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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18258156 No.18258156 [Reply] [Original]

Well, it appears shit has hit the fan on a globally economic level. So, we need to start planning where to direct out remaining funds. Most people are now unemployed and after July who knows what the hell will happen.

We must prepare for two scenarios:

deflation aka a dollar is now worth $20 and prices have fallen dramatically. Everything is "cheaper". A loaf of bread is 10 cents.

inflation aka the dollar lost its buying power aka a loaf of bread is now $20.

Personally it is probably best to start preparing for both scenarios. 25% gold 25% silver 50% cash is good. What are you fags doing?

>> No.18258250

we're not going to see deflation. there is no way the federal reserve is going to let prices fall.

>> No.18258334

they could crash the economy again
they caused the Great Depression

>> No.18258404
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They debased our currency from all its value. A fiat currency’s natural cycle is to fall to hyperinflation then be replaced by something else. Every fiat currency has failed and that process always looks the same.

>> No.18258415

They used the Great Depression as a tool to expand government power. Now that the government is already HUGE in size and scope, they don't need another Great Depression. Their new plan is to hyper-inflate the dollar to replace it with a new digital dollar.

>> No.18258503

What do you think this was? This was the Central Banks expanding their power over the US economic system. Same thing but on a global level. Every nation with its central bank has had its economy crashed, and wealth as been stolen.

>> No.18258514

Agreed, fiat always falls. But we might see a period of massive deflation here shortly and don't discount the possibility that the psychopaths at the feds will restrict the money supply

>> No.18258567

40% gold 60% silver atm planning on getting more silver if I can even though the wait times are like a month... fuck cash and stonks and bitshits

>> No.18258584
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>tfw already depressed

>> No.18258675

I'm torn between buying more gold or getting a house. Living with parents, but have a down payment mostly saved up. Just really unsure about the timing of getting into the market right now. Seeing how fast things have changed the past month kind of makes me want to wait and see where we're at in 4-5 months.

>> No.18258718

Leave it to /biz/ for the brainlet takes. We absolutely can see deflation. We've already been seeing it. Lenders arent lending no matter how much the fed wants them too, consumer spending is dying, treasury yields are plummeting, over 80 countries are begging the IMF for dollars, unemployment skyrocketing, trade is cratering, coronavirus is uncontainable. These are all either hugely deflationary or signs of deflation.

>> No.18258724

For the love of God, wait you dumbass. You'll be able to buy the same house for 60% of its current price by the end of the year.

>> No.18258795

1. whenever there are cheap fruits, i buy and can a lot of it.
2. have a huge stack of gold
3. gf has a very safe job
4. stacking sats

>> No.18259119

I've been autistically following Apmex today and noticed they had some Gold 1 oz Kruggerands and Philharmonics available. They were about 50 dollars cheaper price than Buffalos and Eagles. Does anyone know why this is? It would seem to me these gold coins from countries outside of america would cost more since you can't really get your hands on them.

Most big websites have such a large inventory of buffalos and eagles that they still sell.

>> No.18259131

>more silver if I can even though the wait times are like a month
just get a kilo or two of silver shot and smelt it into a giant two handed battle axe and sell that shit on ebay

>> No.18259141

less demand. other countries suck USA's cock and defy their own bullion for being worth less than USA's

>> No.18259150

gut's sword. 600 pounds of pure silver. It should be able to slay a vampire god army

>> No.18259157

dude. for the love of god. buy the gold and silver NOW. property values are gonna be at least 30% down in 12 months. you have any idea how many people about to lose their homes?
if you REALLY need property soon, you should find a panicking normie who thinks the world is gonna end and buy their house for pennies on the dollar in cash.

>> No.18259162
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>> No.18259169
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>gut's sword. 600 pounds of pure silver. It should be able to slay a vampire god army

>> No.18259171

>deflation aka a dollar is now worth $20 and prices have fallen dramatically. Everything is "cheaper". A loaf of bread is 10 cents.
This is basically boomer cope.

>> No.18259192

>Most people are now unemployed
Unless something has changed since I last checked today, no they're not.

>> No.18259227

I just don't see how deflation is going to happen. The money printer went brrr brrr for days. Them dudes needed to buy all the toner at Staples. They even bought Staples.

