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18178357 No.18178357 [Reply] [Original]

Frog medfag who just finished his rotation in ER this weekend here, saw few dozens of Covid patients over the last 6 weeks.
Ask questions if you want.

>> No.18178367

Is the long term reduced lung function thing in recovered patients true?

>> No.18178396

Any cute roasties sick with the chinese virus?

>> No.18178419
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Does lifting and exercising help strengthen immune system, if yes, why wont the government let me go the gym?

>> No.18178435

How bad is it overall? And were any of the patients you examined seriously ill?

>> No.18178455

I only saw the patients really when they enter but I heard about people in intensive care developing fibrosis and chronic respiratory failure.
Only the worst case however and you can develop one with pretty much any severe pulmonary infection, it's not specific to the virus.

>> No.18178465
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so you literally know fuck all and want us to ask questions because you're an attention whore?

>> No.18178482

Sounds not that horrible then.

>> No.18178488

Nobody knows anything about this virus. Not really. It popped up 3 months ago.

>> No.18178490

>Because old folks like to go to the gym as well and the gym is probably the most infectious place after a hospital

>> No.18178501

Because germs. Do free weights at home and/or run around your block if it’s empty.

>> No.18178502

the chinese have been experimenting with sars and covid since 2017 read the articles. They literally managed to infect mice, and human cells with it before. They know a lot about it.

>> No.18178563

3 years of study for a disease isn’t that long. We’ve been studying AIDS for decades and still don’t have a cure.
Shit, at 3 years I don’t even think you die from AIDS. I wonder what happens after 10 years of COVID. We know the death rate, but I wonder how many people will ever recover. This shit might be permanent for some people.

>> No.18178605
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Being fit and healthy seems to be a major protective factor, I didn't see anyone "normal" being moved into ICU or even put under oxygen, there was just one guy with an unusually high fever and anosmia but his SpO2 was fine so he was just monitored for few days.
I know they had few severe cases in Paris of young healthy people but it seems the exception.

There were two profiles of patients:
- young (30-50)
- old (above 70)

The young were all unhealthy people, they are riddled with comorbidities, they all suffered from either diabetes, obesity, COPD, etc... Mostly walking metabolic syndromes.
The old are really just your average old people.

>> No.18178637

Corona is over. I was a the park yesterday and it was packed. People everywhere and I saw 0 corona. We need to arrest panic mongering journalists for crimes against America for trying to harm the economy. Their hate of Trump is astounding.
Op is a lying shill and the Chinese virus doesn't exist
Fuck you, share blue.

>> No.18178699

The service was super calm by the end because the hypochondriacs are afraid to come to the hospital for once.
The majority of patients still are Covid though.

But the peak is expected this week or the one after so probably the calm before the storm.

ICUs are already very crowded however and at my hospital there were infighting between the anesthesiologists in surgery (who have fuck all to do since all surgeries are cancelled) and the ones in intensive care units.

>> No.18178772

it was genetically engineer fren

>> No.18178852
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People talk in the hospital so I know a bit, I brought patients to the ICU multiple time.

Kek, didn't hear this one in a long time.

>> No.18178861


It's a meme, right? There is no such thing... calories in < calories out and stop stuffing face like a fat fuck.

Am I correct doc?

>> No.18178921

Doing a bit of time traveling again, doc?

>> No.18179014

It's not an hereditary or genetic condition if it's your question, it's acquired by having a very poor lifestyle. In fact it's not really a disease, more like a collection of criterias which make you much more likely to develop diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Patients with it are much weaker against coronachan because their bodies were already compensating a nascent pathology before being infected.
When your body fights an infection it goes in overdrive (that's why you temperature and heart rate rise, you sweat a lot, etc...) and if just one system fails then it triggers a catastrophic cascade.

With diabetes for example you have too much sugar circulating in the blood which weakens immune cells, the virus and other opportunistic pathogens are free to snowball and fuck you up.

>> No.18179037

Hopefully you guys will pull through without tens of thousands of casualties like Italy and Spain. Im eastern euro and its been relatively calm here, 350 total cases with 5 dead and steady 15-20 new cases a day.

