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18160019 No.18160019 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18160049

stop being around whites

>> No.18160058
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1576630489037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so this is the mighty euro health system

>> No.18160065

Why do burgers think Europe is a country? Don't answer that.

>> No.18160080



>> No.18160434

Those ain't white those are either Italians or Spaniards.
In other words the rats of Europe, they don't wash their hands after a toilet visit or when cooking.
Poor lazy beggars now wanting money from the Aryan white pure bred Northern nations for a hand out because they are to dumb to do money management.

>> No.18160483

Lol, Europe is doing ok. Pic is from Italy, but Italy is going to manage it. Pic related, Italy cases on log scale. Restriction measures are working. Like they are in other European countries that implemented them.

>> No.18160498
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Meanwhile, USA is fucked

>> No.18160506
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>> No.18160520

can't stop, won't stop
we must accelerate

>> No.18160555

>Those ain't white those are either Italians or Spaniards
Thank you, you're such a dear friend.

>> No.18160589

They're just in a lag phase. It'll pick back up

>> No.18160643

>lag phase

Your brains are in a lag phase. Europe detected community spread much earlier than the US and much stricter restriction measures have been implemented throughout Europe and that's all that matters.

Ofc there might be a second wave. But if you think US is doing somewhat better you are wrong.

Fun random fact: The quality and availability of health care in Italy ranks about the same as in the US.

>> No.18160678


I never said anything about the US you imbecile.

Italy is following a typical S shaped growth curve

>> No.18160832

No Anon, pic is from Zagreb, Croatia taken on March 22nd after it got hit by an earthquake. Buildings in the center of the city are in so poor condition that even 5.3 magnitude earthquake fucked them up real good.

>> No.18161005

After 2/3 weeks of quarantine it’s expected to start dropping in 2/3 days (probably the peak is already pasted)
It’s math

>> No.18161028

>Europe is doing ok
Europe Union Maastricht treaty is literally being put into question. I don’t know about you but I’m going to get some savings into USD

>> No.18161060

I bought some BTC as well
Just in case

>> No.18161106

>get some savings into USD

>> No.18161152

>Northern italy

>> No.18161193

the pic is from croatia after the capital was fucked up by an earthquake the other day

>> No.18161200

> Fun random fact: The quality and availability of health care in Italy ranks about the same as in the US.

Dice cazzate!

>> No.18161273

>no one told him that log doesnt converge

>> No.18161308

Italy is piece of shit with shit people and shit money management, why don't you all go suck Berlusconi cock he's your saviour right?

Italian lazy piece of shit beggar.
Sitting on the street every day doing fuck all.
Learn wtf discipline is and Deutsche punktlichheit!
Mama mia pizza free money from rich Northern countries!

Croatia, Spain, Italy all same shithole Mediterranean lazy beggars.

Smart man!
USD, Euro cash, gold, silver, bitcoin and canned food!

>Ein Volk (The Europeans)
>Ein Reich (The European Union)
>Ein Fuhrer (Angela Merkel)

Fuck the EU, Fuck Brussels, Fuck 'em all!

>> No.18161314

>Steps in the data
Someone is trying to hide cases obviously

>> No.18161336


Complexity of biology can't be captured by naive simple math lmao.

Models are naive bullshit, like astrology. You don't even know basic facts - actual contagious factor, variety of incubation periods, percentage of symptoms less carriers.

>> No.18161356

>Italian lazy piece of shit beggar.
>Sitting on the street every day doing fuck all.
>Learn wtf discipline is and Deutsche punktlichheit!
>Mama mia pizza free money from rich Northern countries!
Italy never defaulted and always paid his debt, and never asked money to anyone
Germany debt was canceled twice yet they are living on Greeks worker profiting from bonds speculation
Think twice faggot

>> No.18161368

Yes because Europe HAS to be a country in order to serve health care competently.
Wtf you completely disingenuine waste of time

>> No.18161429
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nothing more cringey than national pride, globalists will reign supreme. incompetence knows no borders, I pay whomever I have to pay the least for a minimally required performance. every job has a price, and minimum wagers cant justify theirs

>> No.18161443

>ignoring that you cannot push price too low otherwise you will have no buyers and you have to re-equilibrate with public spending to keep things running
you really don’t know how capitalism work

>> No.18161447

those are french

>> No.18161451

*labor price/cost

>> No.18161455

free market != (((capitalism)))

>> No.18161456

>germancucks will make everything collapse as usual
fix your deutsche bank problems first, nigger

>> No.18161465

let me guess, a broken window is also good for the economy?

