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File: 19 KB, 400x400, NrEbICRM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18027009 No.18027009 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18027034
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>> No.18027310

could you post a recap later that's beyond "buy gold"

>> No.18027508


>> No.18027583
File: 3.70 MB, 366x274, deutsche no, bad boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's all you know Schiff for then you have been sorely missing out. His analysis on macroeconomics has been fucking spot on.

inb4 broken clock, been saying it for years, etc. Fuck off. He made no predictions about WHEN the collapse would happen, but almost every underlying flaw in the economy that he predicted has been proven true. While Fed was raising rates he flew in the face of every analyst saying it would never work and they would pivot back to cutting rates, then they did. Then everyone thought Fed would start raising rates in 2020 again and Schiff flew in everyone's face again and said they'd cut to zero, then they did.

So far the dollar milkshake theory is strong and in the short term there might be deflation and a rise in the USD, but sooner or later the whole house of cards will collapse and stagflation will reign again. I don't think it'll get to hyperinflation, I think Powell will be ousted and the new Fed chair will be forced to raise rates and intentionally crush the markets Volcker-style when that becomes apparent.

>> No.18028737

Last time was definitely comfy, he gives the best rants

>> No.18029475


>> No.18029542

link the stream i cant find it

>> No.18029570

wut, it's there in the OP

>> No.18029625
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>> No.18029702


>> No.18029730


>> No.18029798

US Bonds confirmed useless.
You have to be mentally retarded to buy it

>> No.18029813


>> No.18029948
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Imagine buying a 30-year bond with an annualized return of 1.3%, when inflation is 5-10% and rising

>> No.18029987

people only buy them because they're forced to

>> No.18030094
File: 60 KB, 604x610, 1574708565594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peter's drunk again

>> No.18030102

Peter sounds drunk lol

>> No.18030147

wait until the live stream is over, he'll be on biz shortly to see our reactions lol

>> No.18030148

something wrong with your catalog?

>> No.18030178
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>> No.18030212

What are you talking about, this was created way before

>> No.18030245
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>does this computer have a password? Better not to have em, makes it harder to get in

>> No.18030268

>drunken shouting about eggs

>> No.18030317

Deflation time !

>> No.18030351

At the end of his last live stream when he went to end it he read the YT prompt out loud

>> No.18030512
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Fucking KEK boomer doesn't know how to put his phone on silent

>> No.18030581
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Guys, I think boomer rocks are doing better than crypto...

>> No.18030707

holy lol

>> No.18030713
File: 216 KB, 1742x759, schiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone just gave $500 to Schiff


>> No.18030724

>he's just spending an hour shilling gold

holy fuck he cant stop the shilling. like you're gonna buy bread from the black market with gold/silver coins, jesus fucking christ dude. literally advising people to hoard jesus fucking christ dude

>> No.18030747
File: 61 KB, 458x549, trust me i'm jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gives more detailed answers to big $ questions. Advanced jewtrickery

>> No.18030770

150iq post agreed although schiff is really at his core a butthurt nocoiner trying to justify the fact he missed out on being a billionaire

>> No.18030851

Why are you such a schizo?

>> No.18030891
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>Peter's face rn

>> No.18030900

Are you retarded or a shill? Couldn't it be a tool that converts other cryptos to BTC and pay via bitcoin?

>> No.18031048

Yeah I know, I just like posting that pic because it triggers so many

>> No.18031147

Well played my dude. Also kudos to him making $3k on his last stream.

>> No.18031213
File: 8 KB, 209x200, bh32t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he's talking about fishing poles now
>Oh I forgot what I was saying
this fucking alzheimers boomer

>> No.18031431

God damn that is a huge day for gold

>> No.18031838


>> No.18031876

Who has that picture saved of Schiff’s calls and him being JUSTed over the span of 10 years?

>> No.18031884


>> No.18031893

I just placed my 1st pm order. Poorfag and about to get buttfucked with 20% VAT. I wish I had bought earler but it's a weight off my shoulders hedging my ASSets

>> No.18031903


>> No.18031926

Well, Gresham's law says that first you gotta use Fiat.
Then Gold.
Then Bitcoin.

>> No.18031954

And it will keep doing that.
Soon they will dump it.
But it will go up once governments comes in to steal gold.

>> No.18031967


>> No.18031987
File: 83 KB, 820x458, 6F22E93B782242A2894025C2CB2F0D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the top did't I

>> No.18031990

What 3rd world country are you in that does not exempt gold from VAT? Even Sweden exempts gold.

>> No.18032016

It don't matter, if you don't sell.
Cause if trust governments not to steal gold globally, you are crazy.
You should have both.