>> No.18179050

> I didn't see anyone "normal"
Why, is there anyone "normal" in the us?

>> No.18179057

Why do doctors wear white coats and often fail to recognize the limitations in their understanding of the human body? Why are they so quick to medicate with chemicals they know little about?

>> No.18179087
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Didn't even notice kek, I'm already in April in my mind.
Played Deus Ex and Warband all night with frens so tad tired.

>> No.18179215

>Why do doctors wear white coats and often fail to recognize the limitations in their understanding of the human body?
Clinicians are aware they only have a high level understanding of how things work. Some big brain researchers spend their lives studying a gene or few proteins in order to have a better understanding of our physiology.

>Why are they so quick to medicate with chemicals they know little about?
I guess because it's that or nothing? Doctors these days prescribe following statistical models.
You're free to visit a naturopath to give you random chinese plants and pray to treat your congestive heart failure though.

Hope it goes well for you too easternfren, I have some old relative who are already sick and one of them likely wont make it, don't make the same mistake as me and call them now they are still fine if you can. Avoid to visit though.

>> No.18179238

Is there a particular set of symptoms you are seeing more often than others? Seems like symptoms are "basically all possible symptoms"

>> No.18179321

Are the jews to blame

>> No.18179346
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What do you like to say to the poltards that still think this is just the flu ? If I was the USA I would start freeing up the ice rinks to store the dead bodies, USA is dun goofed. They could have easily see it coming lol, italy was a hot mess 2 weeks ago and northern italys healthcare system is top notch compared to USA....

>> No.18179527

To be honest if you are a healthy person with no comorbidities under 50 (aka not a fatty or someone with chronic conditions) it's really a bad flu, not some nightmarish stuff like AIDS in the 80s or Ebola which were a death sentence no matter who you were, so the average anon should not be too scared for himself but more for his parents and grandparents.

> italy was a hot mess 2 weeks ago and northern italys healthcare system is top notch compared to USA....
America is so big with so many different populations so I don't know.
I know they have a lot more ICU beds than Italy (something like *3) but 3 times the obesity rate so we will see.
We will have the results of the study on hydroxychloroquine before EOW here and I read Trump already allowed prescription in hospitals, if the results are good and he lets GP prescribe it to suspicious patients maybe they will handle it better. Not so positive about americans respecting a lockdown though.

>> No.18179564

what causes a recovered person to be positive again?

>> No.18179984

Even after the symptoms dwindle the virus is still present in your body for some time.

PCR (which pretty much tries to detect the RNA of the virus in a sample) has low sensitivity (around 60-70%), meaning a lot of false negative meaning you can have the virus in your body and not test positive (In fact CT scans outperform these tests).

You can do the tests multiple times to have a higher sensitivity but it's not bulletproof, the girl who died in Paris tested negative twice for example:

"Recovered" really just means discharged from the hospital, meaning you are judged clear from severe symptoms and maybe test negative (criteria depends between countries, in some cases it's useless to make a test again).

Now we're in a situation where both tests and beds are limited compared to the demand so they can't multiply PCR on a patient nor keep people in observation for too long. A patient could test positive a week after having tested negative simply because of the statistical margin of error.

Some people say instead that it could be biphasic like anthrax or that it's a second strain or that it remains for life in the body like herpes or zona but these aren't coronavirus, not even RNA virus.
If it was biphasic I think we would probably know by now, when it comes to know if the virus is latent or not only time will tell.

>> No.18180044

is there a treatment protocol?
do u follow what they did in china, s. korea?
anything seem promising? chloroquine, antivirals, etc.
how long do u think before there is an accepted treatment?

>> No.18180084

>To be honest if you are a healthy person with no comorbidities under 50 (aka not a fatty or someone with chronic conditions) it's really a bad flu,
Headshot. Thank you!

>> No.18180100

Fucking cope. Lack of universal healthcare just fucked your country in the asshole.

>> No.18180115

Based USA. The faster the virus spreads the faster the bullshit lockdown ends.

