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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1797445 No.1797445 [Reply] [Original]

>keeping your entire financial life at the mercy of some corporation that may or may not let you withdraw any of your money
>not being your own bank

withdraw all your shit before its too late
happening soon

>> No.1797452

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's

>> No.1797454

Put it in a sock, everyone is evil

>> No.1797461

Home is not secure.

>> No.1797517

Assets nigger

>> No.1797527
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what makes you think its secure to withdraw paper money the government can devalue at any given time lol

enjoy your paper faggot

What are you going to do with it? Wipe your ass with it?!

>he thinks theres a difference between bank paper money and the one under his pillow

>> No.1797566

>Banks freeze your accounts to bail themselves in
>Currency that's already out of banks skyrockets
Gee I dunno

>> No.1797667
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>Invest in shiny rocks or webscripts instead!

>> No.1797780

Gov decides to be more competitive,decides to go China, and drops dolleridoos 10%,suddenly your box full of papers and good intentions is worth 10% less for no reason...
Go full mad max!!sell your house daughter and sons,kill your wife and buy gold silver and bitcoins!!!the end is near,repent! !
Paranoia apart,I'd keep some pocket money of few hundreds at bank because its convinient,that's where salary gets deposited,where expenses are deducted etc,then apart from said pocket money keep some in cash,and i personally went for a combo of silver and gold so I should be good in case of banks freezing atms,gov dropping money or grabbing accounts,and devaluations,

cons...after i count my krugers,bullion and so,no matter how much I shower and clean myself,regardless of bathing in perfume,some jew always seats near me in the metro personally I'm not bothered simply amazed...i hope you're not racist,for its a curse if you are...

>> No.1797800

Are you one of those bots that scrape forums to simulate an average poster, or are you just schizophrenic?

>> No.1797836

(Average 4 chan user)just mixing jokes and true opinions nothing new,but holding cash at home doesn't mean you have full control of what happens with said cash much many cases in south america where gov decides your cash is non convertible to other currencies,or gov decides to go on inflation to lower prices etc,so I suggest having also some shiny shiny things that are of value in other countries as well in case you disagree with your government policies and want to go free market on them

>> No.1797839

>>Invest in shiny rocks or webscripts instead!

You can oversimplifying anything to make it sound dumb

True value lies in the labor you provide comrade! Invest in yourself.

>> No.1797996
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Nobody will listen op.

Sad really.

>muh stocks
>muh 401k
>muh cd
>muh savings account...

Rip retarded normies.

>> No.1797997

How to make my rocks shiny.

Work at quarry.

Have rocks.

All the rocks.

Even more.