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File: 25 KB, 549x469, images (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18333306 No.18333306 [Reply] [Original]

So this hyperinflation prediction real afterall?

Google deagel 2025 forecast USA.

>> No.18333368

I hope so

>> No.18333402

Why would the population drop by 227 million?

>> No.18333416
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This psycho fag again

>America is going to lose 220 million people in 5 years!!!


>> No.18333438

Corona? Reverse mass immigration? Corporations ie silicon valley moving elsewhere. Etc.

>> No.18333447
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Who the hell is deagel?

Is this ranking countries by GDP? That's what 2017 seems to do? America is gonna have the 6th largest economy in 2025?

>> No.18333485

I was hoping to discuss. Im not saying the predictions are true but the hyperinflation angle going on with whats happening today seems real. Pumping a daily 1trillion can have this effect. People not working and being given ubi will only prolong the innevitable. Ironically asia with the whole coronavirus thing seems more stable for production. Kore and japan have low corona numbers. China can literally force their laborers to work.

>> No.18333493

Even a planned and coordinated depopulation couldn't drop it that much.

>> No.18333504
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Lol that's some straight doom porn.

probably related to Virus and ID2020

What do you think about the source anon? It seems reliable

>> No.18333534


>> No.18333541

If silicon valley and the semiconductor industry in texas leave America yes. Imagine more than half of californias gdp evaporating. Hollywood relocating which they have started. Investors taking their money to other exchanges. If more people adopt other reserve currencies whether it be crypto or chinese rmb would also contribute to the effect.

>> No.18333550
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Ok here I got a drop for you.

Canada says Russia will not stop pumping oil and lockdowns most of the year.

USA keeps feeding us bullshit like oil talks are resuming and lockdowns maybe for another month.

>> No.18333566


There is no discussion to have with such a patently absurd assertion you retard. It's like me "predicting" the world is going to have a depression in 2026 since an asteroid is going to hit it and kill 50% of the global population. Nice... cool. Who gives a fuck?


>> No.18333576

>The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States.


Deagel is legit

>> No.18333595

Ya like im saying that number doesnt have to be 100% correct. What if it only reduces by 50m? Theres about 20mil illegals, then people would apply for 2nd citenships in europe and elsewhere. Northern populations returning to canada. Etc. 50mil seems totally possible. 50mil is a huge chunk of gdp not counting corporations.

>> No.18333612


So basically Americas can work at wallmart pushing carts and afford an iPhone because the dollar is held up by OPEC. A low oil price will kill the dollar because everyone is forced to pay for oil in dollars. Low oil price = less demand for dollars.

Russia will pump until the price goes negative and they have to pay to store it and the dollar shits the bed just as planned.

>> No.18333622

Can you link the source anon?

>> No.18333644

Relax dont get scared. Or are you offended because its about america?

>> No.18333656

How are people going to suddenly move from America and across the Ocean with a shit economy? We don't have that many smart people for something like that anyways.

>> No.18333698

Its very plausible. I know a costco logistics manager and he got a letter laying out the next 6mos ofr the business. They believe this will go on 6 whole months at the least.

>> No.18333703


I'm thinking forced vaccination call me crazy but this ID2020 shit has me spooked. Ima blockchain dev and ID2020 has always been Microsofts contribution to the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance's Decentralized Identity Foundation.

Basically you won't be able to travel world wide without a decentralized blockchain identity linked to a vaccine certificate. This is all slated for fall around the time Ethereum will be able to scale to meet the demand.

Also not shilling Ethereum it just ties into all this bullshit because Corpo's favor it

>> No.18333739


>> No.18333743

We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

>> No.18333750

Yes. I like the iphone analogy. My australian friends always wonder why americans even the birger flippers can afford so much stuff on such low salaries. That exactly.

>> No.18333763

god I hope the united states dissolves and I can establish a free area where I grew up
I don't want to leave or get the bill gates special

>> No.18333807

>free area
What you mean? You want to become a war lord basically?

>> No.18333815

Tom hanks just acquired european citizenship. Greek i think. Like this. Most jews can apply for israeli citizenship. Mexicans have dual citizenship as well as canadians. Those with skills will have an easy time leaving since many countries will want to absorb those assets. From doctors to programmers, engineers etc. This is brain drain. For decades usa has brain drained other countries because of its higher pay. It would work in reverse.

>> No.18333843

You have any infographics on id2020? Id like to send some around.

>> No.18333850


Ya not to dox myself but I work at a FDA regulated fortune 500 and contribute to blockchain projects on git as a hobby.

I know from my position that Bill Gates is funding a shitload of vaccines. He really wants to be first to market on this so he can pair the vaccine with his ID2020 biometrics blockchain identity.

