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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 1427x734, firefox_2017-02-25_18-31-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1818780 No.1818780 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1818818
File: 212 KB, 780x439, sirens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They heard 311 on the scanners and the sirens started screaming.


>> No.1818881
File: 15 KB, 540x332, 1465865020055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc dips after breaking the literal All Time High
>le great crash

You're so desperate for vindication it's almost painful to read these threads.

>> No.1818884

its just people wanting to make cash and getting out. all the bagholders will remain bagholders and more people will continie to buy bitcoins while the offers will continue to shrink because mining gets harder by the second.
etf will be approved in march, bitcache will commence by kim dot com and the bitcoin will reach 2xxx dollar per coin by the end of the year, if not earlier.

there will always be a bunch of people looking for the quick cash which will fuck with the demand/supply ratio

in the end, bitcoin will go up. see the signs: brexit, lepen, trump

hard cash will die just like television

>> No.1818889

Probably just an anxious hodler looking for hodl validation. Don't worry op it will go back up

>> No.1818898
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>etf will be approved in march

>> No.1818971

it's too early to gloat anon. wait till it crashes back under 500!

>> No.1819208

Be ready for the singularity

>> No.1819323
File: 188 KB, 623x835, lepeneuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Globalist kikes in the EU think they can fuck with European countries who want to get out of the EU because they own their currency. There will be a mad dash for a new currency in the future when countries who use the euro vote to leave the EU. I predict this will cause a massive surge in Bitcoin even if it's just through grassroots nationalists movements

>> No.1819330



>> No.1819336

t. Merkel

>> No.1819338

interesting the french hate on euro they are one of the beneficiaries of the system. sure germany gets a bigger slice of the pie.

>> No.1819348

There is no price on stopping your country from turning into an Islamic caliphate

>> No.1819359


>"crashing" to $1150 USD/coin

Oh shit, it's back where it was last week

Better commit suicide now.

>> No.1819367

don't give (you)s to the retard that tries to slip /pol/ shit in a board about finance.

>> No.1819370

that has nothing to do with the euro. wtf?

>> No.1819405

Yes it does. It's reason why the French will stop using the Euro even if they know it will damage them financially

>> No.1819406

dude not becoming a caliphate has nothing to do with your choice of currency. that's fucking silly. also france has more negroes already than the rest of europe together.

>> No.1819411

>not becoming a caliphate has nothing to do with your choice of currency.
It does when the entity that controls your immigration policy and borders also controls your currency

>> No.1819419

france is part of eu and one of the big 4 at that. it is you who set these policies. you can not fault anyone else for them.

>> No.1819427

It's the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels who set the policies. It doesn't matter anyway. France and the Netherlands will be the next 2 countries who leave the EU and they both use the Euro as currency. Brexit showed that the EU have disdain for democracy so they will fight back. They will use the euro as a political weapon and this could possibly result in the people using a new currency. Given that currencies don't grow on trees, one of the likely outcomes if this situation was to transpire would be switching to bitcoins as currency. This could happen at a governing level or even at a grass roots level. Whether or not it is successful, there would still be a period where bitcoin skyrockets

>> No.1819488
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intradasting theory

>> No.1819542
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yes, and gold too for the same reason.

>> No.1819545
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the nocoiner butthurt and bitterness is embarrassing

>> No.1819548

I want this shit to crash so im no longer a nocoiner

>> No.1819579
File: 5 KB, 246x250, 1487927177360s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cost average in. Starting today.

It *might* go back down to 700-800, but I doubt it. 1000 is probably the new floor now.

>> No.1819589

it would need to be a mix of gold/silver some bitcoin and other things maybe even some worthless fiat.
bitcoin can't handle an entire nation's currency, especially without ln and segwit.
I hope they consider it though, that would be awesome.

