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17703918 No.17703918 [Reply] [Original]

>Chancellor Merkel on Corona virus: 60 to 70 percent of Germans will be infected

Lmao, the German government has LITERALLY NO INTENTION of containing the virus. Buy Dax puts for 2-4 weeks from now and you'll be fucking rich.

>> No.17703928

Es ist nur eine Grippe, Brudi.

>> No.17703987

>LITERALLY NO INTENTION of containing the virus
Because it harmless

>> No.17703992

BREAKING NEWS: 100% of the world population has been sick at least one time! and will get sick again!

>> No.17704005

35% of welfare budget goes to 3% of coffin dodgers. “Not containing” the virus is exactly the plan

>> No.17704020

why would she say something like that
what's the high IQ move here

china (allegedly) contained it at a fraction of a %, surely a western country can try harder
googled some article and it said that "extreme measures" would be cancelling large events, that's extreme
Germany is beyond cucked at this point

why are 5% of infected in Italy dead then?

>> No.17704034

this is the right approach tho
tell everyone above 70 to stay at home and self carantene, and let the population/economy live its normal course.
infinitely more based than shutting down everything a' la italy

>> No.17704044

if ppl are scared they put themselves in containment but still go to work bc they have to

>> No.17704050

She said «could get corona», not «will get corona»

>> No.17704059
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>why are 5% of infected in Italy dead then?

shutting down the economy costs WAY more to everyone than spending a fraction of that money helping 95% of people above 70 self isolate, despatching necessities to their homes n stuff

>> No.17704063

seems like she said "may", as in outlying a possible scenario.
Given the South Korea and China more or less has contained the epidemic at less than 0.1% of the population being infected. It seems straight up retarded to believe that Germany suspect 60-70% of the population to be infected, surely they don't anticipate this beyond a worst case scenario.

>> No.17704064

Bullish for Ferrum / FRM and the poorfags.

>> No.17704077

old people in germany asre still mostly german people so they can profit from getting more diverse AND getting rid of pension liabilities at the same time. why would they contain the virus and start fresh within a month?

>> No.17704091

it's also 5% of those tested. a 30yo whose only symptoms is sneezing won't go and get tested and mandatory quarantined. there are a lot of people who go thru corona pretty much symptom free, while everyone who gets really ill from it gets tested so that skewes numbers heavily

>> No.17704117

>why are 5% of infected in Italy dead then?
So what? They would have died anyway they are fucking 80 yo boomers or terminally ill.

>> No.17704138

Why is that cow still in power? Are germans the biggest cucks on earth?

>> No.17705062
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kinda cool to reach a level of power where your words become FUD incarnate that shapes reality.

>> No.17705330

We've had people as young as 28 die. Shit happens nigga

>> No.17705345

People who go asymptomatic like that are rare. 15% of all reported cases require assisted breathing to survive. What clinicians describe as "mild" is literally any symptoms less severe than this, including pneumonia and other aggravated respiratory problems that require hospitalization (just not the ICU). When the chinese started forcibly hospitalized everyone who tested positive with the disease (even those who were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis), 20% of all resulting cases ended up developing acute respiratory distress syndrome.


Do you really think they would have built makeshift hospitals capable of housing hundreds of thousands of people if it wasn't necessary? Even if it doesnt kill you, you're rolling the dice on bad odds for a vacation to a hospital bed. And what exactly do you think will happen to those mortality rates when all those people who would normally survive on ventilation can't get it due to an overwhelmed healthcare system?

>> No.17705584

>People who go asymptomatic like that are rare. 15% of all reported cases require assisted breathing to survive.
While I do not disagree with most of your overall standpoint, this sentence undermines your own argument. Asymptomatic people don't report, so the 15% is irrelevant in that context. Obviously if you have a symptomatic beer-virus infection you're gonna get reamed when beds are taken, but that does not invalidate the fact that others might only have a mild sneeze and cough. How many? We won't know until we do a giant cohort study, it's all guesswork.

>> No.17705630

>LITERALLY NO INTENTION of containing the virus
they have no hope of containing it now no realistic measures could at this point. according to actual virologists.

