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17810857 No.17810857 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure depression?

>> No.17810863

by coooming

>> No.17810869

by not being depressed

>> No.17810889

Take vitamin d and b12 supplements. Eat low carb, veggies and meat. Also lift weights and high intensity cardio. All the best anon.

>> No.17810897

By being yourself

>> No.17810901

You see, you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don’t have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that’s 28 rolls per week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.17810911

Eat refined carbohydrates, stay inside all day and spend your waking hours in front of a screen and jerk your meat until it’s raw and blistered.

>> No.17810919


>> No.17810935

Figure out what spiritual pain you are suffering from and take steps to alleviate it. The pain may be from a lack of something. It likely doesn't have anything to do with material things or other people.

>> No.17810936

Eat shit, bot.

>> No.17810946

I don’t know if this will work for you, but it seems to help me:

Go to bed at a reasonable time and sleep as long as needed

Twice a week, run half a mile as fast as you can

>> No.17811087

can you reccommend me supplements?

what time? And do you mean full out sprint or just run fast?

>> No.17811101

You ask this question at least once a week here. Go have sex.

>> No.17811110

by buying lots of XRP

>> No.17811145

Carnivore and tre exercises

>> No.17811164

This but therapy also

>> No.17811234

You can't really cure it, it's like once you see the world without your brain flooded with serotonin you don't unsee it, but one thing that always provided temporary relief for me (temporary as in a couple hours) was exercising. Do curls, walk a few miles on a treadmill, whatever. It's going to feel like a waste of time, like everything else, because everything technically is a waste of time, and you probably see that now. But it works, and any relief from true depression is welcome

>> No.17811245


>> No.17811273

unironically collecting old silver and gold coins

>> No.17811275

Microdose lsd and/or drink ur pee

>> No.17811291

Cut off time is midnight. 10 PM is optimal

If you can sprint a whole half mile that’s impressive, I just try to maintain the fastest pace I reasonably can

>> No.17811313

This desu. It's an expensive investment but I recommend an eliptical runner. Low impact so no pain, builds up a sweat and burns fat, but honestly it's so brainless that you can post on 4chan while running.

>> No.17811331

This plus lots of good quality sleeping

>> No.17811557
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>How do you cure depression?
By looking attractive.

>> No.17811631

Heart goes out to you, anon. Much love. Just go through it, get a clear schedule. Get a job, full time and have to be up and somewhere by a ceetain time. Hit the gym/exercise (maybe just in your home for now cuz corona). Read history, philosophy, religion. Play vidya or do whatever "fun" thing you enjoy in between these mentally and physically demanding things. If you have no friends (nothing to be ashamed about) try to meet people

>> No.17811641

Also forgot diet- eat well! And for the love of God GET GOOD SLEEP. SERIOUSLY. 7 hours BARE MINIMUM but you should really aim for 8-9. I cant over stress how important sleep is to your body cycle/brain chemistry and all that crap.

>> No.17811650

Also this anon. God loves you and sent His Son Jesus Christ for you and for all.

>> No.17811675

How come all that retarded bullshit didn't work for you?

>> No.17811692

Last thing, sorry. You need to parse to see what part is spiritual and what is chemical. Prob a mix of both as they feed off each other. Use physical remedies (exercise, eat well, sleep) to fix your broken body and religion (read Bible unironically, Catholicism) and books to heal your broken soul. Also maybe confide in a friend or senpai member, spend more time with them. Man is a social animal. Attack this at every level and angle.

>> No.17811755

It did 100%. Ocd/anxiety/mild depression stuff. i will stress that what i have dealt with was mild to medium, not severe. Ocd may have been severe at one point (mental stuff, pure o). Prob cuz i allowed it to and stared at a screen all day for years. Not natural. You have to get up and it wont be over night. You need to change your habits fundamentally. Could take months to truly "be" better but its better than being nowhere still in 6 months. Take first step now. Never taken a drug for any of this, just got rid of it the natural way because its about life balance and natural law. Check out Introduction to the Science of Mental Health by Father Ripperger. PhD in psychology. Again though, i dont think i have it bad chemically, just natually let myself go so i might be workin with different cards. This was all years ago when it was a bad slump, been great for years with minor spikes but i know where they come from. Modern psychis mostly useless practically because it is just bad philosophy. Theyve done some good work but they fumdamentally misunderstand how man is to be and what mental health verus mental illness is.