Looks like the vaccine from Moderna he funded is the furthest along. Its called mRNA-1273 and it is unlike any vaccine before I know of.

Basically mRNA-1273 alters your dna rather then training your immune system like a normal vaccine. Creepy shit imho

>> No.18333935

I might take this to pol just to get more people exposed. The sad part is people specially americans get offended when this topic comes up. Im afraid many wont see it until its too late. Some are just trusting the plan that trump will save them.

>> No.18333968


Not much is out there check out their website ID2020.org

Also Bill Gates mentioned it in his recent reddit AMA and Ted talk interview. He refers to it as a digital certificate but ID2020 is the only thing he has that he could mean. He has funded ID2020 and it's part of the vaccine Alliance despite it being presented as a digital identity not a vaccine certificate program.

Notable people managing ID2020 are as follows:

Garry Conille (UN)
Blythe Masters (Hyperledger & JPMORGAN)
David Treat (Hyperledger & Enterprise Ethereum Alliance)

>> No.18333975
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>Tom hanks just acquired european citizenship. Greek i think. Like this. Most jews can apply for israeli citizenship. Mexicans have dual citizenship as well as canadians. Those with skills will have an easy time leaving since many countries will want to absorb those assets. From doctors to programmers, engineers etc. This is brain drain. For decades usa has brain drained other countries because of its higher pay. It would work in reverse.
Yes, but we don't have that many people for a brain drain. Even if you were to say 10% of USA is highly skilled workers, that's only 32.7 million people. I just don't see how this and suicides and other migration forms will lead to anywhere close to 200 million. I do agree that America is about to get fucked demographically though. I always said this would happen when boomers died out though because they're the only ones who are tailored to manage this sort of new globalized economy we have and no one will be able to pick up after them.

>> No.18333988
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Ethereum was always the same shit different flavor

>> No.18334003

Donyou really need 200mil tho? 50mil plus thousands of corporations can trigger a cascade effect.

>> No.18334055


We are pretty conditioned at this point to write off people talking about government chipping us as not jobs lol. I can't get anyone to take this seriously so I kinda just decided fuck it merica is dead.

I'm working on the blockchain systems these Corpo's are going to be replacing our financial system with so I at least have a job when this thing shakes out.

Tbh it's nice you want to try but people are so brain dead at this point they don't even realize they cant buy a gun, get a Passport, travel to work and back with essential employee papers.

Its already fucked you can't expect mandatory vaccinations and biometric chips to be a turning point if people are putting up with this shit already

>> No.18334084

I totally agree, especially if it's the people who manage/run your current society despite how parasitic many of these people are. I share similar sentiments with the report, especially the mass suicides (I'm by no means a doomer, but this is already seen with the rapidly rising rates especially among roasties). I'm just puzzled why they felt the need to publish a 200 million number and also why they would make this report public too, when they seem otherwise pretty tight-lip about most stuff.

>> No.18334088

I was thinking a high trust society focused on localism
Something I start and people flock to

>> No.18334106

Based and Talebpilled. I'll come and join.

>> No.18334132


Ethereum is a swamp right now but that's is because it only does 15 transactions per second. Once scaling isn't a issue you will see it start to take over more of our financial system.

Its fucking nutz to think Ethereum or any crypto could get that big so quickly but clearly that's what's going on.

>> No.18334182
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>> No.18334202

Any investment tips btw?

>> No.18334291

Roasties will be unironically the first ones to go. Im no incel but It will force many women to seek protecion from men since govt can no longer secure their safety. I already see it with strippers, bar tenders, waitresses. Ive had 2 girls and 1 ex ask me for money. One needed her phone bill payed badly she sent nudes. Im 100% not making this up.

>> No.18334298

>I'm working on the blockchain systems these Corpo's are going to be replacing our financial system with

Is this the private Eth system referred to earlier in the thread? Will it be tied to ETH in any way or will it be its own thing?

>> No.18334353

>One needed her phone bill payed badly she sent nudes. Im 100% not making this up.
I hope you didn't pay anon

>> No.18334368

only simps pay for porn

>> No.18334392
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200407-073135_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much everything is leading up to the dollar going down hard and quickly. I didn't catch this quick enough to get a Passport or I would be in Japan right now.

Also check this graph out. None of the growth in the stock market for the past 10 years has been real it's all corporations buying back their assets like stocks. This is all leading up to corporations owning themselves or at least majority share to completely cut shareholders off from voting or receiving dividends. A corporation can do that if the CEO has majority share. No voting power and no dividends payments make stocks worthless even if they still represent a small share of a company.

>> No.18334407

I kinda did. It was only 80bucks.

