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18037665 No.18037665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I miss him bros

>> No.18037689

0 replies

>> No.18037694

What would he have done differently?
Honest question

>> No.18037714

Ended the virus before it begun.

>> No.18037717

Used the crisis to pass sweeping gun control laws at the federal level.

>> No.18037724

Probably gone on Ellen and reveal his "wash yo damn hands" viral video

>> No.18037740

jazz hands

>> No.18037746

We'd have UBI right now.
At least 1k a month.

>> No.18037784

Been trustworthy, prepared and smart about the whole thing

>> No.18037791
File: 2.68 MB, 480x270, yay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his calm steady hand would have guided us well.

>> No.18037794

yeah fuck this phony cuck.

>> No.18037811

based competent professional black guy

>> No.18037840

He would've killed the virus just like he killed Bin Laden.

>> No.18037850

he was a stereotypical rehearsed phony politician, nothing about him was trustworthy. you can think trump is a retard all you want, but he comes off as way more trustworthy than any politician because he's actually speaking what's on his mind

>> No.18037860

This post aged well.

>> No.18037888

Weaken and sell the US out even further.

>> No.18037983


>> No.18038095

He wouldn't have said the virus was a hoax, nor would he have blamed the Republicans.

>> No.18038203

He probably would have acted too slowly as well, but at least when he spoke you could tell he had, you know, actual comprehension of complex topics.

>> No.18038333

He wouldn't have spent hours every day on Twitter.

>> No.18038360

>virus was a hoax
He never said the virus was a hoax
I'm all for legit criticism of Trump, and God knows there's a lot of it....which makes your decision to tell that lie even more confusing

>> No.18038457

Is trump a retard?

>> No.18038460

Wouldn't have gutted disaster relief.

I hated him but I feel like he wouldn't be urging people to go back to work when that's only going to make things worse.

Plus the UBI plan wouldn't be as shit.

>> No.18038501

Listen to his speech tomorrow if he speaks.
Watch him answer some questions by journalists.

>> No.18038571

He'd do a lot of the same except for better UBI and less of an uncaring attitude.
Then again because the stock market would have grown slower, so they wouldn't crash as hard which is bad for those of us that wanna buy the bottom.
I guess trump is a better choice after all for bears.

>> No.18038586

just close your eyes whenever pence speaks

>> No.18038594


>> No.18038595

trump 2020

>> No.18038624

I actually think he might just have dementia

>> No.18038630

Not called it a fucking flu at the beginning, probably. That's gonna haunt Trump in November when some of the boomers who voted for him die in April and May. Anything else we just have to wait to see if he fucks up in the next few weeks.

>> No.18038638

*doubles the debt*
I don't miss him at all.

>> No.18038670

One big thing that obama did during the Ebola crisis was set up 50+ pandemic response centers across the world so that if a pandemic starts it can be isolated. Guess which fucking retard shut down like 40 of them.

I'm someone that thinks obama should be hung for war crimes(along with every other post WWII president) but its crazy how much better he would've handled this.

That being said, there's only so much a president can do, with out addressing how fucking abysmal the US healthcare situation is its hard to understate how bad the US situation would be regardless of who was president.

>> No.18038684 [DELETED] 

(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discordb gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18038688

Trump quite literally Still freestyles his every speech.
He somehow doesnt do any homework or learn lines or facts or talking points before speaking on shit that can decimate the planet.

People act like trump is a 7 and the media treats him like a 4.
Trump is a 1 and we treat him like a 4.
He is spectacularly incredibly incompetent to the point where its simply incredible that Anyone doesnt see it as clear as day.

Obama was actually smart. And knew things. And read words. And asked questions. And learned information. And had people around him. And has critical thinking skills. And knew things about science and politics and the word.

I feel like im teaching colors to 3 year olds.

>> No.18038692

i miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

>> No.18038711

>Would've listen to the experts
>Wouldn't have called it a hoax.
>Would've closed the boarders much earlier
>Would've recommended all the measures of hand-washing, social distancing, self quarantine much earlier and taken seriously.
>Would've contained it

>> No.18038712
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Most bluepilled thread ever even for /biz/. Obvious shilling by the way. And this is coming from someone that voted for him. Thank god crypto and blockchain led me down a rabbit hole of redpills.

>> No.18038730

everything wrong

>> No.18038748

we wouldnt even know the virus is spreading if he was in office.

>> No.18038776

Desu the last few weeks are just highlighting how fucking useless Trump is. Unless you're in it to watch leftists seethe or something, you're only voting for his administration, not him. Hearing Pence spend half his speeches praise him and Fauci contradict him just proves he's an elderly manchild being carried by the actual politicians and economists.

>> No.18038788

God damn.

>> No.18038801


>> No.18038814


>> No.18038816

Good to see leftypol is back and shilling as hard as ever

>> No.18038836

Why didn't you sage, paki?

