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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 487x530, 1583960614767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18147172 No.18147172 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder if you are a landlet you are a parasite
>Landlets do not own a land
>Parasites do not own a land
>Landlets must find a landlord in order to survive
>Parasites must find a host in order to survive
>Landlets use the resources of their landlord in order to survive
>Parasites use the resources of their host in order to survive
>Landlets can't live without the shelter of their landowner
>Parasites can't live without the shelter of their host
>Landlets will try to find another landlord once they are finished leaching from the previous one
>Parasites will try to find another victim once they are finished leaching from the previous one

Paying a rent is paying for the privilege to leach on someone else's property that is the only thing that makes the landlord to tolerate you. Without a rent you are simply another version of a pest infecting the landlord household.

>> No.18147212

Landlords need renters to survive but renters dont need landlords.

>> No.18147215

only property owners should be able to vote
landlets have no stake in the place they live in, if things go bad they can just pack up and leave
they're basicaly jews who lived without land for thousands of years

>> No.18147220

yeah skidrow is nice this time of year

>> No.18147223
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The cope and projection of landlords is pathetically hilarious.
Landlords are a parasitic class who are about to be executed and the monopoly of violence is siding with the renters.
It's our property now, landfaggots, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

>> No.18147242

why should the people who saved money throughout their entire life to buy real estate be punished because zoomers have to get a 4 camera phone each quarter? literally niggas, be more fucking responsible with your money. I have nothing about owners of appartments unless they are parasitic chinese billionaires that fucked canada in the the ass dry. peace.

>> No.18147256

But most landlords don't actually own their land, they take out a mortgage.

Wait, you *did* know that landlords essentially do the dirty work for banks, right?

You didn't really think that they earned land through merit or having some sort of pedigree, right?

>> No.18147260

>but renters dont need landlords
Right, you can sleep outside nicely.

>> No.18147269

Renters produce value
if there is no value to be produced in an area, the value produces will move

Landlonds and just flipping some capital and try to extract value

as anon said >>18147212
Landlords need renters, renters are only here because other reasons

landlords are not value producers

>> No.18147270

If landlords disappeared. Renters would be better off because they would have homes to live in for free.

If renters disappeared, landlords would go broke as were seeing now

>> No.18147281

Saying "I don't have a problem with landlords unless they are parasitic Chinese billionaires that fucked Canada in the ass" is like saying "I don't mind gays unless they are fucking in the streets", it's the logical conclusion of giving them any leighway.

>> No.18147298

no it's not you stupid nigger, it's like saying I don't have a problem with mom and pop grocery shop as opposed to I don't have a problem with wallmart. but since you don't understand I'm not even going to waste my time explaining the difference.

>> No.18147308

In previous threads I've seen people laughing, joking and creating memes about rent fags. I would discourage you from continuing that kind of attitude. I understand from your safe, warm bedrooms you feel big and powerful, disconnected from the horror that a lot of people are currently facing. But understand this: this is real. People are suffering, people have died because of rent fags. People are DYING and some of you are posting jokes. This situation is no laughing matter. So please, re-evaluate this situation, consider a new perspective and think to yourself, is there really anything funny about rent fags?

>> No.18147335 [DELETED] 

>If landlords disappeared. Renters would be better off because they would have homes to live in for free
Room temperator iq.

>> No.18147355

There is quite literally nothing that landlords do. They extract value from the labor of others and think that this makes them intelligent.
Landlords are so myopic and stupid that they ACTUALLY BELIEVE the state will side with them over the renters when the renters are the ones producing labor that keeps the nation alive and the renters outnumber the landlords 50 to 1 and therefor are a far larger voting demographic.
Landlords are unironically going to be publicly killed and you dumb faggots will STILL think posting shit on 4chan is going to save you from the physical reality of what's happening in this country.

>> No.18147364

>If landlords disappeared. Renters would be better off because they would have homes to live in for free
Fucking kek, don't worry the bank will help you keep your free house.

