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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18093497 No.18093497 [Reply] [Original]


Tenants rise up!

>> No.18093506

I decided to not pay my rent this month. Im still employed and make more than enough but I am taking full advantage of this fake virus hahahahahaha

>> No.18093509

Companies are getting paid but landlords not? Fuck this shitty socialism / communism type of system

>> No.18093542
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>> No.18093571

what if everyone just always did this

>> No.18093607

They would get evicted.

>> No.18093626

and then the next tenants? if masses of people just peacefully refused, if the bottom dregs of the barrel just stopped slaving

>> No.18093627

Lol it would be a bunch of asshole commies if they werent all out of work too. The landlord, who is probably Jewish, can suffer the same existence we all are now. I dont feel bad about it.

>> No.18093641
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>Owns a building, literally does nothing else with his time

Normally i'd say this is bait, but everytime i give boomers credit they make a retard out of me, hilarious though

>> No.18093668

No more renting. No more hotels. House prices increase.

>> No.18093672

Ok this is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.18093690

Hey retard, Adam Smith EXPLICITLY calls out landlords. Capitalism is anti-landlord as well.

>> No.18093710

>cut off the power and water

Also 32 apartments and not having a property management company, incredibly real and not fake

>> No.18093711

Then you get communism and government needs to extract value from its people somehow, so the people become more explicitly enslaved. Government tells you where you can get things, how much you can have, what work you do. Really you go from two steps away from slavery to one step

>> No.18093748
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A major part of the original NSDAP economic plan was hostile to landlords and seeked to help people build homes on the outskirts of the city where they could have their own gardens to supplement their pantry. Lanlords and slumlords tend to be Jewish.

>> No.18093751

well i dont like that so i guess i’ll continue avoiding rent

>> No.18093772




>> No.18093776

>cut rent by 50% for a month
There asshole

>> No.18093790

>sole source of income

yep. you're a fucking moron.

>> No.18093795


>> No.18093828
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humanity has really underestimated the real power of memes

>> No.18093849


Pay your rent, loser.

>> No.18093857


You don't have to pay your rent it doesn't mean you don't owe it, retard.

>> No.18093862

Looks like a classic case of the chickens coming home to roost

>> No.18093869

cut it by 50%, they owe you the rest later with 15% interest

>> No.18093914

>Cut rates to 50%
>wait until the virus is over
>raise all rents by the normal 50% plus an extra 1200 for all current tenants.
"Sorry, but I lost so much money during the crisis that I need to make up the current capital somehow. This is the current rate for the room you're in now, take it or leave it."
>they leave
>Immediately fill entire building with new, less shitty people
either some of them will pay, which is great, or they all move out, which is good for you.
(Note, this might be illegal, I'm not sure about retaliation laws in some areas. It would be best to run this by someone before implementing it.)

>> No.18093977

>Lanlords and slumlords tend to be Jewish.
Absolutely. The household and family is essential to the strength of the nation. Degenerates took over as landlords and kick their countrymen out for shekels and make them homeless. There should be a limit to how many properties one can own.

>> No.18093991

>Millions are presently unemployed and almost every present tenant who will be kicked out won't have the money for a new rental, nor will they be eager to start the process over again

I really wish I lived in your fantasy world, landleech.

>> No.18093993

/biz/ - business and finance

This is a landlord board you commie faggots. Stop posting screenshots of your larps on Reddit.

>> No.18094004

get a job

>> No.18094018

Imagine thinking that you have the right to live on someone else's property without their consent, or without remuneration. Landlords provide a valuable service, I honestly don't understand this landlords are evil idea.

>> No.18094059

imagine thinking you have the right to profit off victims while destroying their lives and having zero empathy for your fellow man during a global crisis

landlords get the bullet

>> No.18094068

also imagine if i told you that you must pay me money you dont have and if you try to make money i say that you aren't allowed.

>> No.18094091 [DELETED] 

Imagine thinking you have to right to live on a piece of land that is natural to earth.

>> No.18094096

>Landlords provide a valuable service
They're competition for a resource they don't need.

>> No.18094106

Imagine thinking you have to right to charge people for the right to live on a piece of land that is natural to earth.

>> No.18094134

How, HOW does someone with 32 units does not have saved up tons of money? What do these stupid fucks spend so much money on each month

>> No.18094161
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Based. Free market capitalism at its finest.

