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17556061 No.17556061 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw walking down the street when a woman is walking toward me, we make serious eye contact three or four times, then we pass, never to see each other again

Is it acceptable to ask out women on the street? If so, how do I it without sperging out?

>> No.17556079


>> No.17556087

Its acceptable to talk to anyone you want. If they want to talk to you then they will talk to you. If you don't take the shot then you won't talk to each other.

If you talk to everyone you never miss any chance

>> No.17556131

This probably happens to me at least 20-30 times a year.

>> No.17556159

depends where you live, if you are white/nigger/brown, if you are a beta...2many factors brah

>> No.17556161

Yes, look up day game you noob.

>> No.17556195

>Wow that guy does nothing all day but call people Nazis and simp for egirls online, I wonder if he's single

>> No.17556230

you just lost your soul mate

feels bad man, happens to me once or twice a year

approach next time, just walk up to her and pull her hair or something i dunno

>> No.17556267

And if you dont talk to anyone you will never get rejected, or worse divorceraped.

>> No.17556284

You'll also be the first in your direct bloodline in an unbroken chain to fail to reproduce since the first life on earth, so there's that.

>> No.17556315

>Yes, look up day game you noob.

Post links, mate.

>> No.17556337

I try to always talk to girls who I get eye contact with. Its always extremely awkward but since so few people do it you will be considered to have balls even if you stutter somewhat. The important thing is to keep eye contact and smile while you are stuttering the "hhh-hey ddd-do you want to grab a ccc-coffee? Oh, yy-you dont have ttt-time now? Wwww-well what about sometime next www-week? Ooo-ok, ccc-cool ill write"

If you are under 30 just ask for snapchat, thats the most safe thing to give away to strangers.

>> No.17556381

But what about in the scenario I just listed?

>Hey, femanon, sorry to bother you, but I think you're drop dead gorgeous... Maybe i can take you out for a drink sometime. Can I have your number?

>> No.17556387

If you're as much of a lazy beta about google searching one thing as you are when it comes to initiating conversation with women; you're probably a permavirgin that's never gonna make it

>> No.17556406

>you're probably a permavirgin that's never gonna make it

I've slept with 19 different women. I'm 25 years old.

>> No.17556416

>saying sorry to a woman
>can i
holy shit, you're just as pathetic as i imagined. even in your idealized fantasy; you're a little bitch

>> No.17556436

>I've slept with many womenz
>asks /biz/ advice about approaching women
okay, buddy, sure you have

>> No.17556445

You cant start off with saying sorry

>> No.17556461

How would you go about it differently? I usually just drop my spaghetti way to early/hard and scare them away :(

>> No.17556470

Day game is a big fat waste of time imo, you have to say all the perfect things and give off 0 vibe of being a sperg or its going to go nowhere. Shit she probably will give out her number if you look good and then you can waste your time trying to text her until she ghosts. Girls have to be very cautious when it comes to strangers. Meeting girls via friends, hobbies or work where you can actually interact with them frequently to build a comfort level is a much better Pursuit OP.

>> No.17556487

How the fuck do you even make an eye contact while walking by? This is 1) unacceptable 2) hard to do since you have to pay attention to the road especially in dense traffic 3) you have to pay attention to thieves, again especially in dense traffic

>> No.17556488

tree of life is full of dead ends , why should i care ? True man can see thru woman bullshit and avoid them , he focuses on his goals not hers . you have to figure it out yourself . You father cannot teach you that because he fall for vagina trap.

>> No.17556501

hey, you're hot, come get a drink with me, lemme get your number/snap

>> No.17556524

YOUR tree of life has no dead ends, otherwise you wouldn't be alive. There is no gap. You can't have a gap and start again. Its been unbroken since the first life on earth
Fell for vagina trap? I think you fell for incel memes

>> No.17556576

If chad yes

>> No.17556588

Yeah I have buddies that do day game and have been with handful of women from that. Bear in mind, they had to continuously approach and git gud. They always asked me to try it out but I declined.