>> No.18161518

> I’m going to get some savings into USD

Rip ur savings


>> No.18161519

What a shitty question, you are really 70IQ or lower
You have demand and offer, and you have labour cost, if labour is too cheap, laborer don’t have enough money and there is no offer.
Good luck selling your shit if your workers cannot survive.
Public debt is just a way to bring balance back in all these countries where la our cost was artificially pushed too down to increase “competitiveness”.
Competitiveness is a meme.

>> No.18161529


The better question is why the EU thinks it's a country while its member states think they are sovereign.

>> No.18161549

They're a business. They have to fix themselves. Surely you're not advocating to bail them out?

>> No.18161551

as opposed to plummeting value of the euro when italy and spain default?

>> No.18161557

Cause EU is a bunch of bureaucrats with tax free salaries while european citizens don’t give a fuck about all these shitty soviet supranational entities and just want to clean streets from niggers and avoid foreign speculation

>> No.18161565

Italy is making more tests compared to last week and the number of new cases is still decreasing.

>> No.18161578

chill lol, my question has two answers: a keynsian and a correct one
I can afford to sell at /10 to those who can pay if labour cost goes down /20. also, my salary would make a bigger proportional difference to a shithole recipient than elsewhere. total human wellbeing goes up. take your retarded commienomics elsewhere du hirnbepisster spd waehler

>> No.18161618

>my question has two answers
no you question has 3 answers, economy needs to find an equilibrium and when labour price is pushed too down you have only 3 ways to balance it:
-high private debt, e.g. France
-high public debt, e.g. Italy
-mercantilism (the parasite way, someone else pay for you, and you keep extracting wealth from foreign countries), e.g. Germany with Greece
I’m clearly a nazional socialist

>> No.18161631

They will make the eurozone collapse, do you know that?

>> No.18161638

Each country has a different health care system

>> No.18161645

its collapsing politically already. the moment individual states think "we can do bad all on our own" is the moment the euro fails

>> No.18161648

EU will NEVER be a country, it was a lame plan from the very beginning.

>> No.18161660

Politically it was already dead, EU is just a cuck cage to allow germany to steal money from the others.
Look at what happened with Greeks

>> No.18161671

>remember greece?
I remember greece.
I also remember Malta.
If you keep euros in the bank at this point and don't plan to get them out this coming week and convert them into something else, I would worry

>> No.18161679

>no you question has 3 answers
you're either autistic or have 0 reading comprehension. the broken window fallacy is an ancient meme in economics, pic related
>I’m clearly a nazional socialist
god damnit, I thought of it but I honestly didn't think an autarkic dunning kruger buster could navigate the internet

>> No.18161685

Eur is not going anywhere right now, but with Deutsche Cuck Bank collapsing it will be good to get out from the banks

>> No.18161688
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ups, forgot pic

>> No.18161709

Hurt durr Keynes vs Hayek people are the worst retarded faggot on this planet and think that world works in a binary way
“I’m right and you are wrong”
Economy is made of infinite variables and Hayek only takes into account numbers.
How about survival instincts? Do Hayek takes care if them? No, it doesn’t takes into account that stupidly rigid economical theories can easily derail due to infinite external factors (e.g. calamities). It doesn’t take into account civil wars, wars, nuclear plant failures, it doesn’t take into account anything.
>muh you should have a “buffer”
How big? Do you have an exact number? No.
Hayek is the most incomplete economical theory ever made. It’s the stupid German way to say stick to the rules and never use your brain or common sense again.

>> No.18161713

>Eur is not going anywhere right now
what would happen to the euro if Italy defaults or just ignores deficit controls and spends as much as it needs to get out of this?
You know it is ironic, that we have had two scenarios play out in the global scene, austerity didn't work and spending like theres no tomorrow didn't work either, but the latter worked better than the former.

>> No.18161719

Problem is: what's money?
Money should not be a collectible asset, you couldn't really accumulate it.

>> No.18161732

ironically, Hayek's entire life's work was precisely to demonstrate that the existence of such factors is precisely why central planning doesn't work
read his classic article "The Use of Knowledge in Society", and you'll understand

>> No.18161742

Idiot, you're way worse off retarded mutt subhuman.