>> No.18147373

Are landies the new discord trannies on /biz/?

The answer: definitely

We also found out they can't meme and no retort; they use violence as a first resort. What an unprofessional bunch these landies have become. Not one rational argument and then they say we are dumb. It's almost like they want to show us the business they made. Except most of these landies never worked a day. They lie cheat and steal just to take what you make.

Don't forget your landlord is a snake.

>> No.18147381

Landlords are parasites and deserve the guillotine.

>> No.18147408

>if landlords disappear we can leach from their land for free

A perfect example for a parasite mindset

>> No.18147415

Have you thought about buying a home? Rates look pretty good right now. Stop renting and start owning. Become the solution you want to see.

>> No.18147432


>> No.18147437

I own the apartment I live in.
I do not believe in the concept of owning land that you do not occupy. It is an ideological, NOT MATERIAL, motivation for me.
I believe landlords deserve to have their throats cut and I'm about to see it happen and it's going to be amazing

>> No.18147444 [DELETED] 

This part of the internet is not a place for you then.
Landlords are so myopic and stupid that they ACTUALLY BELIEVE the state will side with them over the renters
You guys are so retarded you think you'll get free houses just because you're angry.

>> No.18147456

Walmart was a mom and pop before it became Walmart.

>> No.18147464

okay, but first get the fuck out on the street, and organize your chapo traphouse group there nigga

>> No.18147467
File: 586 KB, 2304x1155, rent_due.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Ting ting ting*

>> No.18147471

>>18147308 #
This part of the internet is not a place for you then.
>>18147355 #
>Landlords are so myopic and stupid that they ACTUALLY BELIEVE the state will side with them over the renters
You guys are so retarded you think you'll get free houses just because you're angry

>> No.18147482

and you were a sperm before you became a retard, what is your point?

>> No.18147495

Landlords rent from the Goverment
Tenents rent from the Landlords
So, can some sort of Subtenents rent from Tenents?

>> No.18147508

the bulls, that fuck the landies gfs and wives

>> No.18147516

This is Biz now. This is the financial advice we all came here looking for. And people are honestly shocked when they remain poor their entire life? The absolute state of this board...would rather trash landlords than discuss how they could join their elite status simply through proper leverage the formulation of a proper DCF analysis and partioned IRR. The amount of retards filling these boards is insane, it’s no wonder so many of them are living poor lifestyles

>> No.18147519
File: 42 KB, 387x402, Smug Anime 30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we can, you know we can
Let's lynch the landlord
Let's lynch the landlord
Let's lynch the landlord man

>> No.18147521

No. A better idea is to not pay rent, let landies default on their mortgage, crash the housing market, and pick up the cheapies in a few months.
Home construction companies are going nuts right now trying to find buyers they can get locked into mortgages. They're scared because they know whats about to happen. Sorry that we're not all dumb enough to buy the top using someone else's money like you, landie. Enjoy paying a $300K based interest on a home that'll be worth $150K come June. Maybe evicting tennies so they can be free to buy a new cheap home or rent for cheap at a place that manages to survive will make you feel better about defaulting and losing your shirt.

>> No.18147529

Everyone loves newfags.

>> No.18147530

I meant landlets, all this gay fucking terminology is confusing. the commie chapo posters who live in someone elses property.

>> No.18147546

>You guys are so retarded you think you'll get free houses just because you're angry
It's actively happening as the state scrambles to keep people alive and productive so that the nation doesn't fall.
All landlords do is leech parasitically from other people's labor, drive up housing prices and cause housing bubbles that cause economic disasters.
It's not going to happen anymore. Landlords will be murdered and the state won't be able to protect you.
I do not believe in owning land you don't occupy. And why would I even want to join a parasitic class that's literally about to be exterminated? I'm not a moron.

>> No.18147554

>Gordon goes to debtors prison and gets everything fucking repo'd because he cant make his insane car payments on the lambo he never should have bought due to rent freeze
>he becomes the pink wojak while all the tenants become smug pepes
April 2nd is going to be a magical day.

