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17653537 No.17653537 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a wagie software engineer living in a big city in Poland, making 8000 PLN before taxes, 6500 after taxes

Paying off my student debt(15k PL or less than 3K Dollars), 330 pln a month(yeah I took it at 18 years old).
I don't have any savings but I own a 3-room, decent flat in a 100K people city(I own it with my bro 50/50).
I live paycheck to paycheck monthly.

Should I take out a loan on cash and buy as much gold as I can ?

>> No.17653798

>making 8000 PLN before taxes, 6500 after taxes
bi-weekly? a month? a year?

>> No.17653843
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monthly, the average salary is 5000k before taxes. 4150 after so I am doing not that bad.

But I see shit hitting the fan and am wondering what to do.

My job is pretty in demand(C++ dev) but shit, I don't know anymore.

>> No.17653911

Move to the USA. People working at Walmart are making more than you.

>> No.17653931
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So I make 1.5x of the average salary in a big city.
8k a month before tax, 6.5k after.
Living expenses are big though(-2k for apartment).
But banks are offering me credits as high as 150k or more.

>> No.17653953
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I have this option, I am getting offers from around the world.
But I am worried about it in the context of the current happenings.
I have a low safety net, on my own since I was a little kid non-stop stress.

>> No.17654094

>I don't have any savings but I own a 3-room, decent flat in a 100K people city(I own it with my bro 50/50).
>Living expenses are big though(-2k for apartment).
Do you live in the apartment you own? Or are you renting it out? Is the 2k/month the mortgage/maintenance/taxes on it?
>8k a month before tax, 6.5k after.
>Living expenses are big though(-2k for apartment).
Minus 330 for your student loan, that leaves 4170 PLN a month to spend on living expenses.
What's the cost of living like? I'm in leaf country and good internet/food/clothing/transportation/insurance could easily be covered with 3300 PLN, even less if I used public transit, which should leave 870 PLN to save/invest unless you have way higher costs of living.

Honestly I would worry about building some savings first and it sounds like you aren't able to do that in your situation, so you should change your situation instead of gambling on stocks or commodities with borrowed money.

>> No.17654161
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We are renting the appartment for 3 people which pay 1200PLN and it goes to my boomer mom(for now).

I am paying 2K a month for my current appartment and I was expecting to bump my salary to 10K before taxes and 8k after in 3 months(raise because we have a client from the USA who bought me for a year).

But I am now worried because the market is crushing and am wondering what to do.

In thix context I don't know if I will get the raise and if there won't be any problems with jobs for embedded engineers.

>> No.17654186
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I wanted to play on the stock market after I build up savings but now I am just worried what will happen after today man...

>> No.17654223

Why did you take the student loan, zuchu?

>> No.17654363

>We are renting the appartment for 3 people which pay 1200PLN and it goes to my boomer mom(for now).
Ah I see
>I am paying 2K a month for my current appartment
Is this a high price for your area? Do you have roommates? Worth considering to downsize or get a place with roommates until your salary is high enough that you can build savings, or until your debt is paid off, if possible.
>and I was expecting to bump my salary to 10K before taxes and 8k after in 3 months(raise because we have a client from the USA who bought me for a year).
That sounds promising
>But I am now worried because the market is crushing and am wondering what to do.
Besides your job it doesn't sound like you're exposed to the market, but the best position you can be in is to not have debt. You don't want that hanging over your head if you lose your job, so you probably shouldn't borrow more money to buy gold as well.

The one scenario where it makes sense is if you use your apartment equity to buy gold, as a way to reduce your market exposure to the real estate market. This might be a good idea but I honestly have no idea how affected Poland real estate would be if all the markets turn down.

>> No.17654437
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Well my job is in demand but do you think that what's currently happening will fuck us so bad that even software engineers will have it really hard to get a job?

>> No.17654450

It's a long and shit story but the gist is that I had to I had no other option.

>> No.17654544
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>Well my job is in demand but do you think that what's currently happening will fuck us so bad that even software engineers will have it really hard to get a job?
Potentially, I'm in software as well and if nobody is hiring then there's not much to be done. If markets crash, customers everywhere will be looking to cut down on costs which would mean less work, less new projects, etc.
I haven't looked for a new position in a few years but from what I hear it's already becoming increasingly saturated. If you have the skills to make it at one of the big 4 tech companies you'll probably be fine though, they seem to always be hiring.

>> No.17655297

Just like money, you have to diversify skills.
I've done 10+ years as a software engineer, but I've also do big data, data architecture, machine learning, and cloud stuff. If you cannot do it on the job, do it for freelance, open-source or free. Anything you can put on a resume will be worthwhile.
Not sure what else to tell you from your situation, but I think software engineering may even be in more demand as they'll be looking to automate even more jobs.