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17359286 No.17359286 [Reply] [Original]

I never should have gone to college. The wage slaving I do is fucking AWFUL. I hate it. But I can't just leave because I have student debt out the ass. So I can't just become a neet, because the fed wants to rape me.

Yeah, I can look for a new job, but if my job finds out, then I'll get fired and really kms. I put in so many different applications, and this was the only place that would take me. Feel like I'll get fired anyways.

College and stem are scams

>> No.17359327
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That's what most NEETs realize. Working/college/whatever doesn't give you purpose. It doesn't give you direction. It's a trap. A fucking Con. You get suckered in.

>Oh if I work that means I'll have income lol!
Really? Well First you need a car. Not too bad at first. Then car insurance, rent. But you can't afford your own place so you're living with normalfags. You have student loan debt. There's a chunk gone. Then you have to pay in all sorts of other ways. You pay your time in commuting back and forth. You pay in the aches and pains from laboring. The mental strain wears you down day in and day out as you everything goes toward your job.

Does the average wagie break even? Nah. Truth is it's NEET or nothing. NEET LIFE BEST LIFE ANYTHING ELSE IS COPE.

>> No.17359341

Get a job through someone else who you know, ask around, don't just spam applications out, that's a demoralizing depressing sucker's game.

>> No.17359346
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I am about to fucking break. Government takes a portion of my check, then half of my check goes to rent and loans. Leaves me with 1600 a month and its hard to invest meaningfully AND try and live a life. I abandoned being social in pursuit of getting good grades, but that just fucked me even worse and it clearly did irreversible damage to my psyche.

>> No.17359347

>I have student debt out the ass
why were you so stupid to fall for that crap?

>> No.17359350

Or unironically start your own business.
Being a desk wagie is like slavery.

>> No.17359355


>> No.17359369

Dollar cost average into PNK and plan your exit from your job.

>> No.17359373

Well I was 18 and believed in it. But I also didn't realize what a brainlet I was and I should have just gone into something I LIKE. I should have stayed in aero or electric, fuck

>> No.17359417

what have you studied?

>> No.17359443

Let me know if you're going to shoot up Walmart or Target so I know which to avoid

>> No.17359475

Mechanical engineering. To be "more employable", fuck

Haha tell me which you go to and I'll avoid it haha

>> No.17359518

>left over with 1600 a month
That’s a ton, how is it hard to not save that shit up; save that shit up and buy turnkey shit the Midwest

>> No.17359534

Bills, mostly. Medical shit, emergencies that keep cropping up. Oh and I can't stop gambling in crypto lol

>> No.17359539

They oversell the fuck out of engineering in college. Tell you you're going to make satellites and jet airplanes and shit. I designed and built 2 robots, then made my own high-end bike component.

Then you graduate and get a job. Your job is

>Sit in this cubicle
>Do what everyone else does
>The same way everyone else does
>If you don't do what everyone else does, or do something nobody else does, you're fired.
>If you spend your time off doing things that are not on the approved list of hobbies (mostly watching sports, swallowing things and talking about how old you are) that is technically not against the rules, but frowned upon.

>> No.17359582

I love that shit though. Im paid to do jack shit at work. My work is only relevant during certain times but it leaves me room to read news and invest in other things.

Only autist here cant handle it.

>> No.17359601


What industry do you work in? I also studied mechanical engineering and I draw ducts in ceilings now, while my coworkers constantly look for excuses to show off their knowledge of the building codes and the latest HVAC product lines. Fun fun fun.

>> No.17359616

Telecom. I basically make visio documents and do GIS for 8 hours a day for mediocre, sub standard pay. Feels bad man.

>> No.17359623

Just stop gambling and put $500 a month into PNK.

>> No.17359628

Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.17359658

I'm telling you how to make a lot of money anon.
In 2 years you will look at the price of PNK and either feel happy or sad, the choice is yours.

>> No.17359684

you should all in LINK instead

>> No.17359689

Poo in the fucking loo

>> No.17359709

so you want to wagecuck for the next 20 years in a shitty job?

>> No.17359713

If dubs you go into PNK.

