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File: 74 KB, 481x337, dvnkskdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18284075 No.18284075 [Reply] [Original]

Is crypto compatible with communism and sjw ideology? How do you reconcile the two?

>> No.18284093

As long as it benefits the Jews then it's ok

>> No.18284098

not compatible because it gives you truly private ownership.

>> No.18284100

by being a government agent

>> No.18284495

>How do you reconcile the two?
you dont, it's cognitive dissonance

>> No.18284566
File: 222 KB, 950x534, Craig-Wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all but one is compatible
small blocks
small brains

>> No.18284581

Leftism is spread through emotion and ignorance, not logic and wisdom.

>> No.18284589

Why is his logo his weak hairline?

>> No.18284596

Nice emotional statement

>> No.18284598

cuz it doesnt matter

>> No.18284603

Merely observational

>> No.18284627

How about big dick and you are a scam?

>> No.18284643
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Smallblockopolous hasn't been relevant in years. Not surprising he has to resort to hypergay virtue signalling to continue his scam

>> No.18284660

Not that conservatards aren't emotional, but the overwhelming majority of lefties and "progressives" in general often appeal to emotion to validate their arguments and they are easily swayed by this themselves. As for th epic in the OP, I'm not surprise a commie faggot comes from a country full with commie faggots

>> No.18284801
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>> No.18284822

The customer is always right more or less. Once they are not the customer, fuck em.

>> No.18284832

this guy got me interested in real aspects of crypto but then he started crying on stage about immigrants and blocked bank accounts and lost credibility

>> No.18284874

I think majority of the Greek people don't really agree with people like Andreas here or the previous finance minister Varoufakis.

There's certainly a lot of those people but they aren't the majority.

When Erdogan sent the refugee flood just lately, the Greeks seemed to successfully block it.

>> No.18284892

>Is crypto compatible with communism and sjw ideology?

>> No.18284929

>small blocks with exponential scaling against burden
>huge blocks with linear scaling with burden

yeah real genius solution you got there almost as smart as a baboon.

>> No.18284944

BTC is for the techno-communist
BSV is for the techno-capitalist
BCH is for the laissez-faire capitalist

>> No.18285009

>no u

>> No.18285017
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picrelated. Don't be fooled by what you saw on the media. Many of these faggots don't want refugees because they want government gibs for themselves. The people there have a sick relationship with the state and it's easy to see by how much they want to stay in the EU. There is a nationalist sentiment but many are statist cucks.
>There's certainly a lot of those people but they aren't the majority.
There are enough and in critical positions to keep the country pozzed til the end of times
I also can''t see the point of this thread. Ethereum is the OG sjw coin. Also many "projects" in crypto these days are by default compatible to communism and sjw ideology. Open borders in the way I have been shilled by lefties over the years, Dismantling any kind of hierarchy and absolute equality amongst others. Bonus points for the general secretaries who are in key positions such as founders, ceos and other executive positions happen to benefit at the expense of idiots who fall for the scams and get dumped on. So, to answer OP's question
>Is crypto compatible with communism and sjw ideology? How do you reconcile the two?
Absolutely. They already are

>> No.18285104
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>i like something
>this something goes against what i believe
>Instead changing my beliefs, let's turn this thing into part of my ideology
Can you be more cancerous than this?

>> No.18285187

You don't. Your question disqualifies itself. On its own.

>> No.18285397

Go back.

>> No.18285419

Lighting network isnt crypto so im not sure

>> No.18285455
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>> No.18285480

Shows how weak his investments are.

>> No.18286177

>get lucky once with bitcoin

any idiot could have accidentally become a millionaire.

>> No.18286229

it's not. heck the only reason he/she can afford this is because people crowdfunded him/her.

>> No.18286294

>Is crypto compatible with communism
>sjw ideology
What do you even mean by this?

