348400
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>> No.18348551

It changed literally every day, rocks pound the moon at least once a day.

>> No.18349985

I don't own any shiny metals but this is bullshit and it's not happening in the next 50 years.

>> No.18350063
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> tfw the real space colonization actually start
I might not kms after all

>> No.18350580

Except people are already being sent to get more information on the asteroid and will arrive in 2021.

>> No.18350633

Could we mine bitcoins on asteroids and beam them back to earth with lasers?

>> No.18350635
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>> No.18351949

Fuck off inner! The belt is ours! Remember the Cant!

>> No.18352070

Gold will share the fate of aluminum... but do not worry this will take at least 50 years to happen!

>> No.18352143


Come again?

>> No.18352149

>can’t make a simple space carrier anymore
>declining economy and society
>we go to moon now
Burgers are so delusional there must be a population-wide medication program.

>> No.18352162



>> No.18352183

Belta loada make da best ships

>> No.18352184

People said the same thing about bitcoin

>> No.18352186

Q predicted this

>> No.18352263

space has already been colonized from a breakaway civilization, they colonized all the planets in our solar system, they colonized most of the galaxy, and have already visited other galaxies in the universe.
They did this on our tax dollars they stole from us.
meanwhile while they have anti-grav tech, we are stuck using oil.

>> No.18352298


>> No.18352405
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Hello, Ringo.

>> No.18352978

They will just fake scarcity like they do with diamonds
De Beers hold millions of diamonds in storage just to inflate prices
And we can create totally synthetic diamonds now that are indistinguishable from “real” ones

>> No.18353534
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>everything is ran by Pajeets and coloreds, who are barely smart enough to not choke to death on a hamburger
>can't produce simple ventilators
>the whole economy is based on printing of pretend money

> actually think they will go to moon
The absolute state of mutts, everyone.

>> No.18353592

Gullible retard. I'll be back in 2021 to laugh at your dumb face.

>> No.18353666

Yeah the future is amazing, the average human is a chipped shitskin mutt with no identity taking stims to work 10 hours a day for his kike overlords while they are laughing all the way to the bank. Any dissenters are thrown in prison for various unrelated reasons. Space kikery, can't wait!

>> No.18353693

I hate you fucking asteroid mining retards so fucking much. Gold would have to cost $10,000 per gram to make that even close to profitable.

>> No.18353731

The hardest part of synthetic diamonds is to make them "close to perfect" but not perfect.
Real diamonds have impurity and other things in it, and that's what's hard to reproduce.
But still, it's useless.

>> No.18353746
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Well if that is your view of the future, than your enemies have already won.

>> No.18353749

Helium-3 abundance on the moon is shit tier, and it's part of a more difficult fusion reaction than Tritium+Deuterium, which even that is too hard for us.

I'm long gold but I keep track of space business just because it's one of 3 things that makes gold very cheap, the other 2 being mining the mantle and workable cheap nuclear energy, which makes processing huge amounts of ore cheap.

>> No.18353824
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>> No.18353861

Day of the 1G soon, Beltnigger

>> No.18353944

Aww, the eurotard is acting up again, how adorable.

>> No.18354100

so much cope in one post lol

>> No.18354141

Yeah but it would look that way at the bottom right over 500 million years ya fuckin cumbrain. Holy shit you people kill my brain cells, start worrying about "conspiracies" that matter.

>> No.18354155

>he thinks a country whose population is made of 56% mutts with a young population that goes to university to learn about wemenz rites, nigger empowerment and the hall of cost has the technology to pull of sci fi movie mining in a fucking asteroid when it hasn't even been back to the moon in literal decades
nice wishful thinking m80
>ohhh but I read it on reddit and space.com
do you expect them to write that space projects are dead at this point?
Face it retard, the only smart people left in America are jews, and they will NEVER develop that technology for their golem.

>> No.18354188

they obviously won't invest all that tech for gold mining, but once we mine in outer space (for other minerals) you bet your ass someone WILL bring gold and milk off the market what they can.

>> No.18354210

can someone disprove this? as a photog who shot stars it now doesnt make any sense the stars leave trails in a circle

>> No.18354238

Epic speech. Are you part of Anonymous as well? Thank you for your service dear sir!

>> No.18354371

You do realize there's literally nothing stopping you from getting a boat and sailing in a straight direction until you reach the edge right? There are millenial couples on youtube doing trips around the world, they must be part of the conspiracy but it's piss easy anyway.

>> No.18354448
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But we'll all get cheap gold jewelry.

>> No.18354564

Do you have a fonctional brain?
Earth rotate on herself. Thus, if you leave a camera and take a long exposure picture, you will get trails.
And if you point it to a star that is on (or close to) the axis of rotation, this star will be close to static, and all other will apear to leave circling marks.

By the way, the closest star to earth is the sun. This may give you an idea of how fucked up this "dome over a flat earth" is stupid.
Flatearthers just denny basic mathematics because of their faith in a stupid suposition.
What's next? Mirages are lizard bases that burries itself automagically when you come too close?
Farts don't smells bad, it's just the methan addicted goblin wearing a cloaking device that came to sniff it that does?
Damn it son, use your brain to think, it was designed for this.

>> No.18355178

Yeah we've been wanting to go to asteroids since 2013.

>> No.18355192

Forgot link

>> No.18355290

only point to mining asteroids or the moon is for building materials for colonies and ships. it's worth far more already being up in space.

having said that, it's too early for this kind of thinking. just getting into space is challenge enough, let alone doing it safely and economically.

>> No.18355300
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>> No.18355526

There is no gold deposits on the moon. Or really any deposits outside of titanium but who fucking cares about titanium.

>> No.18355905

>let alone doing it safely and economically

We are getting really close to this. SpaceX and Blue Origin have made leaps and bounds in reusable rocket technology.