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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 709x662, C1687B7E-402C-4B87-B7CA-5DFBD201930A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17368754 No.17368754 [Reply] [Original]

What’s going to trigger the next recession?

>> No.17368758


>> No.17368775

shitposting on /biz

>> No.17368848

Corona. You have two weeks max to prep.

>> No.17368860

How to groom europussy bros?

>> No.17368874

>any two weeks now

>> No.17368879

this actually. If everyone is a neet who is going to wage

>> No.17368895

And you will continue to have 2 weeks until the very day when your should have prepared 2 weeks ago.

>> No.17368897

Just have liquor and drugs available, it's how ugly fucking muslims are able to groom underaged European girls all the time.

>> No.17368903
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true in theory
pic very related

>> No.17368905
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>> No.17368907

Bernie winning 2020.

>> No.17368913

recessions no longer mean anything in the context of financial markets. they can and will print as much fiat as is required to prop up the asset prices even if the entire global economy is shut down. the only thing which will lead to a correction in asset prices is a collective loss of faith in central bank central planners

>> No.17368915

Recession? The age of soft temporary dips are long gone, anon. Remember, peanut butter lasts for 2 years (can be much longer for certain brands) and is the most nutritious ration you can get for both your money and your limited free space. Don't go the standard rice/pasta path because you need to cook them and once cooked and not eaten for more than two days, you can get bacillus cereus poisoning and literally die shitting out your guts.


>> No.17368920
File: 38 KB, 1168x553, Screenshot_2020-02-21 Assets Other Repurchase Agreements Wednesday Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What’s going to trigger the next recession?
possibly the music simply stopping
picrelated 1/2

>> No.17368925

it will be a depression, not a recession
also, it has already started; it began with the repo operations last year which were supposed to be temporary, but which are still going on with no signs of trust being reestablished
it's like the Titanic has hit the iceberg; the passengers felt something, but the band is still playing and everything still looks fine, yet water has started leaking into the ship and it's only a matter of time until it starts sinking, breaks in half, and plummets to the depths of the ocean

>> No.17368928

Too much Repo

>> No.17368937

If a recession happens this year, it will pretty much guarantee a bernie win and we will become the socialist states of america.

>> No.17368940
File: 41 KB, 1168x565, Screenshot_2020-02-21 Assets Total Assets Total Assets (Less Eliminations From Consolidation) Wednesday Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrelated 2/2

>> No.17368943

Check Iran faggot. They had your mentality and now it’s literally over for them

>> No.17368950

I want to buy a shit ton of silver and gold but I'm scared that as soon as I trade enough linkies for PMs that LINK will 10x again.

>> No.17368972

the feds liquidity injections into the repo market are miniscule compared to the total amount of currency they have pumped into the system.
may i say that, if one was to take a closer look, the repo stuff is pretty much a literal nothingburger compared to what the fed has done in total
pictures very related in my previous posts.

>> No.17368997

>They had your mentality and now it’s literally over for them
How will they ever recover?
^^^Sorry for this shitpost.
Please elaborate further on your thought as to what happened to Iran.

>> No.17369000
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>> No.17369009

She’s a euro scat pornstar, Bea Schnukel

>> No.17369016

The death of Taylor Swift in the year 2155

>> No.17369033

I felt there was a plot twist coming when looking at OPs pic...

>> No.17369041
File: 548 KB, 828x1270, 0BDFC2BC-B271-4696-8BB8-6300F553FEBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 social credit score has been added to your account

>> No.17369042
File: 10 KB, 187x250, 2EA14CF0-5A69-4FE1-85DF-97577904ED5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check Iran faggot

>> No.17369053

Corona is in every major city. Thousands of cases, Qoms is under martial law. Already dozens of deaths. Iraq and Afghanistan have closed the border

>> No.17369054

good investments, also Bitcoin (BSV)
LINK is just another scammy shitcoin, don't be left holding an empty bag when you can use the money for real investments
that's not getting the point; the point is that the repo operations are the tip of the iceberg where the money really is injected through debt monetization, and is the indicator that things have officially started going to shit

>> No.17369057
File: 21 KB, 600x800, 4155510F-B59A-4A62-857B-58425F6AA9DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fight Club
>And so it begins

>> No.17369074
File: 83 KB, 600x800, D2EC3B10-058F-4910-9D8E-090D30FFF3C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also Bitcoin (BSV)
>LINK is just another scammy shitcoin

>> No.17369116
File: 154 KB, 1346x499, B9AD1A1C-D32F-4667-BE39-5094E4F7DA07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s always a plot twist

>> No.17369137
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>> No.17369143

She probably gets paid less than minimum wage.

