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17928375 No.17928375 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder the entire economy crashed because some kikes decided to release a bio-weapon

>> No.17928417

Take ur pills bro, its really important..

>> No.17928440

kys brainlet

>> No.17928443

its part of project pogo and project zyphr
they will eliminate a shitton of people. the rest of the caddle will get the mark of the beast and a new world government will emerge

>> No.17928465

The Chinese made a bio weapon because US military is too strong

The bio weapon accidentally leaked out the lab in china.

>> No.17928473
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the microchip is next. nwo is near.

>> No.17928481

Also you morons have dumped everything into Muh Diversity for like 20 goddamn years so no one is equipped to deal with decisions that require more than a meeting which ends in kicking the can down the road.

>> No.17928502
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People like u folks otta be studied by big groups of scientists in special research facilities, maybe then one day humanity will cure retardation for good..

>> No.17928658

You're really making the rounds with this reply tonight. First day shilling? Maybe try mixing it up a bit.



>> No.17928744
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>People like u folks

>> No.17928748
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Why is noone aware he stole everyones savings in 2000?

>> No.17928823

lol word filter got me


You'll have to remove the 's

>> No.17928931

Only a complete retard could believe that this virus is a bioweapon

>> No.17928968

Cool proof, faggot

>> No.17929082

Not my fault you're retarded
Natural bio weapons like Ebola have around 40-50% mortality rate and men enhanced bioweapons like Marburg have above 90% mortality rate.
Covid19 has below 0.2% mortality rate for people below 50 years old.
That and the fact there are chronological events that completely debunk a very stupid conspiracy bs that only braindead retards would actually believe.

>> No.17929126

that doesn't preclude it from being artificial though. I'm not saying that they definitely did create this on purpose but plausibly it may have been developed as a "final solution" of sorts to a hypothetical overpopulation problem.

>> No.17929203

>fire up 5G weapons
>60mil waves nuke O2
>bodies hit the floor
>blame virus anyone can test + for
>increase domestic military powers
>inject populace with gates "vaccine"

>> No.17929204

Again conspiracy nonsense.
Covid19 origins are similar to Sars.


>> No.17929212

take your fucking medication

>> No.17929284

new id...same line. get new material gateshill

>> No.17929299

I was originally thinking that its farfetched, but with the power overreach of the world governments. Everyone is consolidating power. I think this could have been a bio weapon not to kill but to insight fear and create enough hysteria that people accept the insanity that the government is doing rn. Watch congress, I think a patriot act level bill will be passed shortly,

>> No.17929303
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no we break the cycle and rid the devil of earth

>> No.17929314

You're using like 3 different id's and saying nonsense schizo. You are a terrible person

>> No.17929325

what fact?
the fact the government is deploying the military on their streets across the world?

something isn't right and we need to be vigilant

>> No.17929342

nobody gives a shit about the actual virus
the Fed has gone defunct and the military is on the street

wake up people

>> No.17929356

Let me guess, you support trump

>> No.17929421
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Herro round eye enjoy the wu flu lmao

>> No.17929499

hahaha project harder shill. Only this id this is me and I'm not defending the posts you replied to, only your pathetic, tired response.

>> No.17929521
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>> No.17929574

You R retard lol

>> No.17929668
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>> No.17929791

Bill warned all of you 5 years ago and no one listened, don't go blaming anyone now.

>> No.17929805

>t. Bill

>> No.17930006

Anyone ever noticed there have been paid Bill Gates shills on biz ever since there were those Bill Gates hate threads a few months back? The threads about how he openly mocked the poor, saying "it's not fair I'm rich." Give away at least 50% of your wealth then , kike.

>> No.17930092

youre retartet

>> No.17930210

You're only hurting yourself by denying the truth anon.

>> No.17930261

Coronavirus is more of a bioweapon than the other two you listed

Common epidemiological clues that may signal biological attack
From most specific to least specific:[63]

Single cause of a certain disease caused by an uncommon agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation.
Unusual, rare, genetically engineered strain of an agent.
High morbidity and mortality rates in regards to patients with the same or similar symptoms.
Unusual presentation of the disease.
Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution.
Stable endemic disease, but with an unexplained increase in relevance.
Rare transmission (aerosols, food, water).
No illness presented in people who were/are not exposed to "common ventilation systems (have separate closed ventilation systems) when illness is seen in persons in close proximity who have a common ventilation system."
Different and unexplained diseases coexisting in the same patient without any other explanation.
Rare illness that affects a large, disparate population (respiratory disease might suggest the pathogen or agent was inhaled).
Illness is unusual for a certain population or age-group in which it takes presence.
Unusual trends of death and/or illness in animal populations, previous to or accompanying illness in humans.
Many affected reaching out for treatment at the same time.
Similar genetic makeup of agents in effected individuals.
Simultaneous collections of similar illness in non-contiguous areas, domestic, or foreign.
An abundance of cases of unexplained diseases and deaths.

[63] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1497515/ Epidemiologic clues to bioterrorism.

>> No.17930283

Tachyon' have technical team and expert consultants, who are highly
knowledgeable and experienced in theirrespective sectors.

>> No.17930290






>> No.17930300

This. It is staring us all right in the face it's so fucking obvious. Its insulting how painfully obvious it is if you have an IQ over 100. Its fucking depressing

>> No.17930321

Nah. It was the United States deep state a.k.a. Israel. They knocked down the twin towers as a symbolic destruction of white American fertility, and now they released a fucking bioterrorism virus to reduce population numbers and tank the markets under the guise of the laughibly contrived bat/pangolin soup origin farce...all so they could scoop up cheap cryptocurrency for their reserves before ushering in a new era of federal control