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17557335 No.17557335 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17557973
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>> No.17558013

bitcoin is holding up pretty well in comparison

>> No.17558047
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>> No.17558152

BTC is a total shitcoin, has always been headed to zero

>> No.17558177

Someone got priced out. Die poor faggot.

>> No.17558666

lmao, I bought BTC back in 2012 you absolute braindead moron

>> No.17558704

Heh good sir I agree yes

>> No.17558760

(((They))) also manipulate and control the Bitcoin market. It was set into gear the moment they launched future contracts. Only gold, silver, and oil have futures. Don't think for a minute that Bitcoin will escape being regulated in their favor.

>> No.17558808

Boy thats going to be a strong Show buys from me. Why are you in this shithole then? For FUN? Priced the fuck out retard.

>> No.17558971

only a poor faggot like you thinks people fundamentally change when they get a ton of money, I'll be hanging around this shithole until it closes down or until the day I die
also, what other reason do you honestly think people are here for, do you actually believe anyone is here to learn anything? lmao

>> No.17559003

im sitting on $200k when do i jump back in?

>> No.17559012

rofl, into the stock market?
I dunno, when it has dropped 95% maybe?

>> No.17559064

good meme answer. any real ones?

>> No.17559073

Tank you fucking nogger, just get it over with!!

>> No.17559127

meme answer for a meme economy which is finally entering the depression it's been headed towards for decades

>> No.17559163

no, zero is headed to it

>> No.17559187

so when do I buy in

>> No.17559191

the economy today has almost nothing to do with the economy of decades ago my dude. stop.

>> No.17559226

How have you been in Bitcoin that long and still call it going to zero? Are you not at least curious to see what happens in the next 18 months with the halving? Did you lose your money? They are like 8,000 a coin wtf. Am I missing something

>> No.17559482

because BTC hasn't been Bitcoin in a long, long time
what was Bitcoin back then and how it worked is what BSV is doing now, so calling anything else Bitcoin is deluded
also, lmao at the halving
>In a few decades when the reward gets too small, the transaction fee will become the main compensation for [mining] nodes. I’m sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume.
good fucking luck to BTC with the halving
and no, I didn't lose money, I sold a ton at the top, I don't need to do any work I don't like for the rest of my life, feels good man

>> No.17559512

This the markets are headed to 2016 levels when btc was worth sub 700.
Meanwhile btc is comfy at 8700.

>> No.17559535
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Yea satoj wanted a weather app with seizable coins.

>> No.17559622

Wait it out for a month or two to see how this pans out. Or just buy a bit more every time it drops.

>> No.17559657

that's exactly what he wanted
>Imagine someone stole something from you. You can’t get it back, but if you could, if it had a kill switch that could be remote triggered, would you do it? Would it be a good thing for thieves to know that everything you own has a kill switch and if they steal it, it’ll be useless to them, although you still lose it too? If they give it back, you can re-activate it
as for weather, that's only one of a limitless number of usecases for Bitcoin, but it's a nice proof-of-concept for how oracles will work, especially now that more smart contract libraries are being written which can directly integrate with them on-chain
imagine holding things like ETH and LINK when Bitcoin has been fully capable from the very beginning of doing what they think they invented, and actually does it in a scalable way as part of its design
it's going to be a lot of fun for sure

>> No.17559671
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>> No.17559682

in usd? you're fucked kek

>> No.17559683
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>buy a bit more every time it drops

>> No.17559738

>imagine holding things like ETH and LINK when Bitcoin has been fully capable from the very beginning of doing what they think they invented, and actually does it in a scalable way as part of its design
>it's going to be a lot of fun for sure
but you have a liar and a fraud running it. Who up until this point has done nothing to implement those features. That why shitalik started eth right? cause btc community didnt wanna do new things?

>> No.17559850

those features are literally already implemented and fully functional, people have already started developing applications using them
jesus, get with the times man, you're going to get left behind
and no, Vitalik made ETH because he didn't understand how Script really works and how it literally does exactly what he wanted to achieve with ETH, except it actually scales
and it's not that "BTC community", whoever the fuck that is, didn't want to "do new things", the problem is that Core have completely sabotaged BTC by disabling important parts of the protocol, putting limitations in place which are not at all meant to be there, and implementing "features" which totally destroys its ability to scale even if they were to remove the blocksize limit

>> No.17560398

at zero

>> No.17560591

You seem real emotional about this. I mean, just from a historic perspective of the last 2 halving, I would think you would at least be curious about the next one

>> No.17561050

Segwit allows second layers and the main second layer being created is the lightning network. Lightning network has both centralized and decentralized features, but yeah BTC was good as can be before Blockstream took over development after Satoshi left and after Gavin was basically kicked to the curb. The block size limit was put in temporarily to fight spam attacks on chain by satoshi because at the time there was too much unnecessary spamming on the network. I believe it was meant to be lifted when traffic and more usage of bitcoin was to happen, which is happening nowadays.

>> No.17561075
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>mfw people honestly thought yesterday's rebound wasn't a dead cat

>> No.17561166

I dunno, when it has dropped 40% maybe?

>> No.17561182

Boomers eternally BTFO, will slave for Mr. Goldstein until the day they die.

>> No.17561220

C o p e, member when CoreCucks shilled buying coffee with BTC. No longer possible 2 expensive. Digit gold is cope LMAO!!!

>> No.17561308
File: 48 KB, 639x347, 309E2526-2D05-46BE-8DA7-44A980A8245D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomers and bulltards were unironically talking about 30k next week

>> No.17561315
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Wakey wakey, donny

>> No.17561336
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I sold all my BTC for Sergey's coin. BEST Decision I've EVER made, NoRegrets. Hold harder noob loyalist lmao you might just reach ATH in a couple months. XDDD
If anyone is wondering I'm buying PNK it's the next x100.

>> No.17561413
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Dont tell him about blockstream let him lose all his net worth XD
Every BTC holder since 2012 knows about Blockstream, Segwit, and Tulip Bitcoin's AI