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File: 68 KB, 730x600, 730px-Flag_map_of_Spain.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18329988 No.18329988 [Reply] [Original]

Spanish anon here,
Is this the end? I already have a paid house, and basic income would pay for all the expenses of living.

Also, have a gf, double the freebucks, so... no need to work? Is everyone stupid?

Also, give me a prediction.

>> No.18330073

Your government is begging like a hooker to the Northern European countries for money.
The unemployment of Spain is at an all time high, the economy is rekt.
How are they planning on doing this, with what money?
Also prepare for an influx of refugees coming for free money.
Seriously why can't you garlic countries be less lazy and more efficient?
You ancestors would be ashamed if they would look what has become of their country.

>> No.18330096

I am ashamed on how Spain has fallen from one of the biggest empires to just a sidenote in history, but leaving all that,
49% tax on income?

This is not viable, I hope this is just a way to give people hope and distract them for all the bad management of the left

>> No.18330130

How much is it per month?

>> No.18330164


It's not official yet, but some of the initial
proposals made by crazy parties where around 700 a month, not realistic, considering most low working wages are around 900

I could understand 400, maybe, but even that is a stretch

>> No.18330238

Literally almost all countries are laughing at our faces...
Espiñabros how are we letting this happen...

>> No.18330332

Socialism + (((them))) + masons

>> No.18330490

Lol you fucking retards. Stocks and crypto are pumping because of the UBI. No idea why you never make it

Also si votas a Vox mejor que tengas 3 cromosomas o un padre pederasta que te follo el culito hasta que te volvió un psicopata, si no no se entiende

>> No.18330525

Spain just eliminated poverty, yeah how terrible

>> No.18330546

disfruten lo votado

>> No.18330841

why is it you morons cant understand the purpose of UBI isnt so people just dont work and lie around? it's just additional income to help most non-rich people.

>> No.18330916


What stops people from using it not in the intended way? Morals? ahahahah

>> No.18330929

>Also si votas a Vox mejor que tengas 3 cromosomas o un padre pederasta que te follo el culito hasta que te volvió un psicopata, si no no se entiende


>> No.18330956

Another spaniard here
Ignore this thread. Spanish universal Income has not been approved.

>> No.18330974

>it's just additional income to help most non-rich people.
what part of "universal" don't you fucking get you absolute retard

>> No.18330975

>give me a prediction
After few months to a year your economy will spectacularly collapse and EU will refuse to bail you out. This will lead to plethora of internal conflicts escalating into bloody civil war which will lead Spain divided into few smaller states, all of them poor hellholes except maybe Catalonia.

>> No.18331001

Based catalon

>> No.18331039

fuck off I'd rather fucking die than live in a northern european shithole where there is no good cuisine or hot women. Enjoy staring at a computer for the rest of your existence

>> No.18331053

Spain is based.

>> No.18331067
File: 55 KB, 475x714, barca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American with a Swedish citizenship. Do I get basic income if I move there or do I have to wait to get a Spanish passport?

>> No.18331079


>> No.18331130

>implying they're not coming after your house to fill it with "vibrant immigrants that are much needed for the reconstruction of our economy!"
>implying you will get the basic income. Most people and businesses are still not getting shit from the state.

years of propaganda. Spain was one of the most propaganda ridden hellholles in europe and the result is showing: everyone is a sheep and is taking it up the ass during lockdown because sanchez is a lefty

>implying there are differences between any of the (((parties))).

look around the world. all political leaders are doing the same, regardless of where in the spectrum they are. There is no left, there is no right.


yeah, truly based. The most jewed region in the whole country, leading to anti nationalism in extreme to the point all the (((revolutionaries))) are now quietly in their homes believing this charade while the state robs them blind. so based.

my prediction is the whole country will be fucked for years and will probably never recover. the moral and social country was already in shreds due to leftist propaganda, feminism, secessionism and full on anti european (as ethnicity) sentiment.

The country is going down in flames as people religiously gives out roaring applauses everyday at 20:00.

If I knew one place that wasn't in some way similar to this in the world, I'd flee as soon as I'm able, but every country with influence from central banks (meaning everyone) is doing exactly the same.

>> No.18331224

Not gonna happen, the eu wont allow it, we'd have to leave the union for it to happen

>> No.18331352

Only if you are Black or Muslim

>> No.18331401

Spain unironically kicked off ww2 with its retarded civil war of fascists vs anarchists.

this divide was never really resolved.

looks like it will do the same with ww3, expect a civil war with similar ideologies, ie vox retards vs the ubi (new communist) retards.

it's already happening, see >>18330490

>> No.18331521

Oh no 10% of the population is going to buy drugs while the others continue working and trying to makes lives for themselves. What ever shall we do?

>> No.18331590
File: 171 KB, 300x300, 100_pesetas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only way out, but in order to do it we must introduce an old fren pic related

>> No.18331650

>my prediction is the whole country will be fucked for years and will probably never recover. the moral and social country was already in shreds due to leftist propaganda, feminism, secessionism and full on anti european (as ethnicity) sentiment.

It's not anti european enough. It shares a currency with retarded dutch and germans, which has resulted in absolutely no industrialization for 20 years while still being a low cost area

>> No.18331671

You're going to get like 300€/month, nig.
You won't be able to live like that.

>> No.18331739

Get the fuck out of this board you god damn subhuman shitskin

>> No.18331974

yes, of course. The euro has been a disaster for most european countries and siphoned what little industrial capacity countries like spain, italy or portugal had elsewhere.

>looks like it will do the same with ww3, expect a civil war with similar ideologies, ie vox retards vs the ubi (new communist) retards.

I don't know. I mean, you're right on the general sentiment, but if there is something that I'm now completely sure of is that no "side" has the balls to do anything serious about the other "side". this memevirus has proved it well enough. But yeah, that's divide and conquer for you.

that would be a start, but it's still fiat money backed by jew magic. It always fails in the long run.

>> No.18332027

Two words: Commie Government
We are fucked

>> No.18332049

Pablo Casado was talking in 2018 about Blockchain adoption at institutional level and still I don't trust him much more than Abascal

>> No.18332071

>retarded dutch
well fuck you too buddy

>> No.18332115
File: 47 KB, 830x548, 1585569503069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my city used to be the center of knowledge and learning and the most advanced of its time

now it's the worst and dangerous city to live in, how the hell do you think i feel soiboi?

>> No.18332117

there is no one to be trusted on the political scene in spain, or elsewhere for that matter. end of. put that through everyone's skull, let it be at least one positive thing coming out of this crisis. All of them work for the banks.
Regarding blockchain adoption: it has been in the talks for ages. As a matter of time the "digital dollar" is being talked about a lot in the US lately. However, blockchain per se does not imply decentralization. the central banks' wet dream is having a centralized digital currency and no cash. Blockchain is just the technology they will use.

>> No.18332157

What city?

>> No.18332238
File: 274 KB, 1280x1002, 12341234345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18332248

I was thinking ME or India

>> No.18332279

*conditions may apply

>> No.18332301

>Ignore this thread. Spanish universal Income has not been approved.
and it never will, its just another pr campaign

>> No.18332327

this guy gets it