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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 720x712, my life desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17626748 No.17626748 [Reply] [Original]

GOD FUCKING DAMMIT /BIZ/. I was selecting my numbers for the lottery yesterday and I was torn between selecting 40 or 44 for my bonus numbers. I said fuck it and chose 44. I just scored 4/7 numbers and the bonus number for the draw was 40. If I had picked 40 I would have won 2.75% of the $30,000,000 jackpot. I hate myself so much.

>> No.17626776

just remember your chances of dying are 100% no reason to fret or worry since it will be over every single one of us rich or poor

>> No.17626780


>> No.17626784
File: 128 KB, 640x811, 1571505875776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay buck - you'll eventually get promoted at your local McDonald's to shift supervisor

>> No.17626791

>if i had

>> No.17626797


But I could have had 825k completely clear.

>> No.17626810

But you can also get promoted to shift supervisor, be grateful

>> No.17626813


lottomax Canada

>still won $20

>> No.17626816


you're fucking retarded alright

now do the taxes
and you're a moron so you'd be right back to 0 in less than a year

>> No.17626825

>now do the taxes
>and you're a moron so you'd be right back to 0 in less than a year
If he's in Ontario, Canada (he did mention Canada at the very least) taxes aren't applied to lotto winnings.

>> No.17626828


I GOT FIRED FROM MCDONALDS. That's the type of retard I am. I can't do anything right. I can't even pick numbers for the lottery properly without jinxing myself. It's like god fucking hates me. The universe is cruel this isn't fair.

>> No.17626854
File: 289 KB, 439x358, yttyyktyktkty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still won $20

>> No.17626865

At least I correctly predicted where you work(ed). McDonald's employees never refrain from lottery ticket purchases.

Godspeed in your job applications to Wendy's or whatever

>> No.17626873

I don't believe you, post your ticket

>> No.17626898

Damn, you were so close. That's like 600k after taxes. If you play your cards right with that amount you can easily retire early. But you shouldn't worry about that now hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.17626914

Oh no taxes you actually lost 825k kek. Time to end the pain Anon lmao

>> No.17626918

You're not retarded because you lost but because you actually think the win was "close".

>> No.17626969

whats worse is the feeling of failure will stick with you while life goes on, with nobody ever knowing or even giving a shit about how close you were to making it and how utterly demoralizing it is. I know this, because i sold my 800k ada at 3c in 2017

>> No.17626998
File: 10 KB, 200x313, C90BA77A-4C34-454F-8B2B-0B47D2866A70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with 600k

>> No.17627002


That's it guys I can't take it anymore. I'm going to spend half my paycheck on lottery tickets for the next draw. I can't deal with this anymore.

>> No.17627058

don't do it faggot

>> No.17627077

>taxes on lottery
what backwards country are you from

>> No.17627085

it was your chance of making it and you fucked up. Accept it and move on, dwelling on it will just lead you to suicide. Try to lead a somewhat normal life from now without trying 'shortcuts' to wealth

>> No.17627090

If you think retirement with $600k isn't possible, you're retarded.

>> No.17627099

>I'm going to spend half my paycheck on lottery tickets for the next draw
/Business & Finance/

>> No.17627114

>what is investing
>how do I make money
>how does anything work
if you have 600k and can't make enough money to retire with that you are a fucking retard. also learn to read before replying you stupid faggot

>> No.17627145


Calm the fuck down bro just pick 40 next time no sweat bro

>> No.17627169

In Connecticut a lottery winner came and shot up the lottery office. Maybe ur better off.

>> No.17627190


Jesus fucking christ

>> No.17627680

dear lord and savior jesus christ

>> No.17628125

>Connecticut a lottery winner
>A Lottery employee, Matt Beck, killed four of his supervisors, then himself.

>> No.17628272

Pic is you lol

>> No.17628283

>not buying 2 lottery tickets with both bonus numbers
Never change /biz/

>> No.17628294


Average Boomer retiree in US has less than 100k not counting their house

>> No.17628296
File: 106 KB, 1080x1350, 1582913173570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now do taxes
Oh no only 500k instead of zero :((

>> No.17628307

Trump turned a small of a million dollars into a billion

>> No.17628317

Why? I can kind of imagine why, but thats me. Any reason why he did it?
Also, instead of playing lotteries we should build free housing

>> No.17628318

Good fucking god

>> No.17628331


>> No.17628335

wouldnt even bother cashing that shit

if you do youre a fucking cuck

a pathetic useless faggot cuck

>> No.17628344

Dude, everyone knows if you're choosing between 40 and 44 you choose 40. Basic stuff

>> No.17628356

Bought a Lotto doubler when I was younger. Got Two 25000s and the Doubler symbol.
>ah shit, if only id gotten three 25000s id have 50k right now.
>Buy another ticket sometime later.
Win nothing, but re-read prize stipulations.
>If you get TWO matching amounts and a Doubler, you win double the prize amount.
>Suddenly realize I just threw away 50,000$ lottery ticket.

I've been goddam sick about it ever since. Decades later it still hurts. That money couldve changed my life. It was the 90s too so it might as well have been 100k in todays money.

>> No.17628357
File: 261 KB, 1322x780, 1478585309605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, really? Guess it shouldn't surprise me, everybody here seems ready to snap on any given day.

>> No.17628477

Her name is Tanaka Yasan. You're welcome.

>> No.17628498

Thank you, but does she have any anal videos out there? I can't check rn.

>> No.17628508


>> No.17628544

bro I was one of those "bitcoin is a stupid scam with no future" guy, in 2009

>> No.17628774

I guess its true when they say that the lottery is an idiot tax.

>> No.17628894

Who gives a shit, the chances were equal.