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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17979008 No.17979008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.17979031
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What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.17979035
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>> No.17979037

My Mom is kicking me out of the house. She wants 500$ a month in rent and I have 10,000 LINK and negative 220$ in my checking account. I showed the dumb bitch where Link's price is right now and she knew where it was before. She's at her wits end with me and I told her to just give it 3 more months, but she isnt having it. She took away my XBOX too and I'm in South Dakota where there is nothing else to do but play Halo 3. Shes telling me to go work in an oil field but I dont want to be killed when we are so close to the singularity. Any South Dakota LinkMarines I can stay with for the summer? I'll give you 50 link a month. Or should I just hit the fat bitch over the head with a frying pan?

>> No.17979047
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The doctors are also now being told to not test anyone unless they require hospitalization

>> No.17979048

This is the average stinky linky

>> No.17979059

never tell people your holdings.

>> No.17979061

Fake news
Fake news

>> No.17979084
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>> No.17979144


>> No.17979176

Murder her in her sleep

>> No.17979422

based schizo

>> No.17979457

Get a job

>> No.17979486

Man this is fucking disturbing.
Next week is gonna be shit isn't it?

>> No.17979499

>responding to months old pasta

>> No.17979547

LA resident here and i live on a major traffic artery. cant see a damn thing. this is probably fake news

>> No.17979578

We have a bunch of commie new fags that haven't lurked long enough inhabitating /biz/ lately

>> No.17979579

Pedo celebrities have no where to run. The most influential have already been taken care of. God Emperor has called in the military to take care of this mess. Trust the plan

>> No.17979581

how much were you thinking of giving her?

>> No.17979602
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Everyone should stay inside to limit collateral damage. Nogs might chimp out but they're considered acceptable loses.

>> No.17979637

Don't post this /pol/ trash bullshit fake ""news"" account outside of your containment shithole.
Reichfugees are not welcome here.

>> No.17979651

Nigger detected

>> No.17979654

It's disgusting. We need a gore purge

>> No.17979664

Enjoy your martial law, I mean, quarantine. It’s for your own good.

>> No.17979685

i'm about 30 minutes south of la and a mile inland. no martial law here. maybe it's just for the low income areas.

>> No.17979719

yes though 50 is agreeable. 3 months upfront and then 50/mo after. in writing. ttfn

>> No.17980079

Can someone explain to me the kind of person that believes these kinds of sources?

>> No.17980207

The virus is losing in other parts of the world, mainly in certain areas of Europe where there are media/cell/internet blackouts to reduce panic. When it's over, which will be soon - people will have no idea what was really taking place. NG deployments in the US aren't necessarily to fight the virus, but to be in a position where if the masses somehow learned the truth about what the US military is doing in other parts of the world, the NG would be in the best position to mitigate the panic if possible and as best as possible.

I doubt any of you are prior military, but if you were - you would notice that the type of divisions that Trump deployed to Europe are very interesting. To me, it's obvious there is an all-out offensive strategy taking place by the US military in Europe, not defensive. When this is all over, I hope it is made known that the US military was the savior of man-kind to a threat that the masses thought was only a virus/illness. This mass US military operation in only 1 of 12 happening around the globe right now. God bless the US.

>> No.17980244

can you source troop deployment info?

>> No.17980256

Please share details on troop deployment. Have only heard about NG preparedness.

>> No.17980662

Share more please

>> No.17980677

>$500 a month in South Dakota
imagine extorting your own child

>> No.17980704

kek americunts actually believe this

>> No.17980718

Clickbait headline and your post is wrong. Read the article itself, its saying that case numbers are now high enough that contact tracing is a waste of time, so they're shifting resources toward treating the sick. The idea behind the stay at home order is so they don't NEED to contact trace. Most people who get it won't show symptoms, having them stay home for six weeks reduces the spread.

100% fake. I live in California, there are no National Guard out.

>> No.17980725

Nice try weekend warrior

>> No.17980732

asked for source because I didn't believe it, didn't even bother checking.

>> No.17980735
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>but they're considered acceptable loses.

>> No.17980752

>I doubt any of you are prior military, but if you were - you would notice that the type of divisions that Trump deployed to Europe are very interesting.
I can tell you have never been in the military or else you would have known we don't deploy "divisions" anymore. The Army has shifted to Brigade Combat Teams and the Marine Corps to Regimental Combat Teams (same size in practice, different names for historical reasons)

As for the "types" of units, they're the same as they have been for the last thirty years. Armor in Germany to train with NATO partners and counter Russian armored formations, and the 173rd Brigade Combat Team in Italy as the Quick Reaction Force for Europe.

>> No.17980807

Gavin is such a fragile twinkie. Just reinforces that this is political theater.

>> No.17980824

uh, yeah, I think he's running

>> No.17980839

If you're bullish you deserve all loses that are coming. I saw people buy calls today and get fucked. It's not worth buying calls unless they're very far out

>> No.17980845
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be careful on spefics anon. you are right about your assumptions, and I think it is morally okay to alert people to be ready for something. but getting too specific and potentially tipping off the enemy is not good for our bois. stick to generalities.

>> No.17980875

Are you in Orange County?

>> No.17981063


>> No.17981127

how many bois?

>> No.17981371

Entire NG catches corona for not following the 'Stay at Home' order?

>> No.17981429

Q is that you?

>> No.17981542


In Britain we do things with a little more class. First we invoke a bill allowing us to legally close all public venues besides essential food shops. Then when the people don't listen and carry on as normal we politely tell them to.

It Britain we don't 'order' we 'tell', a little more sophistication but the nuance in the wording is still the same.

>> No.17981557

Oi bruv where's ya breafin license?

>> No.17981589

Based Zognald will save us

>> No.17981603
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Roit ear

>> No.17981708

So it's basically martial law?

>> No.17981773

>My Mom is kicking me out of the house.
How can mother do such a thing?

>> No.17981781

Good. Otherwise you are just going to get the disgusting behavior of the spring breakers in US or selfish millennials in Europe who continue to gather is clubs and parks. A lot of places got stricter with their enforcements yesterday as well.

>> No.17981785
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Can't wait for my puts to go off on Monday.

>> No.17981791

More than acceptable.

>> No.17981949
File: 34 KB, 383x383, 1533944585720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah brother, gunna make some fucking money on monday

>> No.17981999
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I hope the feds don't give monday to the crabs. I got a put for Friday....