>> No.18161757

Italy is not going to default, this is a dream that some northern cucks cherish to put their filthy hands on italy assets, like they did unduly with Greece.
Let's remember about Germany War debts, it was going to default several times, and they couldn't afford to pay them until 1990, when the other countries (including Italy) decided to amend debts.

>> No.18161770

but with the current situation you have countries actually wondering if they ought to go at it themselves, the eu could break apart. maybe the efta model was better.

>> No.18161819

>Italy is piece of shit with shit people and shit money management
Who does money management right?

>> No.18161834

I disagree. what >>18161732 said
>competetivness is a meme
war is competition with for once a drive that's not primarily monetary. it's actually a valid counterpoint to how a broken window can be overcompensated for, nobody can doubt Hitler's economic miracle

I think you'd like Rene Guenon's "la fin du monde moderne" (no joke). he was a practicing Traditionalist who was an inspiration for Bennon and is after almost a century post publishing still valid in a contemporary context

>> No.18161842

>why central planning doesn't work
then leave everything to the case or private seeking for profit even during a crisis
but don't worry, just compare US and China (both capitalistic systems) at the end of the pandemic
Capitalism is good because of the incentives to do R&D and improve our lives, but muh free market and no state intervention is the way to go full retarded and destroy a country in no time when things start unfolding

>> No.18161850

>Learn wtf discipline
americans could have told you the same thing in 1948 and just let you fall to the russians, maybe you didn't get raped enough times in 45

>> No.18161857

nice LARP, Guido from Newark

>> No.18161869

china publishes false data though. the real argument would be that technological advances could solve the communist "principal-agent problem". but agreeing on that would mean going balls-to-the-wall towards an orwellian skynet future

>> No.18161879


>> No.18161888

also germany publish fake data, it's fucking obvious

>> No.18161894

wrong, history has proven time and again that state intervention invariably makes things worse, as it must by logical necessity
abandoning state intervention has always been the most successful strategy to fix things when SHTF

>> No.18161898

This model is completely flawed, a lot of countries that don't know shit about each other, lead by the same coin modeled on the german mark.

>> No.18161905

>I think you'd like Rene Guenon's "la fin du monde moderne" (no joke). he was a practicing Traditionalist who was an inspiration for Bennon and is after almost a century post publishing still valid in a contemporary context
I need to read this

>> No.18161916

well that would at least explain why every doctor sees it as his calling to fearmonger to the max, while anyone reading the data cant be bothered to take it seriously. if we assume that only a fifth of all cases get confirmed, and that the cause of death is only to 50% causally correlated to the virus, then we'd already be down to the flu's death rate

>> No.18161918

>history has proven
Maybe your special libtard edition history did this

>> No.18161924

EU is fucked, US is heading straight to collapse.

>> No.18161927

yeah sure, let all the 21 years old US kids go out and party and watch their boomer parents starting to fall dead on the ground like leafs
watch US healthcare collapse and insurance company bankrupt without any intervention
keep your shops open and tell people that they should go to work in full Elon Mask style
what could go wrong, right?

>> No.18161928

yes, probably all those victims are caused by stumbling from the stairs, corona was just a coincidence

>> No.18161950
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they're (almost) all senior citizens with pre-existing health conditions. pic related

>> No.18161966

you are ignoring that Covid-19 it's also punching holes in your lungs, even you are 20 years old, so even you don't have any pre-existing health condition, you will need to live with permanent lungs damage
good luck with that

>> No.18161972

And such kind of damages are more likely to develop in cancer later on

>> No.18162002

Nope, Central Europeans are just resistant. There was survey in deaths in Switzerland and they found that the plague is twice as dangerous in Italian cantons are in French cantons; and twice as dangerous in German cantons than in French cantons.

>> No.18162019

Yeah, and VW diesel engines are polluting less than competitors

>> No.18162024
File: 80 KB, 653x461, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 20% of confirmed cases are symptomatic and only a fiith of them need a ventilator at some point. assuming only a handful of active cases actually get confimation, then the ventilator need is even lower. only a fraction of them is expected (speculation) to retain permanent damage.
anyhow, I think the "cure" to the pandemic is worse than the disease itself

>> No.18162077


>> No.18162078

>20% is a very little number, see? 20! Little number!
>1/5 of 20%! Even smaller!
Please stop using percentages when you speak about millions of people, it sounds very stupid.

Lung fibrosis has not been observed in these 2 months in which covid is running.
Of course.