>> No.18286439

(((moneyless society)))

>> No.18286647

Assuming that you consider China a communist country I’m sure you would consider market socialism communist as well

>> No.18286713

pick one

>> No.18286824
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>tfw havent mastered bitcoin yet

>> No.18287009

there is nothing capitalist about sv it's subsidy the entire fucking thing is subsidized by a private entity (calvin) and is completely centralized in mining and development.

>> No.18287285

the hilarious part is he didn't actually get lucky
he sold and lost and gave almost all of his bitcoins, and as of today he's still living on whatever paycheck he can manage from his speaking appearances
this is why you can't win when you're deep in the ideological left. lack of responsibility is a bitch

>> No.18287302

Google the term market socialism. People here choose to be willfully ignorant for reasons beyond me.

>> No.18287596

the whole terminology with "socialism" "conservative" "neoliberalism" etc is the result of framing so the npc can think according to the patterns they are supposed to.
shit means anything nothing, it's just a fugazi

>> No.18287602

he is just a larper who likes to suck tranny dick

>> No.18287623
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>> No.18287662

thank you for your uninformed commentary on why it is named as it is

I’d spoonfeed you but you wouldn’t read it anyways

>> No.18287666
File: 55 KB, 500x610, images (76).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure its compatible
The blockchain allows for a more open and honest government and institutions.
Also if cryptos like idena became the official currency of a country then people could make their own currency.

>> No.18287767

what do you try to achieve by using words that are constructed in a way that makes it impossible to separate certai political ideas from certain economical ideas?
chinas leaders are not thinking in such concepts, they do as they please. reality isn't following western terminology, get it?

>> No.18287781

That retard is cringe as fuck and use his balding headline as logo. Enough said.

>> No.18287815
File: 103 KB, 1280x1358, 226436B7-E933-4BD7-9AEE-80439A3B2D04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did this guy become such a prick?

>> No.18287905

What are you trying to achieve by asking questions about a system you can’t even bother to google?
The goal of market socialism is to achieve the goal of Marxism (for workers to seize the means of production) in a way that is more compatible with modern day capitalism. Google it if you aren't sure how.

>chinas leaders are not thinking in such concepts
But they are speaking in such concepts, and they have way more influence over the meaning of the word “communism” than you or I. So we can either keep going on Marx’s 20th century definition or we can acknowledge that the word’s meaning has changed and change our usage of it accordingly.

>> No.18287953

Crypto is identityless. You don't even know if there's even a person behind a given wallet address or not. There is no 'acccount registration' or personal information required to participate.

Crypto is permissionless, you don't need to ask some authority if you're allowed to send bitcoin to a given address.

Crypto is decentralised, there will be no central points of failure in the case of abusing power to crush individual addresses you don't like to see receiving money.

Compare receiving donations via Bitcoin with some platform like Patreon. The advantages become very clear.

>> No.18288024

dude's literally an insectoid jew

>> No.18288049

SJW ideology is the opposite of communism. It was generated by capitalist owners of the media in the wake of the 2008 financial crash to divide and distract us. It's not true leftism.

>> No.18288093

why are 99% of fags and trannies also commies then? checkmate

>> No.18288130

>Is crypto compatible with communism

If you mean 'is it compatible with a state with a centralized economy' then yes, so long as the state allows it to.

If by communism you mean anarcho-communism, then probably not, but there would be nothing stopping you from leaving the commune to barter.

>> No.18288169

There's overlap in terms of demographics but not ideology. A newspaper column arguing that a board of millionaire directors should be 50% female has nothing to do with socialism.

>> No.18288172

>Crypto is identityless.

