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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 142 KB, 749x929, faggot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18089594 No.18089594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board infected with commies?

>> No.18089607


there's a few that raid whenever the market goes down

>> No.18089614

His dickprint is showing under that dress. WTF is wrong with white people?

>> No.18089615

Maybe this pandemic isn't so bad. We need to cleanse this abomination of a planet.

>> No.18089629

>why a the board full of doomers and shitcoin get rich quick promises appealing to the unemployable
totally societal factors

>> No.18089631

they're just as capitalist as republicans

>> No.18089654

I don't know but as people they are the best example of why their ideology is a terrible way to allocate resources.

>> No.18089713

My grandfather was a communist. He was in several shoot outs with police. He was arrested and tortured by the army. He was one tough SOB. If he saw what the communists have become, he would've come out of his grave and destroy them with his dick.

>> No.18089738
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>> No.18089746

>they're just as capitalist as Republicans
Their entire democratic primary was about who can promise the most free stuff
>I'm gonna make public healthcare option for everyone
>no I'm going to make free healthcare for everyone AND abolish all private insurance
>nooooo I'm even better I'm going to make free healthcare, abolish all private insurance AND give healthcare for free for every illegal immigrant
It was embarrassing. Samething for neetbux as well.

>> No.18089773

Don't worry bros.
The Democrats won't let America fall to socialism. They blocked the trumpbux bill.
Commies got rekt.
We won

>> No.18089795

I dont mind real commies that run Linux, pirate stuff, and share bootleg smokes and liquor
Developed world commies are annoying and usually ruin everything

>> No.18089880

It's not you're just too dumb to look past the black and white dichotomy.

Back to pol faggot

>> No.18089906

>His dickprint is showing under that dress.

This is why people in the Middle East don't want American democracy.

>> No.18089926

Go back to pol faggot

>> No.18089943

>Their entire democratic primary was about who can promise the most free stuff
The dude who promised the least free stuff has 99.9% chances of winning and the one who promised the most was thoroughly btfo

>> No.18089967

It's not commies. It's /pol/ larping as commies to inflame people too autistic to figure it out against commies.

>> No.18089993


That was actually weirdly comforting. They'd rather take a lame duck senile old man over the socialist. We're a ways from doom yet as a nation.

>> No.18090096


>> No.18090113


"free shit for everyone forevermore" isn't economic theory. It's the way a clueless toddler looks at the world.

>> No.18090149

>Noooooo marxism is not an actual way of allocating resources it just means free shit!!!!!

>> No.18090162
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>> No.18090177
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>> No.18090192

It's /r/chapotraphouse

>> No.18090202

i think these photos deal the most HP when in the form of a regular wojack

>> No.18090218

Move to africa or chicago if you dont believe in race

>> No.18090219
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>allocating resources

>> No.18090254

left literally can't meme without stealing shit

>> No.18090259

>Why is this board infected with mutts?

>> No.18090270

wen u trick the goyim

bottom text

>> No.18090280

jesus christ people actually let things like this thing have rights

>> No.18090363

Social Healthcare isn't Marxism. I know this is extremely difficult for an American to wrap their head around, but it's true

>> No.18090428

If I call it a cunt am I misogynistic?
If I call it ugly or flat-chested will it cry?
If I say it probably has a small dick and can't please a woman will it want to fight me?

There was a time where you knew what to expect in the world.

>> No.18090435
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>"free shit for everyone forevermore

>> No.18090442

problem with al the dumb fucks from reddit coming here is now the investment IQ has dropped through the floor. I have to assume a redditor is 50% of comments now.

>> No.18090463
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>my asthmatic ass has to bag groceries tomorrow morning
>i sleep easy knowing my sacrifice will be appreciated by a board of directors
if you're not a commie you're a sociopath or a retard

>> No.18090487
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That's not a radlib in OP not a commie

>> No.18090507

Its not communist to think all rich people should be killed. Its just rational self interest

>> No.18090517

psyop. even the glowies unironically understand that memes start on 4chan and proliferate outwards.

>> No.18090572

Democrats seem to think Twitter nd college campuses represents the entire voting base.

