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18120045 No.18120045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

And support this man


>> No.18120064

Can he really stop the stimulus package on his own? Is this really how this shitty system works? 1 guy says no and everything goes south?

At least one guy trying to achieve a better world...but unfortunately he is risking his life :(

>> No.18120122

>1 guy says no and everything goes south?
Not at all, but 1 guy says no and the bill gets stuck un procedural hell which is usually fine but there is a sense of urgency here. God Christ these cruise ships are liable to sink if we don't start bailing!

>> No.18120197
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If we prevent the collapse from happening now, the bubble is just going to get even bigger and in ten years from now when we face another crisis the collapse will result in nuclear war.

We HAVE to let the bubble pop right here and now.

>> No.18120334

bless this absolute madlad.

I only support him because I learned I will not be getting trumpbux


>> No.18120373

So how do we support him in turning it down. All those businesses get a bunch and all we get is $1200 at most and only 1 time but iirc it might be like a tax credit or something for this years taxes but not sure if i understood it right.

>> No.18120382

>I learned I will not be getting trumpbux
No trumpbux or certain tiers wont get it?

>> No.18120399

$1.5T to the stock market = good
$4T to the banks = good
$1 to the American people = communism

>> No.18120576

This stimulus really brings out the retard in people and also shows how much most of /biz/ doesn't know about how to economy works

There's no $6trillion of dollar devaluation going on right now because the $4trillion is on the repo markets and the $2trillion is being financed by congress, stacked on top of the pile of all the other debts we have
Simply having debt doesn't do shit to devalue the dollar, as we can see right now with the dollar mooning on the DXY because the real economy is shutting down, erasing credit, and hence decreasing M2 supply

The only way this all will lead to hyperinflation or otherwise dollar devaluation or otherwisewise a bigger market crash is if the primary dealers decide the take the Fed up on their latest offer of QE infinity and be extremely reckless with it
Yes, the Fed's balance sheet is skyrocketing right now, but it is not yet in the ballpark of an unmanageable level
And with the banning of stock buybacks that is very very likely to happen now, we might not see companies able to inflate the everything bubble as badly again, giving the govt and Fed time to actually unwind the balance sheet, healthily this time
Also; consumer debt is relatively low iirc, when it's high it's a good leading indication of an unstable economy and incoming crash, furthermore P/E ratios are much better than they were obviously, and US banks and financial institutions are much much less levered than they were on 2008

So fuck you doomfags, ya everybody knows the US is gonna fuck up the dollar and never pay down it's debt but that's not what's literally happening right now as so many of you illiterate libertarian fags seem to let on

>> No.18120617

did you expect a board of 'people' who perpetually baghold a token that had daily volume less than $5MM for over two years to understand the importance of liquidity?

>> No.18120643

Tachyon Protocol adopts UDP instead of TCP to ensure improved transmission efficiency.

>> No.18120648

>haha printer go brrrrr
thank you for the fascinating insight

>> No.18120717

Kek. I don't know about you man but I am comfy holding this PNK.

>> No.18120730

>consumer debt is relatively low
Compared to 2008, sure. However, we could see unprecedented defaults globally (as in, around the literally goddamned globe) as opposed to one industry in one country spreading contagion through reckless financial instruments. Tenants are already telling their landlords to fuck off and it has been a matter of weeks. What happens when they tell their creditors to fuck off too? There is only so much toxic debt the Fed can absorb, and we're only just beginning.
>US banks and financial institutions are much much less levered than they were on 2008
That's cool and all, we also didn't have unemployment spike nearly 4 million in less than a month. Even if your ability to tolerate liquidity problems is greater today, the catalyst is orders of magnitude larger than a failing housing market and some shitty CDOs. Your liquidity issue can very easily slide into a solvency issue depending on your exposure.

You don't know what is going to happen. Nobody does. This is the first time in my life that I've that doomfaggots have a legitimate chance of actually being right, though, as you say, not for the reasons they may think.

>> No.18120747
File: 36 KB, 720x743, EUE8X7uUUAA4T2g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QE4 buys up 700 billion dollars of mortgage backed securities as unemployment skyrockets
>pic related

>> No.18120752

>$2trillion is being financed
1. 0% interest probably
2. Company doing badly attempts to gamble it to survive
3. Fails
4. Bankruptcy
5. No money paid back

>> No.18120766

What does that mean?

>> No.18120846

Not certain it passed on the 25th but in the 26th it was sent back to get votes in because the companies paying some of the politicians wasn’t getting enough out of it. That’s why it keeps getting sent back. It was first supposed to just be 1200 for all, then “why not add extra per kid” then it immediately became “WE HAVE TO MAKE SHRE THE COMPANIES HAVE MONEY TO “PAY THEIR WORKERS” SO THE COMPANY DOESNT LOSE ANY MONEY. Then it became the company’s actually need more money since they are paying me to vote what ever makes them more money and they want more money so it needs to be more.
Fuck lobbyist and fuck jannies

>> No.18120849


It means rents due on the first and a lot of people and businesses aren't gonna make it. If the Fed is buying up $700 billion before times get REALLY tough, it makes you wonder how many TRILLIONS they'll be buying up in April.