>> No.18334443

Kek, you fucking simp. Could’ve bought a blowie instead

>> No.18334463

Shes 120miles away now. I used to date her. Its crazy were gonna see this more and more.

>> No.18334479

Deagel also predicted America would be doomed in 2020, back in 2011

This is the answer, if doom doesn't happen till December, they were just conspiracy nutjobs.


>> No.18334517


This is bullshit. When firms buy back and burn shares, it doesnt necessarily mean they would own more of the corporation.

>> No.18334546

Come on man, you can do better. Grow a pair

>> No.18334558

you paid "only" 80 dollars for a naked pic of your ex?
fucking yikes dude

>> No.18334622

I’d consider $80 for a couple of hummers and some ass eating but for nudes? Of a girl youve already fucked? C’mon man be better

>> No.18334650

Deagel is a China agitprop site

>> No.18334655


Unironically lol buy Ethereum and a little Zcash

I am putting all of my paychecks into Ethereum and I could care less what the price is.

Ethereum doesn't have to moon because this is happening. Corporations do not need Ethereum either because they can directly add value by tokenizing goods and services. It's you who need Ethereum to hold onto and purchasing power and even at that in order to survive you will have to trade Ethereum back to corporations meaning you will lose stake in the financial system.

It's a zero sum game owning Ethereum alone wont exactly save you but it's my best idea atm. The value of Ethereum should go up in conjunction with the sum of all tokanized assets on the network. At that point I plan to spend the Ethereum to create a corporation capable of adding value to the blockchain Economics system any other move would slowly bleed you.

Zcash is a project you probably haven't heard of on 4chan because it's where PhD's go to stroke themselves off trying to create anonymous quantum resistant algorithms to move money.

Zcash team works very closely with Ethereum and Z addresses will be spend able within Ethereum smart contracts in about a year. Basically anonymous off chain payments for Ethereum.

I do not recommend holding a ton of Zcash though because they give 0 shits about investors or speculators. They could very well fork the project if they ran into something they couldn't solve with a update. Still watch it closely.

I really hate to have nothing to recommend buy crypto. Personally I know to much to trust holding dollars, stocks, or real estate so their isn't many options.

I am just trying to emulate what fortune 500 CEO's are doing. Unfortunately I have no goods or services to tokenize.

>> No.18334680

Good find anon. Do they give any reasoning for their doom prediction in 2011? I don't see it like I did for 2025.

>> No.18334715


I am 90% sure they will be doing a value transfer from the original Ethereum but if the ASIC miners revolt or something drastic happens like TETHER finally shits the bed then the test net may fork into a genesis block and only those who already moved their ETH to the test net will have any left.

Keep in mind you can move Ethereum to the test net right now you just have to participate in the staking system.

>> No.18334742
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>Zcash is a project you probably haven't heard of on 4chan because it's where PhD's go to stroke themselves off trying to create anonymous quantum resistant algorithms to move money.
I don't know much about Zcash, but this is for quantum computing then? I'm pretty bearish on quantum computing

>I am just trying to emulate what fortune 500 CEO's are doing
What are they all doing besides resigning in mass and moving to New Zealand lol? How do you monitor what they do exactly?

>> No.18334762

In most cases they do not burn the shares it would seem

>> No.18334802


Na Zcash is full of PhD guys. They are pretty hard on making it quantum resistant.

Ethereum is also planning Quantum Resistance but not as soon as Zcash

It just means a quantum computer cant hack your wallet nothing to spectacular

>> No.18334843

Call me a brainlet but im not understanding how, outside of being able to transfer from OG to Test ETH, there is any value in holding true Eth if the system being set up will not utilize Eth.

How is this news not priced into ETH?

>> No.18334864

Quantum computers are mem tech. They dont exist. Nor will theynin the next 100 years. Just like AI.

>> No.18334903


"What are they all doing besides resigning in mass and moving to New Zealand lol? How do you monitor what they do exactly?"

I don't monitor shit I'm just a fortune 500 wage cuck who does blockchain dev as a hobby.

I always thought crypto was a meme and billionaires preparing for this was a meme. I'm as surprised as anyone on here at wtf is going on. The only difference is I am in a FDA regulated fortune 500 and Blockchain stuff so my lens happened to catch ID2020 and Ethereum and I'm spooked. Its fucking real we are all fucked and I'm just reacting in fear buying Ethereum nothing more.

>> No.18334939

Okay, so its value proposition is being able to protect my wallet from quantum computer hacking? Quantum computing isn't happening now or for a long time. I know lots of people in that space.

>> No.18334945

Wheres a good place to start reading on what fortune 500 ceo's are doing?