>> No.18094167

>here's your refugees and aliens, sir

>> No.18094171

I look forward to working as a private security officer for landlords, and bashing normie skulls and kneecaps in while performing entirely legal evictions as a contracted Real Estate Deputy for Los Angeles county.

I will be Judge Dread for landlords. I will annihilate you parasite scum and free the property for paying, productive, quality tenants.

Pay your rent, you smelly nigger cattle. It's all you are good for.

>> No.18094198

You just put paper on a door bro lmao

>> No.18094201

Thats why you build walls, arm yourselves, and deport them.

>> No.18094204

>House prices increase.
Not really it would be a megadump in house prices if renting was no longer a source of income

>> No.18094212
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>Anon says, as he daydreams about his "time to shine" where he kicks in the door to some nig's house and takes 4 rounds of Tyrone's 10mm Glock to the stomach and bleeds out, cursing the nigger for refusing to bend over for the landleech, and not the landleech for being unreasonable

>> No.18094223

Imagine thinking they can get away with this. They will pay what's owned + interests + any damage to the property during that time. Welcome to the real world, spoiled kids

>> No.18094233

holy FUCK an actual fucking good post.

>> No.18094299

The mortgage. They're overleveraged. There are swaths of dumb idiots that secure insane mortgages, dont own these buildings outright, and skim profit through volume. Most have absolutely zero prep for a rainy day because they gamble profits on more properties instead of taking their money off the fucking table and saving. Everyday this week, there has been a new story about a seething landlord wondering how they'll make payments next week. Some jackass has $50K due next week and he's crying about AirBnB not covering cancellations for him.

>> No.18094301
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Game over land cucks. Even corporations are refusing to pay rent on their buildings.
Looks like its time to get a job and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. No more avacado toast!

>> No.18094341

But I thought people had the right to live on a piece of land that is natural to earth?

>> No.18094351

Probably should have added legal citizens in that country.

>> No.18094356

>what??? No, I own a finite resource protected by planning and zoning laws, and people need housing to live, what do you mean I should also be economically productive as well????

>> No.18094395

>Anti-landlord chapos ITT making a case for landlords without even realizing it

>> No.18094411


Pay your rent, loser.

>> No.18094413

Adam Smith isnt a 'capitalist', a third of Wealth of Nations is him listing things the state should regulate/pay for

>> No.18094431

Are you retarded? Capitalism =/= no state no regulations, that's anarcho-capitalism

Saying the state should pay for things doesn't prevent capitalism you utter braindead moron, the state can own and use capital in a capitalist system

>> No.18094479

illegal in most states.

>> No.18094489
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plebbit link for all replies

>> No.18094534

that's why you wait until it's over dumbass. People aren't going to be out of work forever, and if they are the last thing people will be worried about are landlord laws.

>> No.18094616

HAHAHAHA. Should have all-in'd Suterusu, sold the 3x, and then caught bottom and staked.

>> No.18094725

So you rent directly from the bank then. Now THE FUCKING BANK is your landlord. How is that better?

>> No.18094798

Damn, I was hoping this post was real but after reading the replies and that dude's post history it's obviously fake.

>> No.18094839


Also, I'd argue that capitalism and anarcho-capitalism are usually two different things entirely. Capitalism from the get-go assumed the existence of a state to enforce certain property norms, but anarcho-capitalism is literally just edgier mutualism.

>> No.18094873


>> No.18094890

So? When armies conquer lands, the state turns it into assets to be bought and sold. Capitalism is not ancapism.

>> No.18094925

Guys, every time I try to get a job this kind of hecc happens
It is everywhere today? HALP

>> No.18094933

They also deserve to feel the full wrath of a real estate crash. They get the same treatment that stocks do. They get that fed money pump and when it all takes a shit, they get protected.

They deserve to go into negative equity.

>> No.18094943

>landlord provide a valuable service


>> No.18094957

have fun getting raped in jail by tyron and friends.

>> No.18095142

absolutely based. fuck landlords fuck bootlickers and fuck trannyjannies

>> No.18095194

Imagine owning a 32 unit building and not having a six month emergency fund

>> No.18095222

>People aren't going to be out of work forever
Yeah, this might play out like it did the last time. They just jump out of windows instead. Can't be out of work if you aren't alive!

>> No.18095237

>retard literally does nothing for a living
>oh no no no you can't just take away my free moneyrino
Landlords are just entitled neets.

