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17439164 No.17439164 [Reply] [Original]

Any former neets here? How are you holding up?

>> No.17439187
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Fuck work every day i dream of returning to neetdom

>> No.17439190

thinking about becoming an ex NEET, but today i had to wake up before noon and it was just awful idk if i could do that everyday.

>> No.17439197

Feels nice to make money again. I can trade with less stress.

>> No.17439204

I have 2 more weeks of NEETdom before returning to the rat race.

>> No.17439208

Is it possible to go from being a NEET to being rich from crypto?

>> No.17439221


>> No.17439234

I wish I was a former NEET. Got laid off and still looking for work.

>> No.17439262


not rich, but you can fake out the goverment by pretending that youre going to go to a college, take student loans, then drop the classes and put the money into link or something.

>> No.17439308

You just need the starting capital.

>> No.17439363

I've been really trying to get my life together. Went back to school for programming, got a really good paying co-op last semester, but now no one is hiring and I can only imagine what it will be like now that everything is crashing. I've decided to just hide in education until it all blows over this time. I hope it doesn't take too long, it would have been nice to finally start a life. Also, a big cyst that I had on my dick popped. It was kind of a nice surprise after all the pain of the last two weeks. Slightly worried about scar tissue, but chicks dig scars right?

>> No.17439398

If you think job searching is a pain try matching your old income after an unexpected lay off.

I feel your pain bizro

>> No.17439442

You going from NEET to NEET? Thats why we are all here desu.

>> No.17439537

Yes, I'm pretty sure anons did it back in 2017. Just make sure not to blow it on stupid shit after the next run.

>> No.17439627

I wanna go from poorfag neet to richfag crypto whale neet

>> No.17439676

The waking up part is easy, its the going to work part that sucks.

>> No.17439859

I was in great shape back when I was NEET, now I'm too mentally exhausted from work/commute to do more than 10 mins of working out
My game backlog is crushing me. I can't enjoy really good shit if I don't have at least 2 hours to sit and play. I now know why normies like casual crap and the answer is scary.

fuck this shit i wanna go back

>> No.17440684

Some NEETs seem to be temporarily embarrassed normies, especially the ones who moan about like loneliness/lack of purpose, which usually has been self-inflicted through poor planning, I usually call people like that on here "failed normie depressionfags". Someone who can't handle not having structure and validation provided by others. I'll warn you to not just jump into some market because you THINK you have "nothing better to do", people on /biz/, or anywhere don't say shit when they get hammered, but that's the reality for most people.

Bitcoin will go up, in fact I'm preparing to make my first entries in the coming months, so I won't say it's completely a shit idea, but don't just be like: "I don't want a hard-labor, deadend job. Let me now try getting involved in something that's high risk and difficult". It's hard to succeed in that state of mind.

I'm hoping to reach a level of consistency in my own trading within 2020. I've considered making trading threads on here once that happens, but those are usually disrupted. I'm considering forming some kind discord/telegram community and sourcing people from /biz/ who are perhaps quite introverted and are stuck in a job they're struggling to handle, people who can't sell themselves well enough to others, but are still sharp minded.

>> No.17440823


> He trades
> Even worse, he ASPIRES to trade

literally way way way way riskier and more retarded than taking a loan and buying a basket of 5 honest to god good coins. I pray you NEETs have better credit than to put in $250 per paycheck and try to "TRAAAAAADE THE LINE MARINES" your way up to a million dollars. absolutely cucked.

>> No.17440866

even of you're an investor (aka, a higher time frame trader) it will be able to help people take better entries for coins they want to hold longer

>> No.17440908

I should clarify that I'd probably only really focus on bitcoin from the crypto market, as I usually focus other markets

>> No.17441003

Also, it's funny how you mock me for putting time into preparing to actually do this. I can can only hope that's the typical retarded attitude from non-academic detractors to trading.

>> No.17441203

Took a year off at 29 to rest my mind and really put into perspective what I want to do with the rest of my life. Even with a "year" gap my resume is still getting bites for jobs that paid more than my last gig. If you can afford it, being a neet for a year if you actually work on yourself is liberating as fuck.

>> No.17441257

A quarter or so of the top 1K of Link Marines are a bunch of Europoor NEETs dumping their social security cheques into Link.

>> No.17441357

How do you think? I'm going to work! I'm going to fucking lose it.