>> No.18162097

Assuming your calculations are correct, 4% needs an artificial ventilator, so we are talking about 13 millions americans (assuming everybody avoid quarantine and keeps their regular routine)
Good luck mate, play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.18162125

Just wait and see, mutt.

>> No.18162129

300M in total
100M get infected
50M get confirmed
10M are symptomatic
2M are severe and need a ventilor
disregard any help for people over 80 (like some parts in France are doing) and we're probably dropping below 500k ventilators needed over time.

>> No.18162140

also, every % unemployment goes up 40k people die, so just keep that in mind when you want to help people

>> No.18162143

Question is: can insurances afford the amount of treatments that will be required?

>> No.18162161

>also, every % unemployment goes up 40k people die
true, another reason why you need state intervention

>> No.18162220
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every employment given by the state (public is forced top pay for it, and MMT is retarded) is taken from the private sector (a place that thrives from voluntary transactions)

>> No.18162295

>MMT is retarded
US just adopted it to manage the crisis and you didn't even notice
>every employment given by the state is taken from the private sector (a place that thrives from voluntary transactions)
true, public sector should only employ people necessary for the state to function properly (strong public healthcare and schooling system, military and finance all short term unprofitable R&D, cause there are too many scientists struggling with private companies "short-term-profit-seeker" and this is limiting potential breakthrough discoveries) and private sector should be strongly incentivized (e.g. smaller taxation than public sector) to avoid relying on public sector.
Also, a nation should not rely on foreign countries for necessary stuff, regardless what is the current price.
In case things get worse, the state cannot just stay passive, or people will die, and intervention is necessary.
Let's say I dream for a modern capitalistic, private sector incentivized, nazional-socialism.

>> No.18162302

Fucking retard.
Mises and Hayek didn't reason base on number but on praxeology aka human behavior which is the exact opposite of Keynes.

>> No.18162361

>US just adopted it to manage the crisis and you didn't even notice
I did, and I disapprove. but there's sadly nothing immediate I can do about it

>> No.18162389

>Learn wtf discipline is and Deutsche punktlichheit! Mama mia pizza free money from rich Northern countries!

>> No.18162391

>a nation should not rely on foreign countries for necessary stuff
maybe my homecountry upbringing (tiny rich taxhaven Luxembourg) bars me from ever agreeing with an autak point of view, just too great do I see globalisations potential, all while seeing how China is playing real-life geopolitical CIV 6 by puppeteering foreign ports and private industry

>> No.18162401

There was no choice, either this, either you kill people and businesses
I don’t see why people are scared on money printing machine going brrrrrr for an emergency

>> No.18162420

because they were trained by kikes to fear money printers

>> No.18162427

it sets the precedent that anything is too big to fail, more risk is taken until monetary debasement cant compensate for foreign debt reimbursement (nobody excepted the Mark as debt repayment once it became worthless)
(((they))) invented the money printer

>> No.18162447

yes, problem is when the money printers are not used for saving their banks, but for helicopter money.

>> No.18162473

The EU can best be compared to the Vichy government at the end of world war 2 where they were in exile in Germany.
Everyone knows that EU is Germany, ultimately they decide everything, they decide if the external borders should be open or closed, they decide Russia-EU relationship, they decide the financial policies of most member states - at least the broad strokes.
The bureaucrats in EU are actual bureaucrats, they are clerks in this informal greater germany.

>> No.18162477
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>Elon Mask

>> No.18162478

>to dumb

>> No.18162497

whut? saving banks even worsens the precedent from 2008.
>buy whatever you want, insure everything you can and when your risk management turn out to be non-existant we'll just mint a bazitrillion USD mega-rare single mint coin to bail you out lmao
helicopter money aka UBI wouldn't be bad if that'd mean getting rid of other expensive conditional social security

>> No.18162500

I love seeing mutts flock to some random example of Europe not being a utopia and then sperging out about it for hours
Really shows you how insecure they are

>> No.18162531

(((they))) fear the money printer cause it makes debt sustainable by lowering its weight
inflation is necessary on a monetary system where every penny is emitted on debt
people fearing hyperinflation should remember that it only happens when people are selling their own currency for a foreign one, not because the state prints few billions here and there to help people
“muh debt bad” is stupid, especially if it’s a public debt (a private credit)
I add, BTC according to the maxis and hayek fans was the solution
But you can clearly see that US can print trillions and BTC will not move because of that (i think it will go up in the long term, but just because of speculation)

>> No.18162533

>get his debt cancelled
why italy can't do the same, you humongous faggot?

