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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 18 KB, 398x398, stiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17316262 No.17316262 [Reply] [Original]

The rest will be banned

>> No.17316453

yeah go to bitcoin hq and shut it down nigga

>> No.17316460

>he doesn't know

>> No.17316479

>masturbatory little shitcoiner fantasies

>> No.17316513

>he doesn’t know that a ban is bullish
yeah tell me again how war on liquors and drugs worked in the past all over the world

>> No.17316932


>> No.17316942


>> No.17316952

shoo jew parasite nobody wants to hear about your sex addiction

>> No.17317019

>lets try calling all anti-BSV'ers jews
>b-but why?
>JUST DO IT, Raghwahni Noruppee

>> No.17317047


you target exchanges and mining pools and declare tokens on the targeted chain illegal to possess. voila

>> No.17317089

declare it to who?

>> No.17317418

international law enforcement; they can easily shut down such operations, shut down enough big miners and/or affiliated developer groups and companies, and the network grinds to a halt

>> No.17317420

to bitcoin hq obv also roger ver he is the ceo of bcash

>> No.17317455

>international law enforcement; they can easily shut down such operations, shut down enough big miners and/or affiliated developer groups and companies, and the network grinds to a halt
dude countries can't even cooperate to stop industrial pollution greenhouse gases and stuff that will kill us all in a few hundred years. a harmless thing like bitcoin will not warrant any international cooperation.

>> No.17317484

OP just look at the BSV logo and slap yourself

>> No.17317504

because they don't give af, and there's a ton of bullshit when it comes to supposed AGW; when there's money and money laundering involved, they go for the throat, they've struck simultaneously in many places around the world to take down much larger operations before, it would really be a piece of cake

>> No.17317537

>when there's money and money laundering involved, they go for the throat
not really because money laundering is going a billion times bigger then the entire crypto market.

>> No.17317551

Wait all all of you serious? How retarded can you be? Just look at the logo , they have a chinese zodiac dragon for Christ sake. You can't be this delusional, I hope you only trying to shill a shitcoin and dump on new plebs...

>> No.17317578

won't be when fiat continues to go to its real value of 0

>> No.17317606

lol fiat never goes to 0 i have lived through 2 hyperinflations money never stops being money not even when it loses 40% or 50% a year of purchasing power. they just print more, prices go up wages go up life goes on. any savings that is inflation proof is fine interest rates are sky high so if you don't keep cash under the pillow you are mostly fine.

>> No.17317634

another bitshitv fantasy wank session thread. you cultists really need electroshock to the dick for a week straight

>> No.17318412
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>He believes the "greenhouse gases" climate hoax lies

oh no no no

>> No.17318464

Alternatively western governments want you to believe global warming is a myth because they know that the artic region is rich in natural resources that could cement their interests and goals for another hundred years if dominated swiftly and cheaply.

>> No.17318600

yeah it's not a hoax but keep being retarded.
at one hand it's awesome that we can terraform our own planet and stop the whiteout by adjusting the carbon cycle via industrial production on the other hand we are showcasing our species inability to act rationally and sustainably on a long term scale.

>> No.17318995

This literally happened in 2013. Newfags gonna newfag.

>> No.17319209

what exactly you think happened in 2013?

>> No.17319408
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Meanwhile, craig is gay for faggot jews

>> No.17319465
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Kys faggot worshipping pajeet

>> No.17319639
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oh why the hell not...

>> No.17319725
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It's a hoax.

Pay the fucking air tax goy.

>> No.17319766

>greenhouse gases
>carbon dioxide
>water vapor
what are the dangers again? i'm confused because the only danger I see is the hoard of niggers invading developed nations with funding from rich kikes in the name of muh climate change. enlighten me how we can’t overcome some carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

>> No.17319773
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The climate has always been changing for as long as the Earth has existed, humans have roughly 0% impact.

CO2 is plant food, and not a pollutant, it's actually conducive to life.

Stop gobbling up these propaganda talking points.

>> No.17319839


>> No.17320056

ask craig to log in to his bitcoinTalk admin account and ban greg

>> No.17320232
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freaking our is okay

>> No.17320268

A warmer planet will lead to more biodiversity you retards fuck. Warmer oceans means more rain especially on the cooler west coasts of south america and Australia. Siberia, far north of the Americas, Antarctica and Greenland.
You greenhouse gas morons seem to forget about Dinosaurs and just how gigantic they were able to grow because of the extra carbon feed the plants that they eat.
Fossils are found upto 40 meters below the surface and that 40 meters is trapped CARBON. By some miracle we found away to re-release that carbon into the air giving life on earth a greater chance to expand once again.
We are in a fucking ice age and you wish for the globe to stop warming?
The Sun controls everything, not a few billion monkeys fucking around on the surface.
Localised pollution is the real issue destroying parts of the land and ocean. Not burning old oil that has been trapped for millions of years.
They want to tax carbon (666) which is the basis of all life because and will allow a tax to be placed on everything, this will not effect big business because they will pass on the cost to the consumer.

Do you really thing oil barons won't be invested in the carbon credit creators to balance out the cost of buying said carbon credits???
Dense brain dead cunts that think they are saving the planet.
Watch the sun (GOD) and figure out what is actually going on for fuck sake.

>> No.17320288

why would you do this? bribing or hacking his way in to that account is a quadrillion times more easy than signing with satoshis keys.