Exchange KYC policies

>Crypto is permissionless

Not all banks allow bank-to-crypto-exchange transfers

>Crypto is decentralised

Most of the network is concentrated in a few countries

>> No.18288228

>Is crypto compatible with communism

Communist society is a society with no money, class or state, where all work has been automated. Since crypto is the only way machines can independently communicate value to each other I'd say it's actually essential to communism

>> No.18288265

Dunno about communism tho, but anon coins like Zano are 100% compatible with libertarian ideology, and tbf everyone should value privacy atm

>> No.18288411

>pic related
why is it so common now for some retard to put their own asinine caption on someone else's work? I'm not saying you did it anon, but fuck that shit is annoying

>> No.18288591
File: 300 KB, 750x720, E67C5E6C-DE39-4C26-9490-EC7B60C77E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it so common now
this shit is older than the internet, you’re just mad they did it to stonetoss

>> No.18288627

Let them think it's compatible so they buy, then once the pump occurs and you're satisfied, dump your trash on them.

>> No.18288648

The opposite is far more likely. Crypto is flooded with right wing dogmatics.

>> No.18288982

Is Andreas the biggest fag in crypto?

>> No.18289035

Checked and basically true. Although I would say BCH is more for the pirates. The anarchist rebels who respect no rules or laws and think crime is virtuous.

>> No.18289066

>private entity
>seeking profits

What do you think capitalism is?

>> No.18289086
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Based Satoshi

>> No.18289094

0 self-awareness in this post. The Republican party literally race-baits numbskulls like you into voting for them despite representing only the interests of the top 0.1%.
Get your shit together, assclown.

>> No.18289151
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SJWs are the enforcers or the footsoldiers of Cultural Marxist doctrine.

People always think communism is an economic system, but it's not really. Socialism is the economic component of communism, but communism is more of a sociopolitical system.

That is why China can have a somewhat capitalist economy, but still be ruled as a communist dictatorship.

SJWs are communists.

>> No.18289181
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>Communist society is a society with no money, class or state

Only in fantasy. In reality, communism is total state control over every aspect of society and life.

>> No.18289247
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lol no.

Under Trump, the Republican party has become much more in line with working class interests. Economic nationalism, limits on immigration, tough on crime, law and order and protection of basic civil rights like religious liberty, freedom of speech and 2nd amendment rights.

>> No.18289261

fucking lmao that's going to be a great slogan heading into november

>> No.18289305

>law and order and protection of basic civil rights
in what way? cops in america kill with impunity.

>> No.18289445

>religious liberty
whatever that means
>freedom of speech
unless it’s against israel
> 2nd amendment rights
where is my bump stock?

>> No.18289448
File: 205 KB, 1076x755, ER5IIGNXUAIYbph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what CNN talking heads told you?

Keeping inner city dindu nuffins in line definitely counts as law and order.

Now time for you to seethe as even blacks are starting to realize they are much more conservative than they have been lead to believe, and start leaving the democrat thought control matrix in droves.

Trump is completely unbeatable, and even leftoids know it.

>> No.18289495

>Is that what CNN talking heads told you?
Willful ignorance is a hell of a thing.

>> No.18289687
File: 433 KB, 978x1066, bill_barr_on_secularists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religious liberty
Christianity is protected like never before under this administration. You have top officials like Barr, Pompeo, Mike Pence and others openly bolstering Christian faith in their government positions which is fucking based. Makes atheists, kikes and commie fags seethe, as they are kvetching about the US becoming a Christian theocracy. Pic related.

>freedom of speech
>unless it’s against israel
Except criticism of Israel and Jews has never been more mainstream than it is now. Truth has been allowed to flow like never before. It has become MAINSTREAM under Trump. 4D chess, unironically.

> 2nd amendment rights
>where is my bump stock?

muh bumpstocks. Newsflash - fully automatic weapons have always been illegal. Modifying semis to become pseudo fullauto is simply a loophole that has been closed.

There has been no curtailing of 2A rights by Trump, whereas every single Democrat, is furiously writing up legislation to confiscate weapons or otherwise limit carry rights.

>> No.18289766
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>some cop somewhere did something


>> No.18289809

there's nothing "based" about being a christsimp

>> No.18289879
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Seems pretty based to me.

