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18002317 No.18002317 [Reply] [Original]


Also they are making it sound like only families just checks now.

>> No.18002332

United States of Zimbabwe

>> No.18002359

Bad 4d chess move. Moms and dads dont go out to riot, its the bummed out 20 year olds with nothing to lose... Gotta keep the social outcastes complacent if this isn't gonna burn down to the ground.

>> No.18002385

If I don't get a fucking check I'm not voting in November. Don't fucking blue ball me.

>> No.18002397

>for families
sounds like anyone without kids or a spouse is fucked

>> No.18002402
File: 2 KB, 125x105, communistbrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one should get checks, if you didn't store money for an emergency then absolutely fuck you.

>> No.18002419

5 min ago.
It says some shit about 1200 dollar checks for most US adults.
If you don't pay taxes you probably won't get a check, or will receive a reduced amount.

>> No.18002526

Boomers are dying right now to gib us gibs

>> No.18002790

How many trillions have been wasted during all of this now? Aren't we approaching 8?!

>> No.18002815

Is US debt even real?
They own thus money to whom? The printing press?

>> No.18002840

inflation is spose to eat the debt or something, along with collecting taxes then just deleting the numbers from the computer system. It's all modern day jew alchemy

>> No.18002841
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What will happen if it drops even after this?

>> No.18002848

Trannys BTFO

>> No.18002849
File: 67 KB, 1420x278, brrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's as real as poker chips

>> No.18002861

imagine this jewy looking soiled rich kid is in charge of the worlds reserve currency? That's would be pretty funny.

>> No.18003110

Kek. This makes bitfinex look more legitimate

>> No.18003190

So no one is getting fucked over when they will never pay it back?

>> No.18003233

the rich start businesses and when it doesn't work just declare bankruptcy and rinse and repeat
debt is just a tool
there is no way someone can become a billionaire in their lifetime by picking themselves up from their bootstraps and being a hardworking employee

>> No.18003901

>4 Trilions
May God have mercy upon our souls.

>> No.18003948

Im never paying taxes again. Just print it lmao

>> No.18004001

If you kill the childless jobless 20yos, what are you really losing out on?
based Hayek

>> No.18004002

No, he's saying 3k for a family of four as an example.
>1k per adult
>500 per child
>2 adults + 2 child=3k

Basic fucking logic anon.
Not like it matters anyway because Pelosi is incapable of not being a turbo-cunt.

>> No.18004013


Same for the businesses. No corporate bailouts unless you want Uncle Sam to become a majority owner ;^)

>> No.18004024
File: 16 KB, 250x279, Al-Bundy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theyre going off 2018 taxes
>my uncle died that year and I spent 6 months living with my grandparents to help them out while we where grieving
>made 10.4k that year
>made 35k this past year

I'm getting fucked and I'm not happy.

>> No.18004036

1k per adult is chickenshit. might as well just ditch the whole plan.

>> No.18004037

What they are doing is called A/B testing.

Float a dozen ideas and test the response of the public to each one.

The use of terms like "Family" in this message versus "individuals" or "Taxpayers" in others is designed to reach different audiences.

They are listening to people on the internet and you should make sure to encourage large numbers on newspaper message boards and anywhere else you post. Minimum should be $2k per month per adult.

>> No.18004051

If the government wants to keep me from working they are gonna have to pay me.

>> No.18004071

debt we owe ourselves, I'm buying SPY

>> No.18004097

The dems are pushing hard for unemployment insurance, to the point they wont let anything pass without it.

My stepdads job got shut down by the PA governer (he works in an auto body shop which is technically considered life essential, but its part of a chain of 27 dealerships and dealers are not considered essential)

He filed for unemployment 2 days ago and already got approved.

>> No.18004098

Anyone here have change for a million? I got a several trillion trumpbux dollars in my wallet here and the machine needs ten million for a face mask.

>> No.18004136

Hi, boomer.

>> No.18004143

This right here. If people would bother to actually read articles they would know the plan is stil $1k per adult plus 500 per child. Although these articles are often poorly written. Why they frame this to imply at a glance that only a family of four would get any money is beyond me.

>> No.18004208

this, only businesses deserve bailouts

>> No.18004236

Boomer sociopath.

>> No.18004238
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This is false he said 1000 per adult and 500 per kid. a family of 4 will receive 3000. Also its 1200 per adult now and 0 if you make over 99k. Dems are fucking with it and want people without jobs to take out loans.

>> No.18004249

its a dog-whistle
>can we say whites only? no
>can we say taxpayers only? no
>can we say families? yes
homos, trannies, neets btfo permanently

>> No.18004256

this, it'll also be like $500 once taxes and fees are taken out, absolute fucking joke

Oh cool, they'll float my electricity bill for one month, ohhhhhhhhh so cool

>> No.18004273

and thank god for that. those tranny, dick sucking faggots should be purged from the earth.

>> No.18004276
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But bailing out big airlines and businesses and banks is fine, right?
Fuck off

>> No.18004290

none of this shit is real anon... stash some crypto, and gold and watch it all burn while enjoying maximum tendies

>> No.18004302

workforce productivity

>> No.18004305

This so much. It's counter intuitive but a lot of the system is misrepresented by non factual information. It's almost upside down.