>> No.18334989

If ETH is a creepy pedophile communist ID2020 system why do you support it?

>> No.18334994

It's the same for both

Stock market downfall as a Ponzi scheme

Followed by mass emigrations from America, and mass suicides.

>> No.18335005


Right now their is a test net on prysm. I'm pretty sure they will eventually plug it into the normal Ethereum sometime around fall.

You can already bridge your Ethereum into the test net but it gets locked into staking.

The dev's could just decided to launch Staking as a separate chain but odds are they will let it just seamlessly integrate with how Ethereum is now.

Regardless you need to keep an eye on it because this version of Ethereum we are on now can only handle 15 transactions per second.

The test net is insane it puts Mastercard, Visa and PayPal combined to shame in transactions per second capacity. You really want to be on that train when it comes out.

>> No.18335009

Question. So what exactly is the post id2020 world order like besides mass inoculation?

>> No.18335020

Because those people are winning and we want to be on the winning side.

>> No.18335022


Because the alternative is slavery

>> No.18335074

The security is what I'm concerned with
Proof of stake doesn't represent the economic balance a PoW system will
The money sink consequences of change in PoW compared to PoS where it's a bully governance system (like ETH is now)

>> No.18335078


Watch their Twitters. I tweet at alot of the Ethereum people and they respond. Hell I have even gotten through to some of the less notable Rothschilds on Twitter.

Twitter is aids but all the rich people love it adapt. Best info is direct from them especially if you can ask them questions.

>> No.18335098

How? It literally is slavery

>> No.18335120

slavery vs SLAVERY

Which you choose?

>> No.18335127
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bitcoin is liberation

>> No.18335131

>Because those people are winning and we want to be on the winning side.
>Because the alternative is slavery

>Twitter is aids but all the rich people love it adapt. Best info is direct from them especially if you can ask them questions.
Do you use an anon account or your actual account or just pretend to be a real person? I'd like to remain anon

>> No.18335132


Bro it's more far along then people think. It may be a decade before they have enough qubits to crash encryption but it would blow your mind what can already be done with a simple delayed choice quantum eraser aimed at a database search function.

Shits real it will get there why wouldn't you harden a financial system

>> No.18335153

Weakness. Buy XMR and resist them.

>> No.18335156


Also recommend some good follows

>> No.18335184

While I have you here. One more question. Ive always despised twitter so I dont have an account. If I were to make a profile what do you suggest to be able to infiltrate these circles?

>> No.18335196

Thank you monero bro
I can't believe these people think they are intelligent willing being the house nigger and doing work to get there
fucking lol

>> No.18335224


It's not exactly slavery it's just a more efficient financial system. Blockchain Economics has a bias to only value actual goods and services so it gives anyone who can create then far more financial power.

This means those who are best at creating value have more power to create more. The whole system basically removes governments ability to tax and people's ability to vote on anything meaningful since all power to delegate wealth is in the hands of corporations.

Come on guys it could be cool..... like cyber punk 2077 lol...... no joke though if you can't tax corporations government is fucked because they cant even print money that would be worth anything.

>> No.18335245


Guys chill monero is for buying drugs it's never going away. Just not backed by much financial power.

>> No.18335258

but its centrally controlled and gay
I would rather work less efficiently and have my freedom

>> No.18335259

You are attempting to resist while at the same time playing a game they rigged long before you or your ancestors even existed.

The only way to effectively "resist" is with bullets. You cant win while playing their game.

Start killing people or ride the wave.

>> No.18335286

Easy to say. Why havent you started?

>> No.18335348


Follow all the Ethereum crew like vitalik.

Also follow some Rothschilds

David Rothschild is my favorite he is a financial analyst for Microsoft and he is the most transparent sock puppet lol. Its pretty easy to see through what he says and means

Also Nat Rothschild

Try Brian Brooks as well. He was the CLO for coinbase and now he works at the FED as the second most powerful at the OCC. Pretty much think Brian Brooks plans to put the dollar on ERC-20 standard like he did with USDC at coinbase. He does have the power to.

You really have to just start adding people.

You don't have to be a real person just act professional and if you post a meme make sure its hand made for the occasion.

>> No.18335356

tell me what you know about Chainlink

>> No.18335381


No need to infiltrate just be real. They aren't stupid lol people with money generally are not despite what people think.

Focus on guys with less followers if you want to actually ask questions and expect an answer

>> No.18335397
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These are people as outside the system as you can get in USA and they are thriving with little/no technology
Ethereum wanting to control you is so fucking gay

I was hoping to have a bitcoin economy and local economy be as self sufficient as possible, and use this formula to bring people back to a good way of living

I'll go out in a blaze if I fail

>> No.18335451


Personally I prefer blockchain Economics to what we have now even if it gives corporations more power.