>> No.18289921
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>>Is crypto compatible with communism?
>No jokes about waiting hours in the transaction queue for 0.0000000007 Breadcoin

>> No.18289929
File: 120 KB, 741x960, bible_altered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, the New Testament was too hot to handle, so the kikes had to alter it through (((translations))) so the goyim didn't get any naughty ideas.

>> No.18289937

>Makes atheists, kikes and commie fags seethe,
No we don’t.
> the US becoming a Christian theocracy
> criticism of Israel and Jews has never been more mainstream than it is now.
The one thing you are right about, because hating Trump is mainstream and he signed an “anti-semitism” order.
> Newsflash - fully automatic weapons have always been illegal.
No they haven’t.

>> No.18289989

subsidy is not seeking profit its distorting the free market that costa you money and fucks everything up for unrelated gains political or otherwise

>> No.18290017

it isn't

>> No.18290034

BSV mines at a loss
so it's techno-waste

>> No.18290069

it's full of crap but it won't mine at loss any amount of time

>> No.18290212

What the fuck are you talking about? Private investor invest in private companies in order to increase profits on private enterprise.

There is no subsidy involved because a subsidy comes from a government.

Do you not understand what capitalism means or do I need to also lecture you on the very basics?

>> No.18290261
File: 223 KB, 652x754, 1582224680547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't realized yet that Trump is literally bearhugging Israel, 1) to avoid nazi optics, and 2) to embolden anti-semites on the left, you are pretty fucking dumb lol

4D chess is not just a meme. But brainlets like you can only manage to chase the carrot on a stick like a good little minion. Big picture my dude. Trump is most likely the greatest political strategist in US history.

>> No.18290436

no basically calvin and nchain are not in teh role of private entrepreneurship on sv they are the state. and they keep that shit up with subsidy. because they got other goals they try to achieve.
it's all makebelive bullshit got nothing to do with capitalist market.

>> No.18290463

>Do you not understand what capitalism means
of course i do you retarded cunt. i'm telling you sv is not capitalist in nature the slightest. it's a bootlicker commie nightmare to begin with as an idea but the execution makes it worse.

>> No.18290694
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>private enterprise and private investment is ackshually communism guise
KYS dude

>> No.18290699

>Trump is literally bearhugging Israel, 1) to avoid nazi optics,
Ah, same reason he denounced the KKK and Richard Spencer’s endorsement
>to embolden anti-semites on the left,
yes, that’s what you gotta look out for. Anti-semites on the LEFT
>you are pretty fucking dumb lol

>> No.18290707

Trump is only bearhugging israel to get the evangelical vote, which is pretty much the key to winning

>> No.18290764
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>Ah, same reason he denounced the KKK and Richard Spencer’s endorsement

KKK is democrat hate organization (that barely exists anymore) and Spencer is a literal leftist glownigger nobody

I don't get what point you are trying to make?

>> No.18290768

if it was an investment but it's not. not in the way you think.

>> No.18290805
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A bearhug implies he is hugging them to death.

And yes, paying lipservice to Israel through superficial and symbolic actions (moving a building, big whoop) is nothing more than for political optics.

All the super kikes know this very well, which is why they attack him day and night. Pic related.

All he had to do to win, is pretend he was on their side. Now he is dismantling their entire control matrix inside the US, but without ever actually naming them or appearing hostile. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

>> No.18290821

Just admit you are a retard and move on. It's embarrassing for you to keep posting.

>> No.18290836

Being an SJW means adopting positions that don’t make sense.
Crypto is not equal to the dollar because, although neither are backed by anything except a social contract, and therefore don’t make any sense as currency, we’ve at least built a societal infrastructure around the idea of accepting dollars in exchange for value.
Crypto, lacking that infrastructural and cultural acceptance, therefore does not make sense. It’s something you adopt to be “ahead of the curve,” just as SJWs try to be ahead of the curve with their morality.
Both SJWs and cryptofags are dogmatic about getting others to accept their positions for the sake of validating and/or benefitting themselves.

How does this not make perfect sense to you, OP?

