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File: 37 KB, 696x464, Nicolas-Maduro-dolares-696x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18116037 No.18116037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So... the US is signaling that they are going to invade Venezuela. The third largest producer of oil in America. This tells meme several things:

>> No.18116084

1. That's a man

>> No.18116090

1. The US s desperate. The impending economic crisis is bigger and badder than anything we've seen. Basically it is an existential threat to the country.

2. They are willing to do away with the Trump doctrine, in order to invade a country for it's oil.

3. They are willing to go toe to toe with Russia, who is protecting Venezuela.

So yeah. The hit to the Us economy is making them desperate. Is this bullish or bearish?

>> No.18116105

piece of shit country needs to get invaded

>> No.18116111


>> No.18116120

>the US is signaling that they are going to invade Venezuela.

>> No.18116194


>The U.S. State Department on Thursday announced rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of various Venezuelan nationals, including President Nicolas Maduro who Washington aims to push out of power.

>> No.18116238

charging him with narcoterrorism/drugtrafficking


no, it doesn't literally say we're going to invade, but it is a step further against his government, which the us has deemed illegitimate for some time, than we've taken thus far

if we're indicting him, then logically the intention is to make him stand trial (not that it will necessarily happen), which means removing him

>> No.18116293

The whole timing of it is fishy as fuck. There are Mexican narcos way more important for the State Department.

Also, this pretty much can start world war III.


>The Russian military has signed a deal that would allow it to send military ships to Venezuela.

>> No.18116362

>thinks the US wants to invade a country for oil when it is the largest global producer of oil and oil itself is collapsing in price

>> No.18116375


>> No.18116388

You actually do know why oil is collapsing in price, right?

>> No.18116396

We don't need oil, there is close to zero demand for it because no one is going to work. Gas prices are at like 10 year lows right now

>> No.18116420

Fucking based, we love our foreign wars for Israel, don’t we pedes?

>> No.18116451

Smooth brain tier analysis.

>We don't need oil, therefore prices go down.

Fucking amazing.

>> No.18116470

Gonna call bullshit on that one, OP. Venezuelan oil is shit anyway. If we were going to go back to this we'd just be jumping into the middle east again.

>> No.18116481

Can confirm

Too fucking weird that he doesn't speak about other narcos like the colombian and mexican ones, that hold much more of the global drug market (mostly cocaine though).

>> No.18116487
File: 132 KB, 1500x1071, KNEEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our economy is a war economy brother.

To get back to normal somebody needs to die. Looks like you ultra-mexicans are the unlucky winners, lol.

>> No.18116489

Based we'll get even more dumb spic migrants. Just what this country needed.

>> No.18116494

>The third largest producer of oil in America
source on this?

>> No.18116502

That's literally Supply and Demand dumb fuck

>> No.18116560

>we'd just be jumping into the middle east again.

To get what oil, exactly? Iran's? If Amerimutts try to do that Israel is vaporized in 3 econds. You guy can't go to the middle east again, your zionists overlords would not be happy with it.

>> No.18116580

>Supply and Demand

And this has nothing to do with it. It has to do with the russians trying to debase the petrodollar, and therefore, killing the shit tier fiat dollarino.

>> No.18116594


>> No.18116606

sauce fucker

>> No.18116617

but how did u know?

>> No.18116622

ah yes the typical 90 IQ take a la 4chan
The US has exhausted all low-hanging wells that can be profitable at this price. Sustaining the perpetual 1970-2020 growth costs a fuckton of oil, cheap oil. If the price drops, American oil becomes unfeasible to be extracted and two things will happen: Americans will either buy the cheap foreign one and be forced to subsidize those economies with their money, or the government will limit oil imports to prop up the bankrupted domestic oil companies and anything produced in the US will become expensive and uncompetitive on the global market.
So the logical option here is to invade other nations and siphon their oil.

>> No.18116623


>The U.S. State Department on Thursday announced rewards for information leading to the arrest or conviction of various Venezuelan nationals, including President Nicolas Maduro who Washington aims to push out of power.

>> No.18116653
File: 62 KB, 640x800, 73527664_437684803530971_5878118232598697683_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to invade Venezuela

that would be based. I would unironically sign up for the military. Venezuelan girls are fucking gorgeous

>> No.18116713

Buy offense stocks

>> No.18116718

Russia is a massive shithole that spans 11 time zones but somehow only has a GDP the size of Texas. They aren't a threat to us and they aren't going to debase shit. But you seem to study geopolitics more than any of us so you probably have some explanation as to why that's 100% false and I have no idea what I'm talking about

>> No.18116752

>the logical option here is to invade other nations and siphon their oil.