As a tax payer I am 150,000$ in debt just for existing as a US citizen. Why the fuck should out generation have to pay that bull shit off and the government keeps printing money and giving it to Corporations who can then use it to directly control our actions.

Might as well take the power to print money away from everyone even is it fucks some shit up

I mean I may be a little bias but honestly is this even American anymore?

>> No.18335464

you could probably join their club if you start a cheese pizza place
They've been vocal on their tastes in the past

>> No.18335488
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Bro I made this meme and I spam it at anyone guilty of shilling it. Not even Ethereum baseline dev's are innocent. Nobody can hear Vitalik screaming chain link is a scam because their ears are stuffed to full on money

>> No.18335515

Last time I explain this to you faggots we missed our inflation targets by a percentage every year. We have a bery long way to go before hyperinflation,we would to do negative rate loans before hyperinflation. This is on top of the fact that the US dollar is an economic incentive on par with nuclear power being a war deterrent. Our dollars are back by the most powerful military in the world we can do whatever we want print whatever we want because the world knows who the guy with the big stick is. That means that dollars are what you want to hold which creates the cycle that we see where we chase to have inflation and we need to go brrr because all these asshoes around the world want to push dollars up there butts and keep them there for a rainy day

>> No.18335588


Lol I feel your pain but I don't think any kind of resistance is possible. I'm not a glow nigger just a realist.

And ya living in a world where the government doesn't have enough control to deal with Cheese pizza isn't optional but being part of a depopulation agenda isn't either.

Face it corpo's got us. We could have stopped this but litteraly every time I bring this up the simps at work look at me like I'm trying to kill old people by saying the virus is subterfuge for economic shenanigans

>> No.18335601

so de-retardify this chart...
its saying that new population of us be 100m ppl? this is unironically bullish.

>> No.18335609

Oh no not a vaccine that will make me immune to a virus!! Get off this board and go back to your Facebook moms against vaccines group . You are too low iq to be here you brain let

>> No.18335644

Yes. Why you think it's bullish anon?

>> No.18335654

>not a vaccine that will make me immune to a virus
hacker news told me that overuse of antibiotics is bad because it creates superbugs.
hacker news also told me that overuse of viruses doesnt exhibit same selection pressures

>> No.18335660

You should read the whole thread before you post.

>> No.18335666


Lol I work in the industry dumbass. Bill Gates is essentially saying he can cure the common cold ( coronavirus ) with a unknown DNA altering vaccine. Its not nutin futz.

It's like suddenly declining he can vaccinate AIDS

>> No.18335688

Books on vaccine industry or whatever you work in for someone wanting to learn more?

>> No.18335701

crowded metropolis filled with subhumans wiped out? small gov minded self-sufficient society?
what do you have against 1880's small town america?

>> No.18335719

it's all good if you change your mind we'll still be trying to stop them

>> No.18335737

Nothing anon, just wondered if you had the same thought process as me. I doubt we're going back to small towns though, more like Warring States run by BAPtards

>> No.18335801

realistically I don't think trust in overarching fed gov survives 2/3 collapse in population.
the feds can't even manage the vast portion of the us now and they have unlimited budgets and unlimited workers...things will revert to small local city/state level.

>> No.18335811

Its going over your head. The vaccine is only to make you comply. They will most like enforce a ban interstate travel without id2020 and vaccines. You wont be allowed in a workplace. Etc. Its about control. 5g means it can literally track your ID in real time, as well as new licnese plates.

>> No.18335849

5g and a electronic only money system.

>> No.18335855

>the feds can't even manage the vast portion of the us now and they have unlimited budgets and unlimited workers...things will revert to small local city/state level.
Yeah, but these aren't going to be peaceful little villages. I'm saying you're gonna see roves of raiders trying to expand their McMansion mini-empires they carve out.

>> No.18335893

> aren't going to be peaceful little villages
whites are inherently peaceful and organize trade as a way to mitigate resource allocation.
trying to pretend like this isn't the case is unscientific.

>> No.18335901

Lol idk any good books but here is a lesser know fact.

Vaccines have 0 liabilities they could litteraly kill millions of people and by law no one could be held accountable. This was made possible through a congressional bill a while ago.

If you try to sue a vaccine manufacturer for shit that almost killed you and even if you can prove it the judge will be forced to throw your case out because its impossible to sue them.

That one should keep you busy for a while

Ima go to bed now if this isn't archived when I wake up I will respond everything.

