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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18151743 No.18151743 [Reply] [Original]

And we are back bearbros
The bull trap popped and we're going sub 15k

>> No.18151794
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>implying this isn't just a slight pullback

we are going to the moon on monday

>> No.18151835

Unironically this. Largest bailout in American history isn't going to make the stock market drop.

>> No.18151863

you are correct, its going to zero us out

>> No.18152153
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>> No.18152184
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If by back you mean the fed is literally buying securities on the open market, then yes

>> No.18152224

The 2008 bailouts didn't stop the market from bottoming further. I predict by third week of April we'll see the bottom.

>> No.18152280


>> No.18152316

that would be perfect, i'll get my salary by then and buy more cheap stonks

>> No.18152333

It’s priced in

>> No.18152334

The Corobo-virus is a massive bear trap. We will see all time highs before the year is out, then you can call it a bull trap when everyone is back in.

>> No.18152427

There's no such thing as a "bull trap"

It's voodoo economics that low IQ people use to make sense of the market

>> No.18152477

Why would a market pump on worst jobless rate numbers in history?

>> No.18152496

Because it had already sold off 35% in anticipation of the worst jobless rate numbers in history and said numbers were entirely expected.

>> No.18152535

Because the bubble wasn't supposed to pop yet. Election Years are always bull.

People are confused, therfore the market is confused and in all cases you have Jews Jewing the market with their jew claws.

>> No.18152537

Every bad coronavirus scenario is already priced in. We literally can't go down from here unless there's another unrelated catastrophic event.

>> No.18152552

#FinNexus will work as the financial product supermarket, Broker, Investment Banker or something alike

>> No.18152563

Dunno Anon, when the hospitals are full and granny's are dying left right and center people might go a bit more crazy.

>> No.18152566

nothing makes sense in this clown world

>> No.18152580

that's priced in

>> No.18152585

>Living paycheck to paycheck
You're a failure

>> No.18152615

Priced in to what? When companies start reporting after this bullshit is under control, we'll see what was and what wasnt priced in.

>> No.18153828

We already know what's priced in. Everything. Stay mad loser. You missed the bottom along with the rest of r*ddit.

>> No.18153861
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>> No.18154034
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We are going to crash, and crash hard.

>> No.18154064

>calling TA on Google SERP chart
Coronavirus will do an W you fucking normie

>> No.18154099

>$1200 is going to save the economy.
Do none of you zoomers even remember bushbux?

>> No.18154126

They were around 10 years old when it happened, so of course not.

>> No.18154133

bear bus

>> No.18154222
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>> No.18154864

That's fucking retarded!

>> No.18154926

Priced in

>> No.18154985

Nigga that's millennials. Zoomers don't even know who Bush was.

>> No.18155004

It's the last juke. Fat green cock at open to fuck all the faggots with shorts open, squeeze to pop. Then it's straight down to hell after that.

>> No.18155014

>stupid thing happens (biden beats bernie, fiscal shit)
>market goes up
>virus still exists
>market goes down

>> No.18155022

You retards don't you realize everything is already priced in? DOW will not go up or down hence for all eternity as every possible change in the near and distant future has been fully anticipated and built into the price. The exact moment you will ejaculate into your future wife to father your first son is priced in to the hundredth of a thousandth of a cent.

>> No.18155027

2T in value is destroyed a week by the virus lol

>> No.18155050

1929 was a bigger percentage drop solely on account of bullshit imaginary paper contracts. A real virus that keeps real people sick and huddled in their homes indefinitely could do a lot worse.

>> No.18155981

>everything is already priced in

>> No.18156069


Airlines already announced mass layoffs minutes after receiving their bailout Grant's. Lmao

>> No.18156175

The zoomer generation starts around 1998 and ends around 2018. The only zoomers who should be posting here are 18 and above. The oldest of these were born in 1998, making them 10 years old in 2008.

>> No.18157538

>Election Years are always bull.

>> No.18157576

I've got 14 SQQQ, 3 uvxy. and 3 vixy, all bought a day before we reached the top of the bull trap. Will I see babby's first gains this week?

>> No.18157627


>> No.18157707
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hurricanes incoming

>> No.18157869

Yea I'm entire states getting quarantined and potentially hundreds of thousands Americans dying in the coming weeks is "priced in".

>> No.18157960

The bailout added 8% to the market. We saw that happen the moment it was clear that the bailouts were coming. All stocks got a bump. Even shitty ones like Ford stock, which is rediculous. All of the bailout money is now priced in. You will not see any more of a bump until the market really starts to recover, or, if they pass more bailout legislation. You will probably see some more pumps to the airlines, as they actually spend the bailout money, but you won't see any more massive swings to the overall market. That is already priced in.

>> No.18158663

That’s not what priced in means. They took the probability into account. Worst case scenario might have a 10% chance of happening so it’s weighted at 10%. If it does happen the market will crash.

>> No.18158706

How do you dumbass anons figure the rescue package money is priced in when it hasnt even been injected into the markets yet?

>> No.18158796

priced in, simple as

>> No.18158822

priced in

>> No.18158842

>How do you dumbass anons figure the rescue package money is priced in
Because it's a known factor. As soon as something is announced it gets priced in almost instantly as the market reacts to the news.

>> No.18158868
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>what's a dead cat bounce?
Please, anon. Go all in.

>> No.18158875

Is that why it dumped literally the day trump signed the bill? Btw I priced in your mom shes worth about $35

>> No.18158883


>> No.18158900
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Short India. All these curry niggers are going home to their villages because of New Delhi lockdown to spread Corona-chan.

>> No.18159239

This. Even the fucking cruise companies got pumped in that bear destroying bull trap. The dump is going to be legendary. Again.

>> No.18159288
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>Largest bailout in American history
its still not enough

>> No.18159298


Millions will die when all is said and done.

>> No.18159372

from both the virus and market crash

>> No.18160530

Priced in

>> No.18160576

your post was priced in and I made $20K off it

>> No.18160601

It’s all priced in.