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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17939229 No.17939229 [Reply] [Original]

How will you be spending your trumpbux, /biz/?
Also, if you have kids, will you be taking theirs and use it only for yourself?

>> No.17939275

Your mom wants a golden buttplug. I thought it might be a nice gift.

>> No.17939303


>> No.17939318
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>> No.17939331
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>> No.17939389

Everybody gets $1000 from government. Where did that money come from originally? What happens to prices of goods when everybody suddenly has more money? If prices rise for goods, what happens to the purchasing power per dollar? Do savers get punished? BOY I WISH WE KNEW THE ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS!

>> No.17939406


>> No.17939408

If you knew any basics to macroeconomics you wouldn't have to ask.

>> No.17939428
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>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.17939462


toilet paper

>> No.17939478
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>> No.17939565

Most importantly, what happens to rent prices now that everyone can afford +$1000? Which demographic comprises the most of landlords? What happens to the retirement portfolios of that demographic once the stock market gets pumped again?

This is a literal subsidy to the boomers. They will get free money and have their income inflate at the same time, whereas everyone else will be right where they are now, getting free gibs for a net zero gain thanks to the now-higher prices.

>> No.17939622


>> No.17939638

Do you need to have filed taxes last year to qualify? I was unemployed all last year and still haven’t filed my taxes this year. :(

>> No.17939719

Are you trying to tell me that printing a trillion into the economy will not cause inflation to rise? That it's not being done to pump the stock market back up?
I think that you're being biased here anon. Adhomming to downvote a post is not an argument.

>> No.17941005

lol who cares, using that shit to buy bitcoin

>> No.17941069

im buying with the check
>the corn
>fuck monero long live zano
>baking my tezies
>paypal memes RSR OGN

>> No.17941865

YOU will get it if you are an american citzien

>> No.17941901


>> No.17942363


>> No.17942807

No it fucking won't. You know why? Because the US has control of the Petrodollar, and the USD is currently the strongest currency on the planet.


You realize the banks can print as much money as they want now without needing to have any money in their storage whatsoever correct? Plus the FED is printing 1 TRILLION dollars every single day this week to fix the economy. Giving 1k, 2k or even 6k to every single american isn't going to do shit.

>> No.17942915

not based at all

>> No.17943015

500 Billion is a total of $1529 if you gave it to every single social security (goy) number holder.

>> No.17943029
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MMT = Buy Bitcoin & Decred

Trump will do anything to get reelected so expect massive QE, NIRP, and helicopter money by November

>> No.17943048

>How will you be spending your trumpbux, /biz/?

fucking some traps

>> No.17943073

If the government needs our money then why do they give us returns every year?!?!??

>> No.17943242

I remember getting free money from Bush Jr after 9/11. It was around $400. I was living in a shitty 2 bedroom apartment my rent was $675 a month. It didn't cover a single month of rent.
An average 2 bedroom apartment in my city today is around $1200 a month. $1000 isn't going to do shit. Nobody learns from the past.

>> No.17943335

I'll buy bitcoin, ethereum zano, origin OGN and more

>> No.17943399
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This is $1000 per month, not one-time like Bush's, and this bill is gonna stay from a year to forever. So that's $12,000 to $600,000.
If you have kids, they also get $500 each per month.
Yang will help with the bill.

>> No.17943460


>> No.17943505
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Building a new gaming PC on partpicker as I type this

>> No.17943737

How many of those people made 75k+ last year?

>> No.17943910

Why do you stupid fucks keep bringing up rent when mortgages and rents are being frozen across the country? Nobody is paying rent as long as the government says so and if the government loses all power to enforce this then you got bigger problems to deal with

>> No.17943986

it's only two payments. one in april one in may. if they want to do more payments they have to push another bill through congress.

>> No.17944050

No, the bill is just called the Coronavirus Package Bill because it was created during the coronavirus outbreak, but it will last forever and you'll get 600 thousand dollars in total.

>> No.17944110

It can’t last forever if there’s a finite amount we can get....

>> No.17944134

Age of abundance soon. We will reach the post-singularity.

>> No.17944147

Shut the fuck up faggot, NEETBUX NAO!

>> No.17944260

So no money for noncitizens: yet another weapon in the anti-immigrant armory.

>> No.17944823

natsoc is back

>> No.17944828

Get yaself some OGN and ZANO to really get rid of any low wage cuckery

>> No.17944861

I'm pretty sure permanent residents ("Green card holders") get them too

>> No.17944867

what country are you living in
here in the USA, mortgage payments are not frozen

>> No.17944893

more like trump change lol

>> No.17944911

>muh landlords
Fuck em I'll spend my $1000 on hookers

>> No.17944959

This is literally socialism. In a true capitalist state, these kinds of events SHOULD bankrupt people. People SHOULD be kicked out of their homes. Airlines SHOULD go bankrupt. True capitalism would've fixed itself out.

>> No.17944995


In a true capitalist state, the state wouldn't be forcing half of the economy out of work to mitigate a pandemic friendo. Usually I'd agree but this is damage control for their already drastic measures.

>> No.17945135

Articles on the net say you will have to file taxes to receive this $1000. That you technically earned. Government is just going to give it back.

>> No.17945149

Trump should make China pay for all this shit since it is their fault for leaking that shit from their lab.

>> No.17945191
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>hurr durr muh true Capitalism
>hurr durr muh true Communism
Shut the fuck up pussy. God, I get so pissed off when people say this shit. We aren't robots. We're human being. "True" anything will never happen because humans always fuck it up. No matter what the system, there will always be a wealthy group of elites at the top that were smarter and more resourceful than you because they were smart enough to realize that the world can never be perfect, while you sit in poverty because you fell for a political ideology meme. Kys.

>> No.17945233
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>> No.17945234

imma buy a lot of zano if i manage to

>> No.17945268
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absolutely based

>> No.17945419


>> No.17945486
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>> No.17945522


>Trump will do anything to get reelected so expect massive QE, NIRP, and helicopter money by November

>True capitalism would've fixed itself out.
>Muh True Capitalism
>Muh Libertarian Utopia
>Muh Dear Leader Ron Paul
>Muh anti-state buttcoins

>> No.17945534
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>> No.17945607

Holy shit this.
Everyone is repubacran/demaropre
And all I can think is that all of them and all of their children deserve to be inslaved

>> No.17945641

Go home then

>> No.17945670


>> No.17945680
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>> No.17945688

Get fucked. I bet you're some Canadian cuck.

>>>17945233 >>17945268 >>17945486 >>17945534 >>17945607

>> No.17945716

Henri .357 repeater

>> No.17945754

Oh yeah and what are you gonna do oh yeah.... Nothing?
Who are you gonna wake up up?.....oh yeah nobody

>> No.17945762
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not an argument

>> No.17945788

it was $500

good drug week

>> No.17945808

Go back to coofing, boomer

>> No.17945832

He wasn't using an argument either you dumbass. All he said was >le centrism is based. u r fools for not being centrist
The absolute state of /biz/.

Describing what you are, NPC.