>> No.18335936

>If you try to sue a vaccine manufacturer for shit that almost killed you and even if you can prove it the judge will be forced to throw your case out because its impossible to sue them.
half right. there are vaccine courts, there is a limit of damages. so when gates new concoction kills your 4 yr old, they will pay you 50k and legally be done with it.

>> No.18335957

Oh no no no

Capitalism BTFO

>> No.18335958

LOL, lots of the whites will leave the USA during a collapse. Sure, the dixietards and pilled-up junkies will still be here but many of them don't have the executive cognitive function to maintain peaceful trade relations. Anyways, there's always a warring period after any collapse and white people will use violence and intrigue when necessary to achieve what they want; they aren't complete brutes like blacks who apply violence in an unsophisicated manner. Fuck off with this peaceful nobel white myth. Makes no sense when Europe was the most bloody damn continent for the past few centuries, always trying to subsume control over each other.

>> No.18335960


Lol I wish you luck but even the army will just view you as dangerous virus spreaders and probably mow you down.

Hell I might not support you either depending on the circumstance. Always been a capitalist myself. Fuckin hate commies. Let Darwin sort it all out.

>> No.18335989

Vaccine courts are arbitrations they are faux legal system's

Dont count on it when something big goes down to function.

>> No.18336013

>the whites will leave the USA
and go where?
obviously europe but where

>> No.18336020

>Fuck off with this peaceful nobel white myth.
t. triggered shitskin who migrated to white lands because my homeland is a violence filled cesspit.

>> No.18336027
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Goodnight frens may out future be full of cyberpunk 2077 memes and Corpo dominance.

>> No.18336098

Who said Europe? Many of these East coast professionals will more than happily take a job in China and form their own little enclaves if they get a good position in the emperor's court as doctors and so forth. China already throws so much money at American and European scientists to come work for them and there's a growing number of doing that, let alone all the Chinese from here they recruit. I'd imagine a good amount could go to white enclaves in Brazil and Argentina too. I doubt Western Europe will be very appealing to many of these "high skill" whites who have a merchant mindset because if America goes, then so does West Europe, our economic vassle. I could see some using their wealth to build themselves little empires in Eastern Europe or working in service for the Kremlin. These people turn coat very easily when things get tough.

>> No.18336423

UK and Ireland, then Germany, Poland and nordic.

>> No.18336530

it will happen by 2035 probably before.

>> No.18336578

>it will happen by 2035 probably before.
What makes you think that? You probably have no physics background and unironically think "tek go up"

>> No.18336716

Tom Hanks is going to die soon.

>> No.18336877

>deagel 2025 forecast USA
Jeez. Now imagine for a moment that predications are often entirely wrong.

>> No.18336898


Imagine Apple Google Amazon and Facebook moving to a Moonbase to get rid off earth problems so they can focus on squeezing out humanity more efficient

>> No.18337018

Doesn't take much imagination, sadly.

>> No.18338104


>> No.18339106

The authors of the study explain that out-migration will be the main cause, but their expectations of America’s future were based on Obama’s policies which were supposed to be continued by Clinton. It portrays an economic decline fueled by the loss of Reserve Currency status, compounded by the destruction of the manufacturing base, which leads to the flight of related talent to other nations where manufacturing remains robust.

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 has reversed a growing number of the globalist policies put into place since 1992. The most damning of these, the Paris Accord and the Trans Pacific Partnership were canceled within weeks of Trump taking office and to prepare for the end of the Reserve Currency status he is renegotiating all trade agreements to make them balanced so that the US no longer has a deficit with any of our trading partners. The rollback of excessive regulations on energy production has quickly allowed American producers to meet internal consumption needs and to export energy as well. Changes to the tax laws incentivized investors and workers to devote themselves to productive efforts, raising the employment of all groups to record levels. Trump has undone decades of gradual destruction of America’s ability to be competitive in just a few years, and his continuing efforts to remove the criminal organizations from the government combined with exposure of and closing of the Federal Reserve System will set the stage for an American prosperity completely unexpected by the writers of this Deagel.com narrative.

>> No.18339912

So happening canceled?

>> No.18340133
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>> No.18341376


>> No.18341428

Happening was canceled the moment Donald Trump gave the power back to the people in 2017

>> No.18341905

If I make it I'm unironically getting rid of my American citizenship, it makes no sense to pay all the taxes when simply owning land here is enough to guarantee my safety.

