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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17870899 No.17870899 [Reply] [Original]

Amerishartia :
> uneducated population can't refrain going to disneyland after corona has been declared pandemic
> very low life expectancy for a developed country
> widespread health conditions (diabetes, obesity, heart conditions, etc.)
> healthcare run by greedy corps
> everything private & decentralized = low efficiency
> google running tests (dystopian nightmare on top of a catastrophe)
> testing still a major shitshow
> life usually centered around crazy consumerism, most people I know from the US never cook for themselves
> on the oher hand survivalists/far right nutsos/preppers/etc. think time has come
> AR-15s selling like hotcakes
> literal orange schizonarcissistic manbaby calling the shots

give me one single reason shartland is going to do a better job than italy at dealing with this

>> No.17870922 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17870925
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Europoors BTFO forever

>> No.17870951

I think number four is what did for me.

>> No.17870969


>> No.17870978


Absolutely degenerate.

>> No.17870979


Because america didn't bend over and suck poohdick on belt and road that simple

Italy has a history of making very poor decisions

>> No.17870982

President Kushner literally said “it will go away”

>> No.17870997

Lol imagine typing all that shit out and the first post is a picture of fruit loops in a gaping asshole. OP literally can't recover

>> No.17871007
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America is a third world country and I’m an American.

>> No.17871056

the us healthcare isnt bad
Its just expensive

>> No.17871087

Yes, we can all see you frequent reddit. You didn't need to mention it.

>> No.17871110


Why does anyone agree to this?

>> No.17871117

imagine being in denial about how fucked the republic of mcdees really is

>> No.17871129

The Belt and Road will make Shartland into an irrelevant backwater. The Eurasian world island is the future of mankind.

>> No.17871253

Facebook has created a severe groupthink for retarded boomers
And underage newfags came to 4chan, couldn't see we were ironically posting anti-semitic and racist shit and actually took it seriously, now nu-/pol/ has infected all of this site, twitter, and reddit

Trump is the result, social media was a mistake

>> No.17871284

Wow! What's your favorite subreddit?

>> No.17871388
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9D cope lmao

>> No.17871408

Most of this is pre obama care btw

>> No.17871417
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