>> No.18147575

No, you were right the first time. Landies are cucks. They will lose their properties and their wives and daugters.

>> No.18147596
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, 5ED30F2D-571F-4328-8760-E35BD420AD69.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful post anon

>> No.18147626

You can pick up cheapie homes during a crash. I got two the last time. Keep in mind you most likely will have to pay cash so save up that money. You do have a savings account right?

>> No.18147630

I don't care anymore do what you want, organize your little gay strike, aimed at the people who will go bankrupt, ruin the real estate market, and drag america into the next gigantic clusterfuck of a crisis. Making you homeless, and jobless. I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.18147640

>live in for free

>> No.18147647
File: 8 KB, 523x579, Security-Deposit-Receipt-Template-1..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to Landlords:

You are not legally entitled to spend your tenants deposit. You need to maintain a security account to cover expenses if your tenant cannot pay that does NOT mean spending the security deposit. If you can't cover your tenants deposit during this time you will need to allocate other funds and you need to make sure you have enough security deposits to cover every renter or you are breaking the contract you put forth to your tenant.

>> No.18147655

in that ameriKa you will be headless
jobless people still have value

>> No.18147671
File: 126 KB, 1113x1485, 5CE6AE7D-9C5A-445C-854A-0291BA496BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the manlet organizing a rent strike against you.

>> No.18147679

Lmao thank god my country is not cucked

>> No.18147683

I'm not american negro, watching from the sidelines as the brown, black and red locust will ruin that country.

>> No.18147694


>> No.18147696

Yes I can it's called fractional reserve landlording. I use the security deposit as collateral to take out a loan of 10x that size, invest it in several short term bonds and treasuries, and have it all back plus extra long before your lease is gone.
Welcome to advanced Jewry 101, I am your professor Schlomo Shecklestein you can call me Schlomo, Mr. Shecklestein was my father.

>> No.18147708

>All landlords do is leech parasitically from other people's labor, drive up housing prices and cause housing bubbles that cause economic disasters
You signed a contract, landlords are letting you using their property in exchange for money. Property that they bought or under mortgage.

>> No.18147720

That's your son?

Guess he grew up resentful of his landie daddy

>> No.18147749

I did not sign anything as I own the land I live in. I do not pay rent to anyone.
As I already said I do not believe in owning land you do not occupy. The contract you're describing means as much to me as toilet paper. If a tenant, or in this case tens of millions of tenants, "violate" that "contract" then all that means is the parasitic landlord class gets fucked, and I laugh all day.

>> No.18147753

Be me, bought a three story row house years ago. Converted into two apartments. Rented out half to help pay mortgage and have beer money for $500 a month. Had to evict two times before I learned my lesson. Gentrification.exe Developer offers 5x what I paid to buy. No argument SOLD! They rehab it into three apartments and sold to a REIT at 100% profit. Now each apartment rents for $2000 a month. Everyone wins but the rent fags. Lesson learned don’t be a rent fag and ownership equals winning.

>> No.18147764

there is no value produced
there is value extracted from capital

>> No.18147783

that just peak bubble
they will be holding the bags

>> No.18147798

>Landlords need renters
Not if they own their property outright and have alternate revenue sources to cover taxes

>> No.18147817

>I did not sign anything as I own the land I live in. I do not pay rent to anyone
It was an example.
>If a tenant, or in this case tens of millions of tenants, "violate" that "contract" then...
They get fucked and evicted by law enforcement, it's not that hard to understand
>hurr durr riots
Riots can be controlled as well.

>> No.18147839

Unironically highIQ move

>> No.18147840

As long as you’re paying property taxes, you don’t own land - and never will.

>> No.18147841

What are the Chinese doing in Canada? China invaded Canada when I wasn't looking?

