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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18251270 No.18251270 [Reply] [Original]



There are no brakes on this train.


>> No.18251292

It finally went platinum

>> No.18251297

Priced in

>> No.18251360

cases are irrelevant at this point, as only gravely ill people are tested, most people that have the coronavirus is not part of these "cases".
only the number of deaths matter.

>> No.18251414

>51k dead
>almost 20% death rate

>> No.18251434
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>> No.18251441

10M jobless applications in 2 weeks.
Guess who got a new job from those?

>> No.18251450
File: 73 KB, 751x1585, daily cases corona plateau April 1 covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no brakes
um anon

>> No.18251475
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>> No.18251480

Daily new 'tested' cases.

>> No.18251505

that's inertia, not brakes boiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.18251511

>what is the first wave

>> No.18251512

They actually just stopped testing, because all the hospitals are at the full capacity.
See you in 10 days, when USA has reached 50k dead. Then in 1 month, when worldwide dead count has passed 1 million.

>> No.18251519

yeah, only if the quarantine is extended...

>> No.18251544

Wow, by fucking up the economy, we barely managed to get it linear instead of exponential.

>> No.18251553
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holy fucking cope

>> No.18251573

>They actually just stopped testing
Testing is higher than ever.

>> No.18251582

That's crazy considering there's only 7 million people who live on this planet.

>> No.18251631

How many cases of the flu are there every year? 50M? 100M?

>> No.18251633
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Let me post this again.
This shit caused Hospitals to overflow for a few million cases.
They're no end to this train.

>> No.18251650

idiot, it's almost 7.8 million

>> No.18251666

>hospitals are at capacity
No they aren't. I'm fucking an ER nurse right now.

>> No.18251684
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>> No.18251721

uh, all of them are rising again
as in 'number go up'

>> No.18251730

>duuuude we can totally slow down this virus if we literally force everyone to stay at home and kill our economies
Well I guess that's 1 problem solved then, we just remain at home forever now and it will still grow, but not as fast. Sorted

>> No.18251773
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>> No.18251774

leave brave hero her/him alone Satan
you got enough laying dying in the streets already to be claiming

>> No.18251786
File: 121 KB, 1600x900, 106451928-1584626557121flatteningthecurve740px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're seeing is flattened curves.
Without lockdown the peak would've simply come sooner.

>> No.18251798

>tfw corona-chan reached 1 million before btc did.

>> No.18251840

Can we see your male nurse feet?
No girls allowed

>> No.18251886

Yes, so? Flattening the curve is not a solution, it just delays the inevitable death of at least 1% of the human race. We've done nothing to actually beat this

>> No.18251943

Tons of people out there have corona and only develop mild to no symptoms.
These people now have immunity, which builds walls against its spread.

>> No.18251980

I think the $0y panic fags have a bit of a point, when they talk about slowing the spread to the point where icu's are kept under capacity.
Why they chose SHUTITDOWN vs recommending boomers stay inside their retirement mansions through July, so the rest of us could just get the cough and still pay our bills, I'll never understand.

>> No.18251992

>the curve starts flattening
>It's been four weeks since the start of the quarantine
>Instead, the economy is on a ventilator

bravo nolan

>> No.18252219


Where I live for instance, more than 90% of deaths are over 65, and 40% are over 80.
Should've kept the elderly strictly quarantined, and let everyone else be.

>> No.18252245

Because boomers run the world zoom zoom. They won't take the chance of them dying. Let zoomers deal with the consequences later, as usual.

>> No.18252296

I'm a late x'er. My employees are mostly late millennials/ early zoomers though. At least I think, I don't where they make cutoffs anymore.

>> No.18252370

Do you really think there will be 80m deaths? This shit has been going on for like a month now and it's only 50k deaths atm.

>> No.18252397

So that's like a fuckton recovered and like 5k New Yorkers dead? Incredibly bullish.

>> No.18252512

>implying there are countries in the world other than the USA
US is Rome and Rome is Civilization, and the US is still accelerating

>> No.18252542

Number of confirmed cases is irrelevant, no one has that many test kits. Just look at number of deaths to see the real growth

>> No.18252559

Testing is higher than ever.

>> No.18252615

Boomers are too stupid and selfish to abide restrictions that aren't forced on everyone

>> No.18253127

> idiots can’t into exponentials
Sure, we’re 7 million people now, but in 6 days we’ll be 14 million.

>> No.18253182
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>> No.18253230

replaced the word common cold with corona wew lads

>> No.18253237

>it just delays the inevitable death of at least 1% of the human race
and why do i care about the 1% again?

>> No.18253276


"Official" counts will slow eventually as countries lose the capability to test. Also 3rd world countries aren't going to be able to test the way Europe/Asia/America has when it really starts ticking up there.

>> No.18253304

> not overflowing
Really? How many free ICUs in your hospital? Are you in the US?

>> No.18253583

> Flattening the curve is not a solution, it just delays the inevitable death of at least 1% of the human race
It is a solution for anyone who would survive with a ventilator but couldn’t get one unless we flatten the curve. That is, death of 1% of us is a given, flattening the curve is about avoiding the evitable 5% in a hospital collapse.

>> No.18253722

Hospitals are already full worldwide. Imagine if the deaths were actually in millions. That would be some Metro 2033 shit.

>> No.18253742

> only old people die
Yes, as long as there are ventilators for everyone.
Next step is triage, where old people won’t get ventilators so the young may survive. <— you are here
Next step is harder triage where only the fittest young will get ventilators, this is when it will no longer be true that only old people die.
Next step is hospital system collapse. This is when people start dying in droves from normally treatable conditions and accidents. At this point people will remember who were big ”just a flu” proponents in their circles and start holding them responsible for everything, right or wrong. Who needs the people who fucked us all taking up hospital space? Better to act pre-emptively there. Yes, this is what will happen, so whatever you troll on an anonymous forum, be fucking careful about how you downplay corona irl, you might come to regret it very hard.
NB I’m right wing, I’m not a commie tranny who hates Trump trying to sow panic. I want the right wing to survive this, and the current narrative has a trajectory into oblivion.

>> No.18253880
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>20% Death rate.

>> No.18253921

>when in reality all it means is 1m tests (as countries try and test as slowly as possible)

>> No.18254246

Ecuador is already on last level. people falling over on the streets, corpses being left where they fall. Vultures!! circling around the cities. Yes, a LATAM shithole, but just a glimmer of what is to come honestly anywhere. Build a fucking garden, this will last months and food delivery to supermarkets wont go on for ever. Preppers that have muh seeds....This is the time when you need to plant them.

>> No.18255330

Good points. Don't be stupid, stay at home and start a garden.