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17962288 No.17962288 [Reply] [Original]

>195 countries in the world
>if on average 10000 people die per country that 1.95 million deaths
>1.95 million is 0.001% of 7 billion people on earth
And the whole world shuts down for this

>> No.17962381

The world is shutting down because of an infectious disease which hospitalizes 10-20% of people who catch it, kills 1-5% of people who catch it, and primarily targets old people (the most powerful voterbase in almost every country).

The republican party ignored AIDS because it targeted the "wrong" people. This is them - and many other governments and political parties - when the disease kills their strongest voterbase. If boomers die, so does the republican party.

>> No.17962419

>and primarily targets old people
I wonder if this will balance out the economic repercussions. Old people are notorious drains on society, will enough of them die to counteract this global shutdown?

>> No.17962456

nice math retard

>> No.17962468

It might. No one is saying it, but kill enough boomers and you save social security, the housing market, free up jobs, pensions, etc. Politics will be forced to the left and labourers will be in a stronger position like they historically were after every global disaster. It's a "natural" redistribution of wealth.

>> No.17962471

Yes. Have hope and praise Corona-Chan!

>> No.17962488

Lots of people are saying that.

>> No.17962514

I'm sorry. I meant "politicians and economists aren't saying it publicly". But yeah it's known.

>> No.17962575

No, it overwhelms the hospitals and results in very high all-cause mortality.

People are concerned that if they aren't careful, it will be their parents/grandparents left to die in hospital hallways.

>> No.17962596

>we have hit a point where the youth have no respect for their parents or grandparents with zero foresight that the youth of tomorrow will do the same to them

I love my boomer parents fuck you

>> No.17962611
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>wrong people

>> No.17962678

There's also lots of old people like my grandparents, who are both well in their 80s, living ib a care home because they need constant medical attention (not one of the depressing old people jails, they're actually well taken care of). They're going to die soon, and are literally doing nothing with their money in terms of investment, yet they're sitting on their hoard of (literally) millions and refuse to help anyone out in our family because "they earned it".

Its not about me either, but there were times my brother could have really used financial help, my sister is working two jobs to put herself through school, my mom almost lost her house a few years back, etc. And my millionaire grandparents act like they're saving the world when they give us $100 at christmas. Its just such a ridiculous attitude.

>> No.17962767

Moroccan fag here, we have 2 ICU beds per 10,000 people, why? because the kang and everyone else are corrupted as fuck... and also because they build mosques instead of hospitals.
We're on quarantine now, more than 20% of people will eventually show symptoms severe enough they'll need to be hospitalized, we have 35 million people here, so 20% of it is 7 million, so that's a lot, yesterday a 39 year old guy died from it, now 80+, 39 year old, I'm 28 smoked since I was 15, and have chronic bronchitis so I guess I have to figure out a way to leave my 50k linkies to my family when I eventually die because my employer doesn't allow us to work from home, as a software fucking engineer...