>> No.18147858

The level of cope is pathetic.
The state will not allow it's majority to plunge the country into anarchy and destruction in order to save the landlord class. They will side with the renters, and you're genuinely a moron coping faggot if you continue to deny this

>> No.18147861

Landlords can sell their properties outright to someone who isn't you.

>> No.18147864

Where i live, police evicted an entite palace filled with anarchocattle using shields and batons.

>> No.18147865

If it were bought by a single person yes but a cooperation of its size has more power with banks and politicians and smart lawyers on payroll. Things I never had. One of the points was rent fags could have been paying $500 and now to live in the area you have to pay $2000. But a least they stuck it to me, the evil landlord. BTY living comfy now in a paid for condo and not worried about shit.

>> No.18147866

This is where I accept the landie. If you own it outright no leverage and have all the deposits and taxes and your doing it legally... Otherwise the market is terribly over saturated with vultures who are not professional enough to be landlords in the first place. Land ownership should not be some risky gamble betting on other people's wages to max out gains.

>> No.18147874

Chinese investors come in with fat stacks and buy up all of the real estate, then proceed to price gouge / absentee the fuck out of all of their property. Pretty sure it is really bad in Vancouver

>> No.18147878


>> No.18147883

Unless this is bait, this may be the single most retarded post in the history of /biz/.

>> No.18147892

Also read >>18147864

>> No.18147903

The Canadian army didn't even try to stop the invaders at the border? I take a short 60 year trip to my cave on the moon and everyone goes insane?

>> No.18147907

>renters don't need landlords
Yes they do. If they could afford to purchase a house, they would. But they don't, so they must rent

>> No.18147910

>There is quite literally nothing that landlords do.
Landlords are responsible for lording over the land. House needs a repair? That comes out of pocket from the landlord unless the damages are a direct result of the tenant. Landlords covering the cost of maintenance like roof replacement, plumbing/electric/siding upkeep and fixing general wear and tear or exterminating pests is all a benefit to renters who, unlike the landlord, are not stuck paying out the ass for things like this and can simply pickup and find a different place to rent if they don't like how the condition of the property is being handled.

>> No.18147917

you are very active and count on fear
it is almost like you know what is coming

>> No.18147921

Do not forget it is the government that put these people out of work, not themselves. This is not some organized effort by the extreme left to quit their jobs and stop paying their rent. Any landlord who can't make their obligations sans rent for 2 months is a fucking idiot and/or way too overexposed in property.
If you don't think other states won't follow California's moratorium on evictions then I expect Quikrete sales are about to skyrocket.

>> No.18147928

Not an argument.

You literally do nothing.

>> No.18147934

>gets into this situation by taking out overleveraged loans to buy properties he has no business owning
>is a few missed rent payments away from defaulting on a mortgage because he refuses to save and use his own money for literally anything
>"I will fix this by taking out a new 10x loan using the security deposit as collateral and try my luck on gambling with other people's money once again"
Landies never learn, do they?

>> No.18147935

I know it's hard for you to think so I'm gonna speak slowly. CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT, for violating the owners constitutional rights, and causing them financial losses, by not protecting them as required to by the law of the land. Now fuck off back to eddit to post how you've cut ties with your family, because they laughed at something Joe Biden said. As your hero bernie says, no refunds, now fuck him and fuck you too.

>> No.18147937

rent only makes sense if you make money
if you don't society does not make sense
you can live anywhere

>> No.18147956

This is only the beginning. Your coping and shitting your diapers isn't going to save you.

>> No.18147964
File: 42 KB, 720x603, laughinginkorean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking comedy here is that literal communists, started hoarding real estate, raising prices, and making fake western communists cry that the capitalists are fucking them in the ass. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.18147973
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1584709754295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like you.

>> No.18147977


>> No.18147988

If this little rebellion works (which I doubt) it will just weed out landlords with bad business habits. The ones not leveraged with add to their portfolio more homes for cheap and the REITs will add to theirs. Rent fags will be left behind again and rents will continue to go up. Owning = Winning

>> No.18147989

Real estate is a cheat code in capitalism. If you're not a landlord or trying to become one you hate money.