>> No.18291092

calvin is trying to get ip rights on a new disruptive tech he identified 6 years ago. that's his retarded play. this whole sv and faketoshi bullshit is just theater. ha tried many approach but at the end of the day no tiny faggot like calvin can control crypto.

>> No.18291131

Comunism is a techno-religion and crypto is ideal for soviet ideology.
sjw have nothing in common with any of those things.

>> No.18291157

You must be new.

>Exchange KYC policies
Not part of crypto. The whole point of crypto is to avoid having to do this kind of thing in the first place. How do you actually get some then? Not all exchanges require KYC, use those. Or trade your electricity for dollars, cloud mining, or work for crypto etc.

>Not all banks allow bank-to-crypto-exchange transfer
You're missing the point if you really want to trade your crypto back for fiat through a bank. In the future people will be willing to pay a premium to receive crypto currency privately instead of eletronic transfer from a bank. Not just to pay less tax but because they don't want to have to worry about money printing, haircuts or shutdowns of their account or bank itself.

>Most of the network is concentrated in a few countries
Bitcoin will be mined more where it is more profitable to do so. Pool's in China don't have more than 20% each, but let's say they decided to all collaborate rather than compete and decide to exclude certain transactions. That will result in a network split and a fork. The market will decide whether China censor coin is worth more than the other coin or not.

>> No.18291171

labor theory of value = proof of work

>> No.18291184

don't think you can match communism with private ownership in this unholy marriage of yours.

>> No.18291200

Crypto is basically a digitized labor voucher. See >>18291171

>> No.18291249

God I thought this board was safe from the astonishing stupidity of tankies but I've been proven wrong again...

>> No.18291260

I am not even a tankie, but the answer is staring you right in the face. Sorry if that's so offensive to you.

>> No.18291268

not really also you fail to grasp the idea behind communism. it's not a meritocracy it's not everyone is rewarded based on their performance. no it's going full retard and trying all the wrong incentives at once.

>> No.18291270

Ethereum is a sjw cuck project

>> No.18291272

Bitcoin in particular was made with libertarian ideals in mind. Where decentralization and the free markets were key.

>> No.18291376


Because they're just useful cannon fodder for all the billionaire jews and traitors.

>> No.18291391


Nigger, all the censorship of antisemitism on amazon and social media has been since Trump. Retards like you are impressive.

>> No.18291413

The one I grew up reading said "The Jews", and I'm sure most Bibles now still do. But I have doubts that that's really an accurate translation either, considering that early Christianity during the rule of the Roman Empire was considered a cultish sect of Judaism.

>> No.18292031

it is not. and using virtue signaling to connect with brain damaged turbo leftists on social media is very smart, since the end result would basically be the death of their ideology. kek

>> No.18292125

No. Communism is a classless, stateless, and moneyless society.

>> No.18292196

Lol this is really funny to me, as there is absolutely zero labor involved in Bitcoin mining. You press a button and the computer does calculations - out comes profit. It's an automated process, not a laborious effort.

>> No.18292212

Because Trump controls the fucking CEOs of Amazon, twitter and plebbit right?

They are all retarded leftoids, just like you.

>> No.18292267


I'm saying he does fuck all to protect the 1st amendment from oligarchs.

>> No.18292292
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It's not, and I don't.

>> No.18292439

The racism you see is a backlash to your alleged anti-racism.

>> No.18292550
File: 1.16 MB, 1208x2700, Jesus_not_a_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well adherents of Judaism or rabbinic Judaism (Jews) are not actually followers of Christ. When you encounter the word "Jew" in the bible it is translated from the greek word "Ioudaiois", which sometimes refer to people from the geographical location of Judea, and sometimes refer to people practicing Judaism, which often overlap. In most of the New Testament, the Jews, those practicing Judaism, are adversarial to Jesus Christ, culminating in his killing and crucifixion.