>> No.18032038

>Don't borrow money to buy depreciating assets, that's how poor people stay poor
Good advice

>> No.18032055
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>> No.18032082

>implying I'm not turning all my bank deposits into synthetic silver derivatives on ETH

poor peter

>> No.18032094

The one you fought to get your independence from. I just placed my first order from apmex so it's pretty much a given I'll pay a 20% VAT but I'm not sure yet. I'll know for sure soon enough tho. In my defence it was a rushed order but from now on I'll go to the silver forum and try to buy from there to "minimize" taxes
I don't plan on selling unless shtf. It's a pretty pathetic stack however. JUST 3oz silver and about 1/10 gold.

>> No.18032364

Better than nothing, fren.
Keep your bitcoins too.

>> No.18032402

I've got both metals and crypto and plan on keeping both for years and years unless I'm absolutely forced to sell for some reason. Luckily my job is pretty secure and I can work remotely, just biding my time until the reset

>> No.18032604
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>> No.18032677

jesus this guy can talk forever

>> No.18032684

Good luck, brother.
Normal people like us are those who will suffer.
Endure, and find happiness, ya hear?

>> No.18032866

>Keep your bitcoins too.
If only fren. I barely have 0.5 and thats all in LINK and a few other shitcoins. I got very late onto this ride. I'm planning to buy BTC and fill my other bags assuming I'll keep my job (key worker here). I popped my pm cherry today so I'll try to plan accordingly and allocate my savings into PMs and crypto. I will not making with my current saving rate but I won't stop trying. I'll just have to be more careful with my allocation and maximize my stacks.

>> No.18032885

It works. Put some music on, and a screen on the video.

>> No.18032915

His bladder is as strong as your dubs. His last stream lasted more than 3 hours and he was drinking whatever liquid he was drinking with no toilet break.

>> No.18032919

Just be mindfull that it will probably go down.
See, now ithink they are pumping it, cause they are scared of it.
But once governments come in and steal gold, it will go up.

>> No.18032944

What works? What problem are you solving?

>> No.18032960

>He made no predictions about WHEN the collapse would happen
hahaahahAAHAHA lmao. Imagine writing this in someone's defense.

>> No.18032998

I don't understand, it's true, what's your point

>> No.18033006

Well, i'm solving the problem that the audience will be mentally drained.
You give brakes, and it will refresh people's attention.
And Peter can go to the bathroom or something, poor boomer.
And everyone will enjoy the show more.

>> No.18033065

every time he talks about bitcoin he loses viewers. Is he biased against all crypto or just btc?

>> No.18033073

Are you talking about bitcoin or gold? I'm trying to catch up with BTC price action and recently started reading on gold and silver. I'm a bit reluctant about buying BTC rn bc I feel it will dump soon. I'd rather buy gold since I believe it won't dump as hard as bitcoin. I need to heal and get back to work and get those shekels first As far as crypto goes, I prioritize LINK since I'm a nulinklet and hope to get at least 1k before going back to BTC. As for PMs, I'm lurking the silver forum atm and study things posted on /biz/ among other places

>> No.18033078
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the best part is retards are really donating money to this boomer worth 70 mil while he shoots the shit in his home office


>> No.18033121

>Is he biased against all crypto or just btc
He doesn't even consider anything aside from bitcoin.
I think he have hope that governments won't steal gold, and that they will balkanize the internet to keep money.

>> No.18033148

>silver losing 40% in a month is bullish
>gold miners losing 80% in a month is bullish
>btc losing 40% in a month is the end of bitcoin

he's just a jew that really doesn't get or is downright jewing people

>> No.18033162

>Are you talking about bitcoin or gold?
Rigth now being pumped, at lest that's what i think.
Well, if i was a government i would pump it.
I could be wrong tho.

>> No.18033237

To be fair, he is being honest.
I don't care that he becomes uber wealthy after 20 years of trying to preach fiscal responsibility and smart work on gold.
But he is wrong about bitcoin. Pump and dumps don't matter.
Soon even governments won't be able to do that shit.
And people holding bitcoin will not forget this shit.
If they don't balkanize the net to take it down, ofc.

>> No.18033254

crypto isn't the internet. hes right about a lot of stuff, i own pm's, but why the boner against btc its like being against a specific internet protocol but not acknowledging the internet.

everyone has mortgage to pay but his views align perfectly with crypto. why doesnt he accept that they have similar use cases and value.

>> No.18033281

And don't forget to buy it through Schiff Gold! Also, please be sure to buy plenty of shitty stocks I put into your portfolio, which I manage with a very high fee, at Europacific Capital.

Schiff is right about the serial bubble blowing of the Fed but he does not put his customers first. If you let Schiff manage all of your money, you're going to be poor.

>> No.18033308

>why the boner against btc its like being against a specific internet protocol but not acknowledging the internet
Cause he doesn't know who controls bitcoin.
See, he probably have an idea who owns the most gold, but not bitcoin.
And who holds the most bitcoins can dump it, or hold it, so that's a majour influence.

