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17515942 No.17515942 [Reply] [Original]

What is fact and what is fear-mongering? It’s giving me major anxiety.

>> No.17515981

no need to be anxious, just prepare for the worst case situation. the best case situation is you prepared for nothing and you've done your grocery shopping for a few months and have some spare medical supplies for future manmade or natural disasters.

or would you rather not prepare and be fucked if it turns out to be something serious?

>> No.17516020
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at current rates, it increases by three orders of magnitude every two months.

10'000 (just under) currently
1,000,000 infected (outside of china) by May if current rates persist. such should be the case, as no cure will come to market for at least a year; not only that, but the disease is extremely difficult to contain due to its asymptomatic nature.

i would stop short of buying guns, but it is perfectly reasonable to stock up on dry food and masks.

a 9mm or a 45 might not be a bad idea, though

>> No.17516036

The Surgeon General said to NOT buy masks.

>> No.17516043

Whats the point of buying masks if they come from China

>> No.17516082

Surgeon general and WHO are being deceptive; surgical facemasks are indeed as effective as tissue paper, but N95 and other gas masks are effective

>> No.17516098

If you haven’t already prepared you’re fucked. Many people walking around right now carrying the virus without symptoms in initial stages. It took one month for the virus to spread to 60 countries. In another month it will be far more wide spread. When it blows up in Africa or India or South America, it will be uncontainable

>> No.17516130

it's literally nothing if you're younger than 80 and aren't fat as fatass

they're single use or you need to replace the filter and you have to make sure you wear them correctly. they're way overpriced now anyway, no point in using them for the potential marginal benefit, it's a stupid social media hype for pussies.

>> No.17516135


>> No.17516141
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>> No.17516146

>it’s literally nothing if you aren’t 80
Talk to me when you got viral pneumonia and your lungs are filled with fluid but you cannot get treatment because hospitals are filled to capacity and you can’t get access to a ventilator and no one in your family wants to come near you Incase you infect them

>> No.17516150

try not having underlying health issues and living in a first world country lmao

>> No.17516152

stfu, retard.

>> No.17516305

How hard are you trying to cope with being underprepared right now?

>> No.17516324
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>> No.17516440

Wikipedia article is a good place to start.

Wikipedia is of course establishment-shill central, but it's at least a decent counterpoint to the feverdreams of 4chan schizos.

People here are, for one thing, vastly overestimating the panic that is "inevitably" coming. Stock market sure as fuck panicked, but that was due for a selloff anyway for any number of technical reasons and everybody knew it.

>> No.17516501

Feel free to agree with or rip apart the following hot takes:
Your best level of protection is your own immune system. Don't neglect it.
The virus seems to be more dangerous to those with a higher concentration of ACE2 receptors. This is found in people with inflammation, but also, oddly enough, amongst Asian populations.
The virus will likely be used as an excuse to justify political measures relating to population control, as well as an excuse to trigger a long awaited market correction.
You will probably never know what the virus actually is or what it will be used for. So take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and keep an open mind about what could be going on.

>> No.17516503
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>tfw you will never be a cute female

>> No.17517327
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>do not panic, you will go through a process and everything will be fine

real talk, most people (40-70%) will be infected sooner than later
there will be millions of death, even in the us
old people and people with pre existing conditions have a higher risk to die than health young people
the peak will hit us in 4-6 month
we know nothing about the long term effects and how your body reacts to re-infections
we know nothing about how bad this will hit the global economy, it has a great chance to trigger a global recession though
the 2% fatality rate is probably low balled
there will be no vaccine on the near future, and even if you want to take it, you should wait at least for the first revision
there are CCP shills, on this board as well as on the coronavirus subreddits that try to derail any serious discussions ("happening", "it's just the flu", "doomer", ...)
most people though can't just accept the inevitable that this might be something that can affect their daily lives, and that there is a very real chance (even if just a small one, that they die from this)
now if they see people prepping and taking action to secure their future well being, they automatically cope since they can't think flexible and adapt to the new situation (those people will adapt slower, and only once the herd started to move in a specific direction)
also most people in general can't fathom that they die at some point
blog post end.

most people on here are retards and will ignore this, but I know that there are some of you that are intelligent enough to recognize a fellow, I urge you to do your own research
this most likely won't kill you, so even if you don't research this for your own well being, than at least do some research with the goal to profit from this

>> No.17517385

hello fren, its a virus that spreads before people have any symptoms, so everybody in the world will have it, this means most old people, smokers and asmathic will die causing great stress on the healthcare system. if you are not on those groups you have nothing to worry about

>> No.17517409

>most old people, smokers and asmathic will die
>great stress on the healthcare system
>nothing to worry about
Cognitive disonance.

>> No.17517518

it's mainly retards who have bad health because of bad nutrition, overeating, almost no physical excercise, bad air, little sun, night activity, many sex, drugs and partying

>> No.17517533
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>> No.17517736

>smoking cigarettes in 2020

>> No.17517739

You forgot that asians are high risk too because of high ACE2.

>> No.17517756

Come lads, let's follow an exercise on how to prepare for a pandemic.


(be sure to read some of the comments)

>> No.17517927

I dont know who is jewing who anymore.. Its just too obvious, they WANT us to fear this fucking virus. I think its literally only a flu but the perfect scapegoat for a market crash and more control over the population.

>> No.17517993

Lol couldn't watch through the nigger doctor.

>> No.17518031

Same kek

>> No.17518067

Do the math.

Number of people who died of the bird flu epidemic (influenza A, H7N9) in China according to the CCP in 2013: 46.
Not 46,000 not 4,600; according to China 46 people died of the bird flu in 2013. The total infected were 144.

Number of people who died from Corona virus (nCov-2019) in China since Dec according to the CCP: 2,870. The total confirmed infected 79,824.

If you compare Chinese numbers to Chinese numbers, nCov-2019 is 62 TIMES MORE LETHAL than the bird flu. Also 554 times more infective.


>> No.17518101

To be fair, if he's young and fit he'd probably be triaged to receive some of the by-then limited care.

>> No.17518140

19 year old just died in Washington state

>> No.17518301

So not america, uk, italy and probably spain and france

>> No.17518311
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you need to prepare anon

>> No.17518368
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Let me explain.

Regular flu is already a pandemic which we cant control. It kills 100ks a year.

If Corona virus becomes a pandemic it will probably kill millions a year.

However- it will still be the same kind of people that regular flu kills; the old, the weak, the unhealthy and sick- possibly the very young.

If you are in your 20s-50s its not even worth worrying about.

The markets have crashed because supply is now going to be choked, however demand is still there- ride it out for 3 months and there will be an insane bubble back in the markets once the warm weather kills off this flu.

>> No.17518434

Agreed with most things you said, except for it killing the very young. So far this group has proven quite resilient to this strain. Almost no children have died of corona virus so far. Although data is still not very extensive on the subject. A 7 month old infant recovered from it recently.

>> No.17518436

What does the media do? Lie
What should you never have? Fear
Fuck, people have a short memory.

>> No.17518499

that's great news.

I wasn't 100% sure about the very young.

>> No.17518561

My sister just had a child and i pray everyday that my little niece will survive this shit.

>> No.17518626
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Just found this