Exactly this. What other nations?
1.Saudi Arabia
>They are already Amerimutts bosses
2. Russia
>Holy shit, better not mess with the soviet bear.
3. Iraq
>Already controlled by mutts.
4. Iran
>This would be bothersome for zionist bosses
5. China
>Wouldn't win a war against the gooks
6. Canada
>They're fine, bros.
7. Arab Emirates
>Better not mess with the bosses.
8. Kuwait
>Already part of the USA
9. Brazil
>Bolsonaro is scary
10. Venezuela

Seriously. I don't know why do I have to spell it like I'm in kindergarden.

>> No.18116757

>It has to do with the russians trying to debase the petrodollar
kek you must have read the western-biased version of that article
i thought it was saudi-arabia who started it?

>> No.18116768

The point of invading Venezuela in the short term would be to reduce production (and therefore raise prices) and in the long term to prevent the sale of oil in currency outside of the dollar, which is important because the EU doesn't want to be constrained by the petrodollar and has been looking for non US/Saudi sources of oil (Venezuela has theoretically very deep reserves).

The thing with Venezuela is since much of the world has denied them credit largely thanks to US trickery, their production since the 2014 oil crash has been pretty low anyway.

IMO if they really wanted to cause an oil price spike, they would provoke Iran as this could not only limit Iran's supply, but the gulf countries as well or atleast lead to speculation about such an outcome.

>> No.18116814

Does Venezuela actually produce? Last I heard they were a commie shithole with an oil shortage in spite of basing their entire economy on oil

>> No.18116816
File: 14 KB, 288x286, 1584902399381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuelan here, if only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.18116861

Nope. It is russia.

>his decision means Russia’s rise to a completely new level of global influence. Now not only political, but also economic.

Why would saudi arabia want to debase the petrodollar? They have amassed fortunes on the petrodollar.

>> No.18116902
File: 118 KB, 939x896, Maduro_indicted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is a fucking happening

>> No.18116922

Fuck the USA. Seriously, when are they gonna stop doing this shit?

>> No.18116932

They don't have an oil shortage, one of the perks of living there is gas is free. I think the state owned gas stations are supposed to charge but the people that work there just give it away and probably ask for a few bolivars under the table as a tip. There are problems with distribution though, the gas stations run out before they get more delivered but people aren't rioting over not having gas. I'm basing all of this off of this one video I watched about a month ago

>> No.18116946

How do I short this?

>> No.18116956

yes, them South American chicks will welcome an invading army of Brad Sluders with open legs

>> No.18116967

The funny thing is Trump abandoned all of his doctrines when shit hit the fan:

>America will neveer be socialist
$1000 dollarinos for everyone, don't pay rent and your credit is frozen.

>No more foreign wars.
Here we come Venezuela

>> No.18116987

>how bad things really are.

You have 4chan over there. I think you are fine.

>> No.18116996

buy TAN, puts on OIL

>> No.18117023

They were really mad when shale took off. The agreement was Saudi Arabia produces the oil and trades it in our dollar so they get to be best buds with us and have all the protections and money that go along with that. Since US shale became a feasible and profitable business module the Saudis had to start selling their oil for less profit because of the new competition in town. So now they are less likely to side with us, especially with our fleeting economy and the myriad of other problems we have.

>> No.18117029

The problem was that the US forbid any Foreign investment from the US into Venezuela around 2015 and the Venezuelan opposition government promised to default on any loans should they come to power.
Normally after an oil production slump, oil companies borrow money in order to ramp production up again, however as a result of those two factors Venezuela had access to basically no credit, so they ended up in a hole.
It was mostly after this happened that the Venezuelan economy really shit the bed.

>> No.18117066
File: 68 KB, 890x839, 1584728516991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why?, I'm from Colombia, and I can say for sure that the big drug dealers are here, tied knit with the actual government, a fucking politician got caught with a cocaine lab in his fucking mansion, and it was like a fucking nothingburger, ZERO FUCKS GIVEN, and shit like this happens all the fucking time!!!

Really what the fuck is going on.

>> No.18117072

Yeah, its nuts. I guess those who pull his strings have others ideas

>> No.18117088

You mean calls on oil.

>> No.18117096

Lol didn't FARC convince the government to give all their top guys state pensions?

>> No.18117100

We put a 15m bounty on their President. We didn't even do that to the President of Syria when we said he was gassing children.

>> No.18117104

>Trump cleans up South America!
what could go severely and irreparably wrong

>> No.18117125

Lol. USA trying to act like its the government of the world but only when they seem to have some sort of hidden benefit otherwise why hasn't North Korea been invaded? Realistically speaking what should I do if various foreign armies invade the USA to put them (the government) in their place for trying to control other nations?

Flee to another country as a refugee?

>> No.18117138

South America is well within our sphere of influence nobody over there will raise a big stink about this. Russia on the other hand.....