>> No.18095242

>makes 32k per month

>> No.18095298

imagine caring more about money than human lives

>> No.18095371

Because at the end of the mortgage the property is mine to do with as I please.
Under a landlord, paying rent, I'll never be able to own my own house

>> No.18095511
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>> No.18095534
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Fucking moron

>> No.18095550

Owning a house is overrated though.
It's like 500,000 for the average house not including any land/property fees, home owner fees, more space furnishing costs, repair and upkeep, bills and utilities not including in the rent like apartments, security systems, home owners insurance.
That's quite a bit of money and considering often times people move houses, the cost never ends.

All of those things are covered under rent and are the responsibility of the landlord/management to handle repair and renovation.
The average renter who lives their whole lives in apartments will spend 1,000,000- 2,000,000 in total over the course of 50-70 years assuming rent costs 1500/month-2000/month

Homeowners will easily exceed renters cost for a property they aren't even making full usage of. A house is an asset, but realistically it's just something to show off.

>> No.18095695


>gets btfo'd
>immediately goes full damage control "HOUSES ARE OVERRATED" even though you literally own houses you fucking leech

also, a house is generational wealth that you can pass onto your offspring. get the fuck out of here with your bullshit, kike.

>> No.18095733

>pass onto your offspring
Nah, I wouldn't raise my kids to be spoiled like that and give them the house unless they were in dire financial straits.

>> No.18095755
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>> No.18095763

Not everyone hates their family, mutt.

>> No.18095805

lol what a simpleton
keep licking them boots retard

>> No.18095839

I love how landlords think they're special. EVERYONE is out of work. People's businesses are going under. Why should they be exempt from suffering during a crisis?

>> No.18095865

>I want my children to pay 1/3 of their wages to greedy neets because it will make them more disciplined

>> No.18095868

Debt collectors are the real Jews

>> No.18095969



>> No.18095975

This nigga was making all that money managing one fucking building. Jesus.

>> No.18096186

>Average American earns about $3,400 per month
>Somehow expected to pay between half and two thirds of their income to live in a shitty apartment
>In this economy
Landlords really are parasites

>> No.18096592

>just earn more money :)
>and then give it to me :^)

>> No.18096603
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>> No.18096625
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>Landlords provide a valuable service

>> No.18096656

I don’t understand the landlord hate. What’s wrong with someone renting out a spare bedroom or an apartment if they live in a two-family house?

>> No.18096680
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>> No.18096697

Imo there's nothing wrong with that, it's the scum who "buy" (because they still owe the bank) entire apartments or their 4th property and rent them out for unreasonable prices

>> No.18096719

Absolutely based fuck landlords

>> No.18096730

its really simple. You don't pay rent, I will tear down the building. Better to burn out than fade away.

>> No.18096764

The best part of this, is it only has 2 outcomes, eviction of the tenants through the landlord OR eviction of the tenants through the mortgage holder if the landlord can't keep up the payments.
Sure they might get 6 month rent free, its not sustainable though.

>> No.18096768

>Tear down the building
Lmao fucking retard

>> No.18096776

Bulldozers are cheap these days

>> No.18096790
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ahahah they're getting desperate

nah your pussy ass will just put up with the losses / foreclosures, accept being indebted for the rest of life and do minimum wage work at mcdonalds like the talentless spineless little shits you are.

look at the birght side though. once you're all foreclosed the rent you're paying for the 30sqm flat (that you share with 3 roommates) will be 1/5th the price you'd be paying today.

>> No.18096804

And then what? You don't have any more property to leach off of, dumbass

>> No.18096806

Reminder that the overwhelming majority of chapos are NEETs or severely underemployed.

>> No.18096820

>tear down the building
Lmao, more like the bank repos ownership and becomes the new landlord. You try to take a crane to a building while people are still living in it then you're likely going down on attempted murder. Actual murder if you kill someone. Enjoy that electric chair after doing 25 in debtors prison for fucking around with the bank's money.

>> No.18096824

That's usually not the problem, but if you're one of those faggots that rents out their spare room or apartment in order to cover their own rent and maybe even make some profit, and maybe even off of a friend, you are just as bad as the kike that overcharges to live in his shitty apartment. Hard to believe the amount of "looking to fill a single room" ads where the rent is $1500/month, even harder to believe there are people falling for that price.