>> No.17369149

kek, imagine raising your daughter for 18 years and then she goes and gets shit in the mouth for money

>> No.17369157
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 1581263474293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17369165

>imagine raising your daughter for 18 years and then she goes and gets shit in the mouth for money
and probably earns more per month at age 19 by getting shat on than her father does after 35 consecutive years of wageslaving

>> No.17369167


>> No.17369225

repeat after me: don't have kids

>> No.17369240

>good investments, also Bitcoin (BSV)
>LINK is just another scammy shitcoin

>> No.17369258
File: 346 KB, 1349x767, B2E0FBA8-4624-4163-85FD-3DED4DEF2876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>multiple Iranian cities under martial law
>thousands of cases, dozens of deaths
>what is exponential growth and the possibility for everyone to get this in two weeks time


+1 social credit score has been added to your account chang

>> No.17369286

Dad probably had something to with it

>> No.17369287


>> No.17369298

I don’t care about millions of chinks or Persians dying
I’m just being realistic

>> No.17369305

Are you implying a man would literally defecate on his own daughter for sexual pleasure?

>> No.17369308
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>> No.17369315

>are the tip of the iceberg where the money really is injected through debt monetization
well, as I've pointed out the (official) FED balance sheet is at 4,17 trillion USD right now
>and is the indicator that things have officially started going to shit
how come an addition of 164,9 billion USD is the indicator that now everything has started going to shit compared to the massive 4+ trillion USD that already have been enjected?
how do you figure that?
serious question, please no bully

>> No.17369330

No, but probably there was some psychopathology involved that made her go that route.

I'm sure a mentally healthy person wouldn't do that.

t. psychologist

>> No.17369331

Such a qt. What a waste.

>> No.17369335

She looks so pure, fuck this planet

>> No.17369350

A Democratic Socialist president. I have shorts ready for when he secures the nom. I expect Trump to lose the rust belt -- no favoritism, just a gut feeling, and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

>> No.17369353

>*hits pipe*

>> No.17369354

nvm she is not cute when you see her from the front

>> No.17369362

Dude. If a million Persians can die, SO CAN YOU DUMBASS

Persians are genetically similar to Europeans. And there were barely any cases in Iran a few weeks ago. Do you think your government is being honest with you about the number of cases in your country? A 38 year old ethnic Italian just caught it btw and is in critical condition, right after he spread it to his pregnant wife and dozens of others

If you don’t see there is at least a 50% chance this explodes everywhere you’re blind. Anyways I hope you don’t prepare and die frankly then we’ll clean out your shitty Basedjak posting that’s infested this shithole website

>> No.17369366

He dreamt for the day while changing diapers for 3 years.
>One day, the tables will turn.

>> No.17369376

again, you don't get the point: the point is that the additions, which were supposed be temporary, have officially begun, have gone on for far, far longer than they should have, and that there is absolutely zero sign of trust being reestablished
not bullying, just stating the facts

>> No.17369381

checked and kek'd

>> No.17369412

Ok cuck enjoy taking yourself out of the gene pool

>> No.17369419

The worst part is the Fed board members are going to get away consequence-free. It's almost bad enough to make Hitler right.

>> No.17369458
File: 47 KB, 1168x554, Screenshot_2020-02-21 Assets Other Repurchase Agreements Wednesday Level(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>again, you don't get the point
explain it, please
where does one draw the line in wake of picrealted?
there were permanent injections into the repo market going on between 2003 and 2007 and it took more than 5 full years before the fecal matter hit the rotary oscillator

>> No.17369476

Well, to be brutally honest...
They are only operating within the confines of the (((System))). They aren't doing anything illegal.
So yes, they will of course escape unscathed.

