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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18109844 No.18109844 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18110480

Is the stock market now coupled to the coronachan deaths? Deaths go up, stocks go up?

>> No.18110519

yes, the market demands sacrifices

>> No.18110582

this but unironically

>> No.18110615

What if exposure to more of coronavirus actually helps people recover from it, sort of like getting mini doses of vaccine....so secluding people indoors actually makes coronavirus WORSE since they are getting exposed to less "mini vaccine" doses of extra coronavirus.

>> No.18110672

About a thousand a day will die soon. If it get to 2,000 a day the public will go tits up the US is a very panic driven society

>> No.18110707

1) chinese #'s are fake, they stopped testing to keep them low
2) 35,000 in US die each year from flu, still neex 35x corona deaths to equal a NORMAL flu season fatality

>> No.18110734

if the chinese numbers are fake doesn't that make the outlook much worse for us?

>> No.18110743
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Indeed, this is what a 10 trillion FED pump looks like.

>> No.18110765

Wow 1000 deaths what a nothingburger.

>> No.18110816

no, because our #'s are real. when all is said and done this will be no different than a typical influenza season with 35k+ deaths. keep in mind 35k deaths over a flu season (6 months) is about 1,350 deaths/per day.

>> No.18110845
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>> No.18110857

yeah that's the level of intellectual counterpoint I'd expect from someone on biz

>> No.18110925

Are you literally retarded ? How can someone be this bad at math?

>> No.18110967

1,350 x 30 =40500
That many people dying a day would be forty thousand a month

>> No.18110987

Nice math

>> No.18111000
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>> No.18111004

that 500 spike tilted me bad, they can get fucked at 20500, sell.

>> No.18111014

sorry typo I meant per week, 26 weeks x 1350 = 35k
corona has been in US for 8 weeks and we still aren't even at one week of a normal flu fatality

>> No.18111026
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I know some dumb fucks but I mean holy shit anon

>> No.18111084

fuck off all of you, I meant per WEEK, it was a typo

>> No.18111098

do you understand what a logistic model is and that we have done basically nothing to dampen it so far

>> No.18111168

>we have done basically nothing to dampen it so far
Are you insane? Everything is basically shut down in many parts of the country and there is extreme social distancing. This is far more than any response to the flu which is more deadly.

>> No.18111279

yes now we understand we have a 3 way split on the situation. im going to tell you something i didnt even tell /x/. there are 4 factors which determine the deaths in the west as far as corona. is it cold? if its not cold across most of america more will die. are the markets doing well? if it is more will die. why? dissidents. some faggy usurpers decided to start a fight and i tied their fucking hands and said im not going to use any lube. they wanted wallstreet to do well and for it to be warm and for gooks to die but not the white man. the other 2 factors nobody would notice unless they were in my presence or tracking chinas death rate. with 6 months at least 5 times as many as chinas deaths (flat rate) should be achieved in the west. this was put into place 2 weeks ago

they tried to play hot potato and i have done this shit since the early 90s. i always make people regret it. their best case scenario is that they fold on the market and weather and walk away from the table. even if people stop going out they need food. people got fired. people have to file paper work to get trump bucks. that takes time. crime may rise in some cases. i like rubegoldberg machines. doesnt every one

>> No.18111310

neither are that deadly on their own, what is deadly is lack of appropriate care and we can't provide it adequately. social distancing has only really been in full swing most places for a week, we're way behind the curve. we have a flu vaccine and we still manage 35k dead every year

>> No.18111323

You are THE most clueless and naive idiot posting on this board today.

>> No.18111377


>> No.18111384

>we have a flu vaccine and we still manage 35k dead every year
that's because no one gives a shit about the flu and we, as a society, except that there will be fatality each season because the world must go on. this corona shit is going to be here forever, no amount of containment will stop it at this point. let darwinism play itself out

>> No.18111456

yeah that's the level of intellectual counterpoint I'd expect from someone on biz

>> No.18111485

People thought I was a conspiracy theorist when I told them the Fed would blow up their balance sheet by 10-15T like 3 weeks ago.

I'm just suprised we are here so fast.