>> No.1819591

Start thinking long term. Just throw a grand at it and maybe in 5 years you will be a millionaire

>> No.1819596
File: 73 KB, 129x150, 1486552335414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plz buy my crashing shitcoins plz ;_;

>> No.1819679
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>> No.1819682

this is a terrible way to consider investing.. but by all means, be a moron. no plan no principal.. just throw a grand at it..

might stick

>> No.1820226

Terrible way to invest, except in the bitcoin bull market. You have to be literally inept to lose money in this market and call all the wrong shorts. The risk/reward alone makes throwing a grand at it an actual smart move at this point.

>> No.1820255

>hard cash will die just like television


you're gonna beat the reserve banks of the world

where everyone else failed, cryptocurrency will win

>> No.1820261


>> No.1820272

Both extremes, coiners as well as nocoiners are stupid as fuck.. and 90% on this board belong to this group.

>> No.1820355

Just like it was finished when it went down to the 800s right?

>> No.1821312

fuck off to plebbit retart

>> No.1821330

>see the signs: brexit, lepen, trump

>Globalist kikes

Why is every board pol tier level of shilling?
What's Trump, le pen, Brexit have to do with meme coin crashing?

I just want to buy the dip not hear your conspiracy crap fuck off

>> No.1821346

im gonna max out my 2500 bank limit on coinbase. is it bitcoin or ethereum?

>> No.1821349
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>> No.1821416

Half and half of course

>> No.1821449

The future looks bleak with people like you spreading paranoid bullshit everywhere and picking more idiots as you go.

I don't understand why you are not getting banned, this new mods suck fucking cock, they used to keep you all in your continent board and now they let you all ruined ever board and every thread with conspiracy crap that is not even remotely part of the beard, there are people on fucking TV discussing the Holocaust right now what the fuck

>> No.1821452

Lets say the quote is untrue

Whoever controls the money supply does control the country, do you agree?

>> No.1821462

Bitcoin is kinda of tricky desu senpai.

Its finance with a fuck ton of geopolitical undertones. Kind of hard to separate the two big picture.

>> No.1821469

>especially without ln and segwit
Fucking this...

I love BTC, but these transaction times are getting unbearable. Until this is sorted out, we'll never see it go mainstream. I mean there is already a decent learning curve, especially for tech illiterates. So if the service is inconvenient as well, then it'll never catch on.

>> No.1821472

Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that.

>> No.1821475

I hope it keeps going down so I can get in,I've seen my sins and now I want to repent.
I'm sorry I didn't get in 5 years a go, or a year a go, but now I see the light.

>> No.1821476

All currencies are geopolitical..

>> No.1821626

Discussing the what?

>> No.1822302
File: 67 KB, 400x600, Soros beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not a theory bro, the proof is there, you only have to open your eyes. . .


I think the only time it might go down big is when it forks.

>> No.1822319

Hahaha. Fucking shitcoiners

>> No.1822323

"Gooher Evrett?"

>> No.1822342

When's the next dip scheduled for?

>> No.1822450
File: 11 KB, 573x391, internet69.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be patient mein nigger


>> No.1822462

You are a fucking idiot. They are going to get rid of physical cash, this is not illuminati tier shit, this is simply an agenda that is already being developed.

Of course, Trumptards, LePentards and all those aspies will use this shit to pump their meme leaders thinking they will magically accept bitcoin.

Bitcoin is above all those idiots and above all nations, bitcoin is a neutral tool and it isn't waiting for the approval or dissapproval of leaders. Also you are delusional if you think any government is going to make their citizens free by using an open source currency and not a totally controlled currency.

>> No.1822484
File: 50 KB, 634x410, 1485791910022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conspiracy crap
>conspiracy crap

The siren-song of the ignorant

>> No.1822488
File: 125 KB, 1803x922, 2017-02-27 19_28_10-1194.4 Bitfinex BTC_USD - BitcoinWisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1822733

in 50 yrs ya

>> No.1822864

fucking sold of my bitcoin at 1060 -.- ... ffs fucking dip already so i can buy in again

>> No.1822871

Time to get out of obsolete bitcoin and in to ethereum which is the future.

>> No.1822881

>he thinks lepen stands a chance in winning the presidential election

not like it's gonna impact BTC, but cmon lad don't just respout the BS you read on the_donald

>> No.1824126

this is the same for every currency.