So it is not accurate to say that Jesus was a Jew as we understand the word today. Jesus was a Judahite (tribe of Judah) / Israelite, but he didn't practice rabbinical Judaism. He was in essence the first Christian (duh). The Jews of today, and the Jews of Jesus time follow the oral traditions, which later become what we know as the Talmud. In the bible they are referred to as the Scribes/Pharisees who demanded the death of Jesus.

They rejected Christ then just as hey reject Christ today. Jesus was not a Jew.

>> No.18292593

The first amendment doesn't apply to private organizations though, so not like he can just wave a magic wand to amend the constitution.

He does speak out against corporate censorship, in fact he is using his executive power where applicable protect speech


Which of the democrats have done this? On the contrary, they actually celebrate censorship of wrongthink.

>> No.18293350

We have always been at war with Eurasia, don‘t you know Winston?

>> No.18294396


He can talk about it, is what I'm saying. It's one of the most pressing issues possible. Real dissident thought has been scrubbed from the web and herded here and a few blogs/podcasts that survive.

>> No.18294407

All political ideas/wings are terrible. A monetary system that only allows .000000001% to control the total amount of money that is in circulation. That's just worse.

>> No.18294444

commies want everyone's wealth no matter where it's stored

>> No.18294466

you are projecting

>> No.18294491

I bet you simp for turning point usa. Maga cringetard. you may as well be a neocon.

>> No.18294921

>Is crypto compatible with communism and sjw ideology?
Crypto is perfectly compatible with sjw. Less so with communism.
The concept of crypto, and the people who are into it, is largely progressive. Power to the people, individuality, freedom etc.

>> No.18294943

other way around really, non centralized currencies are far more compatible with communism then fiat. You think it doesn't because you've only heard of communism from dumb trannies who have no clue what it is about.

>> No.18294985

>not really also you fail to grasp the idea behind communism. it's not a meritocracy it's not everyone is rewarded based on their performance

wrong though, in capitalism you don't get rewarded for providing usefull work. Hence even doctors or engineers receive only pitiful pay when compared to landlords/shareholders who never done a damn thing and inherited their wealth from their parents. Actually working is just stupid in capitalism.

>> No.18296166

Bitcoin>fiat>bitcoin is the only thing that makes bitcoin usable since it acts as a mixer. Your "identityless" currency is fucked as soon as you spend it somewhere. All you could realistically do while maintain pseudonymity is make anonymous donations. Monero is the real bitcoin and faggots like aantonopolous use their position to hide that fact.

>> No.18296743

He always was

>> No.18296768

Crypto IS communist filth
>Mine your own product
>Everyone has equal working chance unlike in reality
>"Ownership" of your own product
As an american, i will never EVER accept this agiprop propaganda to normalize and infiltrate the minds of young kids these days. This is how they get you. They make you feel powerful and then you're an addict to them

>> No.18296786
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ah yes its just like democratic socialism!

>> No.18296820

>giving people a liveable wage and free education is LITERALLY HITLER
Conscucks are such a caricature

>> No.18296928

no because communism doesn't mean everybody can do whatever the fuck they want. it means you get tickets/quotas for necessities no money no competition no free market prices are set by a committee and private ownership is limited to your cloths and toiletries.

>> No.18297051

I try to love everyone but with you I can't. I feel nothing but hate for people as dumb as you. If I adopt the view you're promoting nothing means anything, communication breaks down and everyone retreats into ideological bubbles exactly like is happening. Just shut the fuck up, never mention communism, capitalism, socialism or any of these meme terms ever again. You're too dumb to add anything so just focus on shit you understand and never open your mouth to release your braindeath into the world.

>> No.18297238

Simple, you hand over the private keys. or die.

>> No.18297329

Haha just now I though this was bullshit because it was unfair to Hitler. You clearly interpreted it the way it was intended and you need to fuck off out of here.