>> No.17811779

>on 4chan on a weekend in a depression thread
>it worked for me :^)

>> No.17811817

Did you read what i said? Do you get out much? Body needs to be not in a single state for hours, screws with your chemistry. Im only describing what i know, and lots of it is garbo habits that compound existing brain chemical misfiring. Check out the book, he explains it better than i could 1000 times over. There is no easy fix and you dont need to change everything all at once but in stages, whatever youre comfortable with

>> No.17811831

Also i have work the whole weekend so its not a weekend for me. And its biz lol im having fun browsing + not going out cuz of corona any way

>> No.17812185

sleep 7-9hrs
eat red meat and eggs
stretch/yoga + weightlifting
alternate sauna/cold shower
set realistic goals and tackle them incrementally, so you can watch yourself improve

that’s a good start. also, at the beginning it’s more about subtracting bad habits than adding good ones. so cut junk food, drugs/alcohol, shitty friends, look up maslows hierarchy

>> No.17812204

Living one with god, and no I don’t mean (((Christcuckery)))

>> No.17812232

Supplements are never as good as the real thing. I will recommend you do things to improve your gut biome though. The gut mind connection is a real thing. Start brewing your own kombucha or kefir. Drinking raw milk is good also if you can get your hands on it.

>> No.17812246

I tried this and it didn’t work at all

>> No.17812250

Something that can support 7500 nodes and they're still in alpha

>> No.17812289

Assault the homeless

>> No.17812352
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the happening of the century is upon us and you're sitting here worried about your depression? get real anon

>he doesn't know about depression overriding

also drink water

>> No.17813015

Nature’s bounty for both D and B12. Running in intervals a .5/mile on treadmill. For example, run at 6mph and speed it up to 10 for 15-30 seconds, the. Move it back to 6 or lower. Be careful, don’t fall off and injure yourself.

If outside, sprint 100m and walk 5 min. Interval running beats long endurance running and you get more results.

>> No.17813188

>dont be white
>dont be an incel

>> No.17813258

Get saved

>> No.17813308

Cocaine in moderate amounts. And moderate is the key word here. Hang out with people but consume it alone, no group of loser friends, no hookers or whores.

Worked for me, boosted my confidence and made me more ambitious and hungry for success.

>> No.17813416

by not coooming

>> No.17813427

kek, this legitimately gave me depression

>> No.17813481
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Psilocybin mushrooms man..
Start with micro doses and eventually when u are willing to try and experiment with it start taking larger doses and actually go on trips (also go on like actual trips in nature while ur doing it).
Also social contact with friends is important, and as people said, take vitamin D (not too much!) and b12.
I would love to recommend LSD but it kinda fucked me up with this pretty rare brain dissorder called HPPD that u can read about (because that shit would give u even more depression..), but natural mushrooms are far less likely to cause any kind of problems like that.. u can try acid too but just don't mix psychedelics with any other drugs and check for any kind of hppd symptoms after every use of LSD (visual snow, after images, slight trails) and if u don't get any u'l be fine..
These substances could make anybody see the beauty in existence again, just eat a bunch of mushrooms (when u are ready for them and feeling nice and comfy) and u really will feel like a child again, seeing the stars again for the first time in your life..

>> No.17813490

by playing cod warzone

>> No.17813493

By deciding you dont have depression, easy as that.

>> No.17813494
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Psilocybin mushrooms man..
Start with micro doses and eventually when u are willing to try and experiment with it start taking larger doses and actually go on trips (also go on like actual trips in nature while ur doing it).
Also social contact with friends is important, and as people said, take vitamin D (not too much!) and b12.
I would love to recommend LSD but it kinda fucked me up with this pretty rare brain dissorder called HPPD that u can read about (because that shit would give u even more depression..), but natural mushrooms are far less likely to cause any kind of problems like that.. u can try acid too but just don't mix psychedelics with any other drugs and check for any kind of hppd symptoms after every use of LSD (visual snow, after images, slight trails) and if u don't get any u'l be fine..
These substances could make anybody see the beauty in existence again, just eat a bunch of mushrooms (when u are ready for them and feeling nice and comfy) and u really will feel like a child again, seeing the stars again for the first time in your life..

>> No.17813511

happiness is when what you think, feel and say are all in harmony

>> No.17813534

Unironically this, If they just had a magic supplement that could recharge my libido and fill my balls with cum in 10 seconds, I would just spend all day cooming and d whatever i could to be a porn star.

>> No.17813544

I market buy shitcoins like FRM. I think I have a dopamine problem now.

>> No.17814000

Start doing cardio, seriously!

>> No.17814015

by letting go

>> No.17814501

found the veg.. oops i mean carnivore. hard to tell the difference these days

>> No.17814517


>> No.17814527

This plus lots of good quality cooming. Also don't coom

>> No.17814543

This OP. Also firm handshakes, looking people straight in the eye and talking to the manager and handing him your resume.

>> No.17814564

kek pretty much this

>> No.17814739


>> No.17814754


>> No.17814796

See people getting rekt on REKT

>> No.17814815

But people with real depression would never have the will to do these things

>> No.17814869

Exercise by getting your gf to hold a heavy bag of cash, lifting her 10 times then banging her.

>> No.17814955

Bro just go outside

>> No.17815523

>Get a job, full time and have to be up and somewhere by a ceetain time
Yeah, that will kill his depression for sure since he will kill himself

>> No.17815554

Consistent action towards goals, measured and recorded, and subconscious reprogramming.

