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17952224 No.17952224 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>working at finance corpo
>female coworker touches my ass and pretends it didn't happen
>she tries some pathetic moves
>after a month of this happening asks me if i'll go out with her
>i have a gf so no, i politely rejected her
>she got all mad and told me i'd get in trouble
>I literally got called over to HR that she accused me of sexual harassment

In the end i came out innocent but is it really that easy to accuse someone? I had to spend like 3 months of fixing my reputation with all coworkers

>> No.17952246

>is it really that easy to accuse someone?
Is it easy to open your mouth and say words? Yeah

>> No.17952268

fuck me, it's late
i obviously meant to accuse someone AND get punished

>> No.17952292
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People think I’m extreme when I say this, but women should be property and have their rights stripped away.

>> No.17952305

I don't think you're extreme, anon.

>> No.17952342
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>fix relationships with coworkers

Your male co workers are white knights for not knowing about the “metoo” meme in 2020.

>> No.17952346

Women are way overvalued buy puts

>> No.17952372

What kind of shitty fucking job do you have that your coworkers don't listen to you openly every day and believe everything you say? I'm not being sarcastic, my coworkers were my closest friends long before and after I got laid off.

>> No.17952399

Welcome to the gynocracy anon, enjoy your stay!

>> No.17952403

i honestly hated studying finance because i saw what type of people were studying it with me. I knew i was gonna hate my job because of those cringy fucking people, fuck them

>> No.17952441
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Certified party anon!

>> No.17952467

I worked in finance for a year and hated it too, but then took a 2 year "vacation" to teach math abroad and those are the coworkers I'm talking about. We used to play golf and drink together every week so we became very close. Now I'm back in the US trying to get back into an analyst position and start building up my career again. Your post is reminding me how tense my old coworkers were and why I hated it so much in the first place. I hope whatever office job I end up doing again, I can find at least one person to hang out with.

>> No.17952504
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Should give her one of these

>> No.17952549

What’s that move called?
The miscarriage?

>> No.17952550

i never leave my desk at work and talk to no one so nobody could ever accuse me of anything

>> No.17952587

Falcon punch

>> No.17952607

The fat lip

>> No.17952609

aren't people on finance chads that party 24/7 and constantly fuck girls while making tons of money and hating everything politics-related?
Or did I get memed by movies?

>> No.17952636

Wall Street maybe. The finance guys in some insurance branch of Hodunk, Nowheretown are usually like 40-50 year old Chinese guys with 4 kids who couldn't give less of a shit about my 25 year old ass.

>> No.17952665

Very based

>> No.17952675

Also this. Plus id likely have noticed op was getting hit on so whenvsuch charges came up id likely have talked with op in secret and asked him
>"she's bullshitting ain't she!"

>> No.17952681

I don't think you're going far enough.

>> No.17952684
File: 13 KB, 366x366, 78A74C46-2278-4D0F-A6EF-E2F92B67628B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it sucks. I’m a rich white chad, good looking, young. And yes, I am actually a virgin. But I refuse to interact with women in The West. I’m too “woke”. It pisses off both men and women. Women wonder why I don’t make the first move. And men think I’m gay. I’m surprised how many dumb blue pilled men there are still around. But I have too much to risk as a guy in my position. Hopefully the laws change before I get to old to get a young woman, or I’ll have to move to another country.

>> No.17952686

why don't you move? or switch jobs etc

>> No.17952698

>after a month of this happening asks me if i'll go out with her
Why simply you didn't report this mad bitch at that time?

>> No.17952718

You'll find the right girl when the time is right, she'll gladly be your property.

>> No.17952719

>we became very close
Lol i no longer share secrets with coworkers even they act all friendly and show no signs of being dangerous. Ive seen it one too many times how quickly some of them have done a 180 and want to get you fired or reprimanded hard as fuck only to act like they are friends a week later

>> No.17952728

>is it really that easy to accuse someone?
Yes. Anyone can accuse anyone of whatever. Proof is the other topic. The problem is that people forget about golden rule of innocent until proven guilty. Fuck whiteknights.
There should be law stating that if it turns out that accusation was wrong and intentional, person doing the accusation claim gets the punishment the wrongly accused would get it proven guilty.

>> No.17952749

>Why simply you didn't report this mad bitch at that time?
Have you seen how hr treats men who report stuff. They treated me like i was just imagining things.
>oh they were just being friendly

>> No.17952754

>person doing the accusation claim gets the punishment the wrongly accused would get it proven guilty.
This. Based taleb.

>> No.17952761

too complicated. just make women property again. property can't accuse in court. but if someone damages your property you can jail them for it.

>> No.17952777

I did. Like I said above I'm looking for a new job currently. Outside of Wall Street though, they're all like that. I graduated from UPenn so I've seen plenty of those types, but I'm not good enough for Wall Street itself. I'm 3 years out of school and my major wasn't even finance. It was math.