>> No.18096831

the tenants will literally just turn him into dog food when he tries to bulldoze the building with their children inside

>> No.18096851

Cheaper rent directly through the banks as the new landlords thanks to newly injected fed liquidity, or the banks agreeing to convert apartments to condos is easily sustainable, though. Tick tock, landies. Hope you didn't overleverage.

>> No.18096858

This is why the economy was so fucked and corona is just the needle that popped the bubble. We'll be in a full blown depression by next year.

>> No.18096870

Exactly. Rather go down in fames.

>> No.18096876

You dirty commununist pigs all need to die

>> No.18096879

>make some profit

Wouldn’t that be the whole point of renting out the spare bedroom? If you’re going to lose money or break even, why would you do it?

>> No.18096884

And everyone will blame it on Trump

>> No.18096902

>you have to do keep doing something to justify earning money
so buying stocks is wrong to you? or having a youtube channel where you did the labor to make the video and nothing but money keeps coming in?

>> No.18096939

incredibly retarded analogy you should be working in the fields with that iq

landlords did NOT build the buildings, the content creators did make the videos. they often didn't even buy it. just went to the bank and pushed the prices artificially up for everyone else.

the good news is that once they're bankrupt the houses will still be there, for cheap

NOBODY will miss them

>> No.18096948

If the point of renting out a spare room in your house is to make profit, you're already fucking up because you probably came up with this stupid idea because you're stupid, and because you're stupid you're probably still paying off the mortgage on your house which you're now going to try to minimize the impact of by overcharging someone for rent to get your jollies off.

If you outright own a property and want to lease out a room for some extra bucks, the only ethical thing to do is try to find a friend, or at least someone you can tolerate, and undercharge them. As in, if the "average rate" in your area for a one bedroom apartment is $850, you should charge like $400.

>> No.18096980


Yes, we’re all familiar with well known socialist radical Adam Smith.

>> No.18096986

but why do you have to work to "morally" earn money off of it? If you're a CEO and you have workers that do labor while you don't do much isn't that earning money without working? Or buying/selling bitcoin

and morality/ethics are subjective. I don't see how you can say that's the only way you should do something

>> No.18096990



>> No.18097009

To lower your mortgage payments through cohabitation. Not entirely shuck off responsibility on someone else, or become a leech with no back up plan. If you had a real job and focused on saving money in addition to collecting rent, you wouldn't have found yourself in a position where you expect continuous rent as a revenue stream. Landlords seem to be the only class of investors who have no clue what hedging means. Relying on tenants ALONE is asking for trouble. I mean, does the bank you took huge loans from only lend out mortgages? No? Guess why? They aren't fucking retarded like you. They consider risk and understand that free markets work in both directions.

>> No.18097014

This is the average communist,
Muh equality of outcome for everyone but when it comes down to it all they care about is themselves and being a lazy bitch that wants everthing given to them while they're sitting on their ass.

It honestly amazes me you could say that about all landlords and still think of yourself as a decent human being. How hard do you have to lie to yourself?

>> No.18097092

>all they care about is themselves and being a lazy bitch that wants everthing given to them while they're sitting on their ass

they would love being a landlord

>> No.18097108

do you want fucking biden to win?

>> No.18097142

>dementia patient puppet vs lapdog populist retard
Am I supposed to act like there's a difference?

>> No.18097185

t. chapo retards

>> No.18097199
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32 units ' sole source of icome' .
These fucking kikes are so f greasy trying to induce petty when they r sitting on stacks of money.

It si time for the proletariat to rise up and finally rid ourselves of kikes and the elite ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

>> No.18097224


>> No.18097306

EUFAG here. I once intentionally stopped paying rent because i wanted to spend my money on fun things. Anyway it took the owner 7 months to get me out. never paid him shit for the 7 months i owed him. He was allowed to take my guarantee which was only worth like 3 months. 4 months of rentfree living!

>> No.18097312

There's caps on how much you can raise rent... I think where I live it's like 6%

>> No.18097320

>tenants stop paying rent
>can't get evicted due to local/state laws
>rental owners can't pay mortgages and default
>the banks sell the bad mortgages to the fed with zero consequence.

The house always wins. All this will accomplish is accelerating fed handovers of cash to the banks, and inciting divide & conquer between the have-nots and the have-a-littles.

>> No.18097369

i'd literally pay niggers to break in and bash your head and all your stuff

>> No.18097380 [DELETED] 
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Earth is not flat , but water around continents is.