>> No.18259272

>About 10 million people are unemployed, and the systems are backed up.
~1/33 of the population unemployed is still a lot. The impact will be massive.

>> No.18259333

20 million next week

>> No.18259355

We can predict if deflation will happen by watching the futures markets for commodities like pork bellies and wheat and milk???
If the futures price of food commodities continues to rise, then I don't see how deflation is possible? Can anyone help? I never finished the tutorial for Quicken.

>> No.18259379
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Just Buy Kleros

>> No.18259441

>everything bubble is going to pop for sure within the year, possibly within the fucking week
>"I should buy a house"

>> No.18259444

There's a big chance we will see stagflation. Unemployment rising and also prices since fed is printing. We will probably see the money lose all its value since fed will do whatever it takes to force the economy up. We already went deflationary in 1930 and that didn't end well. They certainly won't choose this path again.

>> No.18259464

Meat will go up, so will farms where cattle is treated extensively. The value of money will go down

>> No.18259562

Anyone with half a brain would be investing in the sock market right now. It's never been a better time to buy socks. Soon people are going to be out on the street with dirty feet and no clean socks and the sock heavy investor will be living like a king.

>> No.18259604

simply send gibs to every adult to offset the corporate gibs

>> No.18259627
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>> No.18259681

Its 1 out of every 18 people once in the labor force

>> No.18259687

the system can't handle all those requests so fast, more like 16million next week then 20 million the week after.

>> No.18260065

Wait for the mass foreclosures. There are people right now who are borderline bankrupt but are financing a dozen houses to rent them all on Airbnb. That revenue is now gone because nobody is travelling. They are gonna miss their payments and presumably start shrieking about how capitalism has failed and Bernie Sanders is our only hope.

>> No.18260099
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>The stated reason for the order was that hard times had caused "hoarding" of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse.[2][3]
>Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 (equivalent to $408 in 2019)[5] per troy ounce. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $198,000 in 2019)[5] or up to ten years in prison, or both.


>> No.18260243

How many people followed the order? I would just bury my gold in my backyard

>> No.18260273
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enjoy going to prison for hoarding you jew

>> No.18260296


>> No.18260344
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ba da ba ba ba

I'm lovin it

>> No.18260405

or start a hot war with ome jungle mexicans in venezuela


>> No.18260502

Most of our dollars are already digital. I don't even know what they're proposing.

>> No.18260510

Can you turn gold coins into jewelry to be exempt from confiscation? like drill a hole in it and turn it into a necklace pendant.

>> No.18260521

Zoomie stacklet here. My current stack is:
>15oz of silver 2020 Royal Arms
>8oz of silver Geiger Edelmetalle
>3g of Gold in 2 coins and a bar

What should I buy more of next? I’m torn between more gold or silver.

>> No.18260549




>> No.18260707

kek at the Elliot
PNK is so fucking based

>> No.18260713

If what youre saying is true society will collapse into anarchy so it wont really matter

>> No.18260757

True. There are unironically people on 4channel that believe their rocks will save them from banks that own most of the supply and papertrading lmao. Armageddon happening bro, lets lug around some rocks

>> No.18260832

House prices probably will fall, but remember, a home is as much a survival asset as it is a financial asset.
I’m under contract on a house now (went under contract around a month ago), because it’s the right house, I’m at a point where I can afford it and it’s acreage size affords me the ability to survive should everything go to shit. I know full well I won’t have bought at the bottom, but when I actually have a place to live and don’t get jewed into paying hyperfinlated rent, I’m not going to care.

>> No.18260999


>> No.18261128


>> No.18261191

checked and correct

Please drink another verification can

Come and take it

I unironically believe trump and the golden dawn bois can pull off the gold standard swap with minimal interruption and maximum (((pain)))

Sad. Many such cases. We will need them to work on the infrastructure new deal instead of wagecucking at macys and starcucks. All part of the plan. Will build some character hopefully.

404 fiat currency backing not found

>> No.18261214

What if they did that again but with crypto?

>> No.18261334

>They used the Great Depression as a tool to expand government power.