>> No.17952824

I guess. I knew from the start I was quitting in a year so I guess I didn't really care. They got very pissed when one of our other coworkers ratted them out for something though. I'm not the kind of person that can just turn on people like that though.

>> No.17952828

With sexual harassment it's a slippy field, some bitches have usually some leverage because there's no need to prove so much, they know this, then maybe they use this trick repeadetly.
There's no such thing as "serial sexual harassment reporter bitch".

>> No.17952861

If she was just talking to you, yes.
If she was touching you, i don't think so.
So you reported this behaviour and they told you this?

>> No.17952867

>because there's no need to prove so much
That's the problem I pointed at. Not having to prove a thing is against the rule of innocence until proven guilty.

>> No.17952919
File: 25 KB, 640x427, eLNEGEW_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some cringe shit.
Incels trying to concern troll orher incels.

>> No.17952958

You know, there's all that bullshit surrounding the problem.
Real victims of sexual harassment have problems proving that and so it's a matter of trust.
The system has a glitch since they don't punish fake victims, so some bitch learned to exploit this.

Has someone punished democrats using fake rape accusations to kill their political enemies? No.
Fake victims were sued for fraud and extortion? No.

>> No.17952960
File: 88 KB, 501x477, erodge consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not far enough

>> No.17952985

Sweet larp incel

>> No.17952988

>rich white chad
>wants to own women as property
>too woke to interact with women

>> No.17953010

Yeah wtf haha.
How many of these replies are OP jerking himself off to flee from self awareness.

>> No.17953016

kek i wonder what the person screamed while taking that photo

>> No.17953059

Can we get a thread to dunk on polyps and incels invading biz?

>> No.17953334

Almost all of the factual sexual harassment cases come from lower class men or non-white men. Rarely does a upper class white man wanna abuse women, so it’s usually a false accusation in that case.

>> No.17953525
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>sexual harrassment cases from proles are real
>sexual harrassment cases from bougies are fake

>> No.17953560

Aha! And the shill reveals himself

>> No.17953567
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Sad but true.
Children need a guiding hand.

>> No.17953580

in the workplace if any attractive woman isnt "one of the guys" then she is an unemployment trap and you simply never discuss anything non-work related with her. this is just the way it is in offices now with any attractive woman you work with. the only safe women to talk to are either the old ones who are like mother figures or the ugly ones who are just one of the guys. hot ones are entirely off limits, too high risk messing with them in any kind of capacity.

>> No.17953611

If your wife isnt your property, you're a cuck.

>> No.17953612

I think that is extreme. But I do believe there should be a separation of spaces. Different parts in different places. Men and women are not interchangeable. That idea is ludicrous.

>> No.17953631

C*nt punch

>> No.17953676

I’m talking about the legal government interaction between the sexes

>> No.17953701


>> No.17953702

> female coworker touches my ass and pretends it didn't happen

When this happened, I began to record every single conversation between me and her by using my smart watch. In this modern age, you need every edge you can get against a whore.

Moral of the story, it's better to have a small misdemeanor by recording your coworkers than being accused as a rapist.

>> No.17953716

You should of went to HR yourself at the first moment she touched your ass. You were dumb to think a modern woman wouldn’t fuck you over if she didn’t get her way. Can’t take any chances.

>> No.17954580

Lolol yup I'm a commy.
Better than this incel rp shit though.

>> No.17954599

>when this happened

>> No.17954632

Incels don't get laid for a reason.
Women can see right through this disdain when you talk to them, you dumb fucks.

>> No.17954682

This entire thread is cringe and you faggots should kill yourselves for LARPing this hard.

>> No.17954988


the proposal

>> No.17955022

Why didn't u just have sex with her you pathetic simp

>> No.17955117
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit drinking last fall because for some reason I began feeling very anxious in the morning after drinking. But I still enjoy going to bars with friends and coworkers.

But now I see how truly disgusting a lot of people become when they're drunk. I'm talking at least 25% of drunk people becoming real animals after ~6 beers.

>guy coworkers subtly groping other coworkers
>shitfaced burnt out butterfaces trying to grind on chads, like its high school prom, who want NOTHING to do with them
>the fat weaboo engineer engineer getting a little too touchy with the fat asian QA girl
>the married with children 32 year old "kinda" over the hill woman who sits 2 desks away inviting you over her house sometime to have a few drinks

I'm so happy I stopped drinking, I was probably like this at one point. Could have easily caught an email from HR one morning.

>> No.17955580

>the fat weaboo engineer engineer getting a little too touchy with the fat asian QA girl
Sounds like me.

>> No.17955586

ITT things that didn't happen.

>> No.17955685

How much Verasity for her to lick my face?