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17903705 No.17903705 [Reply] [Original]

It's over. As I suspected when the cryptocurrency social experiment is finished, it will abandoned. Nations and big corporations will simply introduce their own, state/legislature-backed versions.

>> No.17903787

>As I suspected
No you didn't. That's why you're losing money.

>> No.17903797
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100% this. Your all really thought they would let you keep your hidden and untaxed income? You had 5 years but now they've caught up. The game is over.

>> No.17903822
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>> No.17903840

you just dont get it and you deserve to stay poor :)))

>> No.17903850

There are already companies that take public open source crypto projects and turn them into bespoke blockchain solutions to sell to other companies

Then they sell to the company, they host it on their own servers and never have to worry about some dickhead vulnerability or forks that fuck everything up, they simply dial up the provider to have the blockchain adjusted at their discretion

Why would any company EVER use a public blockchain

>> No.17903857

this is excellent for eth & chainlink
not so much for bitcoin

>> No.17903871

You don’t understand why blockchain is valuable, do you?

>> No.17903895

This. They want to control the currency and eth and link will be the backbone of the new economy without being any type of threat to their currency regime.

>> No.17903896

Depends if eth and link can shill and bend the knee to our overlords if they wont, they will be equally useless.

You don't understand how the (((world))) works.

>> No.17903910

they can make their own eth and link, they are completely unecessary. only reason they might use them is if vitalik and sergey bend the knee to (((them))). otherwise this whole little delusional crypto space is going to implode with one strike of a pen in legislature

>> No.17903996

Fucking retards, no, no one can ever make their own private blockchain. Because the whole point of blockchain is decentralization. If it's centralized you get all the faults of the blockchain without any of the benefits.
If there is a central authority that can manipulate the ledger, so can a bad actor. If it's not 51% resistant and byzantine fault resistant, if worthless as a digital currency.

If a central bank makes it's own centralized crypto, it must have a minimum of a thousands of nodes spread across the world to be secure. Blockchain is secure, when the cost of hacking is it more than the profit. With a national currency the cost of manipulation must be about as high as the country's currency reserves.

>> No.17904025

when countries go digital it will only speed up the adoption of bitcoin
why would you not trade your ever-decreasing in value digital pounds for ever-increasing in value bitcoin
think of how easy it will be to send your digital fiat to a crypto exchange

>> No.17904061
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You fuckers still don't get it.
Any digital currency will be issued on the BSV blockchain (immutable, instantaneous, secure and millions of transactions per second THIS YEAR), or BOE Coin will pay royalties to N Chain. Why do you think things have been so quiet?

>> No.17904088
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BSV is bitcoin. BTC is rightly heading to the gutter. It's a case of the emperor's new cloths and time to call out the shite ponzi that it has become. How can you invest in something that has basically no utility?

>> No.17904142

ok boomtard

>> No.17904159

You retards. They don’t give a fuck about decentralized money. They said “digital currency.” You think a government is going to trust their currency to be on an experimental platform? Cope harder retards. Decentralized doesn’t matter to government and never did, the entire point is to be able to control the currency.

>> No.17904160

Go back you ignorant fuck

>> No.17904198


They already have them. Dollars, Pounds, Euros. They are all "muh state backed digital currencies".

>> No.17904234

You think this is BEARISH news?! HAhahahahaha

Do you not remember the sheer DELUSION about a new ATH just weeks ago?


>> No.17904262

The announcement is about a stable coin not a cryptocurrency. They will probably issue it on Ethereum.

>> No.17904276

I think you’re retarded because the way I see it ethereum will be used somehow to help governments create their own currency. Much like how Linux is used in a variety of platforms today e.g roku.

Next they still need to bring off chain data to on chain, no buts, no ifs, they need to do it to bring the tech full circle and we all know only one coin can do that.

>> No.17904840
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Wong again. You can onboard any data to BSV through payment channels (which also makes it turing complete).
One day BSV will be $10,000 a pop and you will scratch your head and ask how did I miss this.

>> No.17904890

Look at them nicely enjoying their ponzi lunch at the expense of their bagholders :^)

>> No.17904978

you think automating digital currency is important to them? Maybe contractual agreements that can be executed without middlemen (waste) and additional fees (waste)?