Tell me about it, I want machine guns back :(

>> No.18261363

>fuck cash and stonks and bitshits

Everyone should have a little cash on hand and try to use it for as long as possible. It is better to make transactions with worthless hyper inflated paper for as long as possible than it is to part with precious silver or gold. Make that stupid paper go as far as it can and hold the metal in reserve.

>> No.18261660

Or, we could start a hot war to distract from the financial meltdown and reduce some of the growing global surplus of labor. A global reduction of labor in proportion to the currency destruction through debt write-offs can stabilize the global economy.
Two birds with one stone, no?

>> No.18261735

What gold? Lost it all in a boating accident.

>> No.18261748
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>> No.18261764

Have a 12-gauge along with a few slugs or buckshot. Everyone should have a definitive exit plan at this point.

>> No.18262003

I have no debt, own a house outright, receive steady disability benefits, and have £60,000 in cash under the bed. How fucked am I?

>> No.18262051

And how would you describe market right now? This is deflation.

>> No.18262084

so you can buy face value gold and silver coins which are exempt from seizures but there is a high premium over spot on them.
Spot premiums + sales tax absolutely gouge you.

>> No.18262100

>and have £60,000 in cash under the bed
You're pretty fucked because you don't have a gun.
Don't hide cash under your bed moron that's an obvious spot that is easily robbed.

>> No.18262116


Banks will offload houses below market value to get them off their books as quick as possible, just like in 08.

>> No.18262155

This. Hide it underneath the floor board.

>> No.18262164
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>£60,000 in cash under the bed

>> No.18262183

best hiding spots are time consuming spots to check.
don't hide shit in drawers under clothes or your freezer. they just dump everything into the floor to check for shit.

>> No.18262185

Daily reminder that when ever a government 'invents' money *ahem ahem 2Tr* an inflation follows. The bonds deception is just sweet talk and we're actually going to have to deal with eggs consequences. Prove me wrong.

>protip: you can't

>> No.18262328

Which coins? Are you talking about gold and silver eagles?

>> No.18262351

>a dollar is now worth $20 and prices have fallen dramatically. Everything is "cheaper".

>> No.18262367

>Every fiat currency has failed
I hate fiat but this is a retarded take, fiat currencies are still in use and there is no measurement of success.

>> No.18262397
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99% silver
1% nickels

>> No.18262420

why do you guys expect a deflation?
for that we would need loads of goods that noone wants/can buy. but with a global economy put into a halt, this will be short-lived at best.
so i doubt we will see a stretched period of effective deflation. or am i missing something?

>> No.18262438

Historicaly they are doomed. No fiat ever survived. Gold from acient world is still worth it's weight.

>> No.18262446

Are you planning to buy new ski-boots anytime soon?

>> No.18262460

any coin with a currency face value is exempt from seizures. If it happens to be made out of pure gold/silver, then it still doesn't matter. Yes it would include gold and silver eagles, as well as any other currency from any other country. krugerrand's don't count because they have no face value.

>> No.18262505

They have always failed to preserve wealth. At some point the government over-prints them and they become worthless, or near worthless, and are replaced.
Fiat currency is essentially a credit card the government has on the future productivity of its citizens; eventually some people will come along to swipe the fuck out of it for immediate "gains". It's creation is inherently irresponsible, and I believe that is why the Constitution specifically said only gold and silver should be used for payment.

>> No.18262535

got it.
unnecessary goods...

>> No.18262544

I've got guaranteed job security and over £7.5k in savings accounts now earning pointless interest. Leaving myself some cash for emergencies, what can I put £5k in to store for medium/long term? I've been considering opening a Stocks and Shares ISA to buy the dip as I have time to wait until recovery.

>> No.18263067
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>> No.18263431

>cash under the bed
Might as well put in inside a sack with a $ sign on the front

>> No.18263537
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>gold dealer hasn't got back to me all week

>> No.18263636

It's not deflation. It's called "people don't consoom due to the lockdown". Once the lockdowns are lifter it will spiral into hyperinflation in a single week.

>> No.18263648

What app is that?

>> No.18263893

If your a faggot and believe what is happening is deflation
do not buy gold you don’t fucking deserve it

>> No.18263900
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