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18102884 No.18102884 [Reply] [Original]


Is this bullish or bearish for crypto?

>> No.18102914


>> No.18102926
File: 10 KB, 250x250, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on ethereum

>> No.18102949

Holy shit

>> No.18102952

bearish deflation currency are dead
stable coins have won

>> No.18102954

Its not gonna be on ethereum

>> No.18102967

Thanks just went 5x margin long ETH

>> No.18103004
File: 154 KB, 729x638, 1574500884627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on ethereum
did anyone tell them that ETH is a bloated shitheap

>> No.18103034

Have you been tested for the Chinese Coronavirus?

>> No.18103227

you'll FOMO in time, loser
I bet you vote droompf too ?

>> No.18103388

What does this mean for Btc and chainlink?

>> No.18103419

Of course oracles will be necessary, so link will be 1000 eoy

>> No.18103424

>he doesn’t know about the BIS

>> No.18103449
File: 1 KB, 122x33, forbesstaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forbes staff
>not "contributor"


>> No.18103452

it means you fell for a clickbait headline from a forbes contributor article

lurk moar faggot

>> No.18103473



>> No.18103499
File: 19 KB, 502x303, snedu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link is a utilityless memetoken it's unaffected by real world news, only affected by whales trying to squeeze neets out of their last bucks

>> No.18103595

More crypto shit. Stop.

>> No.18103652

the absolute state of maxis
you just don't understand what's coming
what will the result of years of deep consortium/enterprise/institutional integration be, do you think ?
eth is so obviously undervalued, lol
imagine not seeing this/being in denial over this bc muh boomer coin

>> No.18103665

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, and many more tech giants dropped out of school. What the fuck is your point?

>> No.18103688

>More crypto shit. Stop.
Probably because crypto is the future you useless boomer

>> No.18103693

I'm not a maxi at all, don't hold bitcoin
i'm just a guy that browses biz and has never seen a forbes hopium shit article come true

eth is a great network. i have no doubt that it will be the de facto public blockchain. however, I am not bullish on the ETH token. good luck with your gamble. cant wait till you fags are back in school or plebbit

>> No.18103705

Sergei didn't drop out retard

>> No.18103712

yes dropping out is based, actually finishing a liberal arts degree is pathetic.
also musk was studying physics, gates computer science and ellison is just a low iq parasite that got lucky

>> No.18103729

Should I put $50 on Ethereum or Chainlink rn?

>> No.18103751 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 840x815, kms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday: Sorry everyone we are closing doors for 3 weeks. Everyone is laid off.
Anon we need you to work at home while you are laid off. Just keep track of your hours we'll take care of you.
Thursday: Coworker: Anon can you send me this info?....We are closed though. Coworker: no we all came back today and were rehired. Except boss said you have to stay home.
What do?

>> No.18103800

And my point is what you studied in school isn't that important you clueless retards. Are you suggesting that going to (((school))) like a good goy is important?

>> No.18103842

>Elon Musk dropped out of school
Source: Your anus.

>> No.18103870

He dropped out of PhD you ignorant fuck

>> No.18103889

Yes, because that's how (((VCs))) decide who they'll fund, whoever is part of good goy network

>> No.18103919

you know what this means right?
its quants time to shine

>> No.18103926

not so sure what to buy rn b/c of corona
i got usdc waiting... see if I can scoop some more dirt cheap eth
bought the 88$ dip a few weeks ago so...

>> No.18103988
File: 40 KB, 600x600, C0258F6E-0F56-404D-9EE1-8E563020C30B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 shekel has been deposited to your account

>> No.18104025

You should find a job and dca most of your savings into eth
Eth is so far from reaching it’s full potential it’s crazy

>> No.18104089

Wow, such a rebel.

>> No.18104371

Is any crypto actually used as money instead of weird digital investments? No ine is ever gonna use this things as actual at this rate.

>> No.18104534

This. No actusl ine will ever rate this things.