>> No.18097406

Rule of the People (direct Democracy)

>> No.18097407


The banks are funded through tax payers. The landlords mortgage via the banks, driving up property prices and pricing out tax payers. Tax payers pay both rent and taxes against their own interests. It's slavery.

>> No.18097443

The funny part is that 25% of landlords might be shit, but at least 60% of tenants are shitheads, and you need to look no further than all of these retards bragging about the fact that they couldn't fulfill their barest obligation in paying for their housing

>> No.18097452

>paying thugs to risk penitentiary chances when you cant even pay the mortgage
Yeah ok.

>> No.18097479

Triple post, triple fag
>ban private property
>power to the people
Gas yourself

>> No.18097503

Usury ...is very hurtful, even in revers it just not for you....

>> No.18097515


To the jews they do.

>> No.18097525
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>owning an apartment building with 32 units
>"someone please tell me this is going to be ok"
>two more uses of caps lock
>i am seriously freaking out over here
He makes it seem like they all surrounded his house with pitchforks and torches. Lol what a faggot.

>> No.18097531

>Not baptizing your deadbeat squatters in the cleansing fire of insurance fraud
Way easier to get away with, do a little remodeling and fuck up some electrical or paint and the whole place goes up

>> No.18097632

This is some next level cope.

>> No.18097705

True though. Not something I would do, but very easy. Anyone who is so leveraged that they can’t handle missing one month of rent is a moron though, and deserves their impending foreclosure. People have been predicting a bull market well before corona chan black swanned the hell out of the global economy.

>> No.18097707

Nah would go down as people sell off the 6 homes for renting because they can't keep up with morgage payments

>> No.18097772

Property that they acquired by sitting on their ass collecting rent to afford more properties. Financed by low interest rates that are funded by inflation pushed to workers. It's parasitic.

>> No.18098021
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>> No.18098122
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>> No.18098137
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>> No.18098141


>implying there’s a difference

>> No.18098214

Yeah man, i also dont know what these fags are thinking. The fact that rent is expensive as fuck doesnt mean landlords are evil.

>> No.18098288

I've noticed there is a lot of anti-landlord shilling on a few boards. You faggots are trying too hard, you think society will not hang them if you don't accelerate the process? The day the aparatus of the Government fails, every single Landlord will be burned alive in the middle of the walkway.

>> No.18098298

Renters can benifit from lower rent becaise of the reduced interest rates.

Using interest to buy shit isnt parasitic you dipshit.

>> No.18098320
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>I honestly don't understand this landlords are evil idea.
They’re too poor to afford or save for a property of their own so they whine about it not being fair that other people have more material wealth than them.
The faggots have revenge fantasies that play out in their head about how they would get their (((justice))) against those who “wronged” them.
The funny thing to me is that these slaves are actually asking for their enslavement and blaming landlords for their problems.
They are cattle who are driven by very base desires of food, sex, and power. They know not and care not for God whatsoever and are only obsessed with what material gains and possessions they have.

>> No.18098324

>rent them out for unreasonable prices
if you dont like it dont live there

>> No.18098340


>> No.18098356
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>profit off victims
You write a lot of words and letters and yet you say nothing

>> No.18098371

>i live in commie-fornia
>goberment do something!
>no no no dont drive up the price of housing what are you doing!

>> No.18098376
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>Saved up enough to buy a 32 unit building
>Somehow doesn't have enough saved to survive 6 months by himself
Time to sell that Mercedes Mr Goldstein

>> No.18098397

Just got a call from a tenant,
he is already behind on the rent for March and just told me April is ogre as well. Little shit got until September (due to law) to cough up the money or he is out.

>> No.18098427

>save money to buy house
Oh sweaty that's not how it works. He loaned money to buy the house.

>> No.18098466

Its call a down payment you dumb fucking rentcuck

>> No.18098469

We are not a nation of savers I don't know if you noticed.

>> No.18098498

>hello bank
>yes I would like money pls
>yes for free
>wtf is a down payment?

.t commie

>> No.18098532

Honestly though, I would send a letter to each of them explaining that times are tough and anyone who can pay half their rent will be able to provide the second half interest free while those who don't pay in April will have interest and fees due on top of the rent and their apartment is no longer secured so they should begin to look for a new place now.

>> No.18098546

this is the invisible war we're going to be fighting for the next 100 years.

>> No.18098587
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Real /biz/ culture is that renters are idiots who deserve to be sucked dry. People insinuating otherwise are shills.