>> No.18342423
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Edwin A. Deagle,
Former Deputy Secretary of Defense,
Member of the Council of Foreign Relations
Director for. International Relations The Rockefeller Foundation
Member of the Trilateral Comission
Founder and owner of deagle.com

>> No.18342424
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It's allowing more corporate-government (let's face it, the govt and corporations, especially banks, are one and the same at this point) control based on fear. Get enough people afraid and they will vote how you want them to and happily give up liberty for "security" so long as it's for "the greater good™". I'm pretty sure there's a shadow war going on right now between quite a few groups, but the main players are Trump and his loyalists fed up with this fucked up system and the cabal of hyper-rich central bankers and corporations who control most of the world govts and much of the US Congress.

Whether or not Trump is truly on our side, smart enough to go toe-to-toe with these people, and isn't himself being used unwittingly as a pawn via controlled opposition, remains to be seen.

The best pawns are the ones who don't even know they're pawns in the first place. I hope I'm wrong and this all turns around, with Trump outmaneuvering (((them))), making mass arrests and instituting a true free market again, but I doubt it.

Regardless, we live in very interesting times for sure.

>> No.18342663

Bruh, it's already mass enslavement. Hell, it's even MORE efficient levels of slavery than the fiat-debt Ponzi scheme currently collapsing. The difference is when the wealth and asset transfer goes from centralized fiat to centralized crypto, you get to choose to be a poor slave (no-meme coins) or a rich slave (bought meme coins early).

Make no mistake, though, you can be rich, but you will never be "wealthy" like the elites who run the world. They won't allow you to be, although seeing you try is sure to amuse them.

>> No.18342692

Take trend of last few days, extrapolate for 100 years, wala.

>> No.18342707
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I really really fucking hate Jews.

>> No.18342766


You either go full Bill Gates and join them or go full Timothy McVeigh and try and kill as many who are part of the system as you can.

>> No.18342864

Welp, I've been trying to decide between buying ETH or LINK when I get my Trumpbux. Looks like you answered that question. I feel disgusted with myself for doing so, but I've gotten over my despair and disgust at discovering just how rigged the (((game))) is after reading the psychology of a Rothschild thread from 2011 and might as well try to live as comfortably as I can.

>> No.18342957
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I really REALLY want to BELIEVE.

We need to resurrect Jackson already. He would personally execute Powell and everyone else who works at or has ever worked at the Federal Reserve. I mean literally walk in there with an M4 and start gunning snakes down en masse.

>> No.18343059

Can you link that rotschild thread??

>> No.18343326

Google it. A Rothschild shilled smart contracts and oracles back in 2011.

>> No.18343343

No linkies pls.

>> No.18343909


No ownership of crypto is a zero sum game even if you got in early.

Corporations can add tokens to Ethereum to Ethereum that have actual value and use them to force you into swapping for them.

You will literally be unable to hold your wealth unless you use it to create more and by that I mean you have to run a corporation.

>> No.18344137

This is like playing a video game tournament and then the game devs changing the rules of the game in the middle of the tournament and saying no one gets paid unless you switch to their new rule system. The main difference in this analogy being that the rules and prize for winning the game are one and the same: the money itself.

Fucking insane.

>> No.18344221


Lol I think you have it wrong Ethereum isn't money it's just a gauge of value.

This system basically removes money as we think of it and replaces money with the actual goods and services we buy with money.

Since now goods and services can directly be used like money to buy any other form of goods or services.

Sounds like communism but its actually kinda more like technocratic capitalism

>> No.18344326
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Here you go. I have had more existential crises and terrible realizations reading that than anything else in my life. If it's a LARP, it's a DAMN good one.

>> No.18344353

I'm not sure if it's based or cringe, but I'll take your word for it since I don't fully understand it. More research is needed for my understanding.

>> No.18344821

Ill take the time to read it thanks anon.

>> No.18344885

The presidential seal is gone now too. Usgov is no longer a corporation.

>> No.18344946
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>> No.18345818

What does this mean

>> No.18346018

He's not beholden to DC anymore.
By the people, and for the people comes to mind.
Previous poster alluded to the FED being nationalized as well. The Treasury now controls money supply and interest.

>> No.18346222


Technically Ethereum is just gas and stake in the network.

It does not have any actual value beyond that. We will likely see far more value being tokenized on Ethereum itself. The Ethereum main net is pretty much a system that instantly allows you to make something like iPhone and trade it for literally anything else without the use of money.

In blockchain Economics there is no money only value transfer and the whole system itself only exists to allow people to directly gauge the value of there goods and services against other goods and services.

Future "money" will look something like what the stuff MAKERDAO issues. And it will only have value because it backed by a basket of assets stabilized against each other.

If you start seeing a lot of dollars enter Ethereum as tokenized assets I would get the fuck out of dollars. A fiat currency will get smashed in this kind of economic environment.