Good diet, sunlight, walk and interact moderately daily.

>> No.17815557

This and also microdosing psylocibin 0.2g each day

>> No.17815622

microdose magic mushrooms

>> No.17815681

you don't need to brah it's ok to be sad

>> No.17815767


>> No.17815857

First you need to take care of yourself: hygiene, diet, exercise and sleep. Find work that you think is meaningful. Make connections with other people: family, friends, a significant other. Live your days with purpose.

>> No.17815888
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By making goals and takeing on responsibilitys in your life. hitting the gym and getting a job helped me, maybe I'm a boomer just don't knock it till you try it.

>> No.17815913


it's not real depression if you are depressed about lack of willpower.

>> No.17815964
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>> No.17815975

Just take some escitalopram.

>> No.17816063

Fuck when I read it all typed out like that no wonder I'm so fucking pissed off and sad all the time. I need to hit a yoga class or make some pottery or something jesus

>> No.17816311

Do the following:

1) Convert to Catholicism
2) Get 8 hours of sleep
3) Drink a gallon of water every day
4) Eat healthy, no junk food
5) Work out 3-4 times a week
6) Don't consume visual media nor social media
7) Read books

Simple as.

>> No.17816939

Come all ye faithful and spread the hate! seriously - fuck that guy in particular

>> No.17816960

Stopped reading at 1)

>> No.17816988

This works except 1) can be replaced with any ideology you can devote yourself to.

Biggest mental health gains are shutting out social media and lifting

>> No.17817343

I am 28 and most of my friends make much more money than me. Many make 60k-70k, majority 80k-100k, some 150k+

I make 40k

I am miserable and don't know how to stop comparing. I also don't know what to do for work. The thought of waging in a cage for the next 40 years makes me want to kill myself. I'm not a brainlet but also don't think I'm smart enough for STEM. I often consider eating a bullet and secretly hope this corona thing is the end of my misery

>> No.17817379
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That's what many people seem to not understand. They seem to think that they have to always be happy and have a good mood. But in life, downtime is necessary. Life isn't possible without feeling mildly depressed and having a bad mood sometimes. Seeking fun and rushing from one dopamine inducing activity to the next just won't work long term. You'll burn out and feel depressed.
Although real depression is not just sadness or lazyness, but much worse. It's existential dread, feeling terror and fear, hopelessness, feeling lost and helpless and having no good future expectations based on previous failures in life.

>> No.17817449

Eat right and take a hike. Go outside and exercise for free. Don't go to germ infested gyms.

>> No.17817461

take (((antidepressants)))

>> No.17819119

True romantic love

>> No.17819216


>> No.17819341

High dose of psychedellics, regular exercise, good diet, drink water, create a good schedule and stick to it cause you know itll make you happy
Also look into zen, carl jung, and joseph camobell

>> No.17819448
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Try to be more mindful of people even more depressed.
Please write your story. I'm also very depressed, I cry like every day. I want to know you have it worse than me so I can feel a little better.

>> No.17819449

Took it for 4 months literally had no effect except having side effects. Also tried some other SNRI, even worse side effects.
Withdrawal from both is hell while at the same time never having experienced any benefits.

I already tried at least 90% of all advice mentioned in this thread. Nothing helps.
There is nothing to look forward to, nobody that cares about you. Never felt loved or needed. Always felt like a burden for my family, even though they don't explicitly say it they show it.

At best these things just make you content and after a while you realize it and the whole delusion that you could come better comes crushing down.
I just wish I could disappear from this hell and be at peace.

>> No.17819510

Based and never debased.

>> No.17819514

cheer up bros its not that bad
go for long walk to clear head

>> No.17819559

Also tried multiple therapists, what a shitty meme.
They can't help you, they don't care about you.
It's not natural to natural to pay someone just to talk to you. (of course that's their job but it doesn't feel real) It feels like a chore, they give you blanket advice that's supposed to fix you but deep down you know you're broken and it's all a waste of time and money.

>> No.17819576

Get a roommate

>> No.17819588

do this OP

>> No.17819725
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>How do you cure depression?
Pic related.

>> No.17819759

broken how? sounds like youre just feeling sorry for yourself

>> No.17820117

How could I even begin to explain this to you when you replied to my post with this >>17819514

Like how exactly would that help me?
I can't just fucking "cheer up" otherwise I wouldn't be in this position.

I run 5K 2-3 times a week, I do some kind of work out almost every day. I cut out junk food, I try to eat healthy and keep my body in shape.
This shit doesn't help, it's just something I set for myself to keep me busy once in a while.

>> No.17820145
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By making an absolute killing in the markets, having a stable relationship with a woman you love and raising many kids.
Basically living like an absolute boss.

>> No.17820204
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>I can't just fucking "cheer up"
you can