>> No.18298150
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>> No.18298226


>> No.18298292
File: 426 KB, 2048x2048, cuban_healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free education

It's not free you moron. And yes I will keep calling this talking point out whenever I see it, because it is in fact so misleading, that I believe the word free is one of the primary reasons why people fall for the communist bullshit.

It's not fucking free. You pay out of your ass for it with your wages, your liberty and your choice.

Use the term "Universal Trump-controlled healthcare" as a replacement. This triggers the libs hardcore, and has the added benefit of being more accurate as well.

>> No.18298508


>> No.18298562

kek that's communism alright
>no private keys
>only allowed to hold public keys

>> No.18298620
File: 932 KB, 1079x2091, SEC Commissioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely centralized in mining and development
It's the only project, only, that is decentralized. It's centralized if a group of people can change the protocol.

>> No.18298651

>It's the only project, only, that is decentralized.
if you say so... i guess we all just have to take your word on it no other choice. kek. fuck off!
also nchain and craig been fucking with the protocol nonstop try to get a say in any protocol change go ahead! best you can hope for is some abusive twetching from craig calling you a commie because you try to tell him what to do with ""his inventions""

>> No.18298855
File: 1.51 MB, 400x400, fuhrer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, based and 4d-chess pilled

>According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

>"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ...

>In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband's cousin, John Walter "clicks his heels and says, 'Heil Hitler," when visiting Trump's office.

>> No.18298883

>if you say so
It's the SEC Commissioner who said so, can you read? And BSV is already set in stone.

>> No.18299149
File: 104 KB, 800x533, 1569647564999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"[marxist theory] is grounded in the real world"
he says this, despite the fact that marxism is easily demonstrated to be a replacement for rational thought rooted in logic, thus a replacement for objective real-world observations
the absolute state of the collectivist closet commies on the """""right""""", freely acknowledging the failures of communism and then proclaiming that this very same system of forced associations and coercion is superior to the libertarian system of free social and economic disassociation (which, if you're an ethnic/race nationalist of any kind, would enable you free association with your people and free disassociation from other people in an entirely non-violent manner—all completely justifiable in its benevolence (you are not initiating any more "force" against anyone than if you were keeping random people out of your house) with rationality)
i didn't pay spencer any mind before—good to know that all i was missing out on was a typical pro-welfare state pre-commie whose supposed care for whites is put at odds with his favoring of systems that, at their roots, put those with the genetic behavior of non-whites a socioeconomic advantage over whites, at the expense of whites

>> No.18299687


I've been saying this for years, but never quite as eloquently. Well done.

>> No.18299770
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, german_blood_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While Trump is not an ethnonationalist (because ethno-nationalism is logistically, politically and demographically impossible to achieve in the US), he IS going to execute all the pedo kikes once and for all.

You can fucking count on that.

>> No.18299846
File: 1.28 MB, 3713x1941, richard_spencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the worst controlled opposition figure I've seen in a long time. He is literally a part of the leftoid "Resistance" but meanwhile he is LARPing as a leader of the ethnonationalist right, despite his following not being anywhere near organic.

There is a reason why he is always on CNN, and the (((MSM))) props him up as a right wing icon. It's one big discredit + D&C control OP.

He glows brighter than a nuclear power plant.

>> No.18300323

no it was craigs commentary the sec commissioner is quoted can't you fucking parse your own shit?

>> No.18300460

And you can make the conclusion by reading the SEC Commissioner's fucking writing! Are you really that fucking stupid? How is it not clear even when it is written there very clear?

>> No.18300560
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x675, 1568407812844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn—thank you for the redpill, fren.

>> No.18301347

>And you can make the conclusion by reading the SEC Commissioner's fucking writing!
he never mentioned anything about sv he doesn't even know this shitcoin exists.
you are embarrassing yourself here with this reaching.

>> No.18301503

Don't act an idiot

>> No.18302742

dude... i have no words for how retarded you look now. the sec commissioner doesn't even know your shitcoin exists. he doesn't care anyhow. it's just one drop in the sea of shitcoins.