>> No.18117146

>Why would saudi arabia want to debase the petrodollar? They have amassed fortunes on the petrodollar.
ergo is what i'm trying to say, why would saudi arabia produce more oil than is necessary and therefore kick off a battle with russia?

>> No.18117193

There seems to be confusion maybe even intentional lies in the media about this. Russia started the price war and Saudi Arabia has to do battle with them or they just won't sell any oil at all.

>> No.18117196

Yes, but they just gave their slice of the market to the good ol' Escobar style narcos, there's plenty of them, they are armed to the teeth, and they are using this oportunity to hoard all the cocaine fields and labs, this is fucking mess holy shit.

And of course our government does fucking nothing, sometimes they throw one head or two under the bus to keep the people happy, BUT AT THE END NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


>> No.18117399

>why would saudi arabia produce more oil than is necessary

They are not producing more oil. They are lowering the price to compete with russian oil, mainly in eastern europe.

This was what started the first gulf war, when Iraq invaded kuwait, took hold of the oil rigs and lowered the price of oil to debase the petrodollar. The US is not declaring war to Russia because the Ruskies have nukes, but they are going to chop up Venezuela.

>> No.18117500

I just hope they lose so badly it becomes a second vietnam.

>> No.18117631

Fingers crossed, mate.

>> No.18117725

Women have mustaches. Get over it.

>> No.18118542

Bump for a great /thread

>> No.18118656

Which branch do i join?

>> No.18118731
File: 61 KB, 960x666, DqQFoNAWsAEdD_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i hope so. put me in coach

>> No.18118798

I'm predicting, september, maybe october, but not later than november, there's gonna be boots at the ground. Looking for Maduro, that narcoterrorist.

>> No.18118808

Hell yeah, venezuela is ancient jewish land

>> No.18118825


>> No.18118827

Venezuela has the larges supply of oil in existence. Saudis will need to learn chinese now. Nothing is stoping israelis from fucking their shit now. LOL saudis are about to get justed hard.

>> No.18118836

No. It will be a proxy war.

>> No.18118837

What government official has the authority to authorize this

>> No.18118864


>> No.18118869

Mutts are dumb AF, I could see you being correct on this, date will probably be wrong though...it usually is.
Its low grade though

>> No.18118893

This is just fear mongering

>> No.18118925

La buena lol

Yes it is

>> No.18118946

They can dredge the oil, but it is incredibly hard to process it in Venezuela. Basically they have to send it to another country, process it there, then ship it back to ship out. If they had better tech they would be rich but they don't have the option for investments thanks to US sanctions and their own buffoonery.

>> No.18118953

it's better to buy lower grade oil from higher grade people than to rely and flood those camel jockeys with money, that they later use to assassinate journalists, make members of their family accused of rape and murder flee the countries before being charged, or straight up finance terrorists. fuck them, they are building mosques all around europe and spreading their wahabbi bullshit like cancer. I've just had enough with this shit.

>> No.18118970

Pompeo and the department of justice.


>> No.18118999

What is there to fear? That Venezuela attacks the US? Pfft... That Russia retaliates... Maybe, altough ruskies are shifty as fuck, so I don't think they would. The thing is the Us is desperate to regain control of oil prices. Icoming crisis is a fucking beast.

>> No.18119004

>Saying that Maduro is a narco
>Forgetting that in Colombia the narco (Escobar-Styleas,as colombianon says) controls more land now thanks to the nule presence of the gov after the disarm of the FARC
>Forgetting about JOH, a literal banana republic presidente who has a narco brother and was indicted as a suspect by american autorities.
>Latin america, so far away from god and so close to USA.

>> No.18119009

weapons of mass destruction 2 electric boogaloo

>> No.18119032


>> No.18119466

#FinNexus token sale has no risk as this will be converted at the same price during our IEO

>> No.18120118

the bad guys run everything.

>> No.18120285

Makes no sense. All you need to do is reign in Saudi Arabia.

>> No.18120370

Tachyon devices a method of selfdeveloped DHT to ensure the robustness of the P2P network that was already created

>> No.18120396

Where did you hear this news? I'm more expecting Colombia to annex it's former land under the US guidance.

>> No.18120397

>why hasn't North Korea been invaded?
Gee idk, maybe because of a little thing called nuclear weapons

>> No.18120405
File: 143 KB, 700x503, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reign in Saudi Arabia.
>The US reigning in Saudi Arabia.

And then what? Decoupling your democracy/finances/media from Israel? Sure thing, bucko.

>> No.18120425

I heard it on the united states department of justice:


>> No.18120534

I-I'm scared bros, wat now? wat to do?

>t. venezuelan

>> No.18120575

the raping part is the fun part in wars

>> No.18120584

Celebrate of course. Maduro's reign of terror will soon be over.