>> No.17705674

That's where the numbers from china come in handy, though, because they forcibly quarantined anyone who got tested positive on the street, asymptomatic or no. That's where a lot of these "15% require the ICU, 20% develop acute respiratory problems" stats come from, they come from Wuhan where the Chinese didn't give a shit if you were asymptomatic or not. I normally wouldn't trust numbers coming out of china but given that Italian doctors are apparently triaging patients because they've completely ran out of ICU space and equipment, and that mortality rates from Japan/S.K. generally match the ones China reported, I'm inclined to believe they are legit.

It honestly feels like the world was waiting for a western country to get hit hard before deciding if the Chinese were just incompetent and fucked over Japan/South Korea/Iran/themselves, or if it really was that bad. Now that Italy is on complete lockdown the question is answered and people are getting serious.

>> No.17705716


They want to clean up the old so they can spend those billions on more migrants

>> No.17706806
File: 64 KB, 715x509, corona numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if china numbers matched sk, wouldn't china have over 400k cases instead of just 80k?
i'd guess that china covered up; italy and iran weren't prepared.

>> No.17706894


>> No.17706932

in switzerland they stopped testing, france too. those are only those who were sick enough to get admitted to hospitals. real infections are much higher

>> No.17706958

obviously i estimate already 10% of the population my have got it but most don't show any symptoms. within a week 60% will get it.

>> No.17706975

It will purge the boomers

>> No.17706998

>you can’t be 28 and be terminally ill
You’re not that smart

>> No.17707001
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Iran is the most fucked right now.

Government is currently digging mass graves in Qom. You don't do that with 1% mortality rates.

Picture below is from yesterday. Satellite image. Muslims are REALLY picky about burial ceremonies so the fact that they are stooping to bulldozer burial sites in their HOLIEST fucking city shows just how bad it is over there.

>> No.17707010

>when nature fixed the German pension problem
Absolut Basiert

>> No.17707052

some doctors believe it has been in italy since november at least

>> No.17707094

>trust me dude I post pictures on twitter

>> No.17707169

Solves German demographic problems

>> No.17707174
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>why are 5% of infected in Italy dead then?
how would you know how many people are infected? more likely 0.5% of infected are dead, but who knows

>> No.17707201

Babies havent

>> No.17707209

Whether it's 5, 10, or 15% doesn't matter as long as it spreads at this current rate it's enough to slam hospitals. Harder measures earlier would have been the best response, morally and economically. If anything should suffice to prove people involved in the market aren't as smart as you'd think, the idiotically apathetic reaction to this shit should.

We're now at the point where the psychopathic response is the only viable answer left. By which I mean calculating how little value old people have and then sweeping the deaths of those under 60 under the rug, minimizing the cultural impact, all in an effort to control public percection.

>> No.17707211

>You don't do that with 1% mortality rates
ever wondered how much 1% of a couple million is?

>> No.17707228

Nilo Tabrizy is a reporter who works full time at the nytimes. I have issues with the nytimes but its not just some assrag twitter account.

>> No.17707263

>more likely

Based on what your asshole tells you? I hate when people make up shit like that and declare it to be likely. Nice way to exhibit a complete lack of intellectual discipline. Children carry this but barely get sick from it, so that drags the averages of serious cases and mortality down greatly if you include them. If you're interested in meaningful numbers you need to cross reference by age and availability of medical care. People arguing over a meaningless total average are playing games.

>> No.17707267


1% assumes total infection of a city in your example. The mortality rate is calculated on infected patients, not on total population. I Agree if 1% of total Qom population died there would be mass graves but this is just the start. The mortality rate of infected people is way higher than 1%.

>> No.17707303
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same for the US and pretty much everywhere unless there'd be a massive response beyond any lockdowns already in effect now that would completely disrupt the economy and life more generally

>> No.17707308
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>> No.17707377

>boomers are about to reap the fruits of the system they built around themselves
God is here to punish the sinners

>> No.17707428

that's unlikely as fuck given the spread rate and incubation period and symptoms no it usually arrives 2 weeks before the first deaths reported.