>> No.18033322

Yea I agree. I thought that it was mostly whales and exchanges manipulating it but today's pump right when FED anounced infinite QE got me noggin' joggin. I've been involved in crypto for about 3 years now so there is still A LOT to learn. I don't want to get into bitcoin before getting the basics of trading so i'll stick to accumulating other cryptos and PMs.
redpill me on balkanization of the internet

>> No.18033342

>it is going to rain, just not saying when
>you are going to die, just not saying when
>stocks are going to go down, just not saying when
>the world's gonna end, just not saying when
>Jesus coming back, just not saying when
>We will reduce taxes, just not saying when

Get it now? People pay him for this crap....

>> No.18033371

Bad argument

>> No.18033391
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>most gold brokers are ripping people off with high premiums

Anyone ever bought Gold with Peter? Schiff Gold seems leggit....

>> No.18033395
File: 283 KB, 622x416, 8c491e1125ec0aa8a08f9f24a2852c80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is not a threat to the monetary system

>> No.18033440

I thought the same when BTC pump today & feel it will dump too. but it's hard to say

>> No.18033448

lmao, keep listening to people with 'predictions' that have no timeframe.

>> No.18033504

>Hey, that rotting wood beam looks like it's going to snap. Maybe you shouldn't stand under it. You know, just to be safe.
>Can you tell me the exact second it will snap? No? Then fuck off.

>> No.18033523

meaning the genesis wallet? that's interesting, I guess that's a valid point against btc. It asks trustless transactions but the wallets are easy to track but not regulated. Paper gold has similar issues and is easily manipulated, its obvious by the chart. btc might have boogiemen but gold has the greatest money printing boogieman all over it.

>> No.18033567

>redpill me on balkanization of the internet
Well, teoretically the socialists in power could cut the cables between majour "blocks", like north america, Eruope, China.
I think that's the only way for them to defeat bitcoin.
But that i think that will just split it, and create different versions of it, like "Bitcoin Europe", or "Bitcoin China", or "Bitcoin NA", whatever.
Then they will hunt the surviving blockchains with force.
In the end, if you buy now, and you have a spot in the blockchain, it will be the same in every "part" if they break up the net.
In the end tho, i don't think they will.
I think they want a world government real bad, and they can't say no to massive global survaliance.
So, paradoxically, their own comunist evilness is protecting bitcoin, and making it even more valuable.

>> No.18033624

I mean the people who have like 1000 bitcoin, or more.
If i have 1000 bitcoin, and i want bitcoin to prosper, i only sell it enough to buy stuff, but the majority of my wealth is in that, and i transact in that.
But if one day i start hating bitcoin, i sell 900 bitcoins and crash the price, and maybe buy more when it's down and someone else sold in the panic.
That's what his reasoning is i think.

>> No.18033630

Predictions without time-frame are not falsifiable. They are literally never wrong. He is like the shady carpenter telling you for 20 years that your perfectly fine beam is rotten.

>> No.18033663
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I believe it won't dump as hard as the past two weeks as it looks like BTC followed DJI quite closely and with this QE it looks like there won't be a dump like those on the 9th and 16th where there was a lot of uncertainty on the markets. Markets look like they price in the wu flu situation despite further lockdowns. Layoffs and other market-related events (GDP forecast, revenues etc) will have a greater impact and there's already word on the street that downward adjustments are being made. The impact of these adjustments, ie societal unrest will have an impact on all markets imo

>> No.18033680

that's exactly like anything else that is used to transact, except btc isn't as adopted and therefore more volatile.

>> No.18033729

Sure, but since the dude don't know who is behind it, he is scared for bad actors.
At least i think. I'm not God my dude, just making an educated guess.

>> No.18033748

I get it just entertaining ideas.

>> No.18033767
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The first part sounds crazy and I'm inclined to believe it's gonna happen sooner or later.
>I think they want a world government real bad, and they can't say no to massive global survaliance.
So, paradoxically, their own comunist evilness is protecting bitcoin, and making it even more valuable.
This is more in line with what I have in mind rn. Thanks for the pill doc

>> No.18033812

>Thanks for the pill doc
I mean, dude, just educated guesses, you realize.
Who knows what's gonna happen.
hell, bitcoin could be from the same commies who wants the glòobal enslavement lmao.
Still, hoping is nice.

>> No.18033819

Incredibly shitty room temp IQ take

>> No.18033928

Nobody really knows what's gonan happen, and yes bitcoin could be made by literal commies so what we all can do is guess and speculate. There could be a hybrid though. Like what China is doing with their own internet. Google is already doing that by censoring results on their search engine so in a way we already have a balkanized internet. The craziest shit end up becoming reality. I, for example could never imagine republicans taking such measures as they did the past few weeks but the flu made it a necessity and here we are now. We live in a clown world after all. Also How the hell does Schiff not need a toilet break after such a long time ffs?