>> No.18004329

puts I hope

>> No.18004344

I think $3300 is more reasonable. Trump is saying the economy is so great but nobody seems to have the money to show for it except those in upper eschelons. You can only lie so much. If he bails out 1 single company I will not vote for him. No airline should be bailed out. No private company either. Bank or not. Repeal the 13th.

>> No.18004356

hi glowie.. only the USG doesn't want people to learn from(recent) history

>> No.18004376

And future prospective tax and GDP growers.

>> No.18004379

in the eyes of the masters, you are just the same as the trannies and fags you "hate"

>> No.18004386


>> No.18004442

This. People will start to see this and the seems are starting fray.

>> No.18004510

old retired people dying or young able bodied workers dying? mhmm I wonder which is better for the economy

>> No.18004591

>have to choose between sacrificing boomers or the economy
>the boomers are the ones with all the wealth and they refuse to die

>> No.18004728


>> No.18005350
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 1582939624815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh ekonomi
90% of the worker bees are disposable, and could be replaced in less than a week, if outright not needed in the first place.
Workforce productivity? You mean doing menial, senseless tasks to provide others with menial, senseless tasks to create a chain of labor that provides nothing of actual substance, all to justify humans existence? Ok den

>> No.18005389
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>> No.18005422

Why you all so worried? Trump got real smart people working around the clock to save the economy. He'd never do something that could harm our great, free nation. If anyone understands economy, it's a self made genius trillionaire.

>> No.18005480


>> No.18005517

politicians in the US often use families as a euphemism for everyone. "families" did best in the focus group 20 years ago. I seems friendlier, and no one has sympathy for childless 20 and 30 somethings, but i bet they mean all adults given certain conditions are met.

>> No.18005664

Giving 3000 dollars to every man, women and even child in the United States comes in around only be 981 billion according to my quick math. Call it a cool 1 Trillion. Liquidity means the availability of liquid assets to a market or company. The cap is 4 trillion at the maximum. 1 trillion currently being utilised for the plan. We bailed out the banks to a tune of 700 billion. A world pandemic causing 20% layoffs in most states, a trillion.

>> No.18005773

It's not. None of it is fine

>> No.18005901

excuse me im a basement dweller and i have all the internet conspiracy theories at my disposal, i think i know better than anyone else about economy

>> No.18005933
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think the CIA wants to cause hyperinflation or something? can you please eat a bottle of sleeping pills

>> No.18005961

this is why no one takes libertardians seriously. none of them has any idea how big companies work, how much it takes to form, how much their existence affects livelihoods.

>> No.18006025

yup, they think everything runs exactly like a 12 year old's lemonade stand.

>> No.18006075

>Tfw I was denied unemployment because my hours were marked to zero, but I didn't actually lose my job
>I can only afford 2 months of rent until in fucked
I guess I'm just fucked lmao, this pandemic isn't ending any time soon

>> No.18006118

You won't have to pay rent. Save your money, then the second this pandemic is over start paying or find a different place. They will have a hard time finding tentants at the regular price, so as long as you always paid on time, you will be okay man. CALM DOWN

>> No.18006120

Are you directing this at me? Or agreeing with me?

>> No.18006148


You middle lower middle class right?

>> No.18006186

You must be retarded kid
Hyperinflation kicks in only when you sell your currency for a foreign one. What do you want to buy with USD when it’s the most powerful currency in the world?
Inflation will be low even if fed prints 10 trillions on spot, as long as it’s ending up in groceries and stuff like that while companies are closed

>> No.18006187

I am living proof that your theoretical statement is 100% wrong.

I know and understand how the businesses failing could affect people. But I don't an inorganic economy is extremely dangerous. Add in to the fact that the circumstance could produce even better businesses from the workers, and now you have an even better economy.
Americans have become so lazy in the sense of being a slave to jobs that it's time that mentality is destroyed. You should never be dependant on another man entirely for resources. Basic economics and human behavior states that is the worst decision you can make for yourself.

>> No.18006212

It’s called MMT, basically the one AOC is shilling

>> No.18006280

20 or 30 something have no sympathy for average intelligence families who eat canned food and work at the factory as a laborer or engineer.

>> No.18006312



>> No.18006393


It's basically real life Tether.

They back it with their other "assets" like default swaps, debt, bonds they buy with their own printed money to back it self.

It's exactly how tether works, except Tether is actually more legit than USD in terms of having something to back it up.

>> No.18006432


WEAK! We need at least a quadrillion dollars.

>> No.18006539

Does this include single dads?

>> No.18007374
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I need to buy gold, crypto, and a weapon. 2020 so far is madness.

We almost went balls deep intowar with Iran, but that doesn't mean we arn't now fighting Iran-backed rebels. Corona-chan hits. Markets crash.

What's next, the asteroid in April actually hits Earth? Global-warming fires and hurricanes? Plague of locusts?

>> No.18007482

no bailouts for businesses or regular people.

>> No.18007507

Skin in the game faggot.
If corporations or people don't face consequences the same story will repeat again, and the next time will be worse. Everyone needs to be punished right now, I don't care the consequences, it's the only fair outcome, that's how we will learn.

>> No.18007588

Yes the debt is real, it's owed to its creditor the FED. Understand why the gold was removed in the '30's.
taxes only pay for the interst only on the national debt, don't even cover that.