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17468608 No.17468608 [Reply] [Original]

TFW the markets are crashing, corona is killing but you don't give a shit about anything because you're a 30 year-old semi-incel living with his parents and have nothing to lose

>> No.17468636

tfw u own coronacoin are are comfy as fuck


>> No.17468694
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This. Survivor bias normies who are actually happy in today's sick society are in for a rude awakening when they realize that a large subsect of the population has abandoned the rational actor principle, and many people just want to see the system crash, for better or for worse.

>> No.17468719
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you forgot to add the part about having a gigantic link stack

>> No.17468745

What's a semi incel. Asking because I might qualify.

>> No.17468802

Young men don't participate in society without attention from women. The financial market is about to relearn what the social market is and why it's so important. This happens every 90 years or so now.

Right there with you. As long as I can afford video games I can wait for my crypto to moon and live off that as I age. Fuck working for this system, these people.

>> No.17468825

You can lose your parents, dumbass

>> No.17468998

Semi-incel = when you can't fuck the girls you want but you could some unattractive ones or gals you dislike
That's my life.

>> No.17469101

hmm, i don't seem to qualify for this either, I have another thing atm, I feel no attraction to 90% of women since not stroking my cock anymore