>> No.17320300
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>Source: Deceptive Government agency endless record of manipulating data for political gain

LOL just stop, it's embarrassing.

>> No.17320312

*spelling and grammar
*...Greenland....will be unlocked*

>> No.17320314

650k years is nothing compared to 4.6 billion years. And yes, throughout earth’s history co2 has been higher.

>> No.17320315

I wonder, what would you do if I declared a sv scam ban here?

>> No.17320335

well before men glacial periods became more frequent and longer so yeah a bit of turning this trend is definitely good. what gives reason for concern is the unprecedented rate of this hike and the fact that earth needs hundreds of millions of years to balance it out normally.

>> No.17320353

you are funny

>> No.17320392

the rate is the problem also that there is no sign of slowing down the production increase don't be so dense

>> No.17320475

As usual, all the Satoshi FUDruckers and slander has came out of to woodwork to desperately protect their imposter coins from the true bitcoin.

>> No.17320484
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>This will be the end of BitCoin and Craig Wright

>> No.17320486


>> No.17320495

Incorrect cunt bag!!!
How many times have mega volcanoes blown?
Literally hundreds of times, each of these time having FAR FAR greater sudden effects on the entire planet and almost instantly at that.
Meteors at a lesser extent but once again a far more sudden and greater effect than humans will ever have on this planets.
Yellowstone ring a bell cock-breath?
You don't think that will be more effective at changing the climate than monkeys with fire?
Read the bible and realise it is not a story about human but about mother-nature, God is the universe, Jesus is the sun (son/sun of god) and the 12 disciples are the 12 major star signs.
Only retard religious christcucks are dumb enough not to be able to READ BETWEEN THE LINES.
Protip: gematria AKA cryptography will help you read it like an adult and not a bible bashing tard.

>> No.17320923

No. Not based. Feeding into a scam. Shut up.

>> No.17321273
File: 69 KB, 450x405, 1574041202666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did u know, when water freezes it expands, if the ice caps are melting we'd have lower water levels
global warming btfo by grade school logic

>> No.17321324

I'm against carbon greenhouse warming bullshit but that argument is retarded sorry.
The ice caps are above the ocean covering a huge landmass.
As it melts it will run into the sea and levels will rise. Filling what were once great inland oceans, like that of which Australia, America and Africa had in the past.

>> No.17321348

explain this state of affairs then Sir - Bong today.
I find 'cars floating down the street' videos oddly soothing tho.

>> No.17321385

>forgets fucking video

>> No.17321434

water is actually fossilized air

>> No.17321535

The sun is going through a period of inactivity, producing less and less sunspots than modern man has seen before.
This is leading to a disturbance in the magnetic field and allowing more and more ionisation of our atmosphere at the poles. This in turn has disrupted the previously well contained airflow around the northern streams, pushing cool air from the Arctic circle down and creating fluctuations in air pressure...thus producing unprecedented rainfall.
See levels have not risen to a noticeable degree in over a century, they will rise but you will be dead long before even an inch of rise has happened.
The earth oscillates with its host star (the sun) and currently earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around silica rich vents are a far more realistic problem than a slow ice melt of the poles.

>> No.17321558


>> No.17321587


>> No.17321605
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>> No.17321750
File: 234 KB, 846x903, 1846-Australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called the weather
look at how many ruins are underwater
floods have ALWAYS happened and so have droughts, it's even written about in the bible (noah's ark)
pic related, we are having the same stupid arguments humans have had 100s of years ago
there was even pollution taxes in rome
we are literally NOTHING, one super volcano eruption literally dwarfs YEARS worth of what we produce, seriously, look at the islands appearing and all the natural forest fires and other disasters
volcanoes produce co2
fires produce co2

how weird!
the climate doomers never mention this!

>> No.17321871

We are in the same boat anon

>> No.17321964

but the caps melting does not lower sea levels, it is ice on top of land not just floating in water.
Icebergs are a very small percentage of the caps.
In the depths of this ice age the coast of Australia is were the great barrier reef lays, due to the caps being much greater in size. The northern cap was hundreds of meters thick if not miles and covered Canada, Siberia and as far south as Germany. So that water being trapped meant oceans were far lower.

>> No.17322019
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Craig was Wright about everything. The entire "industry" is about to collapse soon

>> No.17322055

yeah and he can't even do that can he? What's that tell you?

>> No.17322133
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 3gbrpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calvin ayre is seething

>> No.17322716

We are about as seething as you are wrong. Your hero is a scammer. He got you good.

>> No.17322969

The logo looks like a shitty 90s tattoo

>> No.17323012

I will get this logo as a tattoo when we hit $10k EOY

>> No.17323440


And yet, he's winning while everyone else goes to jail. Funny how that works

>> No.17323840

You are dumb enough apparently to really think that? Wait young Palawan. Wait and see.

>> No.17323900
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I dont need to wait, it's already happening. Satoshi is winning.

>> No.17324004

Oooo0o0o0ooo. Drop more private slack crumbies

>> No.17324322

Happening... ok... I told you what will be happening. It is a matter of time.

>> No.17324481

Tachyon protocol IPX is an investment with great returns

>> No.17324606

And? What does that have to do with them wanting you to think it's fake so they can capture the vast underground resources in the artic. Also I would point out those were at time periods where we did not have 7 billion humans.

>> No.17324685

Nice essay posting meth-brain, you literally did not hit on the one point I had.