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File: 85 KB, 1100x550, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17840165 No.17840165 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn't bow to Burgers over nuthing like other cucked countries
>Manipulates its currency to keep fucking over the burgers
>Burgers are scared ASF cause China might overtake them one day(protip its inevitable and its going to happen lmfao)
>Owns hundreds if not thousands of well known American IP's
>Valve, Blizzard, NBA, Netflix, and more bow too the feet of the Chad China
>Spreads Virus around the world and didn't do NUFFING
>Destroys Burgers and Eurocucks Economy
>Destroys and tears apart hundreds if not thousands of families worldwide
>Acts like you should be thanking them for helping ur third world slave cuntry(Im looking at u Italian manlets)

Lets be honest bros. China is Chad.

It's over.

>> No.17840200

China released this on their own people knowing they could force quarantine on them by welding them into their little shacks.

The west does not have that luxury. We will be bowing down to China soon. Thanks Trump, now you know why your predecesors didnt fuck with the souless gooks.

>> No.17840223

>20 social credit points have been added to your account
>you are now allowed to perform a penis enlargement surgery

>> No.17840224

Truly Glorious

>> No.17840363

How truly cucked Italy is. You best bow down too the Chad China


>> No.17840583 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 644x800, 13B47776-E61A-4215-8EBE-A21E03B175D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17840595

reddit wants its funny joke back

>> No.17840623

( I M P R E S S I V E )

>> No.17840683

>Lets be honest bros. China is Chad.

nah, China is powerful for sure to a degree but they are not Chad-tier. Their only weapon is economic and technological manipulation. What China is doing right now is basically the equivalent of the beta uprising.

True Chad-Tier is the ability to simply nuclear bomb the shit out of a country. The fact is that China, Iran, North Korea, and all other so-called "enemy" states exist entirely due to the benevolence and generosity of the united states.

>> No.17840720

Let's be honest here nobody is gonna nuke anybody. Countries would seize to exist if that was the case.

It's just a dick measuring/chest puffing contest for the old fucks.

>> No.17840764 [DELETED] 

Oh look it’s literally the same chink from yesterday.

>> No.17840836
File: 353 KB, 739x819, 1584328361191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chink BTFO's everyone. IQ? The chink is superior. Military? The chink has you beat. Money? That's right despite being the #2 richest country the chink still boasts a growth of about 10%/year.

The age of the Chink will soon commence. Seethe you stupid mutts. Soon they will enslave you all.

>> No.17840848
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1579820776965 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit wants its funny joke back

>> No.17840902

Lol @ that pic

>> No.17841036 [DELETED] 

Yurocuck hands typed this post

>> No.17841297
File: 30 KB, 958x792, angry mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17841339 [DELETED] 

I’m from Europe too. I simply don’t have a superiority complex towards America who we could learn from in certain aspects

>> No.17841352

>Spreads Virus around the world and didn't do NUFFING

Oh you wait, you think this is over? Senators have already vowed to take action

>> No.17841436
File: 175 KB, 993x1024, pedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passport and timestamp Alejandro

>> No.17841460

He's right you know.

>> No.17841485


Reading this made even me gasp a bit, I though Xi was already Jong-Un tier.

>> No.17841626
File: 1 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a baby chinkoid. My country hasn't bow'd to mutts long before you

>> No.17841647 [DELETED] 

> just dox yourself bro

>> No.17841693

>Gets ravished by Genghis Khan for over 200 years
>Orgy party for Mongoloids
>Loses war to the Japanese in the Russo-Japo War
>Orgy party for Japanese

Yfw your country was the breeding ground for the Asians lmfao.

>> No.17841739 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 1342x650, 2A7DDFC8-4271-4832-AB06-E32B0F22DF32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink talking about Japan

>> No.17841754

same thing u got gooked

third world russian commie fuck

>> No.17841787

Also your China's Bitch.

Stop living in denial.

Your North Korea and China's Ally lmfao.

They control you.