From my recollection, they didn’t just go straight for the # as she doesn’t know if she can trust you yet.

They usually stopped the girl and asked her a question about the surrounding, followed by some follow ups, and then moved towards doing something.

“Hey I’m looking for so and so”
- she says stuff
“You seem to know your way around here, do you come here often?
-yeah I work over there at so and so
“Oh nice...blah blah”

Then after a couple minutes they went for the kill. Obviously the script they use is different, but the point is she has to get to know you and get a vibe. Just asking for a # rarely works.

>> No.17556595

First get information from external sources regarding whether you are attractive and desirable.

>> No.17556596

Sticking dick in roasthole is not an achievement nigger

>> No.17556626

How old are you ? i am 34 and i see bad outcomes of my frens everywhere .. lots of divorced, broken , paying all his money to his ex ? i dont know why .. all mess .. and I am glad i am not part of it.

>> No.17556667

Yes, you can ask a woman out on the street or other public area, provided that it’s day time. If you do it in the dark, she will get scared and freaked out. If she says no, just smile and politely say no problem and leave her alone. That’s about it.

>> No.17556704

Can you provide a script of some sort about approaching a woman on the sidewalk and then asking her out?

>> No.17556722

Younger but yeah that can happen friendo i'm not denying it but its not the end of the world if it does anyway. I think the women r bad meme swing too far at this point in reaction to feminism bullshit

There are plenty of videos on youtube of people both doing it successfully and failing at it so you can work out what NOT to do

>> No.17556814
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>Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.

>> No.17556849

Not spoonfeeding you. Look it up, theres tons of shit from tons of people.

>> No.17557422

You are not sorry to bother her. She should be happy that you are interested. Never say sorry to women unless you accidently hit her in the head or fucked another girl.

see >>17556588

>> No.17557443

yadayada prostitutes dont count. I have slept with about 50-60 in Pattaya during the last few years lol.

>> No.17557693

Only one of them was a prostitute, while another two were ones I picked up using dating apps. The rest were done organically. Cope harder, though.

>> No.17557854

You absolutely can start off with sorry.

>> No.17558064

You absolutely can start playing chees by sacrifacing queen in first 3 moves

>> No.17558767

Have sex and keep this nonsense off biz please.

>> No.17558847

>we make serious eye contact three or four times
Basically it's you constantly staring at her and her checking what she considers a creepy guy.

>> No.17559198
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, rapor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro what the fuck are you doing just rape them lmao

>> No.17559357
File: 2.95 MB, 498x343, That 25 year old rapor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just FOMO rape women like you FOMO rape shitcoiners.

>> No.17559397


women orgasm so hard when getting raped

>> No.17559457

I like to look around while walking and sometimes I make eye contact with strangers. It’s not uncommon for normal people. What’s weird is stopping and talking with them.

>> No.17559575

>drop dead gorgeous
If you really need to do anything, just say the you noticed her and ask if she's free sometime. Don't gussy it up like a creep.

>> No.17559684

I literally just sit and read in public all the time and women approach me. Granted, I just read to actually read and not for attention. They only seem to approach when I'm really into whatever book I'm reading. Also I lift a lot and deliberately manspread.

>> No.17559747
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You can do whatever you want George , the will still hit on you. But it doesnt work for us peasants.

>> No.17559783

This bitch is a HB 3/10 max. An easy bang for me. Simple case of Bait, Hook, Reel, Release then Hit her with the flipped positive Neg and slowly work my way in and oscillate into being AMOG (Alpha male of group), maximise chances of #Close by using the Compliance Test and slipping into the C&F routine (Cocky & Funny). Next slap her with a Bitch Shield while I analyse her BL and try to avoid falling into any traps her BBF (beta boyfriend) might fall into himself since I want to BMOG him while he's not there. If she gives me any trouble I'll pull out the Don Juan special Grand Master style and force EC (emotional connection) before pushing for the Fuck Close.