>> No.18162667

>people fearing hyperinflation should remember that it only happens when people are selling their own currency for a foreign one
an increase in velocity could be enough, even without capital flight or printing; if all three hit then it's an inevitability
>But you can clearly see that US can print trillions and BTC will not move because of that
I think it's role as safe haven remains untested until the general public sees the impact of eroding saving, and yes I agree, that's partly betting on some of the dumbest crowd recognising an abstract monetary issue, but it seems to be working in Iran. crypto's potential as a viable hedge gets organically tested there and in other places like Argentinia and soon Chile.

>> No.18162849

you can do it if you have a central bank
it's called debt monetization
Japan is doing it
German case was different, it was just agreed by everyone to reduce it by 50%

>> No.18162892

seething cope love to see it

>> No.18162902

Japan can do it because their national debt is held by their people and not by a majority foreign power.

posted enough now, peace out bros

>> No.18163228

Italy never defaulted because they bend over like a jail slut and beg for money from Brussels, where do you think that money comes from you lazy shit.

Corona reigns supreme and globalist are shitting their pants.
People will become more and more nationalistic because they are not willing to pay for Mediterranean beggars.

Fuck Deutsche bank piece shit globalist cucks and fuck
Mediterranean gipsy cunts go beg to Berlusconi and suck his cock!

The countries that beg like beggars versus the countries that keep giving them money indirectly by piece of shit EU Brussels.
You do the math faggot ow wait you can't count that's why your country is in the shithole it is!

Dumb fuck know your history dumb Mediterranean cunt, google fucking Marshall plan retard and petro dollar.
No wonder your country is cucked go suck Berlusconi cock.

Yes, Northern European nations are far superior at this moment to Southern European countries.
You Greek and Roman ancestors are ashamed if they could take a look how their offspring have plunged in cucking and begging.

Do it!!! Do it faggot!!! Make the EU crumble to shit!!!

>Buy gold, silver, dollars, euro cash, bitcoin and canned foods.

>> No.18163247

>Japan can do it because their national debt is held by their people and not by a majority foreign power.
because to avoid foreign speculation the central banks keeps buying Japanese bonds and keeps interest low
you are looking at the consequences, not at the cause

>> No.18163269

thing is, club med isn't alone, france is there to, so is luxembourg. we either go full force into a fiscal union, or the euro won't survive. what we have now simply doesn't work and it won't work from here on out.

>> No.18163305

kill yourself german nigger

>> No.18163320

>Italy never defaulted
no, not because of that, just because they always repaid their debt
>they bend over like a jail slut and beg for money from Brussels
correct, Democratic Party is literally EU puppets party
>where do you think that money comes from you
they literally sell gov bonds like anybody else in the eurozone
nobody in Europe (except Germany via KfW which is a fake private bank, but in reality it's gov controlled and everybody is closing an eye on that cause it's not allowed by ECB mandate) gets free money from ECB
apart from that, only private banks are allowed to take money at negative interest rate
>lazy shit
fuck off

>> No.18163330

>us dollars
we about to be Zimbabwe too my fren

>> No.18163360

>reserve currency
pick one, you literally have peanuts in your brain
I wish we had USD and a functional central bank instead of YURO-PIECE-OF-SHIT
btw, zimbabwe is doing pretty good nowadays

>> No.18163366

These people look fine, why are they sitting outside? They should go home and go to bed

>> No.18163368

You can't really argue with a germancuck, seriously, dumbest people on earth.
Luckily they're kalergiing them with niggers in a desperate attempt to uncuck their intrinsic cuckery, in 2-3 generations there will be only germaniggers.

>> No.18163391

You're arguing with someone who's entire understanding of monetary policy is based on a funny gif he saw on the Internet

>> No.18163416

>Italy never defaulted
Germany defaulted 3 times, and it was defaulting another one in 1953, when the creditors (italy too) decided to cancel half of its debt.

Now they try to make others go default, in order to steal their assets.
Fucking NIGGERS.

>> No.18163480

Who really does have more to lose from the breakup of the EU? I feel richer countries would lose more because their companies are so heavily present in all of Europe, but poorer countries have less of a bargaining power. I don't think it's obvious who would lose the most.

>> No.18163548

I'm sick of the disgusting propaganda about rich and poor countries in jewrope.
Fiscal Dumping is stealing, Surplus is against the rules, the narrow minded vision that german imposed, in order to steal something through muh privatizations and troika, is driving the entire jewrope ship to be weak towards the real competitors, that are usa and china.