>> No.17841802 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 1370x873, 24F2797B-585E-4A09-A026-459F2B507CC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17841896

North Korea doesn't control shit you chinkoid. Russia has no ally

>> No.17841936

Nice reddit spacing chang

>> No.17841941
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would still support China if a war was to break out.

You Burgers will all die.

Btw hows ur Bitcoin and Linkies doing?

>> No.17842008

>China is Chad
We haven't really had a proper chad-tier nation since 75% of the planet was under British rule. And then it all went to shit for (((reasons)))

>> No.17842011

China isn't even capable of taking the south """""""china""""""" sea. Cope. China will also never have Taiwan, and the Dalai Lhama fortifies India and grows stronger by the day.

>> No.17842012

>They would still support China if a war was to break out.
Wouldn't get involved bugman. Why would I care about burgers dying you esl

>> No.17842087

Implying u country anything third worlder.
Your a slave and ur do as ur told commie

>> No.17842197

Releasing bat aids isn’t chad you virgin. It’s literally the country equivalent of pulling an Elliot roger

>> No.17842365

>if you infect your enemies with a deadly virus, they win

>> No.17842435

In all fairness, euro economy got fucked thanks to based Russia

>> No.17843184


ooo scary

>> No.17843290

I didn’t say they win. I said it’s not chad. Chad doesn’t just “win” he wins in a manly enviable fashion. You really are a insectoid. Well imagine Bruce Lee fighting Chuck Norris then having to grab and squeeze Chuck’s balls. Yeah he “won” the fight but he’s a desperate faggot now not chad

>> No.17843464


>> No.17843467

And that beta is currently being held up as a hero and leader by the lambs because Chad couldn’t be bothered to seize initiative, making him look bad by inaction.

>> No.17843644

Thank you for proving my point. You want to be Vin Desel or The Rock

>> No.17843758
File: 440 KB, 607x608, 1584168798100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17844093

yeah, I'll just take victory in the fastest, most expedient and most efficient way, thanks

>> No.17844149

Which is not Chad. Thanks for playing Elliot

>> No.17844200

What're the true characteristic that defines Chad? It's that no one fucks with him. If people know that they will get assraped if they fuck with you, you become Chad. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

>> No.17844217

This world is ruled by betas who are driving it to nuclear annihilation

>> No.17844304

Incorrect. Chad loses appeal if he behaves desperately just to say he won. Ie if Bruce lee had to win a fight by squeezing someone’s balls then he would no longer be Bruce lee. Continue to cope Elliot these are rules ingrained into every vagina on the planet

>> No.17844340

Are you saying that Bruce Lee is Chad?

>> No.17844482

You’re obviously chinks in this thread. I’m using the closest thing you have to make a point.

>> No.17844543
File: 90 KB, 887x1024, 1582937086966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a chink. I'm an Aryan Chad who uses every dirty trick in the book to gain an upper hand.

>> No.17844576

>dumb burgers don’t realize the following:
>they started the whole bullshit
>thought they could bully china with trade war
>got fucked with cv
>then Russia fucked amerifags with oil
>if USA does anything, Russia and china will fuck Europe over twice and America goes back to native Americans cuz muh supply lines
>Americans riot and national guard shoots them all
>civil war 2.0
>whites suck Asian taint
>Australia and nz disappear
>storm front becomes stacey’s backdoor and they suck bbc.

>> No.17844612

China is the closet fag who acts like chad but he knows it's right up his ass and it's going to explode at any moment ripping his spine out and making a fucking mess everywhere that other folks are going to clean up, after maybe beating the last embers of life out of him for making a fucking mess

>> No.17844708

>t. Incel hapa

Ok Elliot

>> No.17845018

The corollary of winning with honor is losing with honor. Pure cuckservatism.

>> No.17845049

>incel continues to cope

Enjoy your getting stuffed in lockers memories. You will never undo them Elliot.

>> No.17845179

Would you rather lose with honor or win without it?