>> No.18090583

East germany looks based

>> No.18090586
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>problem with al the dumb fucks from reddit

>> No.18090588
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>left literally can't meme without stealing shit
That's actually the exact opposite for the majority of cases. The right has almost no ability to make art/cutler and only appropriates it for there own use by misunderstanding its origins. i.e Vaporware stated off as anti capitalist music and the aesthetic was taken over by 'le based ervopa' retards. That's the kind of person that cant tell the difference between anti capitalist and pro fascism, and anti Israel and anti Jew. The inter existence of the modern right comes from literally being misinformed and ignorant about what Marxism is.

>> No.18090671
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I had an idea for investing in co-ops by setting up short term loans. The Co-op gives you 5%-10% of the enterprise or a fixed time (a few years), and in that time also pays back the loan with little to no interest. That way people can get the capital to start a co-op well inverts make money doing it. Market Socialism.

>> No.18090696

It's not going to work in the U.S. Shit will get bloated and fail within 50 years.

>> No.18090704 [DELETED] 

once you replace "anti-white", "degeneracy", "multiculturalism", etc with "capitalism", all of their incoherent taking starts to click.

>> No.18090759

Commies are cryptoNEETs. They don't want to work but expect someone else to take care of them.

>> No.18090764

It's filled with economic illiterates so it's bound to be filled by commies.

>> No.18090778


Oh, you mean how the modern left replaces white with bourgeoisie and at the same time claims to not be racist after attacking whites?

The entire white identatarian movement is opposition to the racist attacks of the left.

>> No.18090838

gommunism is actually an individualist ideology because everybody that believes it thinks they will be the one getting the gibs and not the one working in the gulag gibbing.

>> No.18090925
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I literally don't know of any person of significance that is anti-white, and if they are then I agree that they are shit and should not hold power. I agree that there are a lot of SJW retards that meme way to hard about that and makes its impossible to get a serious point across about that subject.
that's completely subjective, its really a useless term
its the capitalists that are pushing that shit you know, the population in many European nations is down and they don't want to lose money by having less market growth. What that has to do with Jews or Communism I have no idea. Maybe you are thinking of liberals. Liberals = Capitalist/ Center, Communists/Socialists = Left.

The left definition of capitalism is the hierarchically/vertical structure of an enterprises (so to speak), where in socialism the enterprises is democratic/ horizontal.

>> No.18090984
File: 380 KB, 610x692, you did vote for bernie right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the modern left replaces white with bourgeoisie
>claims to not be racist after attacking whites
what the fuck are you talking about, please I really want to know where you are getting this info, if you are correct then I don't want to be a leftist, but maybe you heard that from some crazy person also.

>> No.18091028

Because right wingers are low iq and less of them inhabit the internet, more likely drinking and watching sports.

>> No.18091060
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The SJW just applies the Marxist model of class warfare and instead of the capitalist class they screech that you're a fucking white male. And the funniest part is that they're just following the propaganda from the capitalist class when they're doing it.

The left is dead, and its walking corpse is the braindead starbucks marxist talking about white privilege.

>> No.18091166

>The SJW just applies the Marxist model of class warfare and instead of the capitalist class they screech that you're a fucking white male. And the funniest part is that they're just following the propaganda from the capitalist class when they're doing it.

that's just liberals then, don't call them leftists if they are not.

>The left is dead, and its walking corpse is the braindead starbucks marxist talking about white privilege.
I agree most people no that call them self's 'left' are not at all. They think left means being pro trans (although that doesn't mean I don't support trans rights). I guess I have to admit there is a uphill battle for the left, but I would say market socialism is the way forward. Although being low in numbers doesn't mean its wrong, to me it just means the world is fucked.

>> No.18091303


>that doesn't mean I don't support trans rights

And what rights do they not have? Please cite which laws that exclude them from the Bill of Rights.

>> No.18091322


>> No.18091492
File: 408 KB, 814x578, intelligent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please cite which laws that exclude them from the Bill of Rights.
le ebin logic man comes again, wow so cool.
its actually pathetic how out of date your non augments are.

>> No.18091552


You made an assertion, I challenged you to support it, and you responded with insults. Am I to believe that you have no evidence to support your claims? Also, this is the board to discuss business topics.

>> No.18091774

Ether you are actually a retard or you are being incredibly disingenuous. There will not be a law that literately says "Trans people are now not allowed X constitutional right." That's to obvious and is strictly agents the law. Its about slowly delegitimizing them them and chipping away a small things over time. I think the truth is you hate anyone that's different for not conforming to you safe space world view. But you act really smug and rational even though its clear you a fucking loser peace of shit. Or maybe you really are just that dumb. You will tell your self you won yet another internet agreement. Please screem in to your pillow if if makes you fell better about being to the truth that your really a huge fucking loser and have no other agreement than "You just did an Ad hominem, there for I win." You will continue to lie to your self about your unearned superiority to people different than you in an attempt to fight of the anxiety of you worthless life under capitalism.