>> No.17359728

Oh lol, well do you own research at least.

>> No.17359731

This isn't a crypto thread go shill somewhere else

>> No.17359747
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Just go to some bullshit doctor and get diagnosed with autism so the federal government sends you money every month and you don't have to pay back any of your crippling student debt if it's federal

>> No.17359756

so you want to stay poor, in debt and wagecuck some shitjob forever?
Chainlink is your only way out, take it or keep waging wagie.

>> No.17359891

I also studied MechE and could only find a completely irrelevant analyst job with the state gov. I've been interviewing for state engineering positions that seem unbearable because they have to do inspections and deal with the public. I don't even think I have a chance because I have to compete with women who are environmental engineers. I want to go into webdev but I'm not sure if it's even worth it.

>> No.17359907

Best of luck, friend. Truly fucked up.

>> No.17359929




>> No.17359992

kek no debt here and I am about to retire at 25 from making money in stocks, then crypto then purchasing a business with that money - no education but 130-140 IQ.

Heavily considering going to school for art or law or something that I can spend my day thinking about as I won't really need to work.

>> No.17360185


>> No.17360632


>> No.17360778

Im at my second job out of college making $25 an hour on a contract. How do I break this cycle of low paying hell?

>> No.17360841

good thread OP.. learnt a lot from here. Anyway, I think your mistake are getting into stressful jobs. You should look for the highest job that has the happiest workers. Top 3 are singers, firefighter, and massage therapy. Security guard is somewhere top20. I am a security guard and I will do this shit until I die.
>Sit in guard post for 12 hours
>Push button to raise/lower the gate bar
>Trade crypto during work and when I get home
>Other boomer guards are wondering how I can buy a superbike coming to work while being underpaid kek
>Older brother is jealous that I make more money than him even tho he works at a big4 company as some accountant or some shit i dont give a fuck
>Kindly educate him that his paycheck has turn off his brain to look for other ways and most of his salary went into his car, house, petrol, laundry, new suit and tie or some other shit that is related to his work just to impress people he dont care about
He gets defensive and go apeshit.. feelsgoodman
>"ok, your loss"
we are going to make it frens.. they dont even know what is the purpose of the creation of money and how it moves around.. they are chasing something that is unknown to them.. they dont respect money, thats why they are poor..

>> No.17360865

ugh I use to work at a B4 Accounting firm. Don't regret it because it got me to my current job, which gives me more money to spend on investments.

I do think your right that the environment makes people brain go like gloop.

>> No.17360873
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>I abandoned being social in pursuit of getting good grades

Studycel detected.

>> No.17360896
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Who are you on this chart?

>> No.17361051

Left and I regret it. Wasted my weekends working part time too.

>> No.17361088

Let's be honest, you weren't actually invited to any of those weekend parties anyways.

>> No.17361119

I was a few, yeah. But only for the first few years. Got really autistic in my last 2 years. It's weird, idk. Haven't dated since I was 19, but never had a problem with girls until I turned 21-22

>> No.17361299

>Security guard is somewhere top20. I am a security guard and I will do this shit until I die.

based. you are not the same anon shilling this security guard job on every topic, right? I must assume other anons are shilling that. To be honest feels comfy as fuck.

Btw I have a small discord server mostly focused on trading/crypto. Would be nice to have you there, fren. Server id is: TcbT8yY

>> No.17361486


the way this shit is being pushed here only makes me believe those shitcoins wil fall soon.

>> No.17361757

how do you even make $25 an hour? im still in my first job out of college making $15 an hour as a temp. shit sucks

>> No.17361819

if you default on student loans the government can seize part of your disability check.

>> No.17361862

lol I wish I had your problems
holy fuck

>> No.17362144

It still sucks friend

>> No.17362482

I was friends with this one kid who’d always put me down. He went to college, telling me he’s going to be a drone engineer. He’s going to be rich & powerful, and I should go to college and be like him because he’s going to make it.

Now he’s applying for some certification to survey land for 45k a year lol

>> No.17362526
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update: engineering field technician. $25 an hour. But 80k in debt with interest.