>> No.18120626

Tachyon TCP ensures reliable deliveries of information, yet with cost of speed loss and low throughput.

>> No.18120658

No water
No electricity
No trumpbux
No medicines
No gas
No cheap food
No good pay jobs
Yes CoronaVirus
Yes MegaInflation
So tired

>> No.18120697

Fascinating. I don't expect much to actually happen in that front. I have no problem if it does but only if we wipe out at least 66% of all Venezuelans akin to Paraguay and give the land back to a future Gran Colombia.

>> No.18120793

this is too weird to be oil

>> No.18120814

>I don't expect much to actually happen in that front.

>Several millions of americans about to die of corona.
>Worst economic crisis in 80 years
>Production lines coming to a halt
>Supply lines frozen.
>Florida, California and NY declared disaster zones.
>No cure in sight.
>Fiat going extinct.
>Election year
>We have time to indict a foreign president of narcoterrorism.
>Not much to actually happen in that front.

This is what is going to happen:
>Academi guns for hire try to capture Maduro.
>One of them gets killed
>"An american national was killed in Venezuela. We need to intervene and destroy the axis of evil"
>Profit by subletting american war machine.
>New puppet president in Venezuela
>2021 arrives with new oil reserves.
>Crisis averted
>Hyperinflation bursting the seams of economy, again
>"This is the best economy ever"

>> No.18120875

Let this farce end already, for fuck's sake, just let the market crash

>> No.18120926


It's the same in the US. Google CIA Contra. It's well documented the CIA was basically running a protection racket taking a cut from every cartel that wanted to deal drugs in America and destroying the ones that fought back so they had dark money to fund terrorists with. It's highly likely they're doing something similar with opioids in Iraq (all the poppy farms started after US occupation) and 0 reason to believe they've stopped in South America.

>> No.18120961

Dying animals never behave in normal ways and the US is actually eyeing its demise.

>Pumping trillions of dollars to keep the thing afloat for a few hours
>Invariably falls down.
>Trillions injected are only going to make inflation worse
>Ponzi scheme collapsing a couple of years down the line.
>The only fucking thing that can pump the economy up is production
>Us doesn't produce anything anymore
>No solution in sight
>Last desperate attempt
>Let's invade a country and try to control oil prices again.

>> No.18120965

There won't be an invasion.

It will be a special forces operation at max.

>> No.18120992

Wanna bet there is going to be an invansion?

>> No.18121024


That's a bus driving soi boi

>> No.18121029

no I think he meant the other way around. This is just to put Venezuela on edge. CIA will continue to fuck with them but probably nothing more than that. Maybe they'll kill/arrest the FARC guys, if they can find them

>> No.18121035

Your brain on /biz/

>> No.18121055

bro we're not invading venezuela lol

>m-muh habbeding!!!!

relax you schizo /pol/tard

>> No.18121071

>This is just to put Venezuela on edge.

To what end? Seriously, think hard. What is the engame here. I know it's difficult but think. What is the end game?

>> No.18121083

Screencap this shit. And come laugh at me when it doesn't happen.

>> No.18121098

It's just Trump trying to make the oil price go up. there's no way he would go on a adventure in Venezuella during this outbreak and a crashed stock market. Remember "the art of the deal". Your president is a gambler.

>> No.18121118


The US army have stationary troops and can use 7 bases all around our country, some of them are conveniently close to the border with Venezuela, in case of a war it's obvious that Colombia will have to bite the bullet, all beacuse some dipshit wants money in his pockets.

I have a nephew, 5 y/o, you know, my life and the life of 20-30 y/o people around here is pretty fucked already, I want for him to at least have a happy childhood, this is not ok, not cool at all.

I don't want my nephew to hear bombs and run, just no.

>> No.18121146

Nothing is gonna happen, it's bluff. Remember the iranians bombed his bases in Iraq and he did nothing. Trump is a bully but if the things get serious he'll just run like a bitch. Remember this is a guy who dodged the Vietnam draft all while bashing McCain for getting captured.

>> No.18121154

Would you get involved with the cannabis business in Colombia, post-coronachan?

>> No.18121160

i can tell your opinion is worthless because you had to lead with that metaphor

sure, but first tell me how many posts you made about how the usa was going to go to war with Iran after the soleimani assassination

>> No.18121166


>> No.18121178

>This tells meme several things:
You know oil hasn't been this cheap since 1998, right?

>> No.18121209

>tell me how many posts you made about how the usa was going to go to war with Iran after the soleimani assassination

None. Zero. I'm not a happening addict. You just have to read the tendencies and going ons.

>> No.18121212

That's illegal here, just for personal consumption and medical research, it's tightly regulated, and one mistake could ruin your life, I don't know man, you tell me kek

>> No.18121218

Yeah. That's the reason.