>> No.18147994

Don't worry friends enjoy your stay while you can.

>> No.18147995

Yeah pretty much. The Chinese have most of the West Coast by the balls economically. The most the local governments have done is institute a couple of anti-absentee laws, but they still don't want to lose the "eComoMiC rElaTIonS oF fOreIGn iNVesTorS"

Fucking hate our Leaf governments

>> No.18148014

I'm not worried I live on my own land as I should.
You should be worried though because this will not end well for landlords and posting cope on 4chan isn't going to magically save you.

>> No.18148018

>(((Their))) land
The only thing landkikes do is extort people living in the houses they've stuck their filthy state backed proboscuses in.

>> No.18148020

>Not an argument.
Not a rebuttal fag
I own my own house outright and only pay taxes and maintain the property. I don't rent right now but I can see you're bitter

>> No.18148026

you're such a bitch you can't even speak for yourself, it's always, "people", "us", "the silent majortiy". Speak for yourself faggot, learn to formulate your own ideas instead of following the footsteps of people whose books you haven't even read. You fake ass faggot socialist.

>> No.18148028

People do everything for green pieces of paper.

>> No.18148045
File: 21 KB, 263x262, 1584783636459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-y-you're coping!

>> No.18148046

>The ones not leveraged with add to their portfolio more homes for cheap and the REITs will add to theirs. Rent fags will be left behind again and rents will continue to go up. Owning = Winning
Checked. Rentfags are delusional

>> No.18148057

I am not a socialist or a communist and I never said I was. Landlord rentseeking is as anti capitalist as you can get and I am a true capitalist which is why I despite the parasitic landlord class.

>> No.18148060

Are you threatening to kill us? Should I be worried?

>> No.18148081

This is unbelievable cope you dumb faggot. If you think the rent eviction moritorium will stay in California you're a moron. Every state will enact it and once the people gain that upper hand landlords will never be able to recover
Every state will

>> No.18148082

Don't forget your security deposit!!! It's non-refundable if you die!

>> No.18148083

What's your line of work?

>> No.18148094

You are a fucking farmer price gouging prices of your fucking fruits and vegetables that were created by mother nature and should be free for all people as one of her creations. So please get the fuck out of here with that logic. You bumfuck redneck clown fiesta, parisian clown school valedictorian autist.

>> No.18148138 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 1584958191514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every state will
Calm down, you're seething so hard you can't even end a sentence.
What did you said?

>> No.18148159

>Landlords do not do honest work
>Parasites do not do honest work
>Landlords must find tenants in order to survive
>Parasites must find a host in order to survive
>Landlords use the resources of their tenants in order to survive
>Parasites use the resources of their host in order to survive
>Landlords can't live without the payments of their tenants
>Parasites can't live without the shelter of their host
>Landlords will try to find another tenant once they are finished leaching from the previous one
>Parasites will try to find another victim once they are finished leaching from the previous one

>> No.18148180

>Every state will enact it and once the people gain that upper hand landlords will never be able to recover
Nice coping.

>> No.18148186

No one complained initially, as those who owned homes saw their property values skyrocket. Even today they're still fine with this state of affairs.

>> No.18148207

>buy plot of land
>allow people to live on land in exchange for part of what they produce as clearly written in a contract
>the people chimp out and start calling ME a parasite
>would have been better off to keep the land empty and not provide housing for anyone

>> No.18148248

Really the only people who deserve punishment are over leveraged landlords. They are true parasites.

>> No.18148500

>Landlords can't live without Landlets
>Landlords use the resources of the landlet

Wow commies are really retarded

>> No.18148561

All forward thinking landlords out there should seriously consider using a service that reports rent payments to credit bureaus. Experian works with these companies. The fee is worth it in my opinion because you can better spot good tenants but more importantly you can further sink the scores of bad tenants making it harder for them to rent in the future. Not only rent but anything that is connected to a FICO score.