Who will lose? I guess everyone as always, we will come back to be late 1900 tiny states ready to be assfucked by superpowers.

>> No.18163607

>we will come back to be late 1900 tiny states ready to be assfucked by superpowers.
if we were to replace EU with a plain EFTA which allows for free movement of people(for travel only) goods and services and heavily control migration between states we may actually improve every state and be able to rise up to the same level as the richer countries in the EU. People too often ignore the effect that free movement of people has, just ask Poland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Britain. This is also why some peoples evolve while others don't

>> No.18163647

I think you are looking at the problem from the wrong perspective
Nobody should start pointing fingers, it's stupid, in game theory everybody does what is best for them. There is no solidarity in real world.
So, dutch should not say Italians are lazy
Italians should not say dutch are stealing
The point is that EU/Eurozone should not exists in first place, Dutch should be free to do whatever they want (including being a tax paradise) and Italy should be free to tax financial transactions to Netherlands or impose sanctions or whatever the fuck they want.
That's all. That's how it should work, otherwise we will just keep doing a financial war inside the EU.

>> No.18163695

>we will come back to be late 1900 tiny states ready to be assfucked by superpowers.
implying giving away sovereignty to a bigger central authority is a good thing...
>free movement is also why some peoples evolve while others don't
this is just bullshit man, with a passport you can go wherever the fuck you want, I worked in 3 different continents, just tell me what is the problem of doing 30 minutes of immigration at the airport...none!

>> No.18163701

>That's how it should work,
no it isnt. the EU is a peace project of the US for Europe, the point was to keep Europe at peace through mutual help and in doing so avoiding a repeat of the post first war reparations imposed on Germany. Which is the same type of policy that Germany itself is imposing on the poorer countries in Europe. Why is this so hard to understand? It isn't even propaganda it's just basic history.

>> No.18163730

>EU is a peace project
Eurozone is a cage where citizens are fighting an internal economical war, it's in front of your eyes

>> No.18163733

>this is just bullshit man, with a passport you can go wherever the fuck you want
lol are you 12? thats not how the world works. why do you think refugees want to go to germany, norway, sweden, uk? apart from the economic benefits they'd get as refugees that is also where the pay is the highest in europe. if muhamed does it why wouldn't the polish, the spanish? I know for a fact the nurses in the UK are mostly from other EU states. im starting to believe you have no understanding of how the world actually works.

>> No.18163765

seethe coped based!!

>> No.18163774

>im starting to believe you have no understanding of how the world actually works.
I already said that I worked in 3 different continents (and 5 different nations)
I'm a (skilled) immigrant as well, I guess I know a thing or two...
and btw, when you talk about refugees (95% are not refugees and are totally unskilled btw) and nurses (skilled labour that require a license) you have to put them in two different categories.

>> No.18163786

I guess an EU break up could lead to another war, hard to say if there will be anything left to move after.

Actually EU had many intents, it was created for political reasons, Usa wanted it too.
Problem was to organize it in order to develop as a whole, this didn't happen, and definitely the libtard politics are making the project sink, as they make every project fail.

There are a lot of options, confederative included.
If they only promoted movement of european people across europe, instead of importing niggers, for example...

>> No.18163801

EU is our only protection so we don't get railed completely by the mostly american coorporations

>> No.18163834
File: 84 KB, 1192x974, immi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only worked in different countries because you have a EU passport, if EU didn't exist and you had a Greek passport for example, chances are you wouldn't be given that job or even have the skills. but anyways, here's some numbers i found. This is an unspoken subject in EU politics. The rich states have more to gain from having skilled labor from other poorer countries freely able to move, no costs and all the benefits.
i really dont see a war break out, we'd have to have military spending first

>> No.18163915

>I guess an EU break up could lead to another war
we are in 2020 and we are all inside NATO, nobody have intention to occupy a country with military, that's not how wars are done in 2020. In 2020 every war is purely economical, and we are already fighting it one.
>Actually EU had many intents, it was created for political reasons
this is why it's an UTOPIA and we need to forget this chapter of the history ASAP and avoid utopian political bullshit
>If they only promoted movement of european people across europe
but this is very unfair, people should be incentivized to stay in their home countries, otherwise you will end up with a very strong small economical area in EU, and nothing else in the rest of the continent
>instead of importing niggers, for example...
agree on this last part, we need skilled labour, and we need to pay accordingly
>EU protectionism good
>national protectionism bad
why do you have this double standard?