>> No.17369490

now you're starting to get it, it's just that your conclusion is wrong; those 5 years were the time the took for the Titanic to sink, but when the operations began were when it hit the iceberg
this is the case right now as well, and it could indeed possibly take a few years until everything implodes, but the iceberg has officially been struck

>> No.17369638

look at the repo charts now though. We're already above mid-2008 levels

>> No.17369671
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>> No.17369689

You are deluded. Porn pays poorly.

>> No.17369709

It's made only for chinks if you are roundeyed you won't die

>> No.17369730

So China and the wuflu will trigger the next recession. What can I do to survive both the recession and the virus?

>> No.17369744

Buy PNK.

>> No.17369760
File: 52 KB, 700x777, u3h9t3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17369978

yep, wouldn't surprise me if the ship sinks a lot faster this time around

>> No.17370015

Don't worry about a recession when everyone is talking about a recession, worry about it when everyone is talking about how the market can't be stopped. If the news is telling you about the fear of recession, ignore it untill you see a hard drop. Then buy everything for cheap as the market crashes down.

It's like going to the clearance rack.

Look back at how 2008 went. Everyone panicked, sold everything and where to scared to buy back in. Look at the gains they missed.

Remember the past anons, don't try to time the market but when it crashes you buy that shit like it's going out of style and ride dat ass all the way down and then all the way back up. Then you get nuggies, you get tendies and you fucking swim in them.

>> No.17370018

Some breakthrough in accounting automation that takes a significant amount of jobs away aka distributed ledgers. No wages = no payments = spiraling defaults and it'll be worse than 2008. There won't be the same liquidity crisis though.

>> No.17370113



>> No.17370157

fuck kikes

>> No.17370316


>> No.17370350

How does a state run bank default, are you retarded?

>> No.17370394

Then the fed takes a leaf out of the Bank of Japans book and sends the market straight sideways for 30 years.

>> No.17370507

why do this to yourself why why why? this is so disgusting...

>> No.17370542

Mental illness.

>> No.17370598


>mentally healthy

What does this mean exactly?

>> No.17370601

Hitler was always right.

>> No.17370636

Gay music.

>> No.17370696

but what if no one sells when the market dumps?
perma bull run? stock market at 6 gorillion?
the wealth of a nation is to be determined by gold and silver not fucking buttcoins and paper millionaires

>> No.17370749


>> No.17371091

>in perfect hindsight
the post

>> No.17371406

Arabs are more dangerous Italians. No surprise white women love them

>> No.17371574


>> No.17371587

If no one sells, the market isn't dumping.

>> No.17371655

A depression, of the people, because ofthe fact theres too many niggers around, so they stop spending money on anything

>> No.17371664

>what happens when nobody sells when people are selling at a lower price than people are buying


>> No.17371677

Boomers who can't offload their houses in metro areas for 75% more than their worth because college grads can't afford them.

>> No.17371970

this is what humanity has come to after 1000 of years of survival

>> No.17372022

what do i see here?

>> No.17372159

>have kid
>it's a girl
>at 18 she starts doing porn
>at 30 she overdoses on some drug and dies without children
>all your efforts to pass your genes were for nothing, since you're not getting grandkids

>> No.17372160

You will NEVER know

>> No.17372226


>> No.17372243
File: 15 KB, 500x320, sgs-gdp (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i told you we're already in a recession/depression?

>> No.17372326

Subprime auto loans, people using home equity as bank accounts, combined with job losses

>> No.17372349

Anybody know which year this was filmed?

>> No.17372413
File: 34 KB, 603x603, 1577359691843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taylor swift is wonderful.

>> No.17372414

you really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.17372440

i guess her pay is shit. :^)

>> No.17372504

fuck off nazi pig. this is a cheistian board!

>> No.17372521


>> No.17372748
File: 179 KB, 925x600, 1582302676224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coronavirus obviously but you can hedge with coronacoin $nCoV

>> No.17373046

The balance sheet (as of 2020/02/19) of the FED.
Basically the total sum of what they have bought (and are willing to disclose) with currency that they created ex nihilo. Currency which went into circulation since these "assets" were bought on the secondary market. Mostly from banks.

>> No.17373083

Tell that to the 38 year old italian guy that is lying in the ER with a failing lung, you may just save his life.

>> No.17373185

>trigger the next recession
For most people, the previous one never ended.

