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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18351977 No.18351977 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18351994

seem like the usual biz jargon to me. cant understand a damn thing theyre talkin about

>> No.18352013

Read that entire shit to get redpilled on who are the smart people on biz and who are the retards.

>> No.18352237

And not one person actually understood that Bitcoin is a permanent and traceable ledger. Bsv is Bitcoin u fucking cuck

>> No.18352284

I wonder if some of the people that posted there are still hanging around here

>> No.18352400
File: 179 KB, 602x506, 1580798582088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based thread
That dynamic between the seething nocoiners crying cope and the racist, neverselling bitcoiners... really makes you think

also very amusing to see how terms like bitcuck"and even nocoiner have died out

>> No.18352424
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>also very amusing to see how terms like bitcuck"and even nocoiner have died out

Yea nowhere to be seen anymore kek, i wonder what those nocoiners were thinking a year after that.

>> No.18352480

They're still coping

>> No.18352489
File: 8 KB, 220x180, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> broken clock was right at some point

>> No.18352492

lmao there was not even segwit back then pajeet.

You bsv shills are always showing your entire hate for cryptocurrency as the paid shills you are.

>> No.18352552

you still dont get it do you? bitcoin was never meant to be made for illegal darknet markets. darknet markets are the ONLY reason why bitcoin has/had any value.

>> No.18352591

Bears were always wrong.

>> No.18352593

>darknet markets are the ONLY reason why bitcoin has/had any value.

What darknet services for fuck sake?Even coinalysis data shows not even 1% of btc tx go to darknet markets.
Those markets use xmr for fucks sake btc is traceable.

>are the ONLY reason why bitcoin has/had any value.

LMAO i live under capital controls and bitcoin is the only way i can buy stuff online.
And i can speak for venezuelans and most of the world opressed due to commies that is suffering the same.

And i never used those degenerate markets that should have been closed the second that they started to do credit card fraud.

>> No.18352636

lots of anons trying to cope kek funny how not much has changed overall though

>> No.18352660

> darkness markets today

> yes hi, how much u charge to kill my wife? 3 btc, no problem.
> 20 minutes later
> hi this is agent smith with the FBI, we have a few questions for you

>> No.18352687
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>> No.18352752
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I wonder what this anon is doing , he 100% made it.

>> No.18352760

I telling you the same thing about chainlink and you won't listen :(

>> No.18352792
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This is why i'm never ever selling my link bags, weak hands always get the rope

>> No.18352857

Everyone on biz is a retard

>> No.18352861

holy based

>> No.18352871

Holy shit that anon is so based.

>> No.18352882


>> No.18352937

cope harder stainstinkers

>> No.18353049
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Kek i also just checked the marketcap data on the day that post was made.


>> No.18353081

>could of
Yea it's great that a fucking illiterate racist is richer than the average hard working person. Just FUCKING great

>> No.18353094

seeth more faggot

>> No.18353105

What a bunch of bitcucks

>> No.18353110

cope harder, nocoiner

>> No.18353126 [DELETED] 

>LMAO i live under capital controls and bitcoin is the only way i can buy stuff online.
And i can speak for venezuelans and most of the world opressed due to commies that is suffering the same.
shitskin confirmed. yikes

>> No.18353137

>he thinks most biz shitcoin posters including linkies arent pajeets
you guys just don't have a very coherent world view desu

>> No.18353432

BTC and Apple are 2 biggest regrets in my life so far. Missed out. Completely.

>> No.18353492

>Bitcoin headed to $350,000 in a couple of years
>missed out completely

You know how I know you will never make It? Cuck

>> No.18353550

Oh, I do hold them now. But you know what I meant.

>> No.18353634
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>Yea it's great that a fucking illiterate racist is richer than the average hard working person. Just FUCKING great

>> No.18353660

I knew that Apple, BTC, AMD, Netflix, and Tesla would easily moon but I never had the money. Living from paycheck to paycheck ain't fun.

>> No.18353683

lurk more newfag

>> No.18353721

Price $444.69

>> No.18353753

Why do nolinkers always leave a bitchy 1 post comments?

>> No.18353800

go gargle some cum communist nigger

>> No.18353804
File: 325 KB, 1379x1004, 1556998067946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how can one anon be so fucking based

>> No.18354816

>im superior to my peers because im a cucked autist that assigns value to some arbitrary rules nobody cares about

>> No.18355618
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Yeah, but that was 2016. This time it's different.