>> No.18033963

He is a fucking boomer, man, he is fucking old!
He needs breaks too.
Suggest him to take breaks in the shows.
Just put some music on and a line of text saying "BREAK TIME" or whatever.
Talking to anyone who is lurking for Peter.

>> No.18033967
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The mad lad was right again.

>> No.18033981

is this '08 again? imagine listening to this retard

>> No.18034001

>There could be a hybrid though. Like what China is doing with their own internet
Yea, man, but the problem is that governments hates bitcoin in it's current form.
It's like with gold all over again, it's good modern black money for those who can use it.
Even China cannot help itself to hate bitcoin.
In any case, it's gonna be fun to watch lol.
I'm rooting for it. A minarchist world would be cool.

>Also How the hell does Schiff not need a toilet break after such a long time ffs?

>> No.18034002

But he's right and has always been right.

>> No.18034023

No u

>> No.18034107

GDP is forecast to be -15% for q2 I think? and 2 million unemployed projected. If either of these predictions are even moderately close I can't see how everything won't go lower. agreed it might not be as bad as last week though

>> No.18034160
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Blockchain is a double-edged sword for governments in their current form. On one hand you have China who wants control over its citizens and blockchain facilitates this. On the other hand you have us eurocucks with "the right to be forgotten" where an immutable database is opposing this. An "unprecedented" event could lead to implementation of a controlling technology that takes elements from bitcoin's technology. The EU has been showin interest in blockchain, which I see is their way of implementing a hybrid technology that the superstate that the eu wants to become will try to force upon us
>A minarchist world would be cool.

>> No.18034188

There were no projections for GDP or any indices until last week. As soon as numbers come up, markets will act accordingly. I agree things will go lower but we will not see the crashes we saw the past couple of weeks (ie dow losing 12,000 in 14 days)

>> No.18034219

People who don't understand are never going to understand, its his loss.

>> No.18034508

Dude, in the end, a brutal regime will be overtrown.
Don't matter how long it takes.
What matters is that one day we ll have a minarchist world.

>> No.18034645

after seeing this thread i decided to sell all my metals right fucking now.
but i can't. because of this virus bullshit or for some reason nobody buys it now. they only buy above x kilogram quantities and silver coins are not even listed.
fuck is going on?

>> No.18034791

you literally can't cash out!!
fucking physical meme shit!

>> No.18034832
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If only my dude. I'm quite blackpilled on this topic. The majority of people get compalcent when a government justifies their ever-expanding control. See how people lost their shit over the virus. I;m not downplaying but the scare tactics by the governments and the literal WHO got normies by the balls. I hope that they will slip up one day and go too far and even the normiest sheep will see that shit that is being forced upon them. People normalized gender fluidity on children, gender reassignment surgeries are state funded in some states and now a (((pandemic))) got them to stock and lock up like the fucking apocalypse is upon us. People like you and me are just a vocal minority. Libertarianism is a joke to most people in the US. I can't even comment about here, across the pond, because people worship the state as it is and support for the United States of Europe is finding support in a few countries. Minarchism is based and redpilled but to most people we can easily labelled as anarchists (lmao)

>> No.18035645

> The majority of people get compalcent when a government justifies their ever-expanding control
And that's when they die.
See, Chinese people are compacent.
We in the west are complacent.
Why? Cause we can't compete with government.
They can try all the tricks they want, but in the end if the government is too strong, the population will die off.
And that's where the mass immigration starts.
You think it's a coincidence that this happens over, and over and over again?
It's human nature.
Wanna know how this ends? Balkanization.
The different imported groups will start tearich each other apart.
You ll have collective competition INSIDE what is supposed to be a collective (instead of competition between individuals).
And the more the government grows in size and influence, the more you ll see this.
It's somewhat maneagable till the government stay small, so you can have integration between different groups, till they form a new somewhat cohesive identity.
Can't be done with big and large government tho.
What really should blackpill is that veen tho one day freedom will come back, all that was passed down to us was lost.
Culture, identity, riches, monuments.
All of it: gone.
That's the real kick in the balls.

>> No.18035852

>beyond "buy gold"
"Buy gold from me"

>> No.18035966

>Scaring people into buying his Jew gold
I hope none of you actually fall for this.

>> No.18036003
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are you drunk buddy?

>> No.18036034

Nah, just an idiot to the point of retardation.

>> No.18036197

its his birthday

>> No.18036386
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Figures. You're on /biz/ after all and discuss with another borderline retarded idiot about stuff beyond our control that even the glowies monitoring this site will laugh at.