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File: 29 KB, 576x506, 1579532812637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17416089 No.17416089 [Reply] [Original]

It's game over for all shitcoins out there. Mass adoption will take place onto BSV over the next couple years. You are able to get in on the ground floor here of the 4th industrial revolution. You don't like it? STIFF

>> No.17416196

>next couple years

More like next couple months

Money Button just hit 18k users (they were at less than 15k around new years)

>> No.17416223
File: 43 KB, 595x262, 2020-02-24_2000[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is literally collapsing before our eyes. Calvin just decided to pump even more money into this scamcoin but how long can he keep it afloat? his warchest is getting emptier by the day. tough times to be a BSVtard

>> No.17416263

All i fucking need is a card by whitch i can use bsv to buy groceries and all the shit i ever buy. WHEN?

>> No.17416287

NEVER because no grocery store wants to lsoe money from doublespend attacks and your zeroconf bullshit is an invitation to get scammed
shouldve stuck with the original BTC core protocol its safe and time tested

>> No.17416390

sure, let's just wait 10 minutes while checking out to be sure my transaction went through

>> No.17416714

>No other crypto can compete with BSV
ShitCoin SV is undoubted the biggest bullshit out there.

>> No.17416745
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Tick Tock

>> No.17416784

halving is going to be epic; can you believe there are still BTC bagholders who think BTC will increase in price this time around, hilarious

>> No.17416853

problem is when BTC tanks it will take your shitcoin down with it kekekek

>> No.17416875

>bitcoin following the bitcoin whitepaper
>biggest bullshit out there

>> No.17416972

Harmony ONE

>> No.17417004

Bitcoin will be the sole survivor

>> No.17417728

it's not and not

>> No.17417806

well it's pretty obvious why it's not bitcoin but fucking litecoin followes the bitcoin whitepaper more closely than ShitCoin SV

>> No.17417864

litteroolly, the orignol bitcoon

>> No.17417938

not even remotely; only SV actually follows the whitepaper

>> No.17417972


>> No.17418120
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Shitcoin holders are pic related.

>> No.17418157
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>> No.17418334

it sure as hell doesn't. the entire point of the nakamoto consensus outlined in the whitepaper is the longest chain with the most cumulative pow is bitcoin. ShitCoin SV is a minority fork of a minority fork about 30 years behind bitcoin in total hash

>> No.17418495

that's a common misconception, but even remotely true
Nakamoto consensus exists as a mechanism to maintain a single chain amongst miners competing on the same network, it doesn't apply at all to networks which have publicly split from each other and are mining separately

>> No.17418525
File: 68 KB, 1200x675, D8PPCy1XsAAcqD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>longest chain with the most cumulative pow

...that follows the Bitcoin protocol.

If you change the rules it doesn't matter how much PoW you have you still aren't Bitcoin.

Tough shit.

>> No.17418536

I like how you guide these ignorant sheeps

>> No.17418546

well yes and no, nakamoto consensus as a concept works as you said THE nekamoto cosnensus strted by satoshi however and as described in the whitepaper decides what is the longest chain in a byzantine tolerant trustless way that only works with majority hash participating. it's half meaningless by default on a minority fork as you lose the trustless property and the security.

>> No.17418572

but the bitcoin protocol as satoshi himself said is decided by the nakamoto consensus.
>Any needed rules and incentives can be enforced with this consensus mechanism.

>> No.17418575

again, only amongst miners competing to mine on the same chain, not amongst miners mining completely different chains to begin with
i.e., you can talk about the consensus chain on the BTC network, and the consensus chain on the BSV network, but you can't talk about a consensus chain between the two, because they have publicly split

>> No.17418600

>again, only amongst miners competing to mine on the same chain
not when the hashrate translates. ShitCoin SV can be reorged or dos-ed to shits by any decent sized bitcoin miners without breaking a sweat.

the nakamoto consensus is not byzantine fault tolerant on a minority hash fork. and that's kinda the point.

>> No.17418629

look, as >>17418572 noted, its a consensus
and the overwhelming consensus remains, bsv is a shitcoin run by scammers who should go skinnydipping in a vat of coronavirus.
Consensus. Now, Fuck Off

>> No.17418672

Are you saying there is no consensus on the bsv chain?

>> No.17418695
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Do you know what this word means? It doesn't mean change. It doesn't mean decide. It doesn't mean alter.

It means ensure that everyone abides by the rules.

Law ENFORCEMENT is the job of the police. They don't make up the law as they go, they make sure the law that is already in place is being followed.

>> No.17418708

yes, they could actually do that temporarily, but it would come at an enormous economic cost, and wouldn't be sustainable, but at that point they are working within the consensus rules of the SV chain, still not establishing any consensus between the two networks (which doesn't make sense in any way whatsoever)
and no, that last part is not the point at all; it's true that the fact that there is a separate network utilizing the same hashing algorithm and maintaining a larger hash rate as is the case right now means they could potentially disrupt the SV network, but that doesn't have anything to do with Nakamoto consensus at all; they would be able to do reorgs and such as you say for a brief amount of time, but 1) as anyone can understand this wouldn't have anything to do with any previous hash rate expended on the BTC network, 2) it would really not take that long until difficulty adjusted enough for it to become even more economically unviable than it already was, and ultimately, as I've already pointed out, 3) it would be economic suicide to begin with for miners who have invested massive amounts of time and resources into their operations to do something like that at a cost to themselves; coopetition simply pays much better than destruction, as evidenced by all the papers released a few years ago establishing how selfish mining always ends up in an economic loss for miners employing it

>> No.17418771

cope harder faggot, bitcoin is bitcoin it is the longest chain with the most cumulative hash always was always will be.

it's not your decision what bitcoin is because it's not proof of wishful thinking or proof of shitposting or proof of whining or proof of circlejerk. it's proof or motherfucking work.

