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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 271x167, gold-and-silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18030551 No.18030551 [Reply] [Original]

stock markets down even FED unlimited money printing, so this is a sign that people are awake, they know that this FED money printing is going to destroy US dollar

Gold is up + 5.60 %

Silver is up + 6.95 %

i think this is just very beginning, especially silver market are very tiny, so buying silver now might be same like buying Bitcoin when it was about $ 1

Gold and Silver ratio is all time high, that indicate that Silver is heavily undervalued right now

>> No.18030588

But I want it to cheaper.

>> No.18030611

Getting 60 oz delivered today. Feels good man. When moon?

>> No.18030625


Silver is all time lows at price, remember how much FED has printed money to system last 10 years

>> No.18030643

is it worth waiting for another fall or just buy now

>> No.18030656


>> No.18030665

If you can get some, just go for it.

>> No.18030678
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Close to atl

>> No.18030690

Where to buy for delivery with reasonable fees?

>> No.18030726

This is from jmbullion a couple weeks ago. Not counting on getting deliveries for much longer

>> No.18030732

You wont get physical any cheaper than it is now. It doesnt matter if the spot falls another $1, the premiums are going to stay high from this point forward.

>> No.18030753


forgot to mention that silver price is heavily manipulated, i.e. this price now, you cant buy any bullion dealer at these prices, these silver prices are paper silver prices

and remember that how clueless people are about real money, they choose chocolate bar rather than 10 oz silver bar Worth $150

People Choose Free Candy Bar over Free 10 oz Silver Bar (Worth $150) in Experiment

so if you invest silver now, you are probably about 0,1 percent of people, when US dollar get destroyed by money printing people then look safe heavens and silver is one of the few safe heaven at store of value

>> No.18030879


>> No.18030945

How will electronics still be produced if silver supermoons? Won’t it be prohibitively expensive?

>> No.18031016

It won't, don't listen to tards

>> No.18031176
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This is gay.

>> No.18031357

Only a very small amount of silver is used per electronic, won’t materially impact the price

>> No.18031411

Why? The spot price is in no way representative of physical demand. This is a very fair price to me. Markets adjust as usual

>> No.18031458

>buy from us price: $190
>Sell to us price: $130
Let the panic buyers buy into this garbage.

>> No.18031479

Go to


and claim $5 worth of virtual gold, silver or platinum that you can later trade for physical at any time you want.desu.

>> No.18031828
File: 401 KB, 928x1629, 333F1862-55A7-4352-975D-641F09927F23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got lucky. I shouldve bought more. Didnt think it would ACTUALLY sell out of most physical.

>> No.18031867
File: 170 KB, 750x1334, 9C315D28-1CCD-465E-A357-6618296951D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile I can’t buy physical anonymously anymore. What a time to be alive!

>> No.18031910

Physical fags going to be upset when futures contracts expire and merchants take physical delivery of the hundreds of millions of ounces of silver just sitting in warehouses.

>> No.18031930

I just bought mining auctions and I will be rich before summer.

>> No.18031949

I was thinking of buying silver uk bro here, £14 to buy brittania ounce, sell price £10 an instant 30% hit. Why would I buy? Someone explain because 30%!!!?

>> No.18031950
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spot price is meaningless

>> No.18032137
File: 29 KB, 550x550, 387ac3d588d1e31ed5a5b3517b54ae19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I buy physical silver if I can leverage long silver in a trading app?

>> No.18032182
File: 319 KB, 960x540, EC62CAF1-AA02-409A-82F9-64B3D78C3076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possession is 9/10 of the law

>> No.18032228

I'm a brainlet, what is this M2 thing? I've seen it three times today. Is it the value of all unearthed silver compared to the monetary supply?

>> No.18032266

Money Supply

>> No.18032317
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>> No.18032483

Strapped in.
Prepared for launch.

>> No.18032739
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>OH NO shiny metal all gone!

why arent silver futures fucking skyrocketing then genius? if physical silver is actually worth the 30%+ premiums why aren't people buying silver futures and just forcing physical delivery of the underlying asset when the contract expires?

Sorry shill, your 20 ounces of silver aren't going to pay your fucking mortgage and they never will.

>> No.18032803
File: 25 KB, 250x250, pepe-1527901039699-money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I'm longing silver on high margin as we speak

>> No.18032883

We’re at the stage of the collapse where people are still desperate for liquidity.

>> No.18032974

It's not real silver. You have too much faith in the system

>> No.18032981
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1944, 15849929014674243720447270183783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being /biz/ and falling for the buy silver because it's a safe haven.
God people are so fucking stupid the price of silver will never go higher then $18 . Just sell your silver and buy a meme Cryptocurrency.

>> No.18033042
File: 3 KB, 58x73, 35CD3BC3-9E78-4CCD-95F7-B7827D3145C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually being able to buy physical silver at this point. You’ve missed the boat and your butthurt tells me you know it.

>> No.18033060

What I don't get with physical gold or silver. Say I buy $5000 with $250 cost of premium and shipping to me/storage and I choose to sell in 6 months and the purchase price then has doubled to $10000, what is the sell price I will actually get on my silver? How do I even sell bars of silver and gold coins that i've been keeping under my bed for 6 months? On a high street? By post?