>> No.18346665

>tell people that government census data is outright lies so "just trust my intel that I don't source"
>gives no models or analysis to support any of it's bizarre claims of depopulation at a rate unprecedented in recorded history save maybe invasions by Mongols
>cited in a singular email on Stratfor and never referred to again

Quit freaking people out nigger this is all horseshit and you know it.

>> No.18346745

Trips of hard truth
Check this

>> No.18347341


Bro I was the one who forwarded all this to chico like a month ago.

I'm a pretty big chico supporter. Alot of Blockchain Dev's watch chico. He would have been a part of the baseline protocol if he could keep his stream more PC.

Tbh not including chico in favor of cucks like Datadash has a lot of the Dev's a little pissed.

>> No.18347352


Also my tag keeps changing but I'm the same guy as before who started the ID2020 string.

>> No.18347507
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I figured there was a connection. I'm siked on his content, especially as of late.

The confidence behind ID2020 has me astonished. They have many angles to come from, Covid-19 being the introduction. Having engineered the majority of westerners to be accepting of globalism, open borders, (((safe refuge))), etc allows them to play on the emotions of weak liberals thus they will support such a concept. Many people will be mindlessly giving away their freedom.

There will be a war before they can ever suceed at what they are trying to do.

>> No.18348135

>how does LINK play into all this?

>> No.18348662

Does this mean bitcoin is going to zero?

>> No.18348786

Why do we support Israel if their Leader, Netanyahu said this? Obviously if this were true we’d bomb them...

>> No.18348815

Look at this anon and laugh. Look at the ethnicity of major icons in the US.

>> No.18348896

that explains everything, he was just laying out the playbook.

>> No.18348971

What is an underachieving midwit IT consultant to do with this information? I don't have the drive, chops, or youthful vigor to become a coder or expansive producer of goods, and systems administration for rinky dink small businesses won't save my ass. I have a crypto bag, but as you said the house will rake it back eventually. I'm scared for the future, it seems that people like me are going to get buried. Please advise.

>> No.18349085


Personally I think it will go off without a hitch.

If I bring this up at work people just look at my like some kind of conspiracy theorist who is complacent in the murder of others by thinking the virus is overblown and a subterfuge for economic migration to a different system. I stopped bringing it up altogether.

Do you not see the public they are done. Fucking sheep and I honestly will not miss them. Its people like you and I who can see the difference between doom porn and reality who should be preparing. The general public is not going to do anything about this.

There will be no war just poor people wondering why they can't afford iPhones anymore.

>> No.18349121
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I am not bullish on Chainlink. Sergey exit scammed NXT before chainlink and he regularly spends the funds on stupid shit like a lambo for his dad.

Its basically a way for underpaid dev's to make money. All you have to do is take the bribe and insert a picture of chainlink into your project on Github.

It doesn't actually have the market cap you think it does. The coins are all held by whales who collude to pump and dump it.

>> No.18349153


Just hold Ethereum and run a staking mode. You can provide value to the network by securing it and receiving compensation that way. Should not be hard to run a few servers.

I wouldn't put my money in any kind of defi even if the returns are way better then staking. In the end speculators will get the short end of the stick.

>> No.18349223

>2/3rds of America will die or migrate in 5 years
Not even in fucking Venezuela did that happen. It won’t happen here in that timeframe short of Yellowstone erupting.

>> No.18349270

based, i have some zcash, just in case...

>> No.18349312

Nothing is going to change thos is merely a bump but our corporate overlords are bound to bring us back to status quo.
Trump is merely a tool for the true masterminds.

>> No.18349367
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This is a ben garrison-tier meme lmao
Can we get some more labels you fucking autistic cunt
Is that a cow?? Label please!

>> No.18349482

You're welcome, fren.

Remember, with Jews you lose.

>> No.18349507

Nuclear exchange.

>> No.18349515

Who gave you a choice?

>> No.18349521

Interesting, it's almost like going back into a barter economy in a way, wherein the value of goods are intrinsically weighed against one another via the true use people have for them at the time of purchase. It cuts down on reckless speculation that has (partially) gotten us into this mess, anyway.

>> No.18349663
File: 416 KB, 935x909, Screenshot_20200408-094654_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about UK loosing 80% of population and gdp?

>> No.18350140

Imagine 10,000,000 doctors, engineers, technicians, programmers, mechanics, oil and gas hands, scientists, professors/teachers, farmers... all of European decent calling it quits over the next 12 years. What impact would that materially have on the USA?

>> No.18350511


It's less like communism or barter system and more like capitalism without money. The most efficient corporate entity will eventually have all control because there are no anti trust systems.

>> No.18350718

lots of boomers will die naturally

>> No.18350754

They will all move to India. Super power by 2032.

>> No.18351192


>> No.18352373

What do you think retard?