>> No.17418791

>but it would come at an enormous economic cost
it's easy enough to make it profitable all it need is the ability to short bsv safely. if it would have a mature liquid futures market this attack would be extremely profitable and low risk.

>> No.17418802
File: 42 KB, 398x398, 1582426960568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's game over for all shitcoins out there. Mass adoption will take place onto BSV over the next couple years. You are able to get in on the ground floor here of the 4th industrial revolution. You don't like it? STIFF

>> No.17418803
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Based and redpilled

>> No.17418816


>> No.17418826
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Based retard.

>> No.17418828

you can stand in a telephone box and scream 'I'm the real Bitcoin!' all you fucking like. Ain't no-one gonna argue with you. Step outside and do it on the street however - you'll get told to STFU, fuck off, and eventually, rocks will be flung at your head. Because 'the real Bitcoin' is and remains what the majority agree is 'the real Bitcoin' and that is NOT, and NEVER will be BSV. And that, my friend, is how consensus works. Welcome to reality.

>> No.17418836

Peak delusion

>> No.17418857
File: 83 KB, 583x437, 1562392626132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>segwit, p2sh, (((lightning network))), removed critical op codes

Confirmed BitBean is the real Bitcoin, we just need to divert hash.

>> No.17418897

i'm sure these ""critical opcodes"" like multiplication and string concatenation were also set in stone in the whitepaper...

>> No.17419083

>op codes
>white paper

>> No.17419119

they were also useless for meaningful bitcoin smart contracts. while made very difficult to unit test all possible combinations and outcomes that's why they were disabled but never mind that...

>> No.17419125

>Nakamoto consensus exists as a mechanism to maintain a single chain amongst miners competing on the same network

You are absolutely correct and it's crazy how many so called "experts" fail to grasp this

>> No.17419154

It's a good thing your opinion is shit and doesn't matter. Bitcoin is back and all you can do is dilate.

>> No.17419177

ShitCoin SV is still not bitcoin no matter how hard you wish for it you can't just wish away reality.

>> No.17419233

it's inaccurate
the nakamoto consensus is the way the network reaches a byzantine tolerant distributed consensus. and it's only byzantine tolerant if the majority hash is participating on the network and is honest as in keeps the rules and also only trustless if hash is distributed enough.

>> No.17419236
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REEE harder for me, baby.

>> No.17419297

rofl you sound mad as hell

>> No.17419330
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Have a HazStoj.

>> No.17419332
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BSV is obviously Bitcoin, only paid shills and total retards who has no ability to think deny it at this point because they have been ordered to protect their shitcoin ponzi that is BTC.

>> No.17419589

consensus sayz otherwise
suck on that, fraudshillboy

>> No.17419595


>> No.17419604

about as obvious as flat earth

>> No.17419603

>consensus on Segwit matters


>> No.17419626

four thousand if you include lighting. well it's ridiculous because there is almost no theoretical cap on ln tx/s.

>> No.17419636
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>> No.17419642


If you have 1 BTC in Lightning and it takes 2 BTC to settle on chain, are you even holding bitcoin?

>> No.17419659
File: 17 KB, 250x238, 1573015171978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't buy anything with btc except contracts on bitmex and other shitcoins on binance

>> No.17419700
File: 77 KB, 1768x989, purse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf this exists and is actually pretty useful. I'm using my leftover BCH and after that I'm done. I've asked them to start accepting BSV and they've told me they have no intention of doing so in the near future. I'll pressure them at least one more time after I'm out of BCH and after that if they don't start supporting BSV they aren't going to get any more money out of me. Probably a drop in the bucket, but still I've spent probably 5-8k there.

>> No.17420240

Bought several things. The hell are you talking about? But noone is accepting bsv, lol. Illiquid sc

>> No.17420310

>spent probably 5-8k there
on what, jfi

>> No.17420340

It's just a proxy so you can buy shit off amazon with crypto. Going to really miss using it if they don't get their shit together and start accepting Bitcoin SV.

>> No.17420362

no, principle was understood, was just wondering if you were using Purse in transactions for any specific reason. obv not ;) cheers anyway,

>> No.17420386

What are you asking?

>> No.17420670
File: 127 KB, 740x724, 1573587979635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao, paid retard shills right here collecting their shekels

>> No.17421323

Let it out Greg, we know you like throwing rocks at people

>> No.17421783

>Average block size: 1.9 MB
>Average block fees: $2.33

>> No.17422134

it's crazy to think that one guy (Calvin) can create this much shitposting

>> No.17422155

It certainly is crazy to think that.

>> No.17422207

ok Let's do math for BTC:
miners get 12,5 BTC + some fee
1 block ~ 2400 transactions
so miners get 120000$ for 2400 transactions!!!
it's 50$ for one transaction for them. Isn't it crazy??

>> No.17422331

>Tick tock core cuck

Imagine thinking this was somehow an intelligent thing to say or in the least bit persuasive haha low IQ jeets

>> No.17422656
File: 187 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200225-023251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when a Bitcoin scripting language was released to compete with Solidity on a blockchain that can actually scale?
Cryptodragons when?