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18071704 No.18071704 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing any person or virus EVER says or does will stop me from buying Monero, eating acid and ripping fat dabs until the day I die. Who's with me?

>> No.18071718

NOBODY is impressed by your drug use, retard.

>> No.18071795

t. John McAfee

>> No.18071796


>> No.18071810

About what? The fact that you like to take drugs? Fuck off retard

>> No.18071829

anti drug normies detected kek

>> No.18071951

I can't take anyone seriously as a participant in this world unless they've tripped, and tripped properly.

It's like someone who's literally never left their house, say.

>> No.18072021

god shit like this is so cringe.

>> No.18072052


>> No.18072186


>> No.18072374

I am
Fuckin based OP

>> No.18072391

Straight edge justice warrior steps in the ring.

>> No.18072414

The only thing that's cringe is npc normies like you posting here

>> No.18072417


>> No.18072454

He's right and I can't really take you seriously. Just like I don't trust people that dont drink(they don't know what they'll do because they don't know themselves when theyre drunk)
I don't trust people that are too cowardly to try weed too, no excuses really(really there isn't).
But then again I also don't trust people that get angry alot, don't trust homeless people, also don't trust people that spend alot of energy/time projecting. Stuff like that.
Oh and I don't trust people against the second amendment, like any other obvious confirmation of a coward unwilling to challenge what they want to believe. Just so they can assume they are right. Lololol

>> No.18072503

you dont even trust yourself you druggie

>> No.18072511
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very basado

>> No.18072526


What is the difference between someone that tripped and someone that did not?

I mean how does having tripped manifest in their outlook and behavior?

>> No.18072540

>we have 3rd world degenerates on this board

>> No.18072541

Nobody gonna stop me from sticking dildos in my ass and COOOMING 3 times everyday

>> No.18072550

There is a difference between someone who decided to trip or will decide in the future and ones who don't

>> No.18072561
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Cringe nerd who will unironically never open his third eye

>> No.18072572


So what is this difference? How would you describe it?

>> No.18072582

This. It's about whether you are a curious mind or if you chose to live in fear.

>> No.18072584

Trip and find out. You're asking how visiting other dimensions changes a person's perception of reality.

>> No.18072626


I did. I think it just made me more humble with regards to what I know about the world and much more interested in neuroscience. But that's it.

>> No.18072818

"The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: 'Is this real? Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid -- ever -- because... this is just a ride.' And we kill those people. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that -- ever notice that? -- and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort. No worry. No job. No savings and money. Just a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy bigger guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one." - Bill Hicks

>> No.18072937

For one i know the following:

I had always felt a comfort searching for the high, didn''t matter if it was alcohol, weed or harder drugs. I wanted to explore these parts of the mind that are taboo for the mass.

Taking acid opens additional point of view on life and things. It just adds to the whole expirience, for me in a good way, like I saw trough the fabric. On acid i think about one subject, until i calculate all possible scenarios and then at the peak it all dissolves and merges into one whole idea. "Where it all started" - you are wondering? - "At the tip of the tongue, with a tab of acid".

You can see how The Big Bang concept works. Was I crazy thinker before that? Yes!

Always try new things and be open for the expirience. The hippies were right!

>> No.18073063

>Just like I don't trust people that dont drink

Based, good example.

To the antidrug fag:
It's not that having some psychedelic experience and awareness is ESSENTIAL in life or THE most important thing but it's pretty fucking far up there in significance, like easily in most people's top 5 most important or formative experience fields, I would bet.

You can't describe it to someone who hasn't been there so stop being a pussy, spend $10 on some strong acid and speak to us after that. If you feeble mind can handle it.

>> No.18074443


No offence, but all your posts are pretty underwhelming. I just wanted to know how tripping changes someone and I did not get one coherent thought.

At least I would hope that taking LSD would improve the ability to empathize with others and to be able to articulate complex concepts, but based on these posts the answer is no.

>> No.18074469
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> satanic gangster gang invading your house at night
> stab your wife and daughter
> rape your dog and sheep in front of you
> decapitate you and eat your and your family's flesh
> craft wrist bands wirh their bones and hair
> just enjoy it cause life isn't real and you find yourself in a simpson universe when your soul wakes up after death

>> No.18074526

Educate yourself then, read Albert Hoffman's "LSD - my problem child". The man said it best in his books.


>> No.18074929

You go into overdrive on your ability to visualize and simulate scenarios, it can go outside your control. I imagine it would feel like being a drunken genius, but you don't retain much from the experience, except a change in perspective, sometimes (but it requires repeated use) you can achieve insights that help making decisions. Nonsense about other dimensions and seeing through the fabric are the brainlet way of putting it, these people risk getting overwhelmed by the substance or simply don't care enough to rationalize for you. It's a nice experience, it can be very uncomfortable, particularly LSD or mushrooms, because the trip lasts a lot and you might want off the ride a lot sooner. Surely it doesn't help articulate complex arguments, I'd say the opposite actually, it helps visualizing them in non verbal ways.

>> No.18075165

Well, for me I was raised in a military family and was expected to join the service when I grew up. Psychedelics helped change my perspective and realize maybe I didn't want to sell my life to the military-industrial complex and shoot civilians in the desert. They helped me become more connected with music, art, people & nature and unlocked a curiosity that I had lost as I matured. I really wouldn't be the same person I am today if I never took them, but it's hard to say who I would be.

>> No.18075212

lower doses (~15ug) can enhance verbally acuity but I agree that typically it is more about nonverbal thinking as language is definitively rigid.