>> No.18038840

Dude would get double digits on any IQ test

>> No.18038856

Take your meds schizo

>> No.18038880

Yeah, trump definitely isnt drop dead retarded.
He definitely knows what hes doing.

>> No.18038884

pure unadulterated schizophrenia

>> No.18039051
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You miss him because you want the media to stop pulling on your strings and telling you to go into a frenzy 24/7 because their stooge isn't in office. All that rage is probably very exhausting I would imagine.

Le based mutt wouldn't have been able to change anything about the virus, because the kings of globalist ass rimming (ie europeans) couldn't even manage that feat and are getting it way worse than the USA.

What you truly want is for the media to stop shrieking, so that you can go back to enjoying cummies and consoomies while pretending the world isn't garbage, just like some farm animal with blinders on.

>> No.18039072

Trump doesn't know how to be president but he clearly somehow still has the uncanny ability to rally up his base and win elections. That's one of the main reasons why certain politicians and special interests are latching onto him as basically a figurehead while they wield the real power behind the scenes
A lot of people really think that his re-election chances are definitely done as a result of this whole mess. Not true. Even if tens of thousands of Americans die from Corona-chan in a few months. Because he knows how to bullshit certain groups of people that are necessary for him to win elections, and for the most part to achieve certain goals
This 2020 election is going to be a lot closer than many of you realize

>> No.18039127


Take your anti-psychotics, bro

>> No.18039132

Dangerously based and checked

>> No.18039151

Republicans always have easier reelections because evangelicals will vote for them even when the president is clearly not religious or conservative, but Trump needs to be careful because Biden is doing better among educated whites in the primary than recent democrats. You can't win without that demographic

>> No.18039234

Common robotic response. You shills didn't do your research beforehand. /biz/ and /pol/ have some similarities. Your shilling won't work here either kek. Everyone knows obama fucked things up even more. I guess you can try but crypto really does start the trail of redpills for people.

>> No.18039248

Unbased and bluepilled

>> No.18039289

>/biz/ and /pol/ have some similarities.
cringe. oof. yikes.

>> No.18039303

Not defunded the pandemic response team. Other than that general rhetoric surrounding it. Let's be honest nobody can stop the pandemic but you can control the response.

>> No.18039318

Everybody missed him. By about 5 feet.

>> No.18039552

>you're a robot
>Follow redpills
Half my retard bingo card filled in one post, thanks based potato brain.

>> No.18039605

This is why I don't have a problem with Trump. The dude is an open book.

>> No.18039662

Is Biden really the best democrats can come up with? fucking hell

>> No.18039690
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Barack ended up being a whore to the military industrial complex just like the rest of them. Fed kept interest rates at zero his entire fucking presidency because "muh first black president". Nothing but a fraud. The same people in charge now are the same people that have been in charge for decades, if you think the trump admin is any different, you are just an exploitable NPC.

>> No.18039709

Yep, but the party itself sometimes matters more than the candidate. Some guy who created a key system to determine who will win, and has been correct since Reagen, believes that much. 2020 would've been an easy win for Trump until corona-chan came along

>> No.18039729

Trump lied through his teeth about the coronavirus for literal months. You clowns are legitimately mentally challenged puppets with negative IQ.

>> No.18039736


>> No.18039745


>> No.18039751

>literally a month ago blue checkmarks were calling trump racist for closing the border to china

>> No.18039775

Not tell you to go back go work to fatten up the wall street kikes wallets during peak infection as trump is now pivoting to do

>> No.18039781
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don't worry, he and dr. fauci are taking care of business at a coronavirus meeting right now

>> No.18039784

Literally a month ago Trump was saying coronavirus was a nothingburger. One week ago he said "nobody could have predicted it! nobody knew it was a thing until one week ago!". Trump is as much of a dishonest liar as your average politician, no matter how hard you try to LARP otherwise.

>> No.18039865

He made the response team solely for coronavirus in january, before anyone outside of ground zero. And his travel ban wasnt 1 month ago it was 2 months ago, again, before anyone. Trump was the first responder and he got called a racist for it.

>> No.18039985

>So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!
>And we're prepared, and we're doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.

>> No.18040000

Make the gangnam style dance to teach niglets how to wash hands

>> No.18040025

What did Trump mean by this?

>> No.18040034

who bitch is this
what a hot legs

>> No.18040056

Nothing you say can change the fact that trump (warcriminal and liar he may be) closed the border to china on February 2nd.

>> No.18040105

He should have closed off everyone. But he only closed off china so that Italians could still come give it. He simply didn't go far enough. Should have quarantined everyone that came in contact with that person

>> No.18040173

Sure, so could have every other country on earth, and none of them did.

>> No.18040183
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Not cut funding to CDC, fire the pandemic team. Not call the virus a hoax and blame opposition and rejection of reality and circumstance.

>> No.18040210

He wouldn’t have done anything, just like he did his entire tenure.

>> No.18040218

He called it a hoax lmao

>> No.18040222

Some countries are doing better than others now.