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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17745679 No.17745679 [Reply] [Original]

Stocks down, Commodities down, Precious metals down, Crypto down... so what actually held its value during the "everything bubble" pop?

>> No.17745710


>> No.17745722

My fucking seething hatred of the Chinese is actually pumping, invest while you can. I'll have strangled 10,000 chinese babies to death EOY

>> No.17745741


Real Estate is doing okay, or at least hasn't crashed yet. I think because it's a long-term asset and people understand this is a short-term problem

>> No.17745753

How do I buy in?

>> No.17745786


>> No.17745794

If the bubble is "everything", then nothing hold the value.

>> No.17745808

buy me a plane ticket to Wuhan

>> No.17745822

I hope this crashes into the fucking ground. Real estate is a bubble that must pop. 1950's house prices please. Good luck buying with your deflated garbage currency though.

>> No.17745841


How is that kekworthy?

I own land that cannot be siezed by some greedy landlord and I can grow my own food while you'll be shoved out on the street as the demand for rent skyrockets while mother fuckers get defaulted on their mcmansions

>> No.17745857

if it kills enough boomers that should get real estate moving next year.

>> No.17745898

RuneScape gold.

>> No.17745904

Guns, Medicine, Recreational Drugs, and Women

>> No.17745941

what are local governments gonna do when their tax base gets shredded? I love land as an asset, but if you're under 50, you probably massively overpaid and are on the hook for any budget deficit your local government has. Schools underfunded? Congrats, you got played.

>> No.17745975


>> No.17746251

Toilet paper

>> No.17746480
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How should the Chinese be punished for coronachan? Gassing or nuking?

>> No.17746511

No, even whore prices go down

>> No.17746810

Cash. Thank central banks and their ZIRP/NIRP/etc

>if you're under 50, you probably massively overpaid and are on the hook for any budget deficit your local government has.
this so damn hard

>> No.17747117

The US dollar. Good old Fiat

>> No.17747223

Unironically this

>> No.17747382


>> No.17747522

>Precious metals down
How? Where is the money going?

>> No.17747563

PMs value is held by itself not judging by fiat currency.

>> No.17747673


>> No.17747681

>I own land that cannot be siezed by some greedy landlord
You seriously own it? Take out a mortgage asap, the bank crisis is coming, loans will be forgiven and forgotten, cash will be king

>> No.17747709


>> No.17747777

and RuneScape gold

>> No.17747803

Bonds are a $100 trillion global market and that's where everything is going

>> No.17747833

families are historically undervalued. as is purpose.

>> No.17747851
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Dont ask why, I dont know either

>> No.17747886

Perhaps working remotely will start being more popular which will definitely even out real estate prices in cities vs suburbs

>> No.17747927

True but I think they haven’t become despwrate yet
I haven’t seen them change their prices yet. I give it a month until they start offering serious discounts.

>> No.17748024

Is DogeCoin the one true crypto?

>> No.17748083
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Real estate and bond market, two biggest markets are fine. Depression requires bond market crash, but bonds are very high so pension funds etc. are doing great

>> No.17748101

it has always been
through every crash, dogecoin has been resilient

>> No.17748135
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>bonds are very high so pension funds etc. are doing great

>> No.17748179


Paper gold and silver being sold to cover losses. It will keep going down until it will rocket upwards.

>> No.17748627

My fat dick

>> No.17748686

love has most value and never loses its value and it's free!

>> No.17748820

This is an interestningsing point

>> No.17748855 [DELETED] 

OFFICIAL hidden /biz/ discord
discord gg xFuuSTZ

it has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down

>> No.17748901

I think a car has value
Because you can drive on it and not drive inside a bus

Inside a bus is a lot of infectionized peoples

>> No.17748916
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>> No.17749032

Both of 'em, but slowly