>> No.17373190


>> No.17373216

She would only be 65, so not from natural causes?

>> No.17373567

thank you

>> No.17373578

Thlot bubble

>> No.17373581

What is this picture from? I missed a /biz/ meeting.

>> No.17373586

Not any more, she dates niggers and is hitting the wall faster and harder than dale Earnhardt.

>> No.17373617


>> No.17373812

They’re Iranian you dumb shit. Persian isn’t a thing

>> No.17373813

>gets shit in the mouth for money
she dont do it for money but because she want

>> No.17373939

it's just a phase. she was on the fast lane career-wise and currently needs change the momentum. she is experimenting but i guess she'll find her way.

>> No.17374386

If you're on 4chan the gene pool doesn't need you

>> No.17374796

Corona is the black swan event.
Corona Coin - NCOV is running

>> No.17375020

wtf that's a myspace angle if I ever seen on. She's actually busted but looks hot in that picture.

>> No.17375048
File: 93 KB, 682x864, Bernie-Sanders-2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17375088

i must be getting old wtf is this shit

>> No.17375470

They literally announced their plans to ease off repo
If the big institutions are going to make their moves we'll know

>> No.17375495

How? What are his chances of getting elected

>> No.17376400

It happens every time. The great recession, the great depression you if you are sitting out of the market waiting from something similar or trying to time the market your dumb. It's not about hindsight it's about history.

>> No.17376416

My dude....are you fucking high?

>> No.17376523

Everyone is talking about how they are upset over the market being to high just like they did in 2013 and 2016 now 2020. If you wait to get in over it you're dumb and deserve to do nothing but flip burgers living fear just like all the other self defeating peasants. You don't worry about timing the market you pick good companies and invest consistently. Not be like a r/wallstreetbets retard and per everything on WeWork "tech" or horde speculative shit like silver and gold waiting for the End times like some Alex Jones cock gremlin.

>> No.17376648

....yeah....yeah your right. Regards of if he is a good president or not he will tax trading and kill Heathcare effecting two multibillion-dollar industries on top of forgiving student loans which helps rich people who took out hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of school loans with such low interest that it's better to just pay the minimum the. Pay it of so people like doctors, lawyers ECT benefit the most and those in the lower class are once again priced back out of trading because of a Jew. Feel like some guy with a odd mustache was right. Jews ruin it for everyone but themselves even other Jews. 2020 Jewing of an entire country... again.

>> No.17376698

Is it a jew shitting in this beautiful aryan's face?
What's the problem with those people?

>> No.17376713

That's why you have many children.
Go forth and multiply and all that. Also, every predecessor of yours since the first life on earth managed to survive and reproduce except for you.

>> No.17376722

The fed would never set out to have no growth. Every billionaire would have them shafted like a white girl in a black neighborhood.

>> No.17376727

Not your secret little club. 4chan is one of the most popular sites on the Internet. What do you mean?

>> No.17377515

I have arab and Italian ancestry. I'll be claiming my pussy now.

>> No.17377545

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>> No.17377564

avg /biz/ and /pol/ poster, kek

>> No.17377629


>> No.17377698

>What’s going to trigger the next recession?

>> No.17377753


>> No.17377754


collapse of fishing industry from environmental damage, collapse of coastal financial market from rising sea levels and salt water intrusion.

>> No.17378239

Based. I'm going to get a government guaranteed job and better healthcare, and I'll be rich as shit when the capitalist rats move their assets into bitcoin and monero in a desperate attempt to avoid rising taxes and crashing stocks. It's going to be so comfy bros. But the bourgeoisie will fight back, so I hope you got your AR.

>> No.17378257

Lmao he believes the climate hoax

>> No.17378306

>sexual deviant

Every time.

>> No.17378322

You are the worst poster on this board despite 42 doing his very best to make every Link thread unreadable. You are actually embarrassing. Nothing you post is of value.
You should realize that preaching racial superiority if you as an individual are 40lbs overweight with horrible BO and a lifetime record of failure, financial and personal, is an obvious cope. You deserve the gas yourself.

>> No.17378389

If a depression/recession hits, since crypto is more volatile/risky does it take a huge hit. I think it will eventually rise even if so, but I wonder what people think about the short/medium term in such a case