>> No.18120912


This is moronic and I'll tell you. By the numbers, there is 15 trillion in M3 money. Little bit above that and at any one time a few trillion in M1 circulating around or technically M0 I should say. You're a lazy nigger to think that the trillion stimulus bill won't hyperinflate everything at least ten percent. The reason why lazy niggers like yourself post wrong shit is because that money, with the exception of the citizenry handouts (bread and circuses), most of it goes to M4 shit, which is illiquid and hard to measure (read rich people's hands). The repo technically doesn't count, it's 4 trillion that's being balanced back and forth but it's practically having our economy on life support with stage 3. Of course it'd get "burned up" so to say but it runs our day to day shit.

No healthy fucking economy would take such measures to stay afloat. And the trillions that we speak of go to RICH people (kikes) first before the people, that's why you don't feel it right away. But inflation is coming, just wait.

learn your Ms - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/moneysupply.asp

M3 from the fed - https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MABMM301USM189S

m4 shit - https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/5278/inflation/m4-money-supply-and-inflation/

>> No.18121246

if you own more than 3000 usd in savings even getting the money wouldn't compensate your loss by inflation

>> No.18121269
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yes, how do we support him in turning it down

>> No.18121270

imagine thinking this new debt will ever be paid back or ever paid back by americans.

someone should clue jr into what having a reserve currency means...that this means in practice is a few other countries will become us vassal states

>> No.18121313

Wait, I thought to repo stuff the fed done was 1- short term loans of 3 months or less, and 2- made up out of thin air, no new debt was made, the money will just disappear again once the banks have paid it back?

>> No.18121327

also the repos just encourage bad banks to keep up their habits, in fact they will take more risk and spend more, leading effectively to additional decrease of money value.
10% of inflation is an underestimation, and even if it is that low, this 1000usd doesn't offset your losses from inflation if your savings include +10.000 usd

American people getting screwed over by gov and big business again but being sooothed with, as you said, bread and circusses

>> No.18121356

why dont we just let all the faggot companies who werent responsible enough to save an emergency fund to run business for 3 months fail? these companies, like the airlines, are piece of shit usurers who fleece customers with the lowest possible quality of service for rape fees

>> No.18121357


Well that's the idea, but the banks will never pay that shit back. This was a chance for them to put up a shitload of bad debt (at a premium price) as collateral for the loan and then default on the loan. Nothing happens, the Fed doesn't give a shit, the bad debt implodes and that's that.

>> No.18121387

THIS. Let the fucking speculative bullshit we've been trapped in END.

>> No.18121415

>1- short term loans of 3 months or less
repos rarely if ever go more than a few days. typically overnight. they are always paid back.

>be bizlette. don't even comprehend that "repo" stands for "repurchase agreement"

a repo is just this. you have an iphone but need a short term loan of $100. your iphone is valued easily at $350 on ebay. you give me your iphone to hold for the night and I give you $100 now...you agree to purchase it back tomorrow for $105 or I sell iphone on ebay and make crazy profit....
so in the end, I make $5 for very little risk of overnight loan, you get $100 in liquidity and get your iphone back tomorrow.

the problem going on currently is "no one can actually show the iphone is worth $350"....so banks are scared to lend each other based on the assets presented. therefore the fed is stepping in and basically saying 'here use our money to lend out instead of your own, but we make the profit not you'

>> No.18121440

>i am 19 and this is deep
if only one of you faggots could try graduating and having a job before you offer your dumbass opinions WE HAVE SEEN LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF TIMES OVER YEARS BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL CARBON COPIES OF EVERY OTHER RETARD YOUR AGE GOING THROUGH HIS FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE

>> No.18121455

exactly and then the banks suddenly don't pay back the repo and the fed finds out the given assets were worthless
no inflation here!

>> No.18121465

Was actually my exact thought. This is just a student repeating what some prof at community college explained to him last Thursday.

>> No.18121481

and what does the sentiment of not paying back the debt mean?
that's right
more inflation.

Rome tried it all before, this is just the same old shit with new schemes and new names. im not against inflation, but i am against trying to hide it.

>> No.18121498

>exactly and then the banks suddenly don't pay back the repo and the fed finds out the given assets were worthless
bad debt destroys money (ie. deflation)
you guys are missing the plot. WE ARE IN A DEFLATIONARY COLLAPSE. they are printing $6 because they fear $7t is about to be wiped out of existence.

>> No.18121510

Fuck difference does it make if the Fed basically exists just to support the banks and effectively absorb their assets anyway? this whole thing is bullshit.

>> No.18121531

>they are printing $6 because they fear $7t is about to be wiped out of existence.

And that's what happens when derivative shitheads leverage shit like mortgages to over 50x their value.

>> No.18121540
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