>> No.18091929

>still believes in the class warfare meme
>Can't let go of 20th century failed ideology

Why are communists like this?

>> No.18091958

>It's /pol/ larping as commies to agitate /pol/

>> No.18091968
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They're all coming in from /pol/ and 8kun's /leftypol/s. Also Bobos are unironic commies.

>> No.18091981


>> No.18091980

>Feels any modicum of empathy towards rich people
910K here, I earnestly still hate millionaires as I get closer and closer to their level, just as much as I did when I was in a shitty favela with my mother.

>> No.18092005

No argument I see.

Leftoid BTFO

>> No.18092028
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Most are newfags from leftypol

>> No.18092031


doent know capitalism went thought the same thing fighting against feudalism

>Also Bobos are unironic commies.
this is true, Marxism is the perma bear position

>> No.18092067


Cant read I see
NIggerFaggots BTFO

>> No.18092076

Anon you are obsessed with penis and lie much

>> No.18092104
File: 32 KB, 548x480, comm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: Angry online NEET Communists will always be losers and failures at life.

As they believe the markets are "rigged" against the people, they do not participate in the economy; they do not try to open a business or get a job because they believe "capitalism is rigged" so it's not worth trying. They are poor when the economy is good and they are destitute when the economy is bad. They are quietly seething when people are profiting in the market, but when the market recesses they rejoice believing that it’s somehow a proof that Communism is better.

Every morning they fall asleep in their damp mother's basement mattress, they dream that their SKY DADDY COMMUNISM will miraculously drop from the sky and perform miracles on their poor life decisions.

>> No.18092124
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Class warfare is a failed meme. The true power dynamic is racial in nature.

The problem is not "rich people". In a true capitalist system, the people who benefit society most will also be the richest - because they provide goods and services that many people want to buy.

The people you hate, the "evil capitalists 1%", are actually Jews. They have rigged the entire system through private central banking to enslave entire nations for their own benefit.

The fact that communists NEVER mention the Jews, nor do they have a problem with central banking, yet they claim to hate the rich, exposes their true agenda.

Commies are nothing but Jewish minions.

>> No.18092133

>The true power dynamic is racial in nature.
I literally do not have to read any further than this to know it's a schizophrenic /pol/ post that has literally nothing to do with economics. You have a board, stay there.

>> No.18092147
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There was no argument in that rant, just a spergout from a retarded leftoid.

Logic 1
Leftoid 0

>> No.18092163
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>Class warfare is a failed meme.

Communists pretend to LARP about how they are saviors of the lower class and they are """"""""""""""""""fighting for equality""""""""""""""" but in the end of the day they are just fighting for their own resources just like the rich is. They want to get more shit for their low class just like the middle/upper class wants to hoard all the wealth for themselves.

The communists are not fighting a noble cause; they are fighting the same fight the middle/upper class/top 1% are. We are all fighting over wealth and resources; we just differ on who should get it.

>> No.18092177
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Not an argument. Commies fail at basic logic, deny facts and empirical reality, which is why you will never ever amount to anything.

You and your entire belief system is a failed meme.

>> No.18092190

>Social Healthcare isn't Marxism.

Yes it is. A small amount of it, but absolutely commie bullshit. I wouldn't even mind it if it wasn't the foot in the door for further commie bullshit.

>> No.18092198
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>they do not try to open a business
never heard of a co-op
Although I will agree its really annoying how they don't know more about economics and finance. If more of them become market socialist they would actually have power for once.

>they dream that their SKY DADDY COMMUNISM will miraculously drop from the sky and perform miracles on their poor life decisions.
That's sad how true that is and is why I call my self a Marxist and not socialist / communist

See here for more info

>> No.18092250
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>> No.18092274
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They know it as well. They fantasize about being part of the ruling party. Being a commissar. Controlling people's speech and behavior. Throwing dissidents into gulags. Murdering people they don't like. "Trumpfags and qoomers". They literally salivate at the thought of this stuff.

How much luxury and status they will enjoy once the communist revolutionaries seize power. They ultimately want power over others because they have zero power in their current lives.