>> No.18033077

It will be cheaper. OP is being dishonest and using small day to day fluctuations. Gold and silver, as well as most precious metals, have all been dropping like a lead balloons. We are on deathspiral deflation right now. Cash is king and people are using it to buy things more important than shiny rocks like food, ammunition, vehicles and fuel for survival. Gold will drop below $1000 an ounce. Silver will drop below $10. We can expect inflation as a consequence in another decade if society recovers but right now, we are experiencing deflation. This is the worst case scenario of all time and the fact that markets and human behavior is unresponsive to monetary policy is proof that nobody in a panic cares about the long term value.

>> No.18033081

I know it is not real, but if I buy low and sell high this sham paper silver I can make real money
people who buy physical metals are mental virgins

>> No.18033088
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Shut up normie

>> No.18033131

You can literally sell silver for over 20$ on ebay

>> No.18033136

stay poor retard

>> No.18033189

Open google maps and search for buy silver / gold
The sellers generally buy at spot and sell at a premium

>> No.18033198
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No you can't, no one is dumb enough to sell their silver on Ebay and have to pay a seller fee plus PayPal fee.

>> No.18033215
File: 562 KB, 2021x1728, IMG_20200124_235556_839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay you do your thing, I'll do mine. Let's see how it works out for you :)

>> No.18033242
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>> No.18033244

>bla bla bla humanity needs a decade to recover blah blah apocalypse blah
Even if your right i take silver over toiletpaper in the apocalypse

>> No.18033291

How about you take a look at ebay before talking shit?

>> No.18033307

49% premium on silver philharmonics in my country right now, store announced it is unable to restock

>> No.18033369

Also the Canadian mint has shut down so I'm never getting the maples I ordered :(

>> No.18033397

>I can make real money
>he thinks fiat is money
>calls others mental virgins

>> No.18033427

How about you post your IP address.

>> No.18033465

Saug meinen 20cm prachtschwanz

>> No.18033628


You must be a fucking genius, you beat the system friend. You outsmarted all those silly commodity traders. All that warehouse silver is just imaginary.

$50/oz silver anyday, amirite?

>> No.18033634

You can force physical delivery, the COMEX has the right to settle in cash....

>> No.18033719


>the COMEX has the right to settle in cash

Ya got a source for that? Cuz I think you're full of shit

>> No.18033792

right on. definitely heading for deflationary spiral or already on one for the past 2 weeks. ride the wave bro. gl and happy investing

>> No.18033831

Gold and silver do great during deflation because they have zero counterparty risk (if you didn't buy on margin). Every other asset gets destroyed because deflation destroys asset prices when they are purchased on margin (real estate, stocks to get better yields use a high debt:equity ratio).

>> No.18034496
File: 49 KB, 715x155, goldjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out these German dealers' prices. That's some another level Jew shit.
Buy price on the left, sell on the right.

>> No.18034938

Welcher laden?
Hab letze Woche silber bei proaurum für 16,4 E/oz bestellt, jetzt ist der verkauf ausgesetzt und ich habe ne mail behalten das die nutten sich melden sobald sie liefern können
Als ich bestellt hab stand da sie hätten es vorrätig

>> No.18035066
File: 9 KB, 225x224, 97D91ACF-0655-4671-B76A-C02D219B4F03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts pauper-tier stack bought at aths

>> No.18035126

Gold is up 5% having lost 11% in the last month, you're an absolute mouthbreather

>> No.18035307

The Dow is still dropping

>> No.18035343
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, 18311402-DFB4-4220-9C30-78230617BA87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please make fun of my stack. I’ll feel insecure and just buy more

>> No.18035432


USD is the reserve currency of the world.

So what if there is more printed. That just means the world can use up more.

If our economy tanks so will the rest of the world. Anything else that is not USD will not catch on in the best 100 years

>> No.18035475

NPCs don't panic until it's too late. people had 4 months to prepare starting from Nov-Dec 2019 and waited until the last minute. same goes for late buyers of physical PMs.

>> No.18035581

Buy JNUG 3x leveraged junior gold stocks right now. Smart money is in. Keep an eye on the price of gold to know which direction this is moving in. One or two day tops. Do not stay in for long. Be happy with some quick profit and don’t get greedy.

>> No.18036090


>> No.18036127

I ordered 100 ounces of silver today. Assuming they deliver and I don't get jewed, is this going to be enough for a homestead once the apocalypse is over?

>> No.18036239

Chiemgauer Edelmetallhandel
Haben ok Preise auf Östereicher Münzen. Haben auch die 5oz Fledermause für €117.

16.4 existiert nicht mehr. Habe letzte Woche ASEs für 21 bei MDM per Nachnahme bestellt, habe aber noch keine bestätigung bekommen. Wird vielleich ausgesetzt.

>> No.18036275

Idk i have 109 so hopefully haha

>> No.18036343

Die Bestätigung hab ich, die sind also verpflichtet zu liefern, schon klar großer Andrang aber sie hätten den auftrag ja nicht annehmen müssen
>ich will silber befingern
21 ist echt heftig, mein timing hat wohl gut gepasst

>> No.18036395


>> No.18036419
File: 97 KB, 965x503, saes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 is wirklich ok, auf eBay sind die 28-29

>> No.18037338

It's not getting any cheaper this is it