>> No.18163938

>you only worked in different countries because you have a EU passport
wrong, I also worked in other 2 continents, where you require a visa, and this is not a problem at all
do you understand?

>> No.18163947

>we need skilled labour
then train people instead of keeping wages low and importing other EU nationals which poorer countries have trained. You are benefiting from the EU at every level and draining the potential from poorer countries while at the same time blaming those poorer countries for not doing better when in reality they are subsidizing you to a certain extent

>> No.18163982

but I agree on this, what I'm saying is that if you really needs immigration, you should focus on skilled on

>> No.18164049

i see no issue.

>> No.18164105

>we are in 2020 and we are all inside NATO, nobody have intention to occupy a country with military, that's not how wars are done in 2020. In 2020 every war is purely economical, and we are already fighting it one.
Let's say greeks say "fuck you we won't pay you shit" and nationalize the muh troika privatized assets again, what will happen?

>this is why it's an UTOPIA and we need to forget this chapter of the history ASAP and avoid utopian political bullshit
Not just an Utopia, but a precise US will too, they didn't invade europe after war, but...

>but this is very unfair
It's very unfair if you think man as an individual without roots that can be moved where you want, i agree on the "stay at home" part, but dialogue across european countries could be possible and enriching for all parts, if well planned.

>> No.18164106

no you dont agree with me on this. because you have this view that the northern countries are being fucked by the southern countries when the reality is they're fucking eachother and if anything the end result is that the poorer countries can never catch up and are in a death recessive spiral if they literally lose their youth to the richer countries. and because of this, the poorer countries don't have the tax base or productivity to have higher wages and because of this they have high deficits and you still havent understood this, just go look at the birth rate of poland, they have totally lost their youth, its just gone, it was the price they paid to join the EU. And again who benefits the most? I think it isn't the poorer countries that have benefited the most. The EU as it is can't survive, and maybe we would be better together with a simple EFTA, either that or we go full federal, what we have now doesn't work.

>> No.18164119

>shorting the biggest islamic country in the world

>> No.18164191

>Let's say greeks say "fuck you we won't pay you shit" and nationalize the muh troika privatized assets again, what will happen?
It will bring some justice
eurogroup, ESM board and IMF throw an atomic bomb on Greece that was suffering because of ECB stupid mandate to not give warranties on eurozone countries and allowing countries with different economies to have different cost of money (uncontrolled gov bond spreads)
>you have this view that the northern countries are being fucked by the southern countries
no, I really don’t and I mostly agree on your last post

>> No.18164247 [DELETED] 

people die of flu, etc.

>> No.18164350

>It will bring some justice
Definitely, but i guess it will bring war too.

Problem is that our european project was overtaken by libtards, whose first agenda was their fault globalization: few rich people floating on liquid states, nations and poor people destroyed by miscegenation.

>> No.18164428


>> No.18164629


>> No.18165574
File: 49 KB, 894x773, 1560819275188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can clearly see that the linear growth of the cases is getting flatter at the end ...

>> No.18165585

Fuck the EU and fuck the Euro!

I am not even German that is the funny part of it all!

>Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
>Mamma mia, does it show again
My my, just how much I've missed you?

>> No.18165825

you cannot attack a country inside NATO or you are fucked
But yeah, libtards need to be gassed

>> No.18165847

The very funny part indeed

>> No.18166680

You didn't see that coming did you, you incel virgin beta cuck!

>> No.18166864

the Aryans weren't white

>> No.18166936

This is unbelievable, you literally shocked me

>> No.18167851

This is how I roll mothafuckah!!!
Welcome to biz Biaaaaaaatch!!!

>> No.18167884

Coloured man detected

>> No.18168106
File: 73 KB, 634x921, 1585127083008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its kinda too late bro.
Short Turbo 50x DOW for tomorrow with like 20$ Grand and Retire end of this week.

>> No.18168146


ProShares UltraShort FTSE Europe ETF (EPV B)
Market Vectors Double Short Euro ETN (DRR A-)
ProShares UltraShort Euro ETF (EUO A)

>> No.18168167


>> No.18168327

Actually your way of talking about it sounds stupid.

>> No.18168333

gib all ur monies to irs and then work 80 hours a week and gib the irs all the monies.

>> No.18168351

Where them white woman at?