If she has AWD then I simply know she's JAW and ditch, she probably doesn't have Survival and Reproduction Value anyway but if it's an SDL (same day lay, for the layman) then I'd SUAL and Check the Buying Temperature and Buy at the spike for a quick turn around. Bang! Easy.

>> No.17559972

This. Not even mememing, if you are very attractive any time is a good time to cold approach a woman. Just have to be confident and direct. If you're not a 8/10 minimum tho, maybe don't

>> No.17559988

all memes aside op PUA stuff really does work. people shit on it because the guys are usually corny in the seminars, the ones selling the courses etc but they're selling something like anything else. It really does work even if just for the false confidence you will have but usually they go into some detail about random interactions and its actually helpful. it works as long as you dont get too autist about it and treat it like a script. you still have to adapt to the situation with each girl and think on your feet. some of the 'original pick up artist' guys were ugly and they knew it but they still did well because they made it work and tried literally thousands of times.

remember one i watched years ago that i would link if i could find it about how if you stand directly opposite someone you both automatically feel less at ease compared to standing next to them. something as simple as turning to kind of be side on instead of directly in someones personal space makes a huge difference in ANY interaction not just for trying to get a girls number. some of the pua shit is good advice about body language etc

>> No.17560028

>not following her to corner her someplace and violently sniff her brapper
never gonna make it cucks

>> No.17560055

femanon here

>> No.17560065

This works only if you look like a chad, for the rest of us it would probably be reason enough for a harassment charge.

>> No.17560092

If you get complimented by random women on the street, would you be attractive enough for this to work?

>> No.17560117

Here's a better question: Why are you asking this on the business board you dumb shit?

>> No.17560147

>feeling cute might go reread mein kampf in public
>I dunno lol

>> No.17560534

you dont need to be chad and even chad will be rejected trying to pick up a girl. chad just gets less rejections overall. youre going to get rejected sometimes regardless of how well you came across which is funny because thats the main thing that stops people from just going for it in these situations in the first place

literally the only FUD for pick up artist shit is people saying its Machiavellian and scummy, unironically. or women saying "it doesnt work" because they don't want to make themselves as women seem so simple or that some ""misogynistic"" guide could ever work on them. that is the only thing fudders both men and women say about it
anyway all the pua advice you could ever need is on plebbit /r/theredpill or it used to be a few years ago

>> No.17560580

T. no dad.

>> No.17560712

Working hard to become what women think is attractive is one thing and nearly acceptable, but imagine letting your thoughts be dictated by what you think women would love and appreciate? I can't ever imagine being such a person, the latter is all too common and the consequences ripple throughout the world. Simps are worse than whores.

>> No.17560929

>Its acceptable to talk to anyone you want.

Well no it is not, this is 2020.

If you are unattractive and you try to talk to a woman that is attractive that is sexual harassment, one needs to know their place before running around doing what you insist.

>> No.17560941
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I just give them a business card with my phone number, my net worth, and my 1 rep max. Don't even have to say a word and I get a text later every time.

>> No.17560950

yeah to a certain extent but no amount of deriding someone for being a simp will ever change their biology
if the only choice is be a simp and have reproductive success or be so stoic and individualist that you end up absolutely nowhere then most people will do the former but not even choose to do it consciously, but just naturally. its not like men can just grab women and fuck them or keep a harem anymore. single mothers with 3 kids still find men that accept them or have 3 kids with 1 guy and 1 with another etc, the last guy is considered a simp but imo hes in a better position than an incel.

also remember on 4chan elon musk and bezos are supposedly "simps" when it comes to women
these are just my opinions though

>> No.17561350

>also remember on 4chan elon musk and bezos are supposedly "simps" when it comes to women

It's purely cope.

>> No.17561464

Eye contact is not a guarantee that she want to fuck you. It's an invitation to talk. Most of the time, if you talk to her, she won't like you enough to fuck you anyway.
From experience, if a girl eye contact you, if would say there is a 10% chance that it will lead to sex if you take the initiative to talk to her. That's not a lot, but that's way better odds than if the girl don't eye contact you, were you have perhaps a 2% chance if you have good facial traits.