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17650851 No.17650851 [Reply] [Original]

Been swallowing handfuls of xanax chased with gin for 2 weeks straight I don't know what's real or what's a dream anymore. I wake up don't knownod its day or niggtz eont care. All I know is red, red everywhere.

>> No.17650868

dont do drugs

>> No.17650890


there’s a better way to live anon

if you’re going to use at least do something fun like speedballs

>> No.17650898

Call your best friend and have him take you to the hospital. You’ll be happier in the long run anon. We’re all frens here hoping the best for you u

>> No.17650939

stop this shit anon. value your own life and snap out of it. swallow the pill of your own pride and get some help.

>> No.17650954

Get a job faggot

>> No.17650967
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Fuck off fag

Nah it's good, I'm an exceptionally healthy person l, I never get sick. I just stay awake says on Street amphetamines/scripts when the market is pumping, and when we're dumping, i hibernate in dreamland

>> No.17650994

You can short too you know

>> No.17651013

Not getting sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy, especially mentally and emotionally. If life doesn’t feel like real life then I’d say you’re not healthy

>> No.17651052

woah ur so cool
enjoy dementia nigger

>> No.17651074
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I'm not a gambler anymore. My money's in a few projects I know will explode long term, just gotta wait for reality to catch up, here I am.

Wow I appreciate the care, but don't worry I'm a pretty bad person l, just trying to see what's going on how everyone else is holding up in this market

>> No.17651075

>Self-inflicted bipolar disorder
Very interesting anon

>> No.17651094
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Thanks faggot

>> No.17651167


i’d rarely catch sicknesses during my years long affair with opiates & cocaine — if i did i’d feel fine as soon as I used

ended up losing my $55k a year job and going to rehab

life is infinitely better today. i’m in the best shape of my life, get to attend Mass weekly and date qt girls

if you experience any type of withdrawal symptoms, you could probably benefit from giving sobriety a shot

>> No.17651186
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I'll value my life when I have something to show for it

>> No.17651200

To test this is a dream, try raping the first woman you see. Can't coom in a dream.

>> No.17651256

i had a friend die from xanax and alcohol. he must have blacked out from mixing them and then kept doing more. just something to think about.

>> No.17651333
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Dream bigger, and motivation will be your drug!

>> No.17651369

I think material possessions are very low on anyone's list of "reasons to live"

I've never contemplated suicide but though "ah, what about my Playstation"

>> No.17651460
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Ignore trips of truth at your peril, friendo!
If all you have to live for is your playstation, then you need to read you some Yu-Kai Chou.

>> No.17651543

nah I'm alright I got lucky and ended up with children, children are really good for quieting the call of the void

>> No.17651612

Ditto, although my oldest is a professional student who is in an open relationship with a MtF gender studies student, and I hate that.
They had a blast in the Caymans though.
My youngest is a robotics genius, and she will be going to an Ivy league school when she graduates.
Going to have more. New wife, new family.

>> No.17651631

Dude clean your nails what the fuck
Just start eating well and go outside, it's not going to cure your depression but it'll chip away at it. If you feel like shit for an extended period of time nine times out of ten it's your own fault and you can fix it

>> No.17651637

damn nigger clean your fingernails, that shit is gross

>> No.17651653

>son is in an "open relationship" with a tranny
you fucked up big time somehow