>> No.18180127

>says the european barista to the fucking American doctor
Just leave.

>> No.18180211
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How long till things get normal again

>> No.18180246

>is there a treatment protocol?
Right now people are just put under oxygen, the severe cases are intubated. Last week they were beginning to prescribe plaquenil/nivaquine and some antivirals before that on patients in critical conditions.
But overall doctors try to maintain people alive and hope the immune system of patients defeat the infection.

>do u follow what they did in china, s. korea?
In most cases you are legally forced to follow best practices published by national health agencies but yes obviously everyone looked at what they tried.
South Korea was much more prepared and equipped to deal with this pandemic than France though with general testing, a lot of masks for the public and crazy high tech monitoring of cases.
We don't have any of that here.

>how long do u think before there is an accepted treatment?
Hopefully chloroquine will work to reduce the viral charge, otherwise there is a clinical study in place with remdesivir and lopinavir/ritonavir which are respectively antivirals used against Ebola and HIV
After that it's up to labs, I don't know much more.

>> No.18180587
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I'm french anon.
But anyway I think once you rely on hospitals to manage the pandemic it's too late, you already lost. It's civil preemptive measures that make the difference as Korea shows.

It's the same reason the USA ranks so bad on diverse health related scales compared to Korea or Japan, they have a 35% obesity rate while Korea and Japan has 6%.
Pic related is just for obesity, not overweight.
Imagine how much billions of $ in GDP would be saved if americans were thin.

>> No.18180724

>start freeing up the ice rinks
Already done, haven't had to use it yet though.

>> No.18180850

Merci anon, finally somebody talking sense in this ocean of poop and moon boys.

What is the ICU capacity currently in France ? In the Netherlands we are now approaching 90% capacity, we are expanding fast (to 2500 intensive care places for the whole of Netherlands, roughly 18 million people) but in the next 2 days we will see if we reach our limit or not.

>> No.18180854

whats your (personal) opinion, let people roam free and let it spread (Sweden/US) or lockdown and try to stagger the cases?

>> No.18180944

I think the general consesus is that letting people room free is suicide for the healthcare system. However some countries like the Netherlands have very strict guidelines but still allow people to roam free... we call it a smart lockdown. It all depends on if the general population can cope with these responsible or not. Here in the Netherlands people are generally following the rules and stay indoors, but it is nice to know you can still go outside without police giving you a ticket. Also construction work is still going on for example.

>> No.18181093

There are 5000 beds normally and they pushed it to 10k for now, they target 14k beds for the peak.
They are already talking about moving people to Germany though, especially in Alsace but it could happen with the Paris region too since they are close to saturation and the lockdown isn't respected in some ghettos apparently (and the police is too scared to force them in), I wonder if you guys have the same issues.
Currently they are transporting patients away from the east to hospitals in the west and south west.

>but in the next 2 days we will see if we reach our limit or not.
Yeah the peak is expected this week here, you guys seem on the same trajectory as us.

>> No.18181104

did u see naked pussy?

>> No.18181125

>The service was super calm by the end because the hypochondriacs are afraid to come to the hospital for once.

My doctor friends have all been laughing about this too

>> No.18181328

IL ya une poisson dans votre pantalons.

Also is Alizee still hot?

>> No.18181439

Swedish leaders seem to me like a bunch of fools who are repeating the same errors as countries affected earlier and I expect them to get fucked.

Americans are culturally an unruly bunch and all about the self ownership stuff so even if Trump put a lockdown I'm not sure it would be respected desu.

>> No.18181484

>Also is Alizee still hot?
Alizée is a tatted roastie and slowly hitting the wall anon.

>> No.18181549

my left testicle is oblong shaped and hangs lower than my right testicle. is that bad.

>> No.18181624

What is your opinion on Germany? They have around 30k ICUs and wanted to double them. It’s again crazy how organized they are...

>> No.18182055
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>> No.18182412

Germans probably make half of the medical devices used at the hospital here (Siemens notably), not really surprised they can pump equipment like that. The rest is generally american.