I'm not saying it's a certainty, I'm saying it's likely since they would want to cut costs across a digital currency exchange infrastructure, and that's what I'm betting my money on, you can invest in toilet roll if you want.

>> No.17905025

lol BSV shills are the most pathetic by far, go do your worthless shilling on reddit you cuk

>> No.17905440

I mean what is open source code? Fucking retards than cant even code a hello world

>> No.17905539

the fact that you think middlemen and fees associated with that are waste tells me all I need to know that you know nothing about economy. the reason why there are middlemen and expensive bureaucratic procedures isn't because everybody is worried that the contract will be respected or because they can't agree upon whether the data in the contract fits or not. it's because middlemen institutions add an additional layer of liability. their purpose isn't related to veracity or credibility or data of the terms, they are there to take the blame when things go wrong. no big institution is worried about paying exorbitant lawyer fees or employing a whole legal service...the cost of that is miniscule compared to the amount they save when those lawyers save them from massive massive costs that they would accrue from being liable to the taxpayers, small investors and general public for obviously illegal practices. the additional layer of middlemen institutions like rating agencies and other bullshit and massive legal teams is so that the massive losses they would otherwise accrue are dissipated throughout the entire bureaucratic/legal system and ultimately shouldered by the small fish who cannot legally compete against this behemoth. the fact that you are completely clueless about these facts and the fact that you think something as utterly stupid and naive as chainlink cutting costs is actually a thing tells me all i need to know about your economic literacy.

>> No.17906153

>the additional layer of middlemen institutions like rating agencies
You're joking right? The literal scammers that faked their ratings prior to the mortgage crisis in 2008, can you hear yourself? You're delusional.

Liability? Like when all the banks paid back the tax payers when they were bailed out? I'd rather trust a trustless contract than the greed of people.

Sorry you're a middleman and a worthless asshole.

>> No.17906396

you're functionally illiterate. rating agencies cooking their ratings are exactly the reason why the exist and are necessary. tax payers bailing out banks is precisely why lawyer fees are necessary. all of this centralization and inefficiency is there for a reason, because it benefits the big corporations and banks. decentralization and trustless contracts are dreams of a small fraction of impoverished anarchists, a non-entity in global finance, it goes completely against the interests of the major players we have in finance. the fact that people think a big bank is interested in cutting middlemen and lawyer fees is all I need to know that they have no idea how the economy functions.

>> No.17906486

the sooner you start thinking of the global economy is a large ponzi scheme, a closed-centralized-circle that is there to siphon money from the smaller to the bigger, the sooner you will understand the functioning of finance. this isn't a "perfect" market you read about in economics textbooks, they are not trying to become efficient by cutting costs and fees. the reason why the middlemen, lawyers, bureaucracy and highly complex laws exist is for a reason. not because they fulfil some function of governance, but because it is in the interest of the big players to have them there. if anybody was interested in decentralization it would have already happened.

>> No.17906967

Bitcoin went from 35 dollars to 1 dollar
Thats a 97 percent drop in value
What is bitcoins value at rhis moment, because by all definitions it has performed better than all your bloated centralized nonsense you keep bloviating about

>> No.17907018
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>okay, okay Craig has lied the last 100 times he's made promises
>BUT this time he's telling the truth!!!
it's going to zero, retard

>> No.17907131

I posted about this about 7 years ago on bitcointalk. They will mock and attack but in the end the gov/elite can only do one thing. Ban bitcoin or make it almost impossible to cash out and make their own national cryptos. Its their end game. They will lose in the end I believe but blood will be spilled.

>> No.17907164

Do you honestly think the elite will once they have used craig for their needs won't kill him and Calvin?

>> No.17907800

>Goverment introducing centralized digital currencies
>BTC is kill (being a decentralized currency)
WTF is wrong with you, OP?

>> No.17908770

It doesn't matter who we are, what matter is our plan.

>> No.17909460

bitcoin is smaller than one single big corporation. its a non-entity

>> No.17909722

Mr.Brainlet, the blockchain facilitates Bitcoin not the other way around. It's an independent deflationary currency. Digital dollar is still printing machine. Besides dollars are already digital.

>> No.17909877

God I wish I could have her saliva on my cock

>> No.17911190

How about the simple fact that the Ethereum network can’t handle anything close to the amount of transactions necessary to sustain a real currency

>> No.17911507

honestly bros?
this >>17909877