>> No.18098653

it's been a long time since i've seen retardation as grand as this

>> No.18098671

Eventually someone desperate enough for housing would pay. If literally nobody will pay then the landlord would rent to businesses, if no businesses will pay then it will be put up for sale, if nobody will buy then the landlord will just board up the building and leave it to rot. If this was a widespread issue then the real estate market would literally die and no more buildings would be made. When homelessness eventually became a big enough problem the government would be forced to build commieblocks to give free housing to people.

>> No.18098685

>Immediately fill entire building with new, less shitty people

lmao in a year when 40% of prospective tenants have 'did not pay rent' hits on their credit reports and you have no choice but to rent to shitty renters.

>> No.18098687

>lower rent because of the reduced interest

No. Rent is pretty much always a fraction of the market value of the house. Low interest rates also push real estate prices and thus rents with them. It wouldn't cost 4k to rent a studio in SF if housing wasn't this expensive to begin with. 4k per month is not at all related to the maintenance, tax, or interest cost on the mortgage (besides the fact that the mortgage is simply much larger than it would be if interest rates weren't that high).

Renters lose all the time. It's literally a transfer of wealth from the working poor that will never afford a house to the people lucky enough from life circumstances to have been given enough wealth to sit on their asses.

>> No.18098748


>> No.18098768

imagine these retards thinking it will not follow them to their graves with the credit system America has especially if it is not some slumlord apartments

>> No.18098794

Fuck around and find out.

>> No.18098852

no, dummy. the argument is more like a CEO is like an orchestra conductor and they're both working together to create/produce something. that's what a business is. a landlord may be maintaining properties but they're not doing anything to produce something for anyone other than themselves. to continue the analogy, the oboe player is the product itself, not the resulting symphony.

>> No.18098857

Landlords don't treat their properties as a business. They treat it as their personal paycheck. They don't need the rent checks to keep the apartment open. They need them for their BMW lease, cellphone, credit cards, and personal mortgage. They have pushed themselves to the very edge. Who can blame them? We live in a paycheck to paycheck nation. And rent was the surest paycheck of them all.

Until the ever looming threat of evictions go away. Now they have no leverage. Nobody pays rent because of the great service they are being provided. They do it to avoid litigation.

>> No.18098871

I've managed property, it's pretty busy a lot of the time

Zoomer Walmart employees just think if you aren't cashiering you're a fat cat

>> No.18099009

Wrong. Banks boarded up homes in 2008 that went empty after foreclosure because they could not readily find new homeowners with appropriate credit to pick up a new mortgage. This time is different. Banks can repo rental properties from landlords and collect rent at a cheaper price without the landlord middleman, or directly switch from rental agreements with tenants to condo style mortgages if they dont want liability of property management. There is a clear revenue source with the renter that incentivizes the banks to hold the property and fuck the landlord, especially if people can be expected to go back to work in several months. All they'd have to do is eat a small loss (or likely no loss based on the fed liquidity introduced) and recoup on the back end.

>> No.18099082

You'll do nothing and get bent over by the banks and the government. Kick rocks.

>> No.18099110

it's hard to explain. i just personally feel disdain for landlords, but for example don't feel much disdain for shkreli. not because he made the world a better place, but because the way he was being an asshole was very creative, novel and interesting. MOST landlords just took up loans to finance a very risky endeavor that they did not actually understand was risky at all (only smart players did), cartellized the housing prices without even having the necessary intellect to realize what they were doing and how they're being pieces of shit, earned a lot of money then they bloated about how great at business they are. when their risk finally materializes and they lose all of it i'm just happy they get that self fulfilled smile wiped off their face.

and also happy for the cheaper housing prices.

maybe this time seeing all those fuckers go bankrupt again will actually make people be more careful unlike after '08.

>> No.18099124

b a s e d

>> No.18099136

Communism wins again

>> No.18099158

When did workers start owning the means of production?

>> No.18099207

>what can i do?
break the pipes
construction noise
>you could make their lives hell

>> No.18099231

Why did they throw the book at Shkreli?

>> No.18099334

i guess it's more people being happy about how an inefficiency in the economy might finally be correcting. bankrupting its retarded enablers (mortgage landlords) for life is just a pleasant side effect.

>> No.18099415


Renting to someone is not profiteering off of them. The only victims are the people who were so fucking stupid that they don't have at least a 3 month emergency fund and live payhceck to paycheck. Unfortunately that's like most Americans now.

