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17690231 No.17690231 [Reply] [Original]

>buying a Ledgered Jew
I seriously hope you guys didn't get shilled into buying an overpriced USB

>> No.17690245

Good job proving you don't understand how they work.

>> No.17690290

name one single thing thats more secure that doesnt require me spinning up a linux box on a DBANd air-gapped computer

>> No.17690330

I just memorize my mnemonic keys because I'm not a fucking brainlet who needs a JewSB to manage his keys for him.

>> No.17690454


Yeah? Good luck signing transactions offline you fucking retard

>> No.17691724

well its not like your transactions will go through offline anyway

>> No.17691729

Seethe poorfag

>> No.17692252

so much anger, jesus christ

>> No.17692319

It amazes me how many luddites are into crypto.

>> No.17692420

why not reinstall the system after use?

>> No.17692448

ledger and trezor are 100% backdoored, the trezor/ledger exit scam will be ridiculous

>> No.17692456


>> No.17692471

It amazes me how many retards are into crypto.

Enjoy your "firmware updates"

>> No.17692510

don't waste money on usb just store on exchange... I have 80k Links on there no issue at all

>> No.17692551

who tf do you know of that knows enough to air gap their shit that actually fucking runs some bullshit like dban instead of just dd or fucking shred? maybe youre better off sticking with holding onto a ledger or whatever they're calling dad's wallet these days .. until he decides he wants it back of course.

>> No.17692555

Are you phone posting?

>> No.17692572

lol but you cant save the value, i have 10 btc locked at 20k$ eazy money

>> No.17694019


Ledger or Trezor? redpill me

>> No.17694087

I'm blown away by how passionate people on this site are over trivial matters.

>> No.17694130

lol if it's Binance.
Who's linkies you think they'll be selling when they run out?

>> No.17694182

For link Ledger is easier as they support it and you don’t need to go to my ether wallet to access your linkies

>> No.17694202
File: 146 KB, 225x273, nicememe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought three of them because VIRES IN NUMERIS

>> No.17695207

Trezor is far superior, you can choose to encrypt and it will make you type a password on startup after PIN and whatever password you use creates its own wallet.

EG. if you make password: Password then when you login you will have a different wallet to if you enter:password or passworD.

This means you can have a hidden wallet, so you are safe from every single form of attack, including the hammer to the face attack (just have a password with small amount of funds and keep your stack on the large wallet)

>t. Own every single hardware wallet and part of my business is to charge normies and boomers $500 for an appointment where I let them test them all, chose the one they like best then show them how to set-up and give them a brand new one.

>> No.17695643

trezor is open source.

>> No.17695659

You know what, if you don't know what a Secure Element is then just shut your fucking mouth while smart people are talking.

>> No.17695840

I would say Trezor because it's fully open source and open hardware, and also because it's easier to use and are fully compatible with Linux Debian and derivatives.
Ledger has more coins thought.

>> No.17696216

I just put my stuff on crypto.com for the interest. No hacks yet. Free links and free bat, free xrp.

>> No.17696405

Is it bad to keep my linkies on coinbase?

>> No.17696425
File: 66 KB, 617x719, 1560831488310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just memorize your seed, it's only 24 words at most

>> No.17697116


What’s the difference between that and the 25th temporary seed word that you can enter on the ledger? Same shit no?

>> No.17697155

I hope your coins get stolen by chinks

>> No.17697191

I bought a Trezor first. It was a piece of shit. Most coins aren’t even stored on it. For example any Ethereum or Ethereum token Trezor just sends you to myetherwallet. I returned it and got a Ledger and the Ledger is really great.

>> No.17697243

You can do also a combo of second pin accessing a hidden wallet or use as many extra passphrases up to 100 characters on ledger

Also no need to use myetherwallet anymore for ledger so that's nice just one less step

Also just get the nano s the x is an overpriced shit that adds no real usefulness unless you're in the 0.5 percent of use cases

I've heard choosing an easy 25th word can be easily cracked if your 24words are exposed so it's better to use a sentence or something long and complex but at that point I'd almost be more worried I'll just forget the extra long inputs

>> No.17697497

Works for me.

>> No.17697539

I just bought one lol. I want to put all my crypto in a safe where I can't Fomo or panic buy/sell and leave it for months.

Good idea

>> No.17697570

i use a p3 800 with a cracked boot of windows me with no network card.

>> No.17697627

>Smartphone. No SIM card. Airplane mode. Powered off and not connected to wifi unless used for transactions.

That's all you gotta do.

>> No.17698412

Because then you have to enter full seed every time.
Just plug in trezor, type pin, type passcode. Super convenient.

Plus color touchscreen is so much better, looks wise and viewing transaction info.