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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17397921 No.17397921 [Reply] [Original]

Being an incel is the best financial decision I ever made

>> No.17397942

lol that face of her, looks like pure evil

>> No.17397960
File: 51 KB, 192x224, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you decide to be an incel then you are not an incel, you are just celibate.

>> No.17397985
File: 221 KB, 1500x901, 1581328852205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for pointing out the joke reddit

>> No.17398026

Bezos has like 125 billion dollars. That $150mil is 0.12% of his net worth. Lets say you have an average $100k net worth. That's like spending $120 on something.

>> No.17398041

Yeah I didnt ask to be born an incel but it has its perks. Kind of like being a vampire

>> No.17398072

I coukd be the world's first trillionaire and I wouldn't spend that much on a house

>> No.17398078

Maybe he could pay his employees a living wage instead and actually improve the economy and society as a whole instead of reinforcing his ivory tower.

>> No.17398123

Why the fuck would he do that? he's got people lining up for jobs, they are replaceable, in a heart beat.
They serve their purpose. She servers some purpose to him, who gives a fuck what he does with his money. I personally wouldn't give her fuck all, but hey its his money.

>> No.17398143

If it was a decision you would be a volcel. You're forgetting that the "in" stands for involuntary

>> No.17398152

yet hes happy, while you cry on an anime board about women wanting nothing to do with you. Poor Bezos, i wish i was more like OP :(

>> No.17398160

you have mastered celibate, fren

>> No.17398182


Yeah, the government will just pay their living wage, why would his company pay more. Amazon margins are so slim, if the government didn't support their workers, he'd never be a billionaire.

>> No.17398186

to avoid getting commies like Sanders into office and taking his money by way of force. Why not share it instead of ushering in a new wave of socialist politicians. When you don't share your wealth, the people suffer then put leaders in office who fix the problem via government.

>> No.17398196

Life lesson for today, kiddos. Being a mega multibillionaire doesn't stop you from being a simp. It makes you a simp with money. That bitch's twat could be lined with platinum and it wouldn't be worth $150 million.

>> No.17398246
File: 15 KB, 329x499, 31dAaWOs9cL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you retards are insufferable go back to pol

>> No.17398267

Awwwww shit someone getting they peepee sucked tonight boys!

>> No.17398291
File: 8 KB, 247x230, Joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one ugly fucking bitch.

>> No.17398301

Basic economics; take care of the peasants or the peasants will revolt. In this day and age they do it via democracy. If the 1% doesn't want to share, the people will vote in politicians that will force you to share. Read a history book you fucking brainlet.

>> No.17398316
File: 64 KB, 1010x673, DjJ0kw1U0AAAk2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying someone more than what they're willing to take
>being an wagie, and not learning how to negotiate a wage
if you don't learn how to stand up for yourself, you'll get trampled on all your life
don't get me wrong—i think that amazon, as it exists (heavily subsidized, townships (which private citizens are HEAVILY barred from creating entirely by legal nonsense) bending over backwards and guaranteeing unfair economic advantages to amazon in order to get their warehouses built in them, etcetera), is a total economic catastrophe, and heavily underlines the failures of central planning in that you have numerous governments essentially run on tax money and inflation (money that they did not, in fact, earn) all throwing money at this one perceived "good" for their people in the same way that a municipality might sink a whole bunch of money annually into fluoridating the entire town's water supply—but to criticize someone (amazon) over looking out for their own best interests, rather than acknowledging that where they are getting their power from are multiple bodies of people that make their money by making mere promises rather than engaging in voluntary commerce, is to assume that any random person among a collective of people knows what is in any particular individual's best interests, and knows how and when to act on these interests (and that they WILL act on them), more than the individual does

tl;dr collectivism sucks, individualism rocks, but everyone gets what they deserve no matter the system

>> No.17398329

The funny thing is he thinks he's such a mack. Dude, you're a multibillionaire and that's the BEST you can pull? He's a simp in simp's clothing and this bitch is going to fucking own him. Cap this shit. I'll give him a year til divorce raped to fucking hell.

>> No.17398333

Big brain post. Taxes (and soon UBI) is the fee you pay for not having the peasants revolt and eat you. Brexit, trump, whatever these are the metaphorical hand grenades the proletariat chucks before they reach for the live explosives.

You want a book? Try ‘secular cycles’ by peter turchin to see what happens when we go too far down the elite overproduction road

>> No.17398338

Amazon pays a minimum of $15 an hour which is more than double the federal minimum wage.

>> No.17398379

he probably did it because the mansion would hedge against inflation

>> No.17398430

God she is so fucking sexy

>> No.17398457

epic shitpost

>> No.17398476

that pussy must be fire

>> No.17398516

She's unironically sexy for Bezos. She might look like a plastic surgery goblin to us but she has high social status. Look her up.

>> No.17398549

But men really don't care about social status, do they? Unless you want for women, who do care about social status, to become doubly jealous? Meaning that he becomes desirable by other women because she is perceived by them as "high status." So it's just a way of attracting other women, rather than her... She's a useful idiot, but nothing more.

>> No.17398555

I’m attractive but I’m an incel. It’s still hard to save money because I have very expensive taste

>> No.17398563

this would all be pretty hard to explain and it would be pretty funny if it wasn't

>> No.17398594

just wait for the libtards to get into power

>> No.17398645

this guy gets it,
we are all animals, don't get fooled by millions of years of evolution flashy iphones and office wagie jobs, people are still animals inside and would stab you to steal your money if they knew they could get away with it
back in the day the peasants would revolt, nowadays they will do the same but by voting crazy commies into power

>> No.17398718

The 1 in 15 marriages lasting more than 10 years stat seems fake af.

>> No.17399091

The divorce rate is ~50%, as well. But only one out of 15 marriages lasts for more than 10 years. So either married men run a much heightened rate of committing """suicide""", or successful marriages are only formed at an extremely old age. Kek.

>> No.17399247

It's actually scary. On the left you have a woman who has placed her entire worth into her looks, face already significantly mutated by plastic surgeries. She needs constant validation to appease her malfunctioning self-esteem.

On the right you have an obvious autist who was probably devoid of female attention throughout his life and who might or might not have been knowingly or unknowingly propped up by CIA or other deep state interests.

This pairing is the end result of these two lifestories. It is actually quite sad, Jeff could have been a well-off upper-middle class guy with a woman who would grow to love him for what he is and could raise a functional family. Meanwhile that woman could, with a better role-model, become a woman with self-worth who could raise a new generation of healthy functional human-beings.

I view it as a sad story. She should go to church and develop into a grown adult with no self esteem issues and he should donate the majority of his money to charities or start projects that give back to the community.