>> No.18099453
File: 407 KB, 498x474, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Landlords provide a valuable service

1% of them, maybe.

>> No.18099479

>all modern comfort costs money
>the comfort of an air conditioned place to sleep/roof over your head should be free
tenants are literal human garbage and should all be killed

>> No.18099570
File: 44 KB, 288x306, 1313514701975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owns an entire building
stupid fucking kike getting deep dicked LMAO

>> No.18099593

>what is a mortgage

>> No.18099631

Unless its for a home you plan on living in and eating the costs on, its gambling with a margin account.

>> No.18099639

>not having cash on hand to float three months of expenses
OP only has himself to blame.

>> No.18099661

What? I needed to provide next to nothing as security. My banking guy is a childhood friend though and I get him cheap artisans to fix his houses. You know how it works.

>> No.18099688

>50% of a worker wage should go to someone sitting on their ass owning plot of land with some wood beams and a roof built by the same workers sending 50% of their paycheck away simply because they inherited large amounts of capital

>> No.18099711

That's the landlord's fault for taking on debt, then. We all knew were are in an incredibly unstable bubble economy, waiting to pop at any moment. The reason rent has skyrocketed is because of greedy landlords buying up places for short term rentals too. Fuck landlords. Let them lose everything, so my rent can become reasonable again.

>> No.18099714

well then, banking guys who let those irresponsible people inflate the housing bubble also get what's coming for them, hopefully

>> No.18099778

if you hate landlords for that reason you're up for a ride, there'll always be people who end up having to actually produce less and get more. even in your communist utopia.

>> No.18099786

>My house
Not your house if you're renting. Never was.

>> No.18099913

Doesn't mean we shouldn't eliminate the parasite taking 50% of a worker's wage. We'll work on the bankers later. They can wait their turn.

>> No.18099919

I don’t feel sorry for people monopolizing a human resource.

Screw landlords lolol tenants can’t be evicted right now

>> No.18100380

just buy your own home you fucking mongoloid

>> No.18100545


Imagine being this bad at life that this is your rent

>> No.18100588

it was retarded to buy a house in the previous years due to the bubble inflated by morons who spent all the non existent money on houses they can rent out, everyone with an iq above 110 rented waiting for this moment

>> No.18100677

>throw money in the garbage for 12 years
>markets haven't even dropped yet
>at most you'll get a 10% discount
nice plan m8, you and your 110iq friends sure showed everybody with your rented apartments for 12 years!!!! fucking retard jesus christ

>> No.18100704

my iq is 170

>> No.18100737

If 50% of your income goes to rent in NYC, then you're getting a great deal

>> No.18100779


>lives in NYC
>complains about rent even though he's in the worst 2% of the country rent situation wise
>he probably thinks bigger government is the answer even though it's the big government of NYC's fault that his rent is insane

You unironically deserve to get dumped into the Hudson

>> No.18100782

>fake virus
Retard, enjoy being evicted

>> No.18100889

lol, triggered much?

>> No.18100927

>at most you'll get a 10% discount
lol. You don't understand the magnitude of what's coming and how bloated this bubble was. Try upping that discount to 30-50%.

>> No.18100961
File: 44 KB, 561x416, 1472234106771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not able to rig your apartment complex with a lethal gas distributed through the fire sprinkler system that you can activate with a push-button whenever your tenants violate their contract and therefore the NAP

>> No.18100990

My tenant is under the table. If he doesn’t pay he gets kicked out. EZ

>> No.18101053

nope, won't happen. And it doesn't justify paying rent for 12 years either way, but you're not getting that discount.

>> No.18101664


Holy fuck rentcuck cope majeur. I can't even....

>> No.18102238

Imagine thinking you will escape the rope

>> No.18102722


Landlords don't own the building, the bank does. Landlords take out huge debts to rent out a house to working people who actually contribute to society through their labor.

>> No.18102813
File: 115 KB, 800x586, 1584696103480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like this dude used to make ~$50k/month and he's not gonna get a single dime next week.

wat do

>> No.18103072
File: 32 KB, 396x301, 1489185421701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually a great idea just struck me landlord bros. these parasite tenants holed up on your property are claiming it's ok to violate their contract because of coronavirus. validate their excuse for them then! give a bum with the virus 10 bucks to contaminate the building, cough on the door handles, elevator buttons, etc. then hopefully some of the leeches die off and you can move in tenants that don't violate the NAP