That is why it attracts all of society's misfits. The outcasts, the worthless, the ugly, the lazy. They are all resentful and full of hatred, and it is what fuels them. If they could just show that they are obedient little bots for the commie cause, perhaps they can get a small taste of power and wealth in the politburo.

This is what they believe. Of course, most of them would actually just be lined up against the wall and shot for being useful idiots, if their movement ever managed to seize power.


>> No.18092297


Gibs me day for free

>> No.18092319

>/pol/fag projecting

>> No.18092356
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>They fantasize how much luxury and status they will enjoy once the communist revolutionaries seize power
>They fantasize becoming a commissar

LMAO no. They want communism because it's at minimum guaranteed way better than their current NEET life in their mother's basement. You're overthinking this. They have no life goals or ambitions. They are just useless NEETS holding their breaths until Communism miraculously picks them up and saves them.

>> No.18092364

>all communists are Stalinist
>never heard if Democratic Confederalism

When Yuri talks about useful idiots it seems that idea can be used in all authoritarian ideologies. Like Dave Ruben and Milo being gay but supporting the alt-right.
But other than that your right tankies are sad, and they are the kind of person that often goes back and forth form being on the right and left, and are really just power hungry nobody.

>> No.18092389

That’s a man

>> No.18092402

Regardless of if you are a commie or not can we all just agree that everyone here is a retard

>> No.18092410

So is there an actually augment or are you going to act like you said something cool by spiting out the same mind numbing platitude straw man?

>> No.18092418
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Because Kleros is the commie preferred 100x of choice for all communist manifesto chads.

>> No.18092426

yes, it think the person is male, gender nonconforming, there not actually trans

>> No.18092483
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Nah, I lurk a few commie/lefty forums and they all fantasize about murdering their political enemies. They only state their true intentions within their own ranks, and never reveal it when arguing with the opposition.

Great example is the undercover footage from the Bernie Sander staffers from Project Veritas.



I encourage you to watch all the parts. The true intentions revealed. And these are somewhat "mainstream" leftoids. Those who LARP as "democratic socialists" and other such nonsnse.The extreme leftoids, the unapologetic commies are 10x worse.

They all think like this. Communism is fundamentally a Satanic ideology.

>> No.18092518


I think we all agree that they should have their head removed right there on that stage.

>> No.18092576

>Project Veritas
Project Veritas is text book disinformation
One fucking cringe fag talk about this and now rightoids literally think this is meant to represent every single leftist.
I'm not dining there are some fucking weird pow hunger people that call them self left, but the fact that the left is seen as a monolith is disingenuous as fuck.

>> No.18092621
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You don't like his dress?
Emperor Tiberius wore one and I think its cool also. Maybe you will feel better if we call it a toga or kilt. If a man in a dress is gay, does that mean almost all Scottish soldiers in modern history are gay?

>> No.18092728
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>Project Veritas is text book disinformation
It's literally just video footage of leftoids speaking.

KYS retard.

>> No.18092754


>> No.18092756
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And also, none of these people have been fired, NOR have they been disavowed by Bernie Sanders.

You realize that means he is implicitly endorsing their views - I mean they literally work for him in important organizational positions.

So yes these violent lefty fags DO represent the views of Bernie Breadline Panders.

>> No.18092787

I know its a big word anon, try again

>> No.18092798

To be fair bleepity bloopity music with 80s vibes has been around since the 80s, ever calling it anti or pro something is missing the point entirely

>> No.18092806


>> No.18092827
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>video footage of leftoids speaking into a camera of what they really think and believe is disinformation

>> No.18092854

What you fail to realize in your grand "awakening" to the global Jewish conspiracy, is that not all of the people rigging the system are, in fact, Jewish, nor are all Jewish people, in fact, rich and powerful enough to rig the system. You have been given a convenient scapegoat that allows you to cease thinking about the natural self-destructive forces of runaway capitalism (which by the way, capitalism is NOT defined by "free" markets) and focus all your angst in a direction that will not fundamentally change the ruling structure.

>> No.18092861

The only way criticism of capitalism makes sense is through a nationalist lense.
Obviously capitalism is great at producing capital, wealth and generally passable at organizing labor, though a balance should be stuck between the good of the people of a nation and increasing measurable indicators of success.
What good is it too gain the world but lose your soul, as the J man once said.

