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17407678 No.17407678 [Reply] [Original]

Australia will lose billions from the coronavirus. 100k Chinese can't study here. Michael Spence quit his term as USyd vice-chancellor.

>> No.17407704

Mate don’t worry about it, we don’t need face masks

>> No.17407935

Yeah putting most of my spare AUD into XMR.

>> No.17408150
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>still holding the doomed AUD shitcoin

Based. For me, it's LINK.

>> No.17408163
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Good! they should Fuck off because we're Full

>> No.17408941
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>mfw i have to go back to uni next week and study in a room full of asians
>mfw half of them are probably going to be wearing masks and the other half too afraid to come or still stuck in china
>mfw all my friends have graduated last year and are doing nothing but drinking, smoking and playing poker while i still have one more semester, probably 2 unless i get an internship
>mfw this is all because i missed one day in one of my classes which was the group assessment presentation because i stayed home and jerked off with some random thot from discord
>mfw this is all my fault if i get corona

seriously so over uni and my stupid meme degree i dont know what im even going to do in this life i might just kms if i dont achieve anything

>> No.17408951

Fuck oath cunt

>> No.17409405

Fuark CBA savings interest is now .10 instead of .15 lmao

>> No.17409413

Yeah I had some tutorials with girls in masks it was weird... All the Aussies sat in the front of the class and the international students sat at the back and said nothing for 13 weeks.

>> No.17409608


it is horrible when it is one of those workshop interactive classes with the teacher constantly asking questions and the asians are fking mute . like one of my classes it was me just talking answering the teacher the whole time. i didnt want too but nobody else would say anything and i felt bad for the teacher thinking that he wasnt good because his classes were good, everytime he tried to ask an asian though they just shook their head at him and didnt say anything. like how fucking weird is that

>> No.17409632

Good. Our universities have become useless diploma mills and they need their day of reckoning.

>> No.17409663
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>everything is about to crash only gold will survive
>can't put your superannuation into gold

>> No.17409674

Looks like we'll finally be able to afford a house bois

>> No.17409693


Not to worry, the RBA will push us into negative interest rates and start using quantitative easing. Come hell or high water, our nation's elite have resolved that the boomer bubble must continue to be inflated at all costs.

>> No.17409707
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Beware the yellow peril
Do not eat their bat soup
Praise corona chan for freeing us from this menace
Be proud of your white Australian heritage

>> No.17409722

Not Australian but I had a very advanced physics class where to stop everyone from failing the professor assigned 20% of our grade to participation in class. All of the Asians got 0.

>> No.17409724

Houses will stay roughly the same or slightly increase in nominal terms, while our shitcoin currency hyperinflates.
Wages wont increase so youll still be unable to buy a house through wage slaving, but hold the right hard assets and youll be able to buy a house for a bitcoin or a couple of ounces of gold

>> No.17409727
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The yellow peril only know read and repeat and cheat from their WeChat groups who have all the answers. They have no souls and thus cannot engage in open dialogue for fear of losing face

>> No.17409758
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Seriously tho lads why do people still value paper from boomers in the information age. Like most of the stuff I learned undergrad and masters is fine if I wanted to continue within academia but not really to get a job.

>> No.17409763

im here shitposting with you faggots, guess what asset class is the majority of my networth? be good to be able to cheese my way through to a boomer lifestyle tho

>> No.17409787
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Also why can't the dirty chinks just study online. Most uni courses are online anyway. Wtf they just live in shoeboxes and eat greasy noodles anyways. They don't eat normal food from our normal supermarkets.

>> No.17409791

>Seriously tho lads why do people still value paper from boomers in the information age.
Learn a second language relevant to the industry you are qualified in. It is the most marketable skill you can teach yourself that doesn't require a degree. And yet people still go to college to study languages.

>> No.17409794

> mainland china vacation
fucking yikes

>> No.17409824
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Without a doubt they all return to shitty Chinese villages for bat soup and god knows what every year and unironically say china is better than Australia

>> No.17409853
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God bros Corona-chan is so fucking hot, I love how she is exterminating the italians and chinese as we speak.

>> No.17409860
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Learning a language at uni might be cost effective especially if you make frens with native speakers. I'd back it up with something analytical or stem.

>> No.17409882

The Italians are the highest IQ European race and their leader is one of the only people opposing the EU. Why couldn't it have been Germany bros?

>> No.17409899

You don't need to go to uni to do that though. It's pretty much the only thing you don't need a piece of paper to show you can do it.

>> No.17409902
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Hilarious how WWIII could well be a disease that destroys standing armies and medical staff without firing a single shot. Can't have the world's largest army if none of them can march/fight in formation together. Imagine the implosion when China runs out of food and they start eating people (again!). Chinese cuisine was created from starvation.

>> No.17409932
File: 103 KB, 426x901, Kino!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU Chinese military history is KINO as fuck.

10000 soldiers ate 30000 civilians after the food ran out during a seige. So that basically means each solder in that army ate around 3 full people.


>> No.17409933
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Checked and yeah no doubt but private schools cost plenty. I did French for awhile after HS but had to give it up to focus on more serious studies I thought at the time. Would've liked to have kept it up. In the meantime it looks like China will be suffering from hyperinflation in a few months and that will change Australian priorities if we can't make dosh from chinks.

>> No.17409945

heh I didn't know K-I-N-OO was filtered to DESU

That's funny.

>> No.17409962

>Italians are the highest IQ European race
Citation needed

>> No.17409963
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Theres a few books I want to read but apparently young children would be snatched off the street even during peacetimes because the practice of eating kids was considered fancy. Maybe pizzagate is similar but better hidden in western cultures I don't know. I do know that soulless bugs see horrible things everyday and consider it normal

>> No.17410334
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>> No.17410710
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QUT should be safer than UQ right boys? All the azns are at UQ

>> No.17411673

It’s a difference in culture. White people like to engage in the class and develop discussions of the topic. While Asians just want to keep the class going, have the teacher teach whatever they had planned and move on to next class. Discussions happen outside of class.

>> No.17411999

The Asians just wanna wait for the test so they can cheat

>> No.17412032

Fuck Asian international students

Seriously. 9/10 of them are silent brainless robots