>> No.18092916

I've already responded to this
>and now rightoids literally think this is meant to represent every single leftist.
I'm not dining there are some fucking weird power hunger people that call them self left, but the fact that the left is seen as a monolith is disingenuous as fuck.

I think its also very hypocritical that (not necessarily most of the posters on /biz/) people here (mostly /pol/) would call this out well openly talking about wanting to genocide blacks and jews.

>> No.18092958

by nation do you mean race?
Nationalism in not a economic theory, if you mean fascism, then fascism is crisis capitalism. The liberal(capitalist) cycle repeats until socialism is achieved. Which is the same thing that happened to capitalism fighting against feudalism.

>> No.18092975

>The fact that communists NEVER mention the Jews
M8 that's because it's literally a Jewish scheme, always has been.
They aren't Jewish minions it's the OG means of consolidating power.

>> No.18092984
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False, the ruling structure is all Jewish. All central banks are literally owned by a Jewish family lol

Mainstream media, banking, finance, politics, academia, etc. all the important institutions of our society is all Jewish dominated.

But since there aren't that many Jews, in order to control nations they have to recruit some shabbos goys as well to do the dirty work or act as their puppets in positions of power to not reveal their overwhelming presence. Like Obama. This is done through primarily Masonic networks.

It's all well documented, and the fact that you don't know these facts means you are retarded or working for them.

>> No.18092999

So do you want to keep the world the say way it is just with out the Jews? Or is there something else that goes along with this? I mean just getting rid of jewish people alone wont fix the six company monopoly.

>> No.18093031

>by nation do you mean race?
Largely yes but not necessarily so.
>Nationalism in not a economic theory
Criticism of capitalism through an economic lense only leads to the conclusion that capitalism is superior to other economic systems. The issues that capitalism has are social in nature and particularly harmful to the state of the nation. Discounting the nation, such as looking through these issues through merely a social lense, only leads back to a discussion of economic systems because it is given that the people of a nation have no recourse against there owners of capital.

>> No.18093036


>> No.18093061
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I want to get rid of Jewish central banking yes. It is not capitalism, it's a literal pyramid scheme to enslave working people. Communists should be all for this, but for some strange, but explicable, reason, ending Jewish central banking is not part of the communist goals.

You also never point your finger at the richest people on the planet. Like the Rothschilds.

Funny that. Almost like you are doing their bidding and the entire "eat the rich" meme is a ruse.

>> No.18093064

Largely these systems would not be as harmful if the in-group preference at the top was merely class based as opposed to class and race based.
Even an Anglo at the top of society must kiss baphomet's ring, or so to speak.

>> No.18093118
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Also the entire world would be very VERY different without Jews.

>> No.18093119

Wu flu

>> No.18093127
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I disagree with the nation part, but if you are saying that capitalism can proved mass quantity but does a poor job with providing in quality then I agree. There is of coursers some quality in quantity but over all a bigger TV is not going to give a person meaning. If you want to use the word nation to mean community then I would 100% agree. The problem with capitalism is it isolates us from community and there for meaning. Its really good at making shit, but making shit that worthwhile its not as much. (yodeling pickles and minions baby coffins are not worth the suffering of life.)

>> No.18093231

Getting rid of rich Jews is one thing, I agree
Getting rid of Israel is something I agree with also.
But I disagree with getting rid of all Jews.
Also I agree the Keynesian economics is shit, and people that think its socialism are retards.

Can you explain why its Jews fault for that? It just seems to be capitalist wanting to keep there growth up by promoting mass unskilled immigration. (let me make clear here also , Kids in drag, obesity, alcohol abuse, public sexualization, and religious law I disagree with.)

>> No.18093246
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Almost like you need a softer version of capitalism that protects the interests of the nation FIRST. Where people can be individuals and pursue their own goals in life, but are not allowed to harm the collective for their own profits or other selfish reasons. You know, like a synergy between the private and the public realm. Where materialism is rejected, the family and community elevated, and international predatory capitalists are driven out completely.

We could call it hmm.. How about National Socialism!

>> No.18093257

I'm saying that when capitalism starts to leverage the societal capital of a Nation, created by it's citizens and makes it impossible for intergenerational wealth to be accumulated then it is no longer a useful system.
Man goes to work in a mine, gets paid a wage, builds a house and forms a community. This is a positive thing.
The owner sees this community and wants to leverage it for his own good by either also owning the stores for instance or using it to entice new, cheaper labor to move in is no longer helpful to the people and must be resisted.
For whatever reason people don't want to do the hard work of self preservation and would rather rely on government to advocate for them. This is a mistake.

>> No.18093272
File: 54 KB, 600x417, muslim doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to punish whoever gave that man a platform to speak.

>> No.18093296

Peak fb boomer humor
Actually made me laugh
Some of you guys are alright

>> No.18093347

free market competition
>pirate stuff
thieves but who cares

>> No.18093369

is this a Vaush wojak

>> No.18093372
File: 2.48 MB, 1600x1952, Hollywood2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that is wrong and degenerate in the West is a result of Jewish influence. You will discover this if you do any research into the organizations and the people behind it.

LGBT movement: Jews
Transgenderism: Jews
Hollywood degeneracy: Jews
Normalization of pedophilia: Jews
Feminist movement: Jews
Pushing mass migration: Jews
Open Borders: Jews
Opioid epidemic: Jews
Militant atheism and rejection of God/Christanity: Jews

All funded by financial system controlled by Jews and advanced through the mainstream media owned by Jews, entertainment and music industry owned by Jews and academia also controlled by Jews.

Do you get the picture yet? Jews are the primary cause of ALL societal problems.

>> No.18093415

The left hijacked art with "art" ages ago and art schools have been telling their students "everything's been done" since the 1960s.
What the left considers high culture now is usually some mix of awful, pretentious, and digusting.
And why have lefty artists been so obsessed with scat and bodily fluids for a damned century? Fucking dada. It made artists out of armchair expert douchebags and poverty out of real artists..

>> No.18093421

Most of these are assimilated and some even only very distantly jewish.
If you want to understand how and why they act in their ways, read Marx "Zur Judenfrage".

>> No.18093427

>Where people can be individuals and pursue their own goals in life
dying in war is living your own life as an individual, I don't think so

>National Socialism
the night of long knife literally killed of any socialists in the party

The point is I disagree with your definition nation, and I think National Socialism will lead to more corporatism. Which is what happen in the 1930's. If there was actually some socialism that would be different. You about half way there, think Nazbol then drop the Naz and bol parts.
That's what Marx says is exactly what capitalism leads to. That's to problem with not having a community own property in common. Property IS power, and the community needs to own the property in common, that's democracy at work/ in the economy. Capitalism is only half the answer to feudalism, it got the logic and reason parts down, but it misses the more exclusively human parts such as community and human inter union.
Marx agrees Capitalism is the best form of economics ever yet, but its not the end game, and socialism is the missing part.

>> No.18093444
File: 98 KB, 545x476, 1585165709073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too verbose, try again. The left can't meme.

>> No.18093468

>Feminist movement
>Open Borders
>Militant atheism and rejection of God/Christanity

What exactly is wrong with those things? And posting a image of Jewish actors doesn't tell me how they are behind that as Jews? Its seem like capitalism is doing that.

It really blows my mind that you people keep mixing up liberals and leftists.

>> No.18093473

you mean jews. like 47% of posters here are jewish. it explains a lot of threads with pornography in the OP. jews use porn to grab your attention, a not-so-known tactic of theirs

>> No.18093516

>there can't be a law discriminating against trans people because that's agents the law
>it's about slowly delegitimizing them and chipping away a small things over time
What kind of federal policy or agenda is delegitimizing them?
Individuals are allowed to have their own views and thoughts about others you fucking commie,

>> No.18093549

Dividing the working class in imaginary fractions, preventing class struggle
Same of above
>>Feminist movement
Same as above, as it is not achieving unity
>>Open Borders
Treason on the workers by competition and loan dumping, drains the third worlds revolutionary potential. Promotes racism that sets a false front for class struggle (nainly worker against worker, yes immigrants do work). Importing leeches separates the producing from the consuming class and is the worst form of capitalism.
>>Militant atheism and rejection of God/Christanity
Done so people worship the secular god of Judaism, the capital

>> No.18093573
File: 201 KB, 606x772, judaism_is_communism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL Marx is literally a Jew from a long line of rabbis. It's Jews all the way down.

There is nothing more Jewish than Communism. It's a Jewish political system to enslave the goyim. How bluepilled are you?

>> No.18093601
File: 100 KB, 309x751, 1517773732460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up. Vast majority of commie posters, tranny posters